KOG :: Volume #4

#534: Returns to purple Saint (Last Part)

After a Space confused feeling, the Zhao Feng body sinks, comes to odors the swampy ground. 一阵空间错乱的感觉后,赵峰身体一沉,现身一片恶臭的沼泽地。 Right, is here.” “没错,就是这里。” That aura of Zhao Feng to Purple Saint Ruins, has the profound impression, after all in the past stayed here of several months. 赵峰紫圣遗迹的那股气息,有着深刻的印象,毕竟当年在这里呆了数月之久。 This piece of ruins Space, even the ordinary region, the heaven and earth Origin Energy environment, compared with Canopy Great Country, wants superior ten times 这片遗迹空间,即便是普通区域,天地元气环境,比天蓬大国,要优越十倍 By Zhao Feng's Spiritual Realm, among the thoughts, all around pure vigorous heaven and earth Origin Energy, to rush forth comes. 赵峰的精神境界,意念之间,四周纯净浑厚的天地元气,奔涌而来。 Here cultivate, must be easier than Green Flower Territory. 在这里修炼,比青华域要容易多了。 However. 然而。 Zhao Feng did not have gain a firm foothold, feels powerful aura, since under transmits, the ground is vibrating faintly 赵峰还没站稳脚步,就感觉一股强大气息,从下方传来,地面在隐隐抖动 pū pū 唔噗噗 Below odor swamp, stretches out thickly such as the black tentacle of bucket, braves the billowing green smoke, invisible poison spoiled aura, strangles the ordinary life sufficiently instantaneously. 下方恶臭沼泽中,伸出一条条粗如水桶的黑色触手,冒着滚滚的绿烟,无形的毒腐气息,足以瞬间扼杀普通的生灵。 …… place to leaves behind together the lightning arc remnant wind, the violent forces of several black tentacles brushed, threw spatial. 原地留下一道电弧残风,几条黑色触手的猛力抽打,扑了一个空。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 Zhao Feng comes to in the air dozens zhang (3.33 m) away, narrows the eye to look downward, sees only in that odor swamp, partly reveals a whole body brown black giant moor mud water monster, its volume is the surrounding area half li (0.5 km) fully, may be called the huge monster. 赵峰现身几十丈外的空中,眯眼往下一看,只见那恶臭沼泽中,半露出一个全身褐黑的巨大沼泥水怪,其体积足有方圆半里,堪称庞然巨物。 Was careful that is the Half-Step Origin Core Realm levelBlack Pond Water Monster,” “小心那是半步丹元境层次的‘黑沼水怪,” A gentle delightful sound, worries anxiously, resounds in the Zhao Feng mind. 一个轻柔悦耳的声音,略带忧急,在赵峰脑海响起。 Black Pond Water Monster? 黑沼水怪 Zhao Feng not flurried, to resounding of that sound, not surprised. 赵峰没有慌乱,对那声音的响起,也并未惊讶。 Buzz Zhao Feng's body surface, exudes faint trace sparkling stone blue mild water gloss, plays the function of an isolation and filtration. 赵峰的体表,泛起一丝丝莹蓝温润的水泽,起到一层隔离、过滤的作用。 That Black Pond Water Monster huge aura, even creates a light pressure on Zhao Feng. 黑沼水怪的庞大气息,甚至给赵峰带来一丝淡淡的压力。 Billowing green smoke of especially its sending out, that poison spoiled aura, to the lethality of life, even not under Zhao Feng's Dark Silver Poisonous Corpse. 特别是其散发的滚滚绿烟,那股毒腐气息,对生灵的杀伤力,甚至不下于赵峰的暗银毒尸 Brother Zhao Feng you best leave the Black Pond Water Monster territory as soon as possible. This water monster build is huge, can send out the fatal methane, generally True Lord stains, possibly changes to the bloody water instantaneously. The Battle Strength and vitality, close to Towering Tree Demon.” 赵峰哥你最好尽快离开黑沼水怪的领地。此水怪体型庞大,能散发致命的沼气,一般真主沾上一些,可能瞬间化作血水。其战力和生命力,接近参天树妖。” The Zhao Yufei sound resounds, is somewhat urgent. 赵雨菲的声音响起,有些紧迫。 In this Purple Saint Ruins, has many powerful Demon Beast, as well as Demon Beast community. 紫圣遗迹里,存有诸多强大的妖兽,以及妖兽群落。 In the past Zhao Feng enters into the time, that is cautious, cautious, as if investigated by God Eye, searched little. 当年赵峰进入的时候,那可是小心翼翼,如履薄冰,以神灵眼仿佛探查,一点点探进。 Even to today's Zhao Feng, in Purple Saint Ruins, still somewhat existed powerful, has very big threat to him 即便对今日的赵峰来说,紫圣遗迹里,仍有些强大存在,对他有很大威胁 Because, in ruins Space the strongest lifeform, compares existence of Venerable. 因为,遗迹空间里最强的生物,是比拟尊者的存在。 At present this only Black Pond Water Monster, its strength, although has not achieved the Venerable rank, but places in Purple Saint Space , is close to Towering Tree Demon Peak Level existing. 眼下这只黑沼水怪,其实力虽未达到尊者级别,但放在紫圣空间里,也是接近参天树妖顶级存在。 pū pū-- 咻噗噗噗—— In swamp huge dark brown water monster, wields the tentacle, strafes like the excrement black green light group, even from the sky will explode. 沼泽中庞大黑褐色的水怪,挥动触手,扫射出一道道如同粪便般的黑绿光团,甚至会在空中爆炸。 Bang rumbling 砰轰轰 Each black green light group explodes, will sweep across the surrounding area 20-30 zhang (3.33 m), ordinary True Spirit Realm in area Territory within , basically is moistening must die. 每一道黑绿光团爆炸,会席卷方圆20-30丈,普通真灵境在区域内,基本是沾之必死。 But a that Black Pond Water Monster sending out black green light group, has several hundred fully, lethality terrifying is astonishing. 而那黑沼水怪一次发出的黑绿光团,足有数百道,杀伤力恐怖惊人。 My goodness, is so unfriendly.” “好家伙,这么不友善。” Zhao Feng has a scare, whole body Lightning Glow Wind Billows splits, is separated from these regions fast. 赵峰吓了一跳,全身电光风澜一绽,飞快脱离这些区域。 But still dozens black green light groups, exploded near Zhao Feng, the powerful poison spoiled methane sweeps across shakes to strike void, has been able to extinguish kills most True Lord Level. 但仍然有几十道黑绿光团,在赵峰附近爆炸,强大的毒腐沼气席卷撼击虚空,已能灭杀大部分的真主级 bo Zhao Feng body surface lingers blue ripples wave, that strength cushion absorption. 赵峰体表萦绕一层蓝色涟漪水波,将那股力量缓冲吸收。 In sky. 天空中。 Zhao Feng is separated from the Black Pond Water Monster region temporarily, but does not have immediately to leave. 赵峰暂时脱离黑沼水怪的区域,但没有立即离开。 Zhao Feng I urged you to leave, thatBlack Pond Water Monster, not totally cannot leave the ground. Moreover nearby this also several Demon Beast communities, even there is Venerable level Demon Beast of deep sleep.” 赵峰我劝你还是离开好,那‘黑沼水怪,并非完全不能离开地面。而且这附近还有几个妖兽群落,甚至有一只沉睡的尊者妖兽。” The Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit tall and pleasing to the eye form, appears in the Zhao Feng mind. 紫圣残灵美轮美奂的身影,在赵峰脑海浮现。 About the Purple Saint Ruins map, Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit already passed to Zhao Feng. 关于紫圣遗迹的地图,紫圣残灵已经传给了赵峰 So long as careful, enough Zhao Feng survives in Space safely. 只要小心点,足够赵峰空间里安然生存。 „The Master this Black Pond Water Monster material quality, is suitable to refine Ghost Corpse, its within the body mucus, refines corpse toxin Treasure.” 主人黑沼水怪的材质,非常适合炼制鬼尸,其体内粘液,是炼制尸毒珍品。” The Skeleton Hall Master sound, conveys from Ten Thousand Ghost Bead. 骷髅堂主的声音,从万鬼珠中传来。 Well Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit can't help unexpected, this detects, in Zhao Feng's Ten Thousand Ghost Bead, but also takes into expert. 紫圣残灵不由意外,这才察觉到,赵峰的万鬼珠里,还带进一个强者 Is having this intent “正有此意” By Zhao Feng's God Eye, how unable to see the treasure of this water monster whole body, can provide the huge resources for hundred corpse plans. 赵峰的神灵眼,岂会看不出此水怪全身之宝,可以为“百尸计划”提供大量资源。 Wind-Thunder Thunderbolt Slash 风雷霹雳斩 Zhao Feng flies high wields, the naked eye sees only a yiershi-ten feet Wind Thunder great blade, the edge sharp light place, exudes one trivially pale Purple Extinguishing Wind Thunder, surrounds Lightning Arc Wave Blade that sharply tremble. 赵峰凌空一挥,肉眼只见一道长达一二十丈的风雷巨刃,边缘锋芒处,泛起一丝丝微淡的“紫灭风雷”,环绕一道道急颤的电弧波刃 Scoffs flip-flop 嗤噼啪 The Wind Thunder great blade delimits in the air, spark is dazzling, the thunderclap explosive, sends out destruction tyrannical aura. 风雷巨刃划空中,火星炫目,雷霆爆响,散发一股毁灭暴虐的气息 That cuts has not arrived, below Black Pond Water Monster, inexplicable trembles anxiously, subconscious dives toward the swamp. 那一斩尚未到达,下方的黑沼水怪,莫名的抖瑟不安,下意识的往沼泽中下潜。 For increase Wind-Thunder Thunderbolt Slash the might, Zhao Feng is distributed Purple Extinguishing Wind Thunder in its edge sharp light place specially, the cutting force and broken meeting strength are astonishing. 为了增幅“风雷霹雳斩”的威力,赵峰特别把“紫灭风雷”分布在其边缘锋芒处,切割力和破会力惊人。 Tittering 噗嗤 That Wind Thunder great blade chops to cut , the speed is hard quickly reaction to black moor huge monster, will cut its head strategic point directly, even cuts within the body. 风雷巨刃劈斩而下,速度快到黑沼巨怪难以反应,直接将切进其头部要害,甚至斩进体内。 In a twinkling. 霎时间。 Below swamp like earth-shaking, transmits black moor huge monster sad and shrill angry shouting. 下方沼泽如同翻天覆地般,传来黑沼巨怪凄厉愤怒的嘶吼。 Zhao Feng that cuts, not only the might is fearful, and is quite accurate, created fatal attack to black moor huge monster. 赵峰那一斩,不仅威力可怕,且极为准确,对黑沼巨怪造成了致命攻击 If trades to make general True Lord Peak, even Half-Step Origin Core Realm, will fall from the sky at the scene. 如果换做一般的真主巅峰,甚至半步丹元境,都会当场陨落。 But this black moor huge monster, is huge, the vitality is astonishing, but also in struggling of crazy obstinate life, possibly starts the recoil to Zhao Feng momentarily. 但这黑沼巨怪,体型庞大,生命力惊人,还在疯狂顽命的挣扎,随时可能对赵峰发动反冲。 Master, is best to guarantee corpse body relatively complete, the use value of such material......” 主人,最好保证尸体的相对完整,这样材料的利用价值……” Skeleton Hall Master slightly reveals the say/way of anticipation. 骷髅堂主略显期待的道。 He did not suspect, Zhao Feng has to cut to kill black moor huge monster strength. 他并不怀疑,赵峰有斩杀黑沼巨怪实力 Un and ensure corpse body is complete.” “嗯,保证尸体完整。” Zhao Feng nodded slightly. 赵峰微微点头 Such remarks, Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit and Zhao Yufei of another end, somewhat are surprised. 此言一出,另外一端的紫圣残灵赵雨菲,都有些惊讶。 Then two -and-a-half years many, less than three years, Zhao Feng has what kind of progress, sounds completely not black moor huge monster of this Half-Step Origin Core level, pays attention. 这才两年半多,不到三年的时间,赵峰到底有何等进步,听起来完全不把这半步丹元层次的黑沼巨怪,放在眼里。 Ice Soul Eye 冰魂之眸 Zhao Feng Left Eye surges huge astonishing Eye Strength, jumps projects together the magnificient transparent cold rainbow, passes through the body of black moor huge monster instantaneously. 赵峰左眸涌起庞大惊人的瞳力,迸射出一道瑰丽般透明的寒虹,瞬间贯穿黑沼巨怪的躯体。 Hiss Black moor huge monster body one stiff, the Soul body as if by the condensation, the struggling effort was greatly reduced. 黑沼巨怪身体一僵,心魂身体仿佛被冷凝,挣扎力度大大降低。 A moment later. 片刻之后。 The surrounding area the swamp region within 12 li (0.5 km), the complete ice concentrates. 方圆一两里内的沼泽区域,完全冰凝化。 That black moor huge monster, whole body congeals frost, the mind consciousness falls into the thorough deep sleep, the life vigor drops to lowly, slightly cannot observe. 那黑沼巨怪,全身凝结一层冰霜,心神意识陷入彻底沉睡,生命活力降至最低,微不可察。 This condition, like the vegetable of deep deep sleep, did not have much difference from the death. 这种状态,如同深度沉睡的植物人,与死亡没有太大区别。 In the past in Purple Saint Ruins, that True Lord Level Great Accomplishment Li Hong, by Zhao Feng's Eye of Filling the Heaven, was solved in this manner. 当年在紫圣遗迹,那真主级大成李宏,就是被赵峰的弥天之眸”,以这种方式解决。 Un, the guarantee is complete, and fresh.” “嗯,保证完整,而且新鲜。” Zhao Feng ponders smiles, waves, making Skeleton Hall Master come out, dissects material corpse body together. 赵峰玩味一笑,一挥手,让骷髅堂主出来,一起解剖材料尸体 A Skeleton Hall Master face strange color, the face twitches slightly. 骷髅堂主一脸古怪之色,面庞微微抽动一下。 Under perhaps Origin Core Realm, only has Zhao Feng, has this grade of ability, freezes in the body and Soul of Half-Step Origin Core Realm Demon Beast directly. 丹元境之下,或许只有赵峰,有这等能力,直接封冻半步丹元境妖兽的身体和心魂 In another end, Zhao Yufei and Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit in Purple Saint Treasure Palace, is surprised. 身在另一端,紫圣宝殿中的赵雨菲紫圣残灵,都感到吃惊。 This Zhao Feng's growth potential, is seriously astonishing.” “这个赵峰的成长潜力,当真是惊人啊。” Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit cannot help feeling. 紫圣残灵不禁感慨 Sits in her Zhao Yufei, cultivation base also achieves True Lord great accomplishment, compared with Zhao Feng many. 坐在她身旁的赵雨菲,修为也是堪堪达到真主大成,比赵峰强不了多少。 . 要知道。 Zhao Yufei bloodlines natural talent, is extremely strong to heaven and earth Origin Energy compatible, itself stems from Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, the advantage of cultivate speed, in large-scale Foreign Territory, is topest. 赵雨菲的血脉资质,对天地元气亲和度极强,本身出自太古万族榜,修炼速度的优势,在广大域外,都是最顶尖的。 Furthermore, Zhao Yufei places Purple Saint Ruins, the cultivate environment compares Green Flower Territory, does not know stronger many times. 再者,赵雨菲身处紫圣遗迹,修炼环境比青华域,不知道要强多少倍。 Spent the small half-day time. 足足花了小半天时间。 Zhao Feng and Skeleton Hall Master, completed to the dissection of black moor huge monster. 赵峰骷髅堂主,完成了对黑沼巨怪的解剖。 During this period, some swamp region nearby Demon Beast excel at rushing, by Zhao Feng and Skeleton Hall Master relaxed solution 在此期间,沼泽区域附近一些妖兽擅闯进来,被赵峰骷髅堂主轻松解决 „Very good, this Zhao Feng not only comes, servant but who also brings a Venerable level.” “很不错,这个赵峰不仅自己进来,还带来一个尊者级的奴仆。” Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit somewhat pleasantly surprised say/way. 紫圣残灵有些惊喜的道。 At her level, the particular relationship with ruins Space, is not difficult to see relations between Zhao Feng and Skeleton Hall Master. 以她的层次,与遗迹空间的特殊关系,不难看出赵峰骷髅堂主之间的关系。 „Did Brother Zhao Feng, enslave Venerable unexpectedly?” 赵峰哥,竟然奴役了一个尊者?” Zhao Yufei small mouth stretch/open eldest child, dumbfounded. 赵雨菲小嘴张的老大,目瞪口呆。 They make Zhao Feng return to Purple Saint Ruins, mainly to take on assists to work. 她们让赵峰返回紫圣遗迹,主要是为了担当一些协助工作。 After all. 毕竟。 Zhao Yufei a large part of time, before must be used to refine the incarnation crystal key, are that ruins core. 赵雨菲很大一部分时间,都要用于炼化身前的“晶体钥匙”,也就是那遗迹的核心。 After half double-hour . 半个时辰后。 Zhao Feng high-sounding talk domineering from the sky shuttles back and forth, enters into the in the past that place mysterious canyon. 赵峰高调强势的在空中穿梭,进入当年那处“神秘峡谷”。 In this process, Zhao Feng thunderclap cuts to kill, any Demon Beast of impediment, was cut like the cucumber. 此过程中,赵峰一路雷霆斩杀,凡是阻挡的妖兽,都如同黄瓜被切斩。 Even some Demon Beast groups, if must walk the shortcut, Zhao Feng is crosses. 就算是一些妖兽群,如果要走捷径,赵峰都是横穿而过。 Powerful strange wind that the mysterious canyon lingers, to the Zhao Feng not tremendous impact. 神秘峡谷萦绕的强大怪风,对赵峰也没有多大影响。 Canyon deep place. 峡谷深处。 Zhao Feng sees arrived Towering Tree Demon. 赵峰到了参天树妖 Towering Tree Demon injury, good 7788, incomplete part, grew new branches. 参天树妖的伤势,好了七七八八,残缺的部分,也长出了新的枝于 Human, you came.” “人类,你又来了。” Towering Tree Demon feels the pleasant surprise. 参天树妖感到惊喜。 Zhao Feng falls gently to tree monster branches on easely. 赵峰悠然飘落到树妖的枝于上。 At this moment, by his strength, fights Towering Tree Demon even directly, will not dread. 此刻,以他的实力,就算是与参天树妖正面搏斗,都不会畏惧。 A moment later. 片刻之后。 Buzz Strange dream purple fog, surrounds above Towering Tree Demon, a dense purple palace, drops from the clouds. 一层奇异的梦幻紫雾,在参天树妖上方环绕,一座氤氲紫殿,从天而降。 That dense purple palace, naturally is Purple Saint Treasure Palace. 那氤氲紫殿,自然就是紫圣宝殿 Purple Saint Treasure Palace existence way, very specially, its general period, in the ruins Space deep level core, and cannot be detained in the exterior domain too for a long time. 紫圣宝殿的存在方式,很是特别,它一般时期,处于遗迹空间的深层次核心,且不能在外部区域滞留太长时间。 And. 并且。 Purple Saint Treasure Palace every arrives one time, will consume ruins Space, Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit strength. 紫圣宝殿每一次降临,都会消耗遗迹空间,紫圣残灵力量 …… Zhao Feng ripe gate old road, enters into the Purple Saint Treasure Palace. 赵峰熟门旧路,进入紫圣宝殿 Treasure Palace Third Layer, in refined palace pavilion. 宝殿三层,雅致殿阁里。 Zhao Feng sees Zhao Yufei again, as well as Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit. 赵峰再一次见到赵雨菲,以及紫圣残灵 Zhao Yufei sits cross-legged as before, before the body, is floating one profoundly infinite crystal key, the white hands wield, faint trace True Spirit Fire permeating refining up. 赵雨菲盘坐依旧,身前漂浮着一个幽深无限的“晶体钥匙”,玉手挥动间,一丝丝真灵之火渗入其中炼化。 Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit tall and pleasing to the eye, assumes one group of Void purple light shapes, floats midair. 紫圣残灵”美轮美奂,呈一团虚无紫光形态,漂浮半空 Two females look with a smile to Zhao Feng. 二女都含笑望向赵峰 Brother Zhao Feng 赵峰哥 Especially Zhao Yufei, in the eye is passing the deep thinking of fondly pleasant surprise, in the clear pupil the mist is dim, the attractive body leaps floating, throws to the Zhao Feng bosom. 尤其赵雨菲,眼中透着深深的思恋惊喜,清眸中水雾朦胧,倩躯飘然一跃间,扑到赵峰怀中。 Zhao Feng is startled slightly, besides Liu Qinxin, he first time so intimate supports with other females 赵峰微微一怔,除了柳琴歆外,他还是第一次如此亲密的与其它女子相拥 But Zhao Yufei in bosom, like the kindness of neighbor girl, making him have no repel, even there is an unexplained dim impulsion. 但怀中的赵雨菲,如同邻家女孩的亲切,让他没有任何一丝排斥,甚至有一种说不清道不明的朦胧冲动。 Two years 9 months...... I am too long have not seen Brother Zhao Feng.” “两年零九个月……我只是太久没见到赵峰哥。” In the vision of Purple Saint's Remnant Spirit faint smile, the Zhao Yufei elegant face bright red, for a long time loosens Zhao Feng. 紫圣残灵似笑非笑的目光中,赵雨菲俏脸嫣红,好久才松开赵峰 Two years 9 months? 两年零九个月? Zhao Feng can't help is startled, never expected that the time passes so flies, his already had 20 years old. 赵峰不由一怔,没想到时间过的这么快,他已经有二十岁了。
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