KMD :: Volume #16

#1533: Opens once more?

A Snow Domain corner/horn. 雪域一角。 Demon Clan Bloodthirsty Great Venerable, after giant, about eight kilometers high Nie Tian, slaughters together. 妖魔族嗜血大尊,和巨型化后,近八千米高的聂天,厮杀在一块儿。 That countless purple lightning, is interweaving the Nie Tian's life vitality, or blooms ancient Demon Race rune seal, either ironing of implication life deep meanings. 那数不尽的紫色闪电,交织着聂天的生命气血,或绽放出古老的魔族符印,或一段段蕴含生命奥义的烙记。 Rip! 哧啦! Bloodthirsty Great Venerable huge arm has delimited, sharp such as the nail of cold blade, pulls the demon power/magic power rainbow glow, flashes through from the Nie Tian chest. 嗜血大尊巨臂划过,锋锐如寒刀的指甲,拉扯出魔力虹芒,从聂天胸口闪过。 The Nie Tian chest, splits suddenly appears the scar of deep obvious bone, that sections of red luster, the bone of scarlet-red god crystal, the interior is glittering sparkling blood light. 聂天胸口,骤然绽现出深可见骨的伤痕,那一截截红莹莹的,赤红神晶的骨头,内部闪烁着耀目的血光 The broad chest cavity, the scar such as the crack of earth, does not have a drop of blood to overflow. 宽阔的胸腔,伤痕如大地的裂缝,却没有一滴鲜血流溢。 This is because, the 1-layer dark-red blood membrane, under concise of his life essence, almost forms instantaneously, is sheltering the internal organs firmly. 这是因为,一层暗红色血膜,在他生命精气的凝炼下,几乎瞬间形成,牢牢庇护着脏腑。 life blood essence, Heavenly Wood Rebirth Technique! Flesh and blood recast!” 生命精血,天木重生术!血肉重铸!” Along with the Nie Tian's low roar, from him like the stream river veins blood vessel, departs slender scarlet-red blood strings thickly, in his chest cavity, the dorsal and waist abdomen place, several wounds flies. 随着聂天的低吼,从他粗如溪河般的筋脉血管中,飞出条条纤细的赤红血线,在其胸腔,后背、腰腹处,十几条伤口飞逝。 If there are has the life consciousness numerously, the small life, is helping him suture the wound. 如有众多具备生命意识,微小至极的生命,正在帮助他将伤口缝合。 He fights at the same time, increases more wounds, but also in while restores. 他一边战斗,一边添加更多伤口,还在一边恢复。 This is Nie Tian breaks through to 9-Step Bloodlines, the life true meaning stimulation, and after using Heavenly Wood Rebirth Technique, mortal body terror incomparable recovery power. 这便是聂天突破到九阶血脉,生命真谛激发,且动用天木重生术之后,肉身恐怖无比的恢复力 Demon Clan Bloodthirsty Great Venerable, only by the repair capability of flesh and blood, is inferior to him. 就连妖魔族嗜血大尊,单论血肉的修复能力,都不及他。 „!” “蓬!” Nie Tian is in charge presses, stars Formation that in the palm, numerous stars light brightly combine, in armpit rupturing of Bloodthirsty Great Venerable. 聂天掌印一按,掌心中,众多星辰光烁组合的星辰阵法,就在嗜血大尊的腋下爆裂。 stars explodes!” 星辰爆!” If when world chaos, the large explosion that gigantic stars has, the innumerable radiant stars fragments, splutter to the Bloodthirsty Great Venerable armpit. 如天地混沌时,硕大星辰发生的大爆炸,无数璀璨的星辰碎片,溅射到嗜血大尊腋下。 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable Demon Inextinguishable Body , in stars explodes extinguishes, flesh and blood flying in all directions. 嗜血大尊妖魔不灭体,也在星辰爆灭时,血肉横飞。 One piece by piece, deep purple color, full is the fold or hard such as mail-armor and helmet skin flesh, flies from the Bloodthirsty Great Venerable armpit, each is several hundred jin (0.5 kg) serious. 一片片,深紫色,满是褶皱或硬如甲胄的皮肉,从嗜血大尊腋下飞离,每一块都是数百斤沉重。 The Bloodthirsty Great Venerable blasted open hashed meat, is blooming demon light , as if purple color Demon Stone. 嗜血大尊被炸裂的碎肉,绽放着魔光,仿佛紫色魔石 A little bit blood, transmits roaring of Bloodthirsty Great Venerable suddenly, with coming from calling of soul. 还有一滴滴鲜血,突传来嗜血大尊的咆哮,和来自于灵魂的吆喝。 At once, sees the flesh and blood block that flies from his demon body, strangely is wriggling, unexpectedly changes to conventional shapes Bloodthirsty Great Venerable. 旋即,就见从他魔躯飞离的血肉块,诡异地蠕动着,居然化作一个个常规形态的嗜血大尊 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable that the flesh lump turns into, the vitality is weak, only has the several meters size. 肉块变成的嗜血大尊,气血虚弱,只有数米大小。 But their having spiritual wisdom, seems Bloodthirsty Great Venerable clone, has the soul, but can also utilize Bloodlines secret technique adeptly, integrates the main body on own initiative. 可他们都有灵智,仿佛是嗜血大尊分身,有灵魂,还能娴熟地运用血脉秘术,并主动地,重新融入到本体。 After several seconds, Bloodthirsty Great Venerable of trumpet, constituted to offer a sacrifice to Demon Inextinguishable Body Bloodthirsty Great Venerable. 数秒后,一个个小号的嗜血大尊,就重新构成了祭出妖魔不灭体嗜血大尊 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable becomes bursting with energy. 嗜血大尊又变得生龙活虎。 The next instant, Nie Tian uses the Life Bloodline strength once more, and revolution stars and Flame Strength, tear with Bloodthirsty Great Venerable together. 下一霎,聂天再次动用生命血脉力量,并运转星辰火焰之力,和嗜血大尊又撕扯在一块儿。 Numerous Bloodlines rune seal, stars deep meaning rule, flame divine runes, immediately and Bloodthirsty Great Venerable berserk demon power/magic power, surges to vibrate. 众多血脉符印,星辰奥义规则,火焰神文,立即和嗜血大尊狂暴魔力,激荡震动起来。 !” “呼!” Nie Tian grasps conveniently, has bunch of blazing ball of light, after resembling micro Sun, bang on Bloodthirsty Great Venerable. 聂天随手一抓,就有一团团炽烈光球,似微缩后的太阳,轰在嗜血大尊身上。 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable explodes is roaring, deep purple color vitality sea, spreads out all over, has purple color lightning, kills to extinguish ball of light, his Naha Daoxiong's extravagant demon body, one step crosses ball of light that the combustion explodes, by hard such as the head of Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens, hits to the chest that Nie Tian is scarred. 嗜血大尊爆吼着,深紫色气血海,铺展开来,有紫色雷电,将光球殛灭开来,他那霸道雄阔的魔身,一步越过燃烧爆裂的光球,以硬如天外陨石的头颅,撞击向聂天伤痕累累的胸口。 Heaven Holding Anger!” 擎天之怒!” Nie Tian shakes the fist, stars, flame, Wood and vitality strength, mysterious complete/even Xian, pounds to the head of Bloodthirsty Great Venerable. 聂天挥拳,星辰火焰草木气血之力,玄奥齐现,砸向嗜血大尊的头颅。 If the ancient great god thrashes perfectly round domain. 如古老巨神捶打滚圆域界 „!” “蓬!” Sincere, berserk and ominous vitality, a folding one pack, was disclosing from Bloodthirsty Great Venerable comes turbulently, the command rumbled Nie Tian of fist, body is swaying. 厚重、狂暴、凶蛮的气血,一叠接着一叠,从嗜血大尊透露动荡开来,令轰出一拳的聂天,躯身都在摇晃。 The eye pupil of Bloodthirsty Great Venerable, splutters star light and flame, resembles also the dizziness vertigo. 嗜血大尊的眼瞳,溅射出星光、火光,似也头晕眼花。 A Human Race hybrid, Demon Great Venerable, has not used the demon soldier sharp knife blade, puts together evenly matched unexpectedly. 人族混血,一妖魔大尊,未动用魔兵利刃,竟拼个势均力敌。 This is all people are unexpected. 这是所有人都始料未及的。 Nie Tian Soul Consciousness Sea, separate soul is radiant, to bit by bit flame, Wood and Stars Spiritual Dan, Five Great Evil Gods, that section of Starry Sky Giant Beast bone. 聂天灵魂识海,分魂璀璨,对着着火焰草木星辰灵丹,五大邪神,还有那截星空巨兽骨头。 At this moment, he and Bloodthirsty Great Venerable fights, but can also use wholeheartedly. 此刻,他和嗜血大尊战斗中,还能一心多用。 Five big with Evil God intercommunication separate soul, is paying close attention to Evil God and fight of Evil Wind Great Venerable. 五大和邪神互通的分魂,密切地,关注着邪神邪风大尊的战斗。 Evil Dark Race, High-Rank Bloodlines Evil Wind Great Venerable, by that illusory Underworld River that the soul, vitality and Human Race Soul Spirit evolves, by the Five Great Evil Gods minute, but after eating, Evil Wind Great Venerable was timid. 邪冥族,高阶血脉邪风大尊,以灵魂、气血、人族魂灵衍变的那条虚幻冥河,被五大邪神分而食之以后,邪风大尊已经胆怯。 The following fight, Evil Wind Great Venerable becomes extremely passive. 后面的战斗,邪风大尊变得极其被动。 The soul sound that are obscurely difficult to understand, changes to piece by piece ancient Dark Soul Race soul runes, has the mark, communicates three worlds coexistent Underworld River, by the Evil Wind Great Venerable change is Soul Secret Technique. 一段段,晦涩难懂的魂音,化作一片片古老的冥魂族魂文,结出印记,沟通三界共存的冥河,被邪风大尊变化为灵魂秘术 Burning Soul Blood Spell, Gloomy Soul World, Soul's Great Nirvana...... 燃魂血咒,幽暗魂界,魂之大寂灭…… Sees, Soul Secret Technique of numerous infinitely subtle, were displayed at will by Evil Wind Great Venerable. 就见,众多奥妙无穷的灵魂秘术,被邪风大尊随意地施展出来。 But that five Evil God, under many soul killing move, unexpectedly lofty and steadfast invariable, seizes Evil Wind Great Venerable as before fiercely rogue. 可那五尊邪神,在诸多的灵魂杀招下,竟岿然不变,依旧狰狞凶恶地,去抓捕邪风大尊 Five peak negative mood, the gathering is the deep sea, from five directions, seeps to the Evil Wind Great Venerable innermost soul unexpectedly. 五种极致的负面情绪,汇聚为深海,竟从五个方向,渗透到邪风大尊的灵魂深处。 The Evil Wind Great Venerable soul, gives birth trembles restlessly. 邪风大尊的魂魄,都生出颤栗不安。 No!” “不!” He is howling, is unable to believe why Nie Tian can imperial move their ancestor generation after generation generation of consecrations Evil God, why can awaken and resurrect they. 他嘶啸着,根本无法相信,为什么聂天能御动他们祖祖代代供奉的邪神,为什么能唤醒并复活他们。 Obtains him of Underworld River approval, naturally understands so-called Five Great Evil Gods, real origin. 得到冥河认可的他,自然明白所谓的五大邪神,真实的来历。 Attaches in Heavenly Soul Great Venerable five big retinue, has not helped him, resists powerhouse, Nie Tian's driven by, is having the Nie Tian's soul aura, besieges itself. 依附于天魂大尊的五大扈从,没有帮助他,去抵御强者,偏偏在聂天的驱使下,带着聂天的灵魂气息,来围击自己。 This makes Evil Wind Great Venerable extremely angry and puzzled. 这让邪风大尊极其愤怒而又不解。 Knocks at a door!” “叩门!” The heart place, a little bit sapphire blood essence, burns immediately. 心脏处,一滴滴青玉般的精血,顿时燃烧。 Several hundred bright like stars soul runes, dazzling, burns in blood essence obviously to melt from that drop, each soul runes, only then ant size. 数百个灿若繁星魂文,刺目地,从那一滴燃烧着的精血中显化而出,每一个魂文,都只有蚂蚁般大小。 May in soul runes, flash before suddenly, many Human World and Spirit World, never have life soul. 可在魂文内,突然又闪现出,许许多多人界灵界,从未有过的生灵魂魄。 These life souls, clearly belong to Ruins World, belongs to withering away in the Ruins World small and weak race. 那些生灵魂魄,分明属于墟界,属于消亡在墟界的弱小种族。 These souls, are the sacrificial offerings, is the Ruins World Dark Soul Bead clansman, with key of Evil Wind Great Venerable communication. 那些魂魄,就是祭品,是墟界冥魂珠族人,和邪风大尊沟通的关键。 The confusion of his innermost feelings, through knocking at a door, the barrier of horizontal crossing domain, through the most profound way, falls into Ruins World Dark Soul Race that Underworld River. 他内心的困惑,通过“叩门”,横跨界之壁垒,通过玄之又玄的方式,落入墟界冥魂族的那条冥河 Also through that Underworld River, was understood clearly by Dark Soul Bead current head of the clan Thousand Souls Great Venerable. 又通过那条冥河,被冥魂珠现任的族长千魂大尊洞悉。 Wisp of soul thought, is released by Thousand Souls Great Venerable, flickers into the Evil Wind Great Venerable mind. 一缕魂念,由千魂大尊释放,瞬入邪风大尊脑海。 Dark Soul Bead!” The Evil Wind Great Venerable look shakes, because of Dark Soul Bead? Can the trivial bead, imperial cause Five Great Evil Gods? Dark Soul Bead master, once Dark Soul Great Venerable, is only High-Rank Great Venerable. Let alone, how long he has annihilated, Soul Sea became the clear Mongolian world in bead.” 冥魂珠!”邪风大尊神色一震,“只是因为冥魂珠吗?区区一枚珠子,就能够御使五大邪神冥魂珠的主人,曾经的冥魂大尊,也只是一位高阶大尊啊。何况,他湮灭了多久,魂海都成为珠子内的清蒙世界了。” Evil Wind Great Venerable is still puzzled. 邪风大尊依然困惑。 However, the next instant, he receives wisp of soul thought. 然而,下一霎,他又收到一缕魂念 This soul thought transmits, he is excited immediately, World Gate, World Gate will soon open! Our bloodline source, the clansmen in our place of origin, must arrive at Human World!” 魂念一传来,他顿时激动开来,“界门,界门即将开启!我们的血脉源头,我们的发源地的族人,就要降临人界了!” Such remarks, Snow Domain all Human Race powerhouses, have a big shock. 此言一出,雪域的所有人族强者,都大惊失色。 Yin Hangtian, Ancient Spirit Clan three couldn't Great Venerable, have blocked Grey Bones?” Ji Yuanquan was screaming, first tore space, was unimpeded Seven Stars World Sea and Snow Domain. 尹行天,还有古灵族三位大尊,拦不住灰骨?”姬元泉尖叫着,第一时间撕扯空间,将七星界海雪域畅通。 All people flustered. 所有人都慌了。 ...... ……
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