KMD :: Volume #16

#1529: Striving to turn the tide

Nether Race 9-Step Great Lord, in the present Nie Tian eye, the range chicken earthenware dog collapses at the first blow. 幽族九阶大君,于如今聂天眼中,土鸡瓦狗般不堪一击。 Rip! 哧啦! In scarlet-red color rays of light, myriad thin as hair crystal silk, bloom suddenly the bright emitting light, breaks in these tragic deaths arbitrarily 8-Step and 9-Step Nether Race clansman within the body. 赤红色的光芒中,突有万千纤细如发的晶丝,绽放出熠熠辉光,蛮横地冲入那些惨死的八阶九阶幽族族人体内。 Life Purification!” 生命净化!” Nie Tian meditates in the heart, facial expression chilling. 聂天在心中默念,神情冷硬。 Suddenly, the corpse who the people note these Nether Race clansmen, volatilizes multi- color smoke. 忽然间,众人就注意到那些幽族族人的尸身,挥发出多彩的烟雾 smoke, is in the Nether Race clan Human Corpse body the violent poison essence in blood. 烟雾,都是幽族人尸体中鲜血内的剧毒精华。 And, faint trace pure flesh and blood energy, is becomes the green luster light bead, by Nie Tian, such as drizzle, was sprinkled to his giant body conveniently unexpectedly. 其中,有一丝丝纯净的血肉能量,则是结为绿莹莹的光珠,被聂天随手一拉,竟如蓬蓬细雨般,洒落到他巨型化的躯身 In the Nie Tian eye enjoys completely. 聂天眼中满是享受。 Nether Race, in the world the most poisonous life race, fell the toxin by his refining, is deriving the strength of flesh and blood?” 幽族,天地间最毒的生命种族,都被他炼化掉毒素,汲取着血肉之力?” Sees the Alien Race powerhouse who does not suit, in an uproar. 看出不对劲的异族强者,为之哗然。 That is enjoying the Nether Race clansman vitality essence, bathes Nie Tian in green waterdrop, falls into their eyes, simply is the devil ghost. 那正享受着幽族族人气血精华,沐浴在绿色水滴中的聂天,落入他们眼中,简直就是恶魔鬼怪。 Nie Tian!” 聂天!” Nether Race Netherspan Great Venerable, the wild animal is roaring, he is grasping violent poison smoke that gupi slough, the transpiration comes out, drains crazily to the places of that darkness. 幽族通幽大尊,野兽般地怒吼着,他握着的那块臌肶的腐肉,流逸出来的剧毒烟雾,疯狂地流失向那片黑暗之地。 Hey!” “嘿!” Nie Tian cracks into a smile, by Soul Consciousness Sea, with separate soul of that section of bone intercommunication, goes imperial to cause the bone, in many Bloodlines mysterious stimulation bone. 聂天咧嘴一笑,以灵魂识海内,和那截骨头互通的分魂,去御使着骨头,将骨头内诸多血脉奥妙激发。 He, suddenly by bright star splendor package. 他本人,忽被熠熠星辉包裹。 Stars Saint Domain forms naturally, Heavenly Star Flower also appears in Stars Saint Domain, if stars rays of light of Snow Domain distant place, integrates to the Nie Tian's domain all. 星辰圣域自然而然形成,天星花也在星辰圣域浮现,如将雪域更远处的星辰光芒,尽数纳入到聂天的领域。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” Seemed to be that thousands of glittering and translucent carving stars, under the strength function of Heavenly Star Flower, the sparkle is luminous at the same time. 似有千万颗晶莹剔透的星辰,在天星花的力量作用下,同一时间闪耀光亮。 All in the life of Snow Domain fight, regardless of Human Race and Alien Race, thinks at present one brightly. 所有在雪域战斗的生灵,无论人族异族,都觉眼前一亮。 Snow Domain, resembles to bathe in trillion stars divine light, every small things completely shown. 雪域,似沐浴在亿万星辰神光中,秋毫毕现 Stars Flash!” 星烁!” Luminous, only continues an instant. 光亮,只持续一霎。 Later, by stars light barrier is binding Nie Tian, in Dong Li that piece of dark world appear(ance). 之后,被星辰光幕裹着的聂天,就在董丽的那片黑暗天地出现 divine light collects instantaneously completely! 神光瞬间敛尽! Life Purification.” 生命净化。” Again, Nie Tian started Bloodlines talent. 再一次地,聂天发动了血脉天赋 The crystal silk of innumerable implication life true meaning, just liked opened the wisdom light snake, in dark deep place, is plundering the gupi slough, poisonous acid aura that seeped. 无数条暗含生命真谛的晶丝,犹如开启了智慧的光蛇,在黑暗深处,去搜刮着臌肶腐肉,渗透进来的酸毒气息 Foreign matter gupi that slough, overflows violent poison smoke that comes, so long as moves the implication life true meaning the crystal silk, toxin by succinct purification. 异物臌肶的那块腐肉,流溢而来的剧毒烟雾,只要碰触暗含生命真谛的晶丝,毒素都被洗练净化。 Changes into, the pure light smoke, dissipates in the world. 化为,纯粹的轻烟,消散于天地。 And also has not the poor vitality essence, after the wash leaves behind, was accepted by Nie Tian logically, integrates oneself. 其中还有不菲的气血精华,洗涤后遗留,被聂天顺理成章地接受,融入自身。 Wonderful! Wonderful!” The Nie Tian great happiness, has not expected, among that foreign matter gupi life experiences most terrorist sulphuric acid violent poison, may after violent poison refining, strength of production so astonishing flesh and blood!” “妙!妙哉!”聂天大喜,“未曾料到,那异物臌肶一身世间最恐怖的硫酸剧毒,可在剧毒炼化之后,还有如此惊人的血肉之力产生!” He induces clearly, vitality strength, purify gupi poisonous acid, leads into the flesh and blood essence in within the body, compared with Nether Race 8-Step and 9-Step Bloodlines soldier, are too thickly many! 他清晰地感应出,一条条气血之力,净化掉臌肶酸毒,带入体内的血肉精气,比幽族八阶九阶血脉战士,浓厚太多! His Life Bloodline enters the step to arrive at 9-Step, awakening Life Purification talent, mysterious mysterious, not only can coordinate Life Drain, buys in the Nether Race flesh and blood essence, but can also therapy violent poison. 他的生命血脉进阶到九阶,觉醒的生命净化天赋,玄奥神秘至极,不仅能配合生命汲取,吸纳幽族的血肉精气,还能对中剧毒者进行疗伤。 He when Floating Land, reason that some energy and Tearing Giant Beast said that can perhaps help Pei Yukong, because of unusual of Life Purification. 他在浮陆时,之所以有底气和撕裂巨兽说,兴许能帮到裴御空,就是因为生命净化的奇特。 But wants refining gupi violent poison, this not too many confidence, because gupi in Spirit World numerous lives, is notorious. 但要炼化臌肶剧毒,他本没有太多信心,因为臌肶灵界众多生灵中,都恶名昭彰。 Including the Nether Race clansman, is full of the fear to gupi, including Ji Cang and Qu Yuan these people, takes gupi not to have idea. 幽族族人,都对臌肶充满恐惧,连季苍、屈原那些人,都拿臌肶没辙。 But now, after he has tried one next, discovered pleasantly surprised that Life Purification to poisonous acid of gupi surviving, is similarly effective! 可如今,他尝试了一下后,惊喜地发现,生命净化臌肶残存的酸毒,同样有效! This means that if he early one step strides to 9-Step Bloodlines, awakens Life Purification, does not need any illusory ancient symbol, does not need his master Wu Ji Time Power, can cope with gupi through Life Purification directly. 这就意味着,他要是早一步跨入到九阶血脉,觉醒生命净化,就不需要什么虚态古符,不需要他师傅巫寂时间之力,直接能通过生命净化对付臌肶 gupi releases a wisp of poisonous acid essence every time, he can by Life Purification, the toxin will restore, only absorbs the purest flesh and blood strength. 臌肶每释放出一缕酸毒精华,他就能以生命净化,将其中毒素恢复,只吸收最纯粹的血肉力量。 Quick, by Dong Li that gupi poisonous acid corrodes, in rich darkness, re-assemble strength. 很快,被臌肶酸毒侵蚀的董丽,就在浓郁的黑暗中,重聚力量。 10-Step Black Turtle, stopped calling for help, no longer shouted. 十阶黑玄龟,也停止了呼救,不再叫嚷。 Nie Tian in darkness, is a face satisfies, applauds again and again. 聂天在黑暗中,则是一脸满足,连连叫好。 Such a while, he in gupi poisonous acid through purification darkness, the flesh and blood essence of gain, unexpectedly can be as good as three 9-Step Nether Race Great Lord vitalities! 就这么一阵子,他通过净化黑暗中的臌肶酸毒,获取的血肉精气,居然抵得上三个九阶幽族大君气血! If, is that foreign matter gupi true body, flesh and blood essence that it can supply, feared that is incomparably considerable!” “若是,是那异物臌肶真身,其能供应的血肉精气,怕是无比可观!” He suddenly thinks regrettable, regretted that gupi by his master Wu Ji, got so far as Ruins World not well-known unusual place, by any formidable exist(ence), had been slivered sections. 他突然觉得遗憾,遗憾臌肶被他师傅巫寂,弄到墟界不知名的异地,被什么强大的存在,切成了一截截。 If by seven color big insects of dismembering. 如一段段被分尸的七彩大虫子。 Netherspan Great Venerable!” 通幽大尊!” The Dong Li wonderful graceful physique, departs from the darkness suddenly slowly, she is stepping on the thick dark deep sea, is staring Nether Race Netherspan Great Venerable, the slender white hands select distantly, shouted to clear the way: Darkness, corrosion!” 董丽妙曼的身姿,忽从黑暗中缓缓飞出,她踩着浓稠的黑暗深海,瞪着幽族通幽大尊,纤纤玉手遥遥点来,喝道:“黑暗,侵蚀!” Dark Light Wheel departs suddenly, in the Netherspan Great Venerable site, suddenly changes to a jet black great hole. 黑暗光轮忽地飞出,就在通幽大尊所在地,骤然化作一漆黑巨洞。 The black hole 10%, resemble to embezzle all photo sources and lives in world! 黑洞一成,似吞没着世间的一切光源和生灵! Regarding Netherspan Great Venerable, Nether Race clansmen, howling, frightened, begging for mercy, was being pulled into by the black hole, dodges to pass. 围绕着通幽大尊的,一位位幽族族人,嘶啸着,恐惧着,求饶着,都被黑洞扯入,一闪而逝。 Was being gripped tightly by Netherspan Great Venerable, that slough from foreign matter gupi, to hand. 通幽大尊紧握着的,那块来自异物臌肶的腐肉,离手而出。 !” “呼!” That slough, vanishes in the black hole unexpectedly, instant that does not have the mark. 那块腐肉,竟然也消失在黑洞内,霎那无迹。 Including Netherspan Great Venerable themselves, deep green and grey azure and shallow purple color vitality sea, by his control, was not being involved by that black hole, changes to bright and beautiful stream river, escape into black hole. 通幽大尊本人,暗绿、灰青、浅紫色气血海,也不受他的控制,被那黑洞牵扯着,化作娟娟溪河般,逸入黑洞。 The deep green and grey azure and shallow purple color three vitalities, are Netherspan Great Venerable after ten thousand years, by Spirit World three big violent poison domain world's wall energy layer, consumes the greatest painstaking care, refining to own Bloodlines. 暗绿、灰青、浅紫色三种气血,乃通幽大尊历经万年时间,以灵界三大剧毒域界界壁气层,耗费莫大的心血,炼化到自身血脉 Three vitalities, include poisonous acid, to freeze with the paralysis function separately, is core talent that his Bloodlines awakens. 三种气血,分别含有酸毒、冰冻和麻痹作用,也是他血脉觉醒出的核心天赋 A each vitality, by ten thousand drops of blood essence, one year after year concise. 每一种气血,都由万滴精血,一年年凝炼而出。 At this moment, these three different color vitalities, simultaneously flow to that black hole unexpectedly. 此刻,这三种不同颜色的气血,竟同时流向那黑洞。 Those who most made Netherspan Great Venerable alarmed and afraid was, vanished in the vitality of black hole, he is unable to induce. 最令通幽大尊惊惧的是,消失在黑洞的气血,他无从感应。 By his consistent experience, he by blood essence condense vitality strength, even if and he divides to blow two worlds, other people in Spirit World, the vitality in Human World, can induce clearly. 以他一贯的经验,他以精血凝结气血之力,就算是和他分刮两界,他人在灵界,气血在人界,都能清晰感应。 But now...... 可现在…… Netherspan Great Venerable has the weak feeling, must detain the laborious concise vitality not awfully. 通幽大尊生出虚弱感,不要命地,要将辛苦凝炼的气血留住。 However, evolves the black hole that by Dark Light Wheel becomes, in Dong Li by launch of soul and under dark strength, so overbearing. 然而,以黑暗光轮衍变而成的黑洞,在董丽以灵魂和黑暗力量的发动下,就是如此的霸道。 Including him, is unable to prevent the outflow of vitality. 连他,都无法阻止气血的流失。 !” “呼!” Giant Nie Tian, from darkness, sparkle. 巨型化的聂天,从黑暗中,闪耀而出。 He looks around in all directions, immediately discovered because of that illusory Underworld River, after Five Great Evil Gods tears into shreds, embezzles into the abdomen, causes the Snow Domain war, had the enormous change. 他四处张望,立即发现因那条虚幻冥河,被五大邪神撕碎后,吞没入腹,导致雪域的战局,有了极大的变化。 Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior, by the influence of illusory Underworld River, cannot finally the true strength display. 人族炼气士,再也不受虚幻冥河的影响,终于能将真正的实力发挥。 Nie Tian!” 聂天!” Demon Clan Bloodthirsty Great Venerable, has worked loose Yu Suying Clean Heaven Divine Glow fiercely, from the shining silver luminous spot, violent runs out. 妖魔族嗜血大尊,猛地挣脱了俞素瑛净天神芒,从灿灿银色光点内,暴烈地冲出。 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable huge arm, grasps void, that handle demon moon/month sickle, as if from the first Demon Domain secret restricted area, stiffly was pulled by him. 嗜血大尊巨臂,虚空抓动,那柄魔月般的弯刀,仿佛从第一魔域的秘密禁地内,被他硬生生扯出来。 Demon Moon Sickle crossing domain comes, the aura that shows, made Snow Domain space „” the disruption. 魔月弯刀跨界而来,从中透出的气息,令雪域空间都“喀喀”地碎裂。 That handle Demon Blade, resembles by Bloodthirsty Great Venerable warm and nourish in the Demon Clan secret place, he since the Snow Domain fight, has not thought the use, now cannot endure patiently finally. 那柄魔刃,似被嗜血大尊温养妖魔族秘地,他在雪域战斗至今,都没有想过动用,如今终忍耐不住。 Rip! 哧啦! space of disruption, prohibits the Purgatory Great Venerable vitality, gives to shatter. 碎裂的空间,将炼狱大尊的气血封禁,都给震裂。 Regulations Nie Tian familiar space spiritual aura, transmits one here suddenly, Nie Tian, Seven Stars World Sea, entered by Skeleton Race Grey Bones Great Venerable!” 一条令聂天熟悉的空灵气息,忽然在这边传来一丝,“聂天,七星界海这边,被骸骨族灰骨大尊进入了!” The Zhao Shanling rapid cry, from shattering space, passed on. 赵山陵的急促叫声,从震裂的空间内,传了过来。 ...... ……
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