KOG :: Volume #6

#955: Tie Lingyun

People astonished looks to Zhao Feng. 众人惊异的看向赵峰 „Do you have the means to drive out mysterious Soul Strength in his Soul?” “你有办法驱除他灵魂中的神秘灵魂之力?” The Zhou Su'er vision flashes through doubts. 周素儿目光闪过一丝疑惑。 In Immortal Medicine Pavilion, the Zhao Feng mysterious detoxication method, she cannot think through now. 仙药阁中,赵峰神秘的去毒方法,她如今都想不通。 Moreover the Zhao Feng's Soul attainments, are indeed extraordinary. 而且赵峰的灵魂造诣,的确非凡。 Old Ying reveals an appearance looking pensive. 鹰老露出一副若有所思的样子。 In Black Wind Valley subterranean, in his Soulnine color unusual brightness , is Zhao Feng drives out. 黑风谷地底,他灵魂中的‘九彩宝光,,也是赵峰驱除的。 But the Jing Kai situation is different, Zhou Su'er spent five days of time, his Soul gas drive of baleful yin eliminates, obviously Jing Kai Soulpoison, deep. 荆凯的情况不一样,周素儿花了五天时间,才将他灵魂中的阴煞之气驱除,可见荆凯灵魂‘中毒,有多深。 Zhao Feng's drives out the method, obviously needs the curer to coordinate, cannot have the slight resistance thought. 赵峰的驱除方法,明显需要治疗者配合,不能有丝毫反抗念头。 Present Jing Kai, already gets suspicious to everyone, how possibly to let Zhao Feng's Soul Will, invades his Soul deep place. 如今的荆凯,已经对所有人起了疑心,怎么可能让赵峰的灵魂意志,侵入他的灵魂深处。 While convenient, I can also change his disposition “顺便,我也能改变他的心性” Zhao Feng supplemented one again. 赵峰再次补充了一句。 Actually, this is the Zhao Feng original meaning. 其实,这才是赵峰原本的意思。 The people listened, inspires, having the deep doubts to look to Zhao Feng. 众人听了,顿吸了一口气,带着深深的疑惑看向赵峰 „The skill of your also humanizing person?” “你还有教化人的本事?” Zhou Su'er opens the mouth. 周素儿开口。 Jing Kai disposition already twists this, means that Zhou Su'er can think, also only then lets some of his enters into the Buddhism Sect, follows some Buddha to say the Buddhist priest, can change slowly. 荆凯的心性已经扭曲这样,周素儿能想到的办法,也只有让他进入一些佛教宗派,跟随一些佛道僧人,才能慢慢改变过来。 Ninth Prince and Old Ying are also very surprised, Zhao Feng absolutely is not the heart mercy good person, they cannot imagine Zhao Feng to Jing Kai, teaches the life philosophy the appearance. 九皇子鹰老也十分惊疑,赵峰绝对不是什么心慈悲善之人,他们想象不出赵峰荆凯,讲授人生哲理的样子。 You do not have the means in any case, I can guarantee, making him be the team members time, does one's best “反正你们也毫无办法,我能保证,让他还是团队成员的时候,尽心尽力” Zhao Feng white people a glance. 赵峰白了众人一眼 Regarding Jing Kai strength, Zhao Feng does not approve, but indeed such as Old Ying said that the Ninth Prince team, cannot again few people. 对于荆凯实力,赵峰不认同,但的确如鹰老所说,九皇子的团队,不能再少人了。 That gives Zhao Feng “那就交给赵峰吧” Old Ying agreed directly, they currently indeed do not have other means. 鹰老直接同意,他们目前也的确没有其它办法。 Although he has the doubts, but has an inexplicable self-confidence to Zhao Feng. 他虽有疑惑,但对赵峰有一种莫名的自信。 Moreover those words that Zhao Feng spoke a moment ago, he also almost thinks, Zhao Feng will use what means that but this is also indifferent. 而且赵峰刚才说的那句话,他也差不多想到,赵峰会用什么办法,不过这也无所谓。 Jing Kai that is resting in one side, detected that several other people of complexion some are not right, are suspicious. 正在一旁休憩的荆凯,发觉其余几人面色有些不对,心生狐疑。 Suddenly 忽然 Zhao Feng sets out to walk toward him. 赵峰起身向他走来。 „Can you in what?” “你要于什么?” Jing Kai complexion is flurried. 荆凯面色慌乱。 Zhao Feng in strength and method that Black Wind Valley subterranean shows, Jing Kai has a vivid memory, fears. 赵峰黑风谷地底展现出的实力与手段,荆凯记忆犹新,还是十分惧怕的。 The Zhao Feng left hand wields, receives Bewildering Space Realm Jing Kai directly. 赵峰左手一挥,直接将荆凯收入迷空界 In Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng is this place Ruler, the Bewildering Space Realm small world regular strength, fetters Jing Kai completely. 迷空界中,赵峰就是此地的主宰,迷空界世界的规则之力,将荆凯完全束缚。 Zhao Feng moves toward Jing Kai, strong Soul Will, oppresses to go certainly again. 赵峰走向荆凯,一股绝强的灵魂意志,再次压迫而去。 Jing Kai body and Soul, were all suppressed infinitely, True Origin and Soul Will is unable to revolve. 荆凯身躯灵魂,皆受到无穷的压制,真元灵魂意志无法运转。 Dark Heart Seal 冥心印 In Zhao Feng's bloodlines left eye, outlined actual situation uncertain purple gold lightning seal, followed a fluctuation of faint trace Thunder Calamity Qi breath, the little brand mark was deep in Jing Kai Soul 赵峰的血脉左瞳中,勾勒出一个虚实不定的紫金电印,伴随一丝丝雷劫气息的波动,一点点烙印在荆凯灵魂 Although Jing Kai has Invincible Great Emperor strength, but Soul Will, is his weak area. 荆凯虽然拥有大帝无敌者实力,但灵魂意志,是他的短板。 Is equal to Saint Lord Soul Will by Zhao Feng now, under very relaxed ironing Dark Heart Seal. 赵峰如今等同于圣主灵魂意志,非常轻松的烙下冥心印 After some time . 一段时间后。 Master, your painstaking efforts, I understand, please treat for me 主人,你的良苦用心,我明白,请为我治疗吧” Jing Kai partly kneels in front of Zhao Feng. 荆凯半跪在赵峰面前。 After Jing Kai was planted Dark Heart Seal, although this body and mind nature will not improve, but regarding the Zhao Feng's words, actually believes in firmly, will not have any thought. 荆凯被种下冥心印后,虽然本身心性不会有所改善,但对于赵峰的话语,却是深信不疑,不会有任何念头。 If the ability of Zhao Feng humanizing person, perhaps soon, can teach a conduct top-quality person Jing Kai. 若是赵峰有教化人的能力,也许用不了多久,能将荆凯教成一名品行优良的人。 But Zhao Feng not that free time. 赵峰没有那闲工夫。 I first drive out mysterious Soul Strength in your Soul, do not revolt “我先将你灵魂中的神秘灵魂之力驱除,不要反抗” Head that Zhao Feng builds in Jing Kai, all-knowing Soul Will, bursts out from the Zhao Feng soul body. 赵峰一手搭在荆凯的头上,一股通天彻地灵魂意志,从赵峰魂体中迸发而出。 Yes, Zhao Feng “是,赵峰 Jing Kai relaxes the mind, the touching type that whatever handles, ‚ Master, will change toZhao Feng simultaneously . 荆凯放松心神,一副任凭处置的摸样,同时将‘主人,改成‘赵峰,。 After all Zhao Feng as team one, lets a member, called him for Master, this many will make other members have the fear to Zhao Feng. 毕竟赵峰身为团队一员,让其中一名成员,称呼他为主人,这多少会让其它成员对赵峰产生恐惧。 Through the arm, Zhao Feng's Soul Will, is carrying powerful Soul Strength, slowly permeates Jing Kai Soul. 通过手臂,赵峰的灵魂意志,携带着强大的灵魂之力,慢慢渗入荆凯灵魂 Because ofThunder Soul Body, the reason, Zhao Feng's Soul Strength, supplements Thunder Calamity Strength automatically. 因为‘雷魂体,的缘故,赵峰的灵魂之力,自动附带雷劫之力 Meanwhile, in addition Zhao Feng God Eye understands clearly auxiliary, he can see clearly the evil Soul Strength of ambush clearly in Jing Kai Soul, and very careful drives out it 同时,加上赵峰神灵眼的洞悉辅助,他能清楚洞察潜伏在荆凯灵魂中的邪恶灵魂之力,并且非常小心的将其驱除 But Jing Kai by this strength, deep of too invasion, Zhao Feng, was still spent a lot of time even. 荆凯被这股力量,入侵的太深,就算是赵峰,也花了不少时间。 Naturally, all these, in the journey rests conducts. 当然,这一切,都是在路途休息时进行。 After all Crown Prince Trial 1-Step Stage, soon finished. 毕竟太子试炼的第一阶段,就快要结束了。 The people must rush to the Imperial Family Tomb center as soon as possible. 众人必须尽快赶往皇族陵墓中心。 But these days, Zhao Feng has not made Jing Kai make an appearance, lets him wholly-absorbed cultivate in Bewildering Space Realm. 而这段时间,赵峰没让荆凯露面,让他在迷空界内专心修炼 After Black Wind Valley one line, Jing Kai Soul Will, obtains the precise increase of certain extent. 经过黑风谷一行,荆凯灵魂意志,得到一定程度的凝炼提升。 But strength of Zhao Feng to Jing Kai, is still unsatisfied. 赵峰荆凯实力,依旧不满意。 As the fight member, Ninth Prince differs greatly with other teams, at least, does not have including Saint Lord Battle Strength. 作为战斗成员,九皇子与其他队伍相差巨大,最起码的,连一位圣主战力都没有。 The after treatment of Jing Kai ended . 荆凯的治疗结束后。 Zhao Feng also had the time to consolidate own strength. 赵峰也有了时间来巩固自己的实力 After enters into the Crown Prince Trial, experiences the every large or small fight, Zhao Feng did not have the time sensibility summary. 进入太子试炼后,经历大大小小的战斗,赵峰一直没有时间感悟总结。 The fight experience of older generation, is very rich practical, for example Saint Lord Hundred Refining near Battle Skill is skillful, absolutely is the Cao Family special unique skill. 老一辈的战斗经验,还是非常丰富实用的,就例如百炼圣主的近战技巧,绝对是曹家独门绝技。 Meanwhile, Zhao Feng also once for a while enters into the Immemorial dreamland. 同时,赵峰还时不时的进入太古梦境。 Zhao Feng discovered, he in the adaptive faculty of Immemorial dreamland, has been further promoted. 赵峰发现,他在太古梦境的适应力,得到进一步提升。 Some, walked Zhao Feng on the 1st in Immemorial forest, enslaved flight Demon Spirit again. 某一日,行走在太古森林中的赵峰,再次奴役了一只飞行妖灵 A Great Emperor level aura black eagle, falls on Zhao Feng 一只大帝气息的黑色雄鹰,落在赵峰头上 Leaves Immemorial Dreamland, returns to Imperial Family Tomb, Zhao Feng stands in a cliff peak, black eagle, flight clearance in the air. 离开梦境太古,回到皇族陵墓中,赵峰站在一处山崖顶端,将黑色老鹰,放飞空中。 Fifth “第五只了” Zhao Feng has the happy expression, in a soft voice whispering. 赵峰带着笑意,轻声呢喃 Under cliff. 悬崖底下。 Everyone enters into the cultivate condition, they can feel, in Crown Prince Trial, own small and weak. 所有人都进入修炼状态,他们都能感觉到,太子试炼中,自身的弱小。 Now, can only make the best use of all spare hours. 如今,只能抓紧一切空余时间。 And Ninth Prince, is especially assiduous, in addition his talent is extremely good, the progress is rapid. 其中九皇子,尤为刻苦,加上他本身天赋极佳,进步迅速。 The following date and time, the people except for hurrying along and resting, only have another matter , helping the Zhao Feng tame the heart beast. 接下来的时日,众人除了赶路与休息,就只剩下另外一件事情,帮助赵峰驯肝兽。 Zhao Feng, previous time our tame the heart dan the wing pack of wolves and night pack of wolves, your in the hand, the beast group of agile attack nature, already is enough now 赵峰,上一次我们驯肝卩了翅翼狼群与夜狼群,如今你手中,敏捷攻击性的兽群,已经足够” The Old Ying analysis said. 鹰老分析说道。 Before tame the heart beast, Old Ying tames | the beast skill to Zhao Feng's twice, had the thorough understanding. 通过前两次驯肝兽,鹰老赵峰的驯丨兽本事,有了彻底的认识。 He can only say, various Zhao Feng aspects arrive powerful impeccablly, simply non- human. 他只能说,赵峰各方面强大到无可挑剔,简直非人类。 A person almost can undertake in the team many responsibility, even, Old Ying this position, Zhao Feng can substitute. 一个人几乎能承担队伍里多种职责,甚至,鹰老这个位置,赵峰都能替代。 At the indication crisis, sees clearly analysis weakness, he feels ashamed of one's inferiority. 在预示危机,洞察分析弱点方面,他都自愧不如。 Then, we need strength nature monster group “接下来,我们需要力量性妖群” The Old Ying vision is sparkling. 鹰老目光烁烁。 Knew after Zhao Feng's tames | the beast ability, Old Ying change strategy. 得知赵峰的驯丨兽能力之后,鹰老改变战略。 This Crown Prince Trial, the Zhao Feng's beast group, is a giant key point. 此次太子试炼,赵峰的兽群,将是其中一个巨大的关键点。 Old Ying extremely attaches great importance to it, does not hesitate to spend lots of time and personnel, consolidated Zhao Feng's beast group. 鹰老对其极为重视,不惜花费大量时间与人员,巩固赵峰的兽群。 strength?” 力量型?” Zhao Feng thinks arrived own Ice Crystal Great Bear. 赵峰到了自己的冰晶巨熊 But obviously, what Old Ying need is the massive strength beast groups. 但显然,鹰老需要的是大量力量型兽群。 Zhao Feng has not really thought that Crown Prince Trial so will be complex. 赵峰还真没想过,一个太子试炼会这么复杂。 It seems like Beast Taming Master position, is not relaxed. 看来驯丨兽师的位置,也不轻松。 Was here “就是这里了” The people stop in veneer forest Cantian, the dimmly-lighted forest. 众人停顿在一片木林参天、光线昏暗的森林中。 Primitive wild aura, along with bloody aura, raids instantaneously. 原始狂野的气息,伴随着一股血腥气息,瞬间袭来。 Bang Occasionally bang, neighed to spread along with the wild animal. 偶尔一声轰隆,伴随着野兽嘶叫传出。 The people feel this place the uncommonness. 众人感受到此地的不凡。 Our already arrives at the Imperial Family Tomb middle region, here is a Demon Beast concentration area, is gathering various powerful monster groups “我们已经来到皇族陵墓中部区域,这里是一处妖兽集结地,其中聚集着各类强大的妖群” Old Ying introduced for the people. 鹰老为众人介绍。 Side Zhao Feng, phantom rocks, a Daoist shadow appears, is Jing Kai 赵峰身旁,虚影晃动,一道人影出现,正是荆凯 Jing Kai?” 荆凯?” People vision hesitantly, sizes up Jing Kai carefully. 众人目光迟疑,仔细打量荆凯 At this time, they from Jing Kai body, cannot feel that evil looking strength, obviously successfully drove out by Zhao Feng. 此时,他们从荆凯身上,感受不到那股邪异力量,显然是被赵峰成功驱除。 Un, I continuously cultivate in Zhao Feng's small world “嗯,我一直在赵峰的世界修炼 Jing Kai facing the people, does not have the big feeling, but defers to the Zhao Feng's request as before, exchanges with the team members. 荆凯面对众人,没有多大感觉,但依旧按照赵峰的要求,与团队成员交流。 Zhao Feng puts him, for team security. 赵峰将他放出来,也是为了团队安全。 Afterward, one line of five people, thorough forest center. 随后,一行五人,深入森林中心。 The dense forest deep place, under towering ancient tree, there is a jet black lonesome and quiet tree cave. 茂林深处,一棵参天古木下方,有一漆黑幽静的树洞。 But in tree cave, is actually another heaven and earth, just like brand-new world. 而树洞中,却是另一番天地,宛如一个全新的世界 Yellow sand desert, everywhere dust storm runs amuck, desert Center, there is a giant sand and crushed stone old castle, broad primitive. 黄沙戈壁,漫天沙暴横行,戈壁中心,有一座巨型的砂石古堡,恢宏原始。 Shi Yulei, hands over the Inheritance resources and Dragon Destiny Qi, I then put you to walk 石羽雷,交出传承资源与龙运之气,我便放你们走” A red hair man of whole body golds iron oxide red flame, Battle Strength, the hand grasps the long spear/gun proudly, the imposing manner is cold. 一名全身铁红炎的红发男子,傲然战力,手握长枪,气势凛凛。 Side red hair man, three members. 红发男子身旁,还有三名成员。 But in front of the people, is stone wall that a yellow sand forms, above also has tally seal formation. 而众人面前,是一层黄沙形成的石壁,其上还有符印阵法 Bang A red hair men's scarlet long spear/gun sweeps, one group of flame great light run out directly, just like a blood red flame dragon, carries burning hot aura that overbearing is rupturing, the direct bang goes 红发男子一杆赤红长枪扫出,一团火焰巨光直接冲出,犹如一头血红炎龙,携带着一股霸道爆裂的炎热气息,直接轰去 Bang On stone wall, a yellow sand fluctuates, like ripples dispersing, the blood red flame dragon of this rupturing, integrates the dead center, sends out several blasting open dull thumping sounds. 石壁上,一阵黄沙波动,如同水纹散开般,这条爆裂的血红炎龙,融入正中心,发出几声炸裂闷响。 Afterward, the stone wall returns to the original condition. 随后,石墙又恢复原状。 Useless, Tie Lingyun, Shi Family Bloodline Power, the protection of this place Inheritance, we suddenly, cannot attack in addition “没用的,铁凌云,石家血脉之力,加上此地传承的守护,我们一时间,攻不进去” A red hair old man, stands in the one side, other two in its behind, a clever appearance. 一名红发老者,站在一旁,另外两人在其身后,一副乖巧模样。 This formation defense, is quite abstruse, Worthy/Deserve to be called is Shen Jizi “这阵法防御,也极为深奥,不愧神机子 Red hair old man behind, formation Grandmaster, the vision is sparking, Tie Lingyun each attack, will receive on the stone wall, weakening of mysterious formation. 红发老者身后,一名阵法宗师,目光闪亮,铁凌云的每一次攻击,都会受到石墙上,一层神秘阵法的削弱。 Yellow sand stone wall. 黄沙石墙内部。 Shi Yulei double is grasping a shading yellow great shield, above carves a dark yellow big dragon to carve the mark. 石羽雷双手持着一面暗黄巨盾,其上刻着一条暗黄色的巨龙雕纹。 But this great shield, in the center of entire stone wall, is unable to move. 而这面巨盾,处于整座石墙的中心,无法移动。 Good domineering attack, Worthy/Deserve to be called is peerless Chosen of Tie Family younger generation, so terrifying Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.” “好强势的攻击,不愧铁家年轻一代的绝世天骄,如此恐怖血魔阳血脉。” Shi Yulei grunt. 石羽雷闷哼一声。 If not for in his hand this Inheritance Holy Item, can borrow some strength in small world Inheritance, their squad, how possibly has strength, refuses to compromise with the Fourth Prince squad. 若不是他手中这件传承圣器,能够借用小世界传承中的部分力量,他们小队,怎么可能有实力,与四皇子小队僵持。 Shen Jizi Senior, was inferior that we use dragon jade, formation leave consider as finished 神机子前辈,不如我们使用龙玉,中的阵法离开算了” Nearby Su Qingling, some complexion pale, are seriously injured obviously. 一旁的苏清灵,面色有些苍白,显然身受重伤。 Does not use, some already people saved us “不用了,已经有人来救我们了” Sits cross-legged in really a center pale old man, opens profoundly such as the eye pupil of starry night suddenly, as if contain endless philosophy. I752( 盘坐在真中央的一名苍白老者,陡然睁开深邃如星夜的眼眸,仿佛蕴含无尽哲理。I752( …… ……
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