#457: The mechanical sound in bridge had not ended, slow Shenhang found that suddenly the space outside ship was being flaked unceasingly, massive ether flood into from the opening, filled up this originally in the wink of an eye is ‚Meader Cerda universe’ part
„Request assistance! Repeats, weare the dimensiongarrison the 17 th regimental head quarter, nowencounters the enemyphaseartilleryattack, the request assistance......”
“请求支援!重复一遍,我们是次元驻军第十七团部,现在遭到敌人相位炮袭击,请求支援……”HoldsinMeaderCerdadimensionentrancefort, the flagmanhidesin the bunker, is repeating the requesting reinforcementssignalrepeatedly.
扼守米德切尔达次元入口的要塞中,信号兵躲在掩体中,一遍又一遍地重复着求援信号。Hadto open the disturbancestandpoint, preventingotherdimensions the space and timespaceshipsto jumpintoMeaderCerdaworldfunction the starfortto face the collapse.
原本拥有张开干扰立场,防止其他次元的时空飞船跃迁入米德切尔达世界功能的星球要塞已经面临崩溃。In factoriginallysuchstarfortaltogether32, so long ashashalf to worknormally, will disturb the standpointnot to have the matter.
事实上原本这样的星球要塞一共有三十二个,其中只要有半数能够正常工作,干扰立场就不会有事。But since the warstarts, 16fortshad lost the contact. If their bigfortsalsofall to the enemy, thatdisturbancestandpointparalyzesimmediately, MeaderCerdaworldwill also turn intobaretoforeign enemynoprotection' female.
From the universe,was molded the perfectspheroid the bigfortactuallyjust liketo be nippedseveralapplesto be the same artificiallyat this moment, the surfacebecomesuneven.
从宇宙里看,原本被人工塑造成完美球体的大要塞此刻却宛如被咬了好几口的苹果一样,表面变得凹凸不平。Thisis the masterpiece of phaseartillery.
这是相位炮的杰作。Compared withtraditionalbombing, phaseartillery, so long ascanobtain the accuratecoordinates, the might of eachartillerycandisplay the pinnacle, would hardlyreceive the disturbance of exteriorarmor.
和传统的炮击相比,相位炮只要能够获得确切的坐标,每一炮的威力都能够发挥到极致,几乎不会受到外部装甲的干扰。Althoughcannot comparerevelationthattype of principleweapon, but the phaseartillery can also similarlyin the weapon of the world flankattack, althougheachroundwill have the delay, so long asseveralspaceship that carried the phaseartillerylaunches the coverage-typeattacktogether, can always harvest the suitablevictory.
If notthisfortafterbeing attackedimmediatelyjudges the weapon of enemy, andstartedshortaway the jumpcircumvention, perhapshad been hittattered and torn.
如果不是这座要塞在被攻击后立刻判断出了敌人的武器,并开始短距跃迁规避的话,恐怕早就被打得千疮百孔了。Even so, the presentsituation is still the overwhelmingdisadvantage.
The flagmanunceasingrequesting reinforcementsdoes not have anyuse, in the dimensioncontactchannelfloodswhen the fleetwas destroyed, desperatepitiful yell that the signals operatorsare on the verge of death.
信号兵不断的求援根本没有任何用处,次元联络频道里充斥的只有己方舰队被摧毁时,通讯兵们濒死的绝望惨叫。Whenexplodes happened againwhenthismustinsert, the light in fortwent outall of a sudden.
当爆炸再一次发生在这座要塞上时,要塞中的灯光一下子熄灭了。Althoughlaterbecauseput through the emergency power supply, making the emergencylightopen, inanotherfortrestored the light, but the flagmanknows,all were too late.
虽然随后就因为接通了备用电源,使得应急灯光打开,另要塞内恢复了光明,但信号兵知道,一切都太晚了。Thatstrucka moment agois very likelyhit the energyfurnace of fort, causing the Lordenergyfurnaceto discarddirectly, evenhas possibly initiated the second explosions the starfortsomeblew offin the universetogether.
刚才那一击很有可能是击中了要塞的能源炉,导致主能源炉直接报废,甚至可能已经引发了二次爆炸将星球要塞的某一块炸飞到了宇宙里。Butthisis not the key point.
The enemieswill not let offabsolutelydisturbedthatflash that the standpointexpiresa moment ago.
敌人绝对不会放过刚才干扰立场失效的那一瞬间。Heraised the head, sawin the past the jet blackpiece of universeby the specially-madeglass louver of signal cabin.
他抬起头,透过信号室的特制玻璃天窗看到了往常漆黑一片的宇宙。Inthis momentthatdimstarterritory, presentedmanygoldenripples.
The space and timebattleshipone after anotherintrudedthisuniversefromtheseripples.
The portablesending a letterinstallment in flagmanhandfallson the ground, is goodbecause of the defensethingdependable quality of MeaderCerda, even ifwere fallen, the indicating lamp of thatsmallthingflicksas before, means that itis still workingfaithfully, butitsmaster does not seem to noticedthis pointcompletely, butis muttering: „Allended.”
……„ThatisUk-051 " seastar " ......”
“那是Uk-051的「海星球」……”ThathoodfromethermissiontoslowShenhangand his party was explaining the outcome that theyfacewhatmonsteris.
来自以太教团的那位兜帽正在向徐慎行一行人解释他们所面对的究竟是什么样的怪物。„Itsinformationdistortion is not actually huge, is only a normalcosmozan. But the issueis, itcandisregard the mass energyconservation, withoutfeed conducts the unlimitedfission. Evennow, actuallywehave not been ableto knowfrontthatthingare the split bodyor the parent body.”
“它本身的信息畸变其实并不算巨大,只是一个正常的宇宙生物而已。但问题就是,它能够无视质能守恒,在没有进食的情况下进行无限度的分裂。即便是现在,我们也已经无法知晓面前的那个东西究竟是分裂体还是母体了。”„Copes withthistype of thingI is not an expert.”
徐慎行喃喃说道。„What to do should that?”Lukessomewhatis vacant.
“那该怎么办?”路克斯不由有些茫然。„In brieffirstdisregards, at presenthurries to the star is quite at first goodas soon as possible......, so long ascanendthisrebellion, coming backto solvethesebigsunstars is not lateagainslowly.”Lowlandalso can only back off.
“总之先无视掉吧,目前还是尽快赶去最初之星比较好……只要能够结束掉这场叛乱,回过头来再慢慢解决这些大海星也不迟。”罗兰德也只能退而求其次。However without them startedto move, thatstarfishwas closetowardhere.
但是没等他们开始移动,那只海星就朝着这边接近了过来。„Is itwantsto prey onus?”
A goatbeardold manbrowwrinkle, askedto the hood.
山羊胡子老头眉头一皱,向兜帽问道。„, Ourexperimentshave not achievedthisfellowprobably, almost came from regarding the understanding of itscharacteristics that seventhrecord.”
The hoodreplied: „Thereforeitsfeeding habits, Iam not how clear.”
兜帽回答道:“所以它的食性如何,我也不清楚。”„Keeps offin front ofususes the ship-bornelordto bombard! The proper businessis important!”
罗兰德果断下令。„Veryregrettablethisis......, only if the annihilationattack that cannot achieve, onceotherwiseis brokenitsbang, regardless ofbecomeshow muchresidualsbroken, the opposite partyrebirthwill have the residual the quantity......”
The hood of ethermissioncontinuesto say.
以太教团的兜帽继续说道。„After cannotavoidit , conducts the jump?”hearsword, Lowlandwas irritable: „Wemaynot haveso manytimeto accompanythisstarfishto playto play hide-and-seek.”
“不能避开它之后进行跃迁吗?”闻言,罗兰德急躁了起来:“我们可没有那么多时间陪这个海星玩捉迷藏。”„Even the informationdistortionquantity of opposite partyis not big, butafter all is still the individual of informationdistortion, regardinginformation technologyforlordholds the serviceship influence quite big, wantsto dodgeopposite party'sinformationinfluencecompletely, needs the ship-bornecontrol centralandrevises the jumpdata over tenminutesto the surroundinginformationerror correction.”
“就算对方的信息畸变量不大,但毕竟也是信息畸变的个体,对于信息科技为主的执务船影响相当大,想要完全规避对方的信息影响,需要舰载主脑对周围的信息纠错并修正跃迁数据十分钟以上。”Shakes the headregarding the beardold man of thisaspectcomparisonunderstanding.
对于这方面比较了解的山羊胡老头摇了摇头。Thinksperhapsthesesunstarshave proliferated the entireMeaderCerdauniverse, they is a paradeare big.
一想到这些海星说不定已经遍布了整个米德切尔达宇宙,他们就是一阵头大。As the matter stands, MeaderCerdastrongestinformation technology was almost totally blocked, space and timeadministrative bureausurplusthesedo not have the seatholds the serviceofficersnot to have the meansto jumpat will, inshorttimeevenspace and timemanagementbureauin the galaxycannot fly.
这样一来,米德切尔达最强的信息科技几乎被彻底封锁住了,时空管理局剩余那些没有席位的执务官们也没办法随意跃迁,短时间内连时空管理局所在的星系都飞不出去。„A while, Ionlysaidoneselfdo not excel at the thing that copes withtheseto regenerateunceasingly, had not saiddoesn't have the meansto cope withthem?”
“等会儿,我只说自己不擅长对付这些不断再生的东西,可没说没办法对付它们啊?”At this time, slowShenhangactuallymade noiseto saysuddenly.
这个时候,徐慎行却突然出声说道。„Real? WhatmeansMr.slow do youhave?”
路克斯不由兴高采烈地问道。„Jasmine, went on stagetoyou.”
“茉莉,到你上场了。”„Gives the nest.”
The jasminepatted the smoothchestunemotionally' section.
茉莉面无表情地拍了拍自己平坦的胸`部。Likesuch that slowShenhang said that fellow who coped withthisinfinitefissionregeneration, slowShenhangwas possible, only thenallcauses and effectsis cancellingitwith the Saintswordfinallythoroughly, but the jasminewas simpler- shecanmassacrethesethingone breathcompleteincantationsdirectly!
就像徐慎行所说的那样,对付这种无限分裂再生的家伙,徐慎行可能只有用终焉圣剑将其连带着所有因果彻底抹去,但茉莉就简单许多-她能直接把这些东西一口气全部咒杀掉!While the jasminepreparationsaidanythingtime, the mutationlivessuddenly.
正当茉莉准备说些什么的时候,异变突生。In the bridgesuddenly resounded the gratingalarm sound, simultaneously the bright redtell-tale lightalsooneandshone.
" Warning, examines the universeinformationlarge-scalechange. The warning, examines the principleinformationlarge-scaledeletion. The warning, thisshipis in the extremelydangeroussituation, suggested that uses the dimensionto jump. "
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