KMD :: Volume #11

#1065: Broken boundary out of phase

Spirit Martial Hall. 灵武殿 The Hou Chulan survival subordinates, additional He Lianxiong Xu Yi, instructed by two people, investigate the Spirit Martial Hall elder one by one. 候初兰的幸存麾下,加赫连雄徐逸,在两人的授意下,逐个调查灵武殿的长老。 Ruan Qingliu and Shen Jing, then pursues Gan Xi with emphasis. 阮青柳沈靖,则是重点追击甘熙 The people have not worried to leave. 众人都没有着急离开。 Nie Tian under the arrangement of Wei Baitao, moves into a secluded manor, is taking steps the breakthrough of Spiritual Realm. 聂天卫柏涛的安排下,入驻一个僻静的庄园,着手进行着灵境的突破。 The withered corpses of two Evil Dark Race 8-Step soldiers, after Nie Tian has bought in the flesh and blood essence, conveniently loses in Storage Ring. 两具邪冥族八阶战士的干瘪尸身,被聂天吸纳了血肉精气后,随手丢在储物戒 this time, does not calculate meritorious value the words, does not gain.” Nie Tian secretly unstated criticism. 这趟,不计算功勋值的话,一点都不赚。”聂天暗自腹诽。 He copes with Frost, releases Life Imprisonment, but also has burnt three drops of life blood essence. 他对付弗罗斯特,释放出生命禁锢,还燃烧了三滴生命精血 Two Evil Dark Race 8-Step soldiers, a flesh and blood essence refines, after making three drops of new blood essence conclude, some unnecessary flesh and blood essence, by Life Bloodline are nibbled. 两个邪冥族八阶战士,一身血肉精气提炼出来,令三滴新的精血缔结之后,多余的部分血肉精气,被生命血脉蚕食。 However, to that said that Life Bloodline is dormant once more transformation, there is a long vitality gap. 然而,离那道生命血脉再次蛰伏蜕变,还是有漫长的气血缺口。 That 9-Step Great Lord, skeleton seized the chance to carry off by Evil Dark Race, was too regrettable.” “那位九阶大君,尸骨被邪冥族趁机带走,太遗憾了。” Dies in his hands, besides two Evil Dark, a 8-Step Nether Race clansman. 死在他手中的,除了两个邪冥,还有一个八阶幽族族人。 But the vitality of that Nether Race clansman, combines numerous toxin, the Nie Tian attempt is buying, discovered that wants refining its flesh and blood essence, but must withstand the corrosion of toxin, a little gain does not equal the loss. 但那幽族族人的气血,混杂着众多毒素,聂天尝试吸纳,发现要炼化其血肉精气,还要承受毒素的侵蚀,有点得不偿失。 He decided finally that the corpse of that Nether Race clansman, keeps in the hand temporarily, when meets Li Langfeng, bestows it. 他最终决定,将那位幽族族人的尸体,暂时留在手中,等遇到李琅枫时,将其赠送。 The poisonous merit of Li Langfeng practice, can from the various kinds of poison condensation strength, help his poisonous merit the entering step. 李琅枫修炼的毒功,能从各类毒素凝聚力量,帮助他毒功的进阶。 Because of four big ancient Sect, searches high and low like Li Langfeng, cultivates side door secret art, he makes Dong Li arrange Li Langfeng, left from Place of Meteor together. 只是因四大古老宗门,四处寻找如李琅枫般,修炼偏门秘诀者,他让董丽安排李琅枫,一同从陨星之地离开了。 Can start!” “可以开始了!” The Evil Dark Race withered skeleton, after gathering, numerous Spirit Jade, various Attribute spirit material, were taken by him, spreads out all over in the secret room. 邪冥族的干瘪尸骨,收取以后,众多灵玉,各类属性灵材,被他取出来,铺展在所在密室。 He attacks Spiritual Realm immediately. 他立即冲击灵境 Human Race major realm, the bad risk biggest light card, is the Domain Realm rank. 人族的各大境界,凶险最大的光卡,为域境级别。 Starts to build the territory from Void Domain, to Saint Domain, God Domain, these three steps big spanning, often follows too many unpredictable risks. 虚域开始筑域时,到圣域,还有神域,这三步的大跨越,往往伴随着太多不可预料的风险。 Carelessly, light territory avalanche, reincarnate and cultivate again. 一个不慎,轻则域崩塌,转世重修 Heavy, the soul vanishes in puff of smoke, cuts off including the hope of regeneration. 重则,灵魂都灰飞烟灭,连再生的希望都断绝。 Because of this, Void Domain late stage Hou Chulan, obviously has to advance into to the Saint Domain ability, still carefully is preparing, does not dare to break through rashly. 就是因为这样,虚域后期候初兰,明明具备跻身到圣域的能力,都还在小心准备着,不敢冒然突破。 But under Domain Realm, the broken-down wall breakthroughs of numerous small realm, the risk wants small many. 域境下面,众多小境界的破壁突破,风险要小的多。 Spiritual Realm, compared with three big Domain Realm, relatively speaking is very relaxed. 灵境,和三大域境相比,相对而言还是很轻松的。 Nie Tian stated when must attack Spiritual Realm, Hou Chulan also on own initiative inquired that needed her to give the helping hand, Nie Tian rejects very much neatly. 聂天声明要冲击灵境时,候初兰还主动询问,需不需要她过来给予一臂之力,聂天很干脆利落地拒绝了。 Nearby this region, there is Jing Feiyang, Yue Yanxi and Jiang Feng nursing, Nie Tian felt relieved very much. 这处区域附近,有景飞扬岳炎玺江枫看护,聂天很放心。 When, is combining the Spiritual Power fluctuation of flame, Wood and stars, ascends gradually from the Nie Tian site, these know the person who Nie Tian sound, understands he started to break through. 待到一股股,混杂着火焰草木星辰灵力波动,从聂天所在地渐渐升腾出来,那些知道聂天动静的人,都明白他已经开始突破了。 The Nie Tian's broken boundary, has not affected to Spirit Martial Hall, Hou Chulan and He Lianxiong person, but also is investigating thoroughly these elders. 聂天的破境,对灵武殿没有影响,候初兰赫连雄的人,还在彻查那些长老。 After several days dates, the Nie Tian's breakthrough is still continuing, Ruan Qingliu and Shen Jing turn over to disappointedly. 数日后,聂天的突破还在继续,阮青柳沈靖失望而归。 Spirit Martial Hall Vice Palace Master, is missing in light of this, does not know that flees to where Star Territory, a trail has not stayed behind. 灵武殿副殿主,就此失踪,不知道潜逃到何处星域,一点踪迹都没留下。 Other people, the Spirit Martial Hall major Void Domain elders, ancestor three generations of secrets, gave to search, did not have the accident to discover. 其余人,将灵武殿各大虚域长老,祖宗三代的秘密,都给搜查了一番,并没有意外发现。 Hou Chulan thus believes firmly that fleeing Vice Palace Master, is Heavens Primordial Star Territory another, with Evil Dark Race colluding. 候初兰从而确信,潜逃的副殿主,就是乾元星域另一个,和邪冥族勾结者。 That side Through Heaven Pavilion, because of the heavy losses of He Lianxiong, has arranged God Domain, steps into Heavens Primordial Star Territory. 通天阁那边,因赫连雄的重创,安排了一位神域者,踏入乾元星域 That powerhouse, searched them and Evil Dark, Nether Race battle area, in starry skies, surges the sensation to exceptionally space, through the clues, confirmed that Domain's Gate explodes extinguishes in this. 那位强者,搜查了他们和邪冥幽族的交战区,于一片星空中,感知到异常空间波荡,通过蛛丝马迹,确认有一个域界之门爆灭于此。 This news, making the people understand that sneaks Heavens Primordial Star Territory secretly, conspires to strike to kill Hou Chulan Evil Dark, Nether Race that following catches up with Poison Quencher Lamson, left, destroys including Domain's Gate. 这个消息,让众人明白偷偷潜入乾元星域,密谋击杀候初兰邪冥,还有后续赶来的幽族淬毒者拉姆森,都已离开,连域界之门都摧毁。 He Lianxiong also has his person, follows that God Domain, first one step withdraws from Heavens Primordial Star Territory. 赫连雄还有他的人,跟随那位神域者,先一步从乾元星域撤走。 Originally, Hou Chulan after the Heavens Primordial Star Territory matter ended, must return to Five Elements Sect to report on accomplishments, according to the role that Nie Tian plays, Hou Chulan must give Broken Star Ancient Temple certain amount Spirit Jade, as reward. 本来,候初兰乾元星域的事情结束后,也要回五行宗交差,根据聂天起到的作用,候初兰要给碎星古殿一定数额的灵玉,做为酬劳。 Broken Star Ancient Temple, after gathering the reward, will be the Nie Tian computation meritorious service value. 碎星古殿,收取酬劳以后,会为聂天计算功勋值。 Because Nie Tian is still breaking through Spiritual Realm, Hou Chulan makes other people walk first, oneself and Ruan Qingliu stay in Heavens Primordial Star Territory as before, waits for the Nie Tian success broken boundary. 聂天还在突破灵境,候初兰让其余人先走,自己和阮青柳依旧呆在乾元星域,等候聂天成功破境。 Nie Tian is very big to our help, Spirit Jade...... How many can send out to arrive at Broken Star Ancient Temple?” Ruan Qingliu inquired. 聂天对我们的帮助很大,灵玉……要送出多少到碎星古殿?”阮青柳询问。 Does not have Nie Tian to cause heavy losses to Frost, they may not only lose two Saint Domain initial stage, Hou Chulan themselves, Ruan Qingliu, will suffer the mishap. 没有聂天重创弗罗斯特,他们可不仅仅只是损失两位圣域初期者,候初兰本人,还有阮青柳,都会遭受不测。 Even, will also possibly implicate He Lianxiong, making He Lianxiong indirectly be killed by the Nether Race Lamson bang. 甚至,还可能会牵连到赫连雄,令赫连雄都间接被幽族拉姆森轰杀。 Evaluates the Nie Tian's merit, making Hou Chulan have, suddenly acted bashful erratically. 评测聂天的功劳,令候初兰也感到头疼,一时间拿捏不定。 „After and other Nie Tian broke through, I and he discussed that.” Hou Chulan hesitates half sound, said: Generally speaking, we give the reward of Broken Star Ancient Temple, after calculating the meritorious value, Broken Star Ancient Temple will embezzle a point. However now assumes personal command in Broken Star Ancient Temple, that Luo Wanxiang Palace Master, is not quite as if friendly to Nie Tian.” “等聂天突破后,我和他谈一谈。”候初兰沉吟半响,道:“一般来说,我们给碎星古殿的酬劳,计算出功勋值后,碎星古殿会克扣一点。不过如今在碎星古殿坐镇的,那位罗万象殿主,似乎对聂天不太友好。” Ruan Qingliu guessed approximately the meaning of Hou Chulan, you said that should to the reward of Broken Star Ancient Temple, take out part, incorporates into Nie Tian to have directly? By doing so, doesn't meet custom?” 阮青柳大致猜测出候初兰的意思,“你是说,将应该给碎星古殿的酬劳,取出一部分,直接划归聂天持有?这样做,不太合乎规矩吧?” So long as we and Nie Tian arrange for everybody to give the same story, should not have the too major problem.” Hou Chulan calm say/way. “只要我们和聂天统一口径,应该没太大问题。”候初兰淡定道。 Ruan Qingliu no longer persuaded. 阮青柳不再劝说。 Also after is the half day. 又是半日后。 Region of Nie Tian breakthrough, has the unusual aura to erupt suddenly, makes Spirit Martial Hall numerous Void Domain Person, had realized. Territory that Spirit Martial Hall is, is named as Spirit Martial Domain, numerous numerous and diverse strengths that at this moment, the Foreign Domain pollution cannot withstand, several were being towed, after world's wall succinct, the seepage enters. 聂天突破的区域,忽有异常气息爆发,令灵武殿众多虚域者,都有所察觉。灵武殿所在的域,被命名为灵武域,此刻,外域浑浊不堪的众多繁杂力量,有几股似被牵引着,经过界壁的洗练,渗透而入。 The strength that seeps, resembles by Nie Tian is attracted, is elegant toward the Nie Tian position. 渗透进来的力量,似被聂天吸引着,朝着聂天位置飘逸。 This strength from Foreign Domain starry sky, only has Domain Realm, can induce 12. 这种来自外域星空的力量,只有域境者,才能感应12。 Wei Baitao, found Hou Chulan hurriedly, startled sound track: Nie Tian breaks through Spiritual Realm, as if initiates the Foreign Domain three strengths, pours into Spirit Martial Domain!” 卫柏涛急匆匆地,找到候初兰,惊声道:“聂天突破灵境,似乎引发外域的三股力量,注入灵武域!” Hou Chulan stands up, flies to Nie Tian in the practice place. 候初兰站起,飞逝向聂天所在修炼地。 The secluded manor, is situated Spirit Martial Hall nearby deep valley, in mouth, Jing Feiyang, Yue Yanxi and Jiang Feng three people , the long body stands, by the astonished vision, looks up to the sky. 僻静庄园,坐落着灵武殿附近的幽谷,就在谷口,景飞扬岳炎玺江枫三人,也长身而立,以惊异的目光,仰望天空。 The curtain of night like the water, three is flooding flame, Wood and stars aura, under their souls see clearly, clearly discernible. 夜幕如水,三股充斥着火焰草木星辰的气息,在他们的灵魂洞察下,清晰可见。 „Did you also feel?” Jing Feiyang is looking at Hou Chulan, Ruan Qingliu and Wei Baitao, frowns, „the Spiritual Realm breakthrough, only needed to rely on Spirit Jade, different Attribute spirit material then. Only then Domain Realm, builds the territory to be successful, when or enters step Saint Domain and God Domain, can initiate the starry sky outside domain craftily changes.” “你们也感觉到了吧?”景飞扬望着候初兰阮青柳卫柏涛,皱着眉头,“灵境者突破,本来只需要依赖灵玉,不同属性灵材即可。只有域境者,筑域成功,或进阶圣域神域时,才能引发域界之外的星空诡变。” Was attracted to come, clearly is the strength of Foreign Domain, this is very rare.” “受吸引而来的,分明是外域之力,这很罕见。” The Hou Chulan beautiful pupil is glittering unusual gloss, said in a soft voice: Was attracted three strengths hence, came from in Nie Tian dantian Spirit Sea, three types of wondrous items. That three wondrous items, bunch of red-orange Fire Sprout, you once had also seen, can refining embezzle including Nether Race Domain Eroding Flame.” 候初兰美眸闪烁着异样光泽,轻声说:“被吸引至此的三种力量,源自于聂天丹田灵海中,三样奇物。那三种奇物,有一簇橘红色火苗,你们也曾见过,连幽族蚀域焰火都能炼化吞没。” Another type, is Holy Spirit Tree. The third type, I have not guessed that wrong words, is Nine Stars Flower.” “另外一种,则是圣灵树。第三种,我没猜错的话,为九星花。” Holy Spirit Tree is Heaven level spirit material, Fire Sprout equal unclear, but can embezzle Domain Eroding Flame, perhaps is also Heaven level leaves. As for Nine Stars Flower, was weak planned on the contrary slightly, but Nine Stars Flower on the energy, bought in Stars Energy from Foreign Domain.” 圣灵树天养级灵材,火苗的等价不详,但能吞没蚀域焰火,恐怕也是天养级别。至于九星花,反倒是稍稍弱了一筹,不过九星花本来就能,从外域吸纳星辰之力。” His three Spiritual Dan, warm and nourish wondrous items, in breaking through Spiritual Realm, Spiritual Dan buys in numerous strengths, after having nourished that three wondrous items, its most mystical side stimulating.” “他的三枚灵丹,都温养奇物,在突破灵境,灵丹吸纳众多力量,滋养了那三件奇物后,将其最神秘的一面给激发了。” Jing Feiyang gave her such a saying, slightly obviously shocked, „the unusuality of his dantian Spirit Sea, can you completely understand completely?” 景飞扬给她这么一说,略显震惊,“他丹田灵海的异常,你能全部看透?” Cannot, I be able to completely understand that only then that Holy Spirit Tree.” Hou Chulan shook the head, that Fire Sprout, Nine Stars Flower, is I guesses. But I believe that my guess, should not have what error. Spiritual Realm breaks through, can tow the strength of Foreign Domain, integrates oneself, this fellow really the darling who cared for by Heaven.” “不能,我能看透的,只有那一株圣灵树。”候初兰摇了摇头,“那火苗,还有九星花,都是我猜测的。但我相信我的猜测,应该没有什么误差。灵境突破,就能牵引外域之力,融入自身,这家伙果真是受上苍眷顾的宠儿。” Goddess, won't his breakthrough, affect the Spirit Martial Hall terrain structure?” Wei Baitao said restlessly. 神女,他的突破,不会影响灵武殿的地形结构吧?”卫柏涛不安地说。 Relax, even if a little affects, will not be the misdemeanor.” Hou Chulan shot a look at his one eyes, said faintly: You do not use anxious, trivial Spirit Martial Domain, then explodes because of Nie Tian vanishes broken, is not anything. By Nie Tian's status, by my inside story, but can also 't repay your Spirit Martial Domain?” “放心吧,即便是有点影响,也不会是坏事。”候初兰瞥了他一眼,淡漠地说:“你不用紧张,区区灵武域,便是因聂天爆碎消失,也不算什么。以聂天的身份地位,以我的底蕴,还赔不起你一个灵武域?” This, I am not this meaning.” Wei Baitao awkward say/way. “这,我不是这个意思。”卫柏涛尴尬道。 ...... ……
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