KMD :: Volume #16

#1531: Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and black scale

kāchā!” 喀嚓!” Flying Snow Domain, the broad light beam, breaks in star vault together suddenly. 飞雪域,一道恢弘光柱,突冲入星穹 In the light beam, a greyish brown skin color, the body such as Alien Race Great Venerable of rock mountains, roared. 光柱中,一位灰褐肤色,体如岩石山川的异族大尊,咆哮而出。 He as if shrinks in Flying Snow Domain for a long time, from the beginning, they to Demon, Evil Dark and Nether Race clansman, slaughter with Human Race, has not participated in meaning. 他似乎缩在飞雪域许久,一开始,他们任凭妖魔邪冥幽族族人,和人族厮杀,并没有参与其中的意思。 Until at this moment. 直到此刻。 When he from Flying Snow Domain to, immediately the Gray Rock Clan clansman, threatens. 他从飞雪域冲离时,立即就有一位位灰岩族的族人,气势汹汹而来。 This stop motion in a Snow Domain corner/horn, snowflake faded and fallen Flying Snow Domain, resembles by his influence unexpectedly, such as changes to his weapon, rolls along with him. 本停格在雪域一角的,雪花飘零的飞雪域,竟似受他的影响,如化作他的武器,随着他滚动开来。 Bloodlines! Inspiring of territory!” 血脉!域之引动!” That Gray Rock Clan clansman, the thump chest howls, his vitality stimulation unique talent. 那位灰岩族族人,捶胸嘶啸,他的气血激发独特天赋 Flying Snow Domain just like the according to giant snowball, suddenly hit to recent Human Race God Domain Through Heaven Pavilion Ye Wenhan. 飞雪域宛如以巨大雪球,突然撞击向最近的一位人族神域通天阁叶文翰 Ye Wenhan the domain of sword, the handle golden light shining Divine Sword, imperial moves by his spiritual thought, pulls the golden light river. 叶文翰的剑之领域,有一柄金光灿灿的神剑,以他的神念御动,拉扯出条条金色光河。 When that Flying Snow Domain, the hit comes, Ye Wenhan the domain of sword, disintegrates immediately. 可那飞雪域,撞击而来时,叶文翰的剑之领域,顿时解体。 Gray Rock Clan! Rock River Great Venerable!” 灰岩族岩川大尊!” Wood Clan Raw Wood Great Venerable, turns the head to look, the eyes reveals startled color. 木族原木大尊,别头一看,目显惊色。 Rock River Great Venerable!” 岩川大尊!” In Human Race, recognizes this Qi Refinement Warrior, also calls out in alarm. 人族中,很多认得这位的炼气士,也同时惊叫。 „Below!” “正是在下!” Rock River Great Venerable proudly, such as ancient god Sichuan, appear(ance) in people view. 岩川大尊傲然地,如古老的神川,出现于众人眼帘。 Gray Rock Clan head of the clan, Initial-Rank Great Venerable Rock River! 灰岩族族长,初阶大尊岩川 Rock River!” 岩川!” Raw Wood Great Venerable snort/hum, has scolded saying: Your does Gray Rock Clan, why stir with them about together? Rock River, you as Gray Rock Clan head of the clan, should know Demon, Evil Dark and Skeleton Race Bloodlines background! They want to open Ruins World wholeheartedly, directing Ruins World Three Great Alien Race to arrive, your Rock River and do they together, what advantage have?” 原木大尊哼了一声,呵斥道:“你们灰岩族,为什么和他们搅合在一块儿?岩川,你身为灰岩族族长,应该知道妖魔邪冥骸骨族血脉来头!他们一心想要打开墟界,引墟界三大奇族降临,你岩川和他们一道儿,有什么好处?” „!” “咻!” Snow Domain another territory, a physique/carriage exquisite Wing Clan female, mantle. 雪域另外一域,一位体态优美的翼族女子,展翼而出。 Her facial features are elegant, have a beautiful face, a pair of wing blooms holy divine light, the snow white nape of the neck place, has the careful tattoo, resembles implication Bloodlines to be wonderful. 她面容典雅,眉目如画,一对羽翼绽放出圣洁的神光,雪白脖颈处,有细致的纹身,似暗含血脉神妙。 Wing Clan, Divine Wings Great Venerable!” 翼族,神翼大尊!” Raw Wood Great Venerable is one calls out in alarm, at once shouts to clear the way: Since your two appear(ance), Black Scale Clan that should also come?” 原木大尊又是一声惊叫,旋即喝道:“既然你们两个出现了,黑鳞族的那位,应该也来了吧?” I truly.” Also Alien Race Great Venerable, operates the incoherent ancient language, from domain that in Divine Wings Great Venerable approaches, appears in the sky slowly. “我确实在了。”又有一个异族大尊,操作拗口的古老语言,从和神翼大尊临近的域界内,缓缓显现于天空。 That is whole body jet black scales, such as deep sea fish strange Alien Race clansman Black Armor Great Venerable. 那是一位满身漆黑鳞甲,如深海鱼怪般的异族族人黑甲大尊 Rock River Great Venerable, Divine Wings Great Venerable, Black Armor Great Venerable, respectively is Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and Black Scale Clan head of the clan, is the Initial-Rank Great Venerable Bloodlines levels, and becomes the Great Venerable time is not quite long. 岩川大尊,神翼大尊,黑甲大尊,分别为灰岩族翼族黑鳞族族长,都是初阶大尊血脉层次,且成为大尊的时间并不太久。 Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and Black Scale Clan, compare Demon, Evil Dark, Nether Race, Skeleton Race and Wood Clan, is the quite small and weak race. 灰岩族翼族黑鳞族,相比较妖魔邪冥幽族骸骨族木族,算是较为弱小的种族。 Since they with the Demon and other clan altogether onset and retreat, have been maintaining the good relations. 一直以来,他们都和妖魔等族共进退,保持着良好的关系。 However, what they and Demon, Evil Dark, Skeleton Race are different, these three races are the Spirit World native place races, is the same with Wood Clan, for generations survived in Spirit World. 然而,他们和妖魔邪冥骸骨族不同的是,这三个种族都是灵界本土种族,和木族一样,世世代代在灵界生存。 Before Yuan Demon Great Venerable, Netherworld River Great Venerable and Crystal Bone Great Venerable, has not thought and Spirit World intercommunication, is only and Human World and Ancient Spirit Clan fight. 以前元魔大尊冥河大尊晶骨大尊在时,从没有想过和灵界互通,只是和人界古灵族战斗。 Raw Wood Great Venerable, Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and Black Scale Clan, must such as like that not be a companion with Demon Clan. 原木大尊来看,灰岩族翼族黑鳞族,应当如自己那般,不与妖魔族为伍。 He has not thought that including head of the clan of these three small clans, was persuaded, has joined Purgatory Great Venerable and Evil Wind Great Venerable ranks. 他没想到,连这三个小族的族长,也被说动了,加入了炼狱大尊邪风大尊的行列。 Raw Wood.” 原木。” Gray Rock Clan Rock River Great Venerable, comes out, on according to Bloodlines talent, is controlling Flying Snow Domain, attacks Ye Wenhan, has indicated the manner, „the Spirit World world energy dries up gradually, the world of ancestor generation of survivals, was far from us generation after generation. Our Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and Black Scale Clan, must seek place of suitable multiplication in addition.” 灰岩族岩川大尊,一出来,就以血脉天赋,掌控着飞雪域,去冲击叶文翰,已表明态度,“灵界的天地能量逐渐枯竭,我们祖祖代代生存的天地,离我们越来越远了。我们灰岩族,翼族黑鳞族,必须要另寻一处适合的繁衍之地。” „When your Raw Wood, with Ancient Spirit Clan together, with Human Race achieves the tacit understanding, has not thought of us.” “你原木,和古灵族一道儿,和人族达成默契时,并没有想到我们。” However we, by own strength, in the Human Race world, do not have the means to survive. Therefore, since you have not paid attention to us, we can only with them together.” “而我们,以自身的力量,在人族的天地内,是没办法生存下来的。所以,既然你没有理会我们,我们只能和他们一道儿。” No matter their Bloodlines source where, no matter they can initiate the race invasion of Ruins World, so long as gives us the place of finding a place to live, letting us to survive, we are willing to fight for this reason.” “不管他们血脉的源头在何处,不管他们会不会引发墟界的种族入侵,只要给我们安身之地,让我们能生存下去,我们就愿意为此去战斗。” Rock River Great Venerable, Divine Wings Great Venerable and Black Armor Great Venerable, opens the mouth one after another. 岩川大尊神翼大尊黑甲大尊,相继开口。 „! whoosh, whoosh!” “咻!咻咻!” The three places of Initial-Rank Great Venerable flying from, many Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and Black Scale Clan Bloodlines soldier, one by one flushed, has besieged Human Race Saint Domain with joint forces. 三位初阶大尊飞离之地,更多的灰岩族翼族黑鳞族血脉战士,一一冲了出来,去合力围击人族圣域者。 Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and Black Scale Clan Bloodlines soldier, most Bloodlines Rank, are only 7-Step and 8-Step. 灰岩族翼族黑鳞族血脉战士,绝大多数血脉等阶,只是七阶八阶 9-Step, already extremely rare scarce. 九阶者,已极其罕见稀少。 But their quantities are numerous, when dozens 8-Step Bloodlines soldiers, attack Human Race Saint Domain, by Bloodlines secret technique, confuses Saint Domain spiritual energy to flow continually, made the Human Race Saint Domain headache. 可他们的数量众多,当数十个八阶血脉战士,攻击一位人族圣域者,连番以血脉秘术,搅乱圣域灵气流向,还是令人族圣域者头痛不已。 Especially Gray Rock Clan clansman. 尤其是灰岩族族人。 Their unusual Bloodlines talent, making them be able in the Foreign Domain starry sky, reassignment dissociation uncertain meteorite. 他们奇特的血脉天赋,令他们能够在外域星空中,调动游离不定的陨石。 The meteorite, starry sky residual, emerges in Human Race Saint Domain massively, making the Spiritual Power revolution in Saint Domain not smooth. 将陨石,还有星空残渣,大量地涌入人族圣域中,令圣域内的灵力运转不顺畅。 The powerhouse, Rock River Great Venerable can also by Bloodlines divine power, transfer domain, attacks Ye Wenhan God Domain. 更强者,岩川大尊还能以血脉神力,调动域界,攻击叶文翰神域 After Raw Wood Great Venerable looks they come out, firmly is coordinating Demon, Evil Dark and Nether Race clansman, launches to attack to kill to Human Race, hesitates suddenly. 原木大尊看着他们出来后,坚决地配合着妖魔邪冥幽族族人,对人族展开攻杀,也突然犹豫起来。 In his heart understands that for thousands of years, Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and Black Scale Clan, regard Human Race are the disasters. 他心中明白,千万年来,灰岩族翼族黑鳞族,都视人族为洪水猛兽。 Knowledge that they from infancy to maturity, accept, resists the invasion of Human Race. 他们从小到大,接受的知识,就是抵御人族的入侵。 When Human Race, times attack Dead Stars Sea, Gray Rock Clan, Wing Clan and Black Scale Clan, under arrangement of Demon and Evil Dark, with the Human Race time in the Sect influence fights of four big ancient Sect. 人族,一次次冲击死星海时,灰岩族翼族黑鳞族,都在妖魔邪冥的安排下,和人族次于四大古老宗门宗门势力战斗。 They have too many clansmen, dies because of Human Race, they have been full of the hatred to Human Race. 他们有太多的族人,因人族而死,他们对人族充满了仇恨。 Yeah.” “哎。” Raw Wood Great Venerable heaved a deep sigh, knew things have gotten to this point, perhaps even if were he does not have the means that convinced Gray Rock Clan, Black Scale Clan and Wing Clan. 原木大尊长叹一声,知道事已至此,就算是他恐怕也没有办法,说服灰岩族黑鳞族翼族了。 In his heart has filled hesitant, the person in Snow Domain, does not know that should stand in any standpoint. 他心中充满了犹豫,人在雪域,都不知道该站在什么立场了。 Nie Tian!” 聂天!” After Bloodthirsty Great Venerable strikes, after vitality adjustment, brandishes Demon Moon Sickle once more. 嗜血大尊一击后,气血调整过后,又再次挥舞魔月弯刀 Nie Tian grinned, crazy smiles suddenly strangely, Bloodthirsty Great Venerable, I do not use any Item(s), but actually must have a look at your Demon Clan Demon Inextinguishable Body, does not extinguish seriously!” 聂天咧开嘴,忽地疯狂怪笑起来,“嗜血大尊,我不动用任何器物,倒要看看你妖魔族妖魔不灭体,是不是当真不灭!” The words fall, bone of that section of Starry Sky Giant Beast, after by the brain of his throwing. 话落,那截星空巨兽的骨头,被他抛之脑后。 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable is startled, at once gets angry instead smiles extremely, „, I also want to know, the bastard of your this hybrid, Bloodlines fierce!” 嗜血大尊一怔,旋即怒极反笑,“嘿嘿,我也想知道,你这位混血的杂种,血脉有多厉害!” Bang!” “轰!” Two high mountain ridge grand body, discard Item(s) respectively, unexpectedly such as most primitive ominous beast, fights personal remnantly in together, by pure vitality, bone, claws and fangs and fists and feet brute force, slaughters. 两具崇山峻岭般的雄伟躯身,各自舍弃器物,竟如最原始的凶兽般,贴身残斗在一块儿,以纯粹的气血、骨头、爪牙、拳脚蛮力,去厮杀。 „!” “嗤嗤!” Above Crystal Snow Domain, 1 million zhang (3.33 m) void deep place, Purgatory Great Venerable vitality sea, with the You Qimiao gold and silver two energy air currents, has carried on thousands of collisions. 晶雪域之上,1000000丈虚空深处,炼狱大尊气血海,和游奇邈金银两股能量气流,已进行千万次的碰撞。 The collision, from the void high place, floats the bright glow luminous spot each time. 每次碰撞,从虚空高处,都飘洒出明熠的光点。 When the terror impulse that each luminous spot, contains, crashes to Saint Domain of Human Race powerhouse, made these people shriek and howl wildly. 每一光点,所含的恐怖冲击力,坠落到人族强者的圣域时,都令那些人鬼哭狼嚎。 Has bad luck Alien Race 8-Step soldier, was moved by the luminous spots of these sputtering carelessly, immediately on one, changed to the blood fog, dying cannot die again. 有更倒霉的异族八阶战士,不慎被那些溅射的光点碰触,立即就蓬地一声,化作了血雾,死的不能再死。 High-Rank Great Venerable, God Domain late stage, each wave of attack, sputtering, but the strength, can extinguish kills 8-Step and Void Domain Person. 高阶大尊,神域后期者,每一波攻击,溅射而出的力量,都能灭杀八阶虚域者 Their fight complementary waves, may affect the war, made small and weak, was perplexed died, but also the inexplicableness of death. 他们的战斗余波,都可能会影响战局,令弱小者,不明所以地就死了,还死的不明不白。 Quick, Demon Clan Purgatory Great Venerable, smells improper, is transferring on own initiative, deviates Snow Domain the battlefield. 很快,妖魔族炼狱大尊,率先嗅到不妥,主动挪移着,偏离雪域这边战场。 Because Human Race, most weak one, is Saint Domain, is precisely late stage cultivation level, but can also resist some slightly, energy granule that he and You Qimiao splutter. 因为人族这边,最弱者,都是圣域,且是后期修为,还能稍稍抵御一些,他和游奇邈溅射的能量粒子。 Alien Race, 8-Step and 7-Step Bloodlines soldier is numerous, naturally affected many. 异族这边,八阶七阶血脉战士众多,自然被波及的多。 In intense battle, has the indifferent observer, consistently is paying attention to the war trend. 在激烈的厮杀,有冷眼旁观者,始终在注意着战局动向。 For example Wood Clan Raw Wood. 譬如木族原木 oh! 唔! He observed a while, suddenly calls out in alarm, he discovered that brings Nie Tian to come, did not have sound Floating Land, starts swayingly, to Alien Race clansman many region floats. 他观战了一会儿,突然惊叫,他发现带着聂天过来的,一直没动静的浮陆,又开始晃晃悠悠地,向异族族人较多的区域漂浮。 The corners of the mouth of Raw Wood Great Venerable, full are bitter and astringent, Human Race, the vitality is too weak, never will be its food.” 原木大尊的嘴角,满是苦涩,“人族,气血太弱,永远不是它的食物。” „!!” “啊啊!啊啊!” Gray Rock Clan Rock River Great Venerable, but also in according to Bloodline Power, is controlling Flying Snow Domain, called out pitifully suddenly. 灰岩族岩川大尊,还在以血脉之力,掌控着飞雪域,骤然惨叫。 ...... ……
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