KMD :: Volume #14

#1357: Three Great Venerable

„!” “噼里啪啦!” The people looked with rapt attention that sees Mo Qianfan thunder God Domain, by the flame ignitions of bunches of dark green. 众人凝神去看,就见莫千帆的雷霆神域,被一簇簇暗绿色火焰点燃。 God Domain, is burning! 神域,都在燃烧! Nether Race Domain Eroding Flame, Void Domain and Saint Domain, only if there is special Item(s), otherwise is very difficult to guard. 幽族蚀域焰火,虚域圣域者,除非有特别的器物,否则很难防备。 But God Domain, because of the specialness of territory, often can resist, but the strength will be affected 12. 神域者,因域之特殊,往往能抵挡住,只是实力会被影响12罢了。 In the past, Domain Eroding Flame is unable to light God Domain. 以往,蚀域焰火是无法点燃神域的。 But now, Mo Qianfan thunder God Domain, thunder pond, because of the inflow of Domain Eroding Flame, flip-flop makes noise unexpectedly, burns. 可现在,莫千帆的雷霆神域,其中一座雷池,竟然因蚀域焰火的流入,噼啪作响地,燃烧开来。 What did this indicate? 这说明了什么? Only in view of Void Domain and Saint Domain Domain Eroding Flame, after the refinement of Netherspan Great Venerable, or the help of gupi, the might went a step further, has threatened God Domain, makes strength that God Domain was miserable beyond description! 只针对虚域圣域蚀域焰火,经过通幽大尊的提炼,或者臌肶的帮助,威力更进一步,拥有了威胁神域,令神域者都苦不堪言的力量! Domain Eroding Flame!” 蚀域焰火!” Including Fan Tianze, calls out in alarm one, eyes shows is startled to accommodate. 梵天泽,都惊呼一声,目露惊容。 At this moment, Void Spirit Religion Ji Yuanquan, just now understands the meaning in Profound Dark Great Venerable words. 此刻,虚灵教姬元泉,方才明白玄冥大尊话里的含义。 Domain Eroding Flame sufficiently made them accept, making him simply not have the ample force, protects Pei Qiqi. 蚀域焰火就足以令他们应接不暇了,让他根本没有余力,去保护裴琦琦 Including the God Domain territory, Domain Eroding Flame that can light!” Nie Tian changes countenance, looks along with promotion of Foreign Domain astral wind, bunches of dark green, such as Ghost Fire of malicious ghost deep green eye pupil, thinks thorny, loses the fire seed, wants to eliminate Domain Eroding Flame, but also is really troublesome.” “连神域的域,都能点燃的蚀域焰火!”聂天变色,看着随着外域罡风的推动,一簇簇暗绿色,如恶鬼碧绿眼瞳的鬼火,也觉得棘手,“失去火种,想要消灭蚀域焰火,还真是麻烦啊。” !” “呼!” Flame Dragon Armor floats, shortly, will fall from the headgear to Nie Tian on. 炎龙铠漂浮出来,顷刻间,就从头套落到聂天身上。 Nie Tian burns at once turbulently. 聂天旋即汹涌燃烧开来。 Blazing flame, can ablation Domain Eroding Flame, be able to resist the corrosion of this weird flame, but magma juice, but can also ablation Domain Eroding Flame. 炽烈火焰,能消融蚀域焰火,能抵御这种邪门焰火的侵蚀,而岩浆汁水,还能消融蚀域焰火 This is the restraint method that Nie Tian already knew. 这是聂天早就知道的克制方法。 But effect of Flame Dragon Armor on Domain Eroding Flame, with that bunch to the fire seed that he goes, differs too. 炎龙铠蚀域焰火的作用,和那一簇离他而去的火种,还是相差太多。 The fire seed, can embezzle Domain Eroding Flame, and formidable oneself! 火种,能吞没蚀域焰火,且强大自身! ! !” “呼!呼!” Fire Sect Goddess Lou Hongyan, the mind summoned, flame Magic Sphere, departed from her territory. 火宗神女娄红烟,心神召唤,有一枚枚火焰法球,从她的域内飞出。 flame Magic Sphere, blazing such as Sun of combustion, is surrounding her, cultivates Flame Spirit Secret Art, by Flame Strength, can contend with Domain Eroding Flame.” Lou Hongyan shouted to clear the way. 一枚枚火焰法球,炽烈如燃烧的太阳,环绕着她,“修火焰灵诀者,以火焰之力,能抗衡蚀域焰火。”娄红烟喝道。 So was saying, she is surrounding flame Magic Sphere, runs out rapidly, contacts Domain Eroding Flame. 这般说着,她环绕着一枚枚火焰法球,迅速冲出,去接触蚀域焰火 „!” “嗤嗤!” dark green flame, escape into her flame Void Domain, is burning turbulently. 暗绿色火焰,逸入她的火焰虚域,汹涌燃烧着。 She in still full of energy, showed by oneself, Spirit Secret Art that she cultivates, flame Void Domain, can resist Domain Eroding Flame. 她在里面依然精神抖擞,以自己证明,她所修的灵诀,火焰虚域,能抵挡着蚀域焰火 Is skilled in Flame Strength, offers a sacrifice to Saint Domain, and has the tacit understanding place, scatters. 还有一些精通火焰之力者,也纷纷祭出圣域,并有默契地,散落开来。 These people, assume the ring, encircles other people in the interior. 那些人,呈圆环般,将其余人围在内部。 They by own territory, congealing are the 1-layer natural flame barriers, resists flies to come in all directions, bunches of dark green Domain Eroding Flame. 他们以自身的域,凝为一层天然的火焰屏障,去抵御四面八方飞逝而来的,一簇簇的暗绿色蚀域焰火 Dies!” “去死!” At this moment, Profound Dark Great Venerable is staring Pei Qiqi, drinks in a soft voice lowly. 就在此刻,玄冥大尊瞪着裴琦琦,轻声低喝。 Is spread like stars in the sky thousand changes.” Luo Wanxiang is light, such as piece of star river is binding his Stars Gathering Myriad Forms Flag, fluctuates to bend the bow archery nebula of brightly. “星罗千变。”罗万象轻哼,如一片星河裹着他的星罗万象旗,变幻为弯弓射箭的灿然星云。 „!” “咻!” star light bright arrows, puts on the day of crack place, sharp, the twinkling arrives in the Fan Tianze chest cavity spot. 一支星光熠熠的箭矢,穿天裂地,锋锐至极,瞬息抵达梵天泽胸腔部位。 Bang!” “轰!” Body of the huge Demon, falls from the day loudly, carries is being addicted to the blood energy blood richly, across the sky appears overbearingly. 一庞大妖魔之身,轰然从天而落,携带着浓郁嗜血气血,霸道地横空显现。 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable!” 嗜血大尊!” Also the jade-green color lake, by vitality toxin concise, floats from another side suddenly. 又有一碧绿色的湖泊,由气血毒素凝炼而成,忽地从另外一方飘来。 Netherspan Great Venerable!” 通幽大尊!” Shortly, three Alien Race Great Venerable, get rid on simultaneously. 顷刻间,三位异族大尊,就齐齐出手。 Boundary Universe Prism Crystal, the shuttle of soul!” 界宇棱晶,魂之穿梭!” Pei Qiqi two hands is holding, that anomalous horn shape crystal, crystal, resemble the correspondence, different space and times. 裴琦琦两手捧着,那不规则的棱形晶体,晶体的一面面,似对应着,一个个不同时空。 Each side, has the Pei Qiqi soul shade to flash continuous. 每一面,都有裴琦琦的魂影闪动不休。 Profound Dark Great Venerable handles against soul to strike, the bang falls to Pei Qiqi Sea of Consciousness, discovered is empty unexpectedly! 玄冥大尊措不及防的灵魂一击,轰落到裴琦琦识海,发现其中竟空无一物! Pei Qiqi True Soul, the thought that a continuously soul silk, divides Yi myriad, as if falls into that Boundary Universe Prism Crystal. 裴琦琦真魂,念头,一缕缕魂丝,分逸万千,似乎落入那界宇棱晶 Boundary Universe Prism Crystal, resembles the connection different space and times the media, Profound Dark Great Venerable may not ponder over, in which path and mystery. 界宇棱晶,似连接不同时空的媒介,玄冥大尊都不可琢磨,其中的轨迹和奥妙。 Saw that are skilled in Flame Magic Arts, forms the flame barrier, protects them, is exempt from the violation of Domain Eroding Flame, Ji Yuanquan feels relieved slightly. 一看到,有一位位精通火焰法诀者,形成火焰屏障,将他们守护在内,免受蚀域焰火的侵害,姬元泉稍稍放心下来。 He notes at once, Profound Dark Great Venerable starts to Pei Qiqi. 他旋即注意到,玄冥大尊裴琦琦下手。 You dare!” “你敢!” He has not gotten rid with enough time, sees the Nie Tian violent anger to roar, goes to Profound Dark Great Venerable loudly. 他还没来得及出手,就见聂天暴怒咆哮,轰然向玄冥大尊而去。 Astonishing vitality fluctuation, volcanic eruption, by Nie Tian within the body turbulently. 惊人至极的气血波动,火山爆发般,由聂天体内汹涌而出。 The instant, Nie Tian on according to Life Fusion, with Starry Sky Giant Beast that section of bone, produces echoes. 霎那间,聂天就以生命糅合,和星空巨兽那一截骨头,产生呼应。 Bang!” “轰!” Flesh and blood body inflates instantaneously! 血肉躯身瞬间膨胀! Comes out to me!” “给我出来!” Five Great Evil Gods, was summoned by it, the fierce huge Evil God body, resembles, in Dark Qi mixes in the hole, looks all around threateningly. 五大邪神,被其召唤出来,狰狞庞大的邪神躯体,似在冥气混洞中,张牙舞爪地,环顾四周。 Is he!” Nie Tian of giant, puts out a hand finger of Profound Dark Great Venerable, kills to me!” “就是他!”巨型化的聂天,伸手一指玄冥大尊,“给我杀!” Five Great Evil Gods moves accordingly, psst is crying out strangely, plunges Profound Dark Great Venerable. 五大邪神应声而动,吱吱怪叫着,扑向玄冥大尊 You, you......” Profound Dark Great Venerable look changes, look at flesh and blood loudly, and raises one section once more, Five Great Evil Gods of aura terror, the instinct feels alarmed and afraid restless. “你们,你们……”玄冥大尊轰然色变,看着有血有肉,且再次拔高一截,气息恐怖的五大邪神,本能地感到惊惧不安。 His Bloodlines, faintly is restrained. 他的血脉,都隐隐受制。 Burning Soul Blood Spell! Soul Imprison! Soul Catching Nether Hand!” 燃魂血咒魂之幽禁拘魂幽手!” All sorts of Evil Dark Race commonly used Bloodlines Secret Technique, talent, was displayed by him, the might is all peerless, everywhere ghost evil spirit circles in flight, imposing manner terror. 种种邪冥族常用的血脉秘法,天赋,被他施展开来,皆威力绝伦,漫天幽魂恶煞飞旋,气势恐怖。 However, Five Great Evil Gods actually complete immunity! 然,五大邪神却全部免疫! Various kind of Evil Dark secret technique, Bloodlines talent, exerts on Five Great Evil Gods, likely likes a stone dropped into the sea. 各类邪冥秘术,血脉天赋,施加到五大邪神身上,都像是石沉大海。 The ominous soul that Profound Dark Great Venerable soul thought, he uses, instead Five Great Evil Gods holds, the big mouth embezzles into the abdomen. 玄冥大尊魂念,他动用的凶魂,反而五大邪神抓住,大口吞没入腹。 If mastication delicacy delicacies. 如咀嚼美味佳肴。 Like Profound Dark Great Venerable, sees so abnormal noise formidable, the mind is vibrated, has to plant does not know the feeling of how to starting. 强大如玄冥大尊,看到如此异响,心神都被震动,有种不知如何下手的感觉。 Dark Domain Ancestral Land, Extreme North Land, that statue......” 冥域祖地,极北之地,那一尊尊石像……” In his heart twittering, is not controlling self, was retroceding successively, trades! Changes the match!” 他心中呢喃着,不自禁地,已经在节节后退,“换!换对手!” I come.” Bloodthirsty Great Venerable is grinning fiendishly cruelly, such as is wearing blood stream river, one step treads, stops up in front of Five Great Evil Gods, these five fellows, I as if in your Dark Domain, fortunately have seen. What is strange, isn't that the Evil God statue that you consecrate?” “我来吧。”嗜血大尊残忍地狞笑着,如身披着一条条鲜血溪河,一步踏出,就堵在五大邪神面前,“这五个家伙,我似乎在你们冥域,有幸见过一回。奇怪的是,那不是你们供奉的邪神雕像吗?” Bloodthirsty Great Venerable covers in the boundless scarlet, the such as mountain demon body, the purple light is radiant. 嗜血大尊笼罩在无边血色中,如山般的魔身,紫光璀璨。 Demon moon/month!” “魔月!” A purple color crescent moon, rises floating from billowing Demon Qi, carefully looks, is a curve astonishing sickle. 紫色弯月,从滚滚魔气中飘升出来,仔细去看,为一弧度惊人的弯刀。 Bloodthirsty Great Venerable huge arm, such as Purple Gold constructs, holds that named demon moon/month the sickle, cuts to Evil God. 嗜血大尊巨臂,如紫金浇筑而成,一把抓住那名为“魔月”的弯刀,就斩向一尊邪神 That Evil God, releases peak bloodthirsty vitality Evil God impressively! 那尊邪神,赫然就是释放出极致嗜杀气血邪神 Is flooding infinite bloodthirsty aura Evil God, the whole body spread all over fierce strange thorn, such as a giant big hedgehog. 充斥着无穷嗜杀气息邪神,浑身遍布狰狞怪刺,如一个巨型大刺猬。 „The Bloodthirsty aura, made me feel that unexpectedly was intimate with......” 嗜杀的气息,居然令我感到亲近……” Bloodthirsty Great Venerable was whispering, Demon Moon Sickle in hand, has not stagnated, bloomed brilliant demon light , chopped in that Evil God flesh and blood. 嗜血大尊嘀咕着,手中的魔月弯刀,还是没有丝毫凝滞,绽放出绚烂魔光,砍在那尊邪神的血肉之躯。 The blade light jumps shoots! 刀光迸射! „!” “蓬!” The Evil God fierce advantage thorn, such as the azure crystal, blooms suddenly eye-catching rays of light. 邪神的狰狞利刺,突如青色晶体,绽放出夺目的光芒 Numerous strange thorns, blast open immediately. 众多怪刺,顿时炸裂开来。 That Evil God imposing manner , the sudden dispirited gets down, after having contaminated a Bloodthirsty Great Venerable continuously vitality, changes into wisp of Nether Shadow, shrinks into Dark Soul Bead unexpectedly on own initiative. 那尊邪神的气势,也突然萎靡下来,沾染了嗜血大尊的一缕缕气血后,化为一缕幽影,竟主动缩入冥魂珠 Hasn't died?” Bloodthirsty Great Venerable is stunned. “没死?”嗜血大尊愕然。 He is raising Demon Moon Sickle, the scarlet eye pupil, is sending out hot tempered rays of light, is seeking for the new goal, starts to second Evil God. 他提着魔月弯刀,猩红的眼瞳,散发着暴躁的光芒,又找寻着新的目标,向第二尊邪神下手。 Once defeated Bloodthirsty Great Venerable in Mo Heng hand, is 10-Step Bloodlines Middle-Rank, the attendee, besides Fan Tianze, feared that was very difficult some people able to match his battle strength. 曾经败在莫珩手中的嗜血大尊,为十阶血脉中阶,在场者,除梵天泽外,怕是很难有人能匹配他的战力 ...... ……
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