Withsuch that Lukes said that afternavigating less than onehour, hisheld the serviceshipto make contact with a space and timeadministrative bureauroute.
就和路克斯说的那样,在航行了不到一个小时之后,他的执务船就搭上了一条时空管理局航线。Looksfrom the bridge, feelsplaces oneselfin the timetunnel that duoin the Adream the time machineshuttles back and forthprobably is the same, is very marvelous.
从舰桥上望出去,给人的感觉就好像是置身于哆啦A梦中时光机穿梭的时间隧道一样,十分奇妙。According toLukessaid, the so-calledrouteis notonEarth the shipsor the route of aircraft navigation, butis close todeep seaocean currentsuch, oncewill enterby the taking awaydestinationworld, by the space and timeadministrative bureauwith the specialpath that the man-madeartificialetherclass/flowwill construct.
根据路克斯所说,所谓的航线并不是地球上船只或飞机航行的路线,而是更接近于深海洋流那样,一旦进入就会被带去目的地世界,由时空管理局用人造的拟似以太流构筑出来的特殊道路。Constructs the original intentions of theseroutesare onlyin order tolet the secondkind of the world( the sovereigntyworld) the exchangebecomesquicklyandefficient- theythroughman-madeartificialetherclass/flowcarryinginformation, realizescommunications between twoworld.
建造这些航线的本意只是为了能够让第二类世界(主权世界)的交流变得更加快捷和高效-他们通过人造的拟似以太流搭载信息,实现两个世界之间的信息交流。Butafterwardtheyactuallydiscoveredthisscience and technologyregardingcansimilarlyagainto a certain extent the informationizationholds the serviceshipalsoto have the effect, therefore is just similartelephone linesuchthing, turns into the presentto hold the serviceshipspecial-purposehighway, moreoverindriving game of belt/bringejectionacceleration effect......
但后来他们却发现这项科技对于同样能够再一定程度上信息化的执务船也有效果,于是原本只不过是类似电话线那样的东西,就变成了现在执务船专用的高速公路,而且还是赛车游戏里带弹射加速效果的那种……A moment later, outside the bridgethatis suddenly palejust like the starry skymysterioussmogtunnel, laterappearsbeforeslowShenhang, is a silverbrightgiantstar.
片刻之后,舰桥外那宛若星空般神秘的烟雾隧道突然淡去,随后出现在徐慎行面前的,是一颗银光闪闪的巨大星球。Sees the slowShenhangsurprisedlook, Lukesgrins, showed a satisfiedsmile: „Welcomes to the space and timeadministrative bureau, Ithought that youwill certainly likehere.”
看到徐慎行惊讶的神色,路克斯才咧开嘴,露出了一个满足的笑容:“欢迎光临时空管理局,我觉得你一定会喜欢上这里的。”„Looks not delicious.”
After silentseveralseconds, the jasmineis staring at that star of out of the window, muttered.
The reference pointworld, or can also be calledMeaderCerdaworld.
基准点世界,或者也可以叫做米德切尔达世界。Hereis the place of origin of space and timeadministrative bureau.
这里就是时空管理局的发源地。However the universe of thisworldis small, the quantity of large-scaleheavenly body is also less than100,000unexpectedly.
不过这个世界的宇宙非常小,大型天体的数量居然还不到十万。Meadernative of Cerdaafter the entireuniverseexplores, drew a conclusion, iftheycannotrun out ofthisworld, becausefinally the energywill dry upto destroy.
古米德切尔达人在将整个宇宙都探索完毕之后,得出了一个结论,如果他们不能冲出这个世界的话,最后会因为能源枯竭而毁灭。Thereforetheyput together the research of short remaining life, finallyafteralmostexplodespotsoupthisuniverseonetime the large explosion, successfullymade a connectionwormhole that goes tootherworld.
于是它们才拼了老命的研究,最后在一次差点把这个宇宙炸成一锅汤的大爆炸后,成功打通了前往其他世界的虫洞。Buttheyhave not gone intootherworldwithsomeculturalworksinOther Worldlocustsuchdirectly, andstartsto wrest away the resourceswantonlybypowerful, butgatheredeveryone'swisdomto studythatwormhole, andgraspedfinallyultrascience and technology that passed through the world.
但它们并没有和一些文化作品中的异世界蝗虫那样直接闯入其他世界,并开始大肆霸占资源以强大自身,而是集中了所有人的智慧研究起了那个虫洞,并最终掌握了穿越世界的超科技。Untilthis time, theystartedto go tootherworld, in the attentiondid not affect the resources that in the situations of theseworldcivilization developmentcollectedto need.
After theirdevelopment an pinnacle, theyalsonoticedin the slits of innumerableworldto containwill probably be bringing the danger of destruction.
The dimensionshakes, dimensionto moveandgnaw the greatwhale of foodroot......
次元震、维度迁徙、啃食根源的巨鲸……In order todeal withthesemaydestroy a crisis of the world anytime, the space and timeadministrative bureausuchestablished.
……slowShenhanglistens to the story the same as listen toLukesto tell that probablypast of space and timeadministrative bureau, followsheto walkin the building.
徐慎行像是听故事一样听着路克斯讲述时空管理局的过去,同时也跟着他走在大楼之中。Theywere planning that through the transmissiongatestar that goes to the courtto be at-, becauseMeaderCerdauniverseis very small, on the star that thereforealmosteverycanusewas constructed the architectural complex of correspondingfunction.
他们正打算通过传送门前往审判所所在的星球-因为米德切尔达宇宙很小,所以几乎每颗能够使用的星球上都被建造了相应功能的建筑群。Thestar that theyare atnow, with the words of Earth, is only a parking lot: Through the artificialetherroutearrives atMeaderCerdaworldholds the serviceship( orotherhas the ships of shuttleability) to arrive atthisstar, then the shipsanchorafterthisinterior the hollowed outstar, the place that through the staronis found in the transmissiongate that goes tothem to go.
The modeling of transmissiongateis similar to the box-typeelevator, butlookslooks like a coffin of enlargementversion, thisalwaysmadeslowShenhangremembersomesuperrace in somenovelsubtleaesthetic......
" Hello, the dimensionholds the serviceofficer, do youwantto go towhere of star sea? "
「你好,次元执务官阁下,请问你要前往星海的何处?」Enters the coffin, canhearto have a vigorousstrongfemale voicewith the bassartilleryto be low and deep, butalso the stirringsoundaskedsufficiently.
一走进棺材,就能够听到有个浑厚浓重的女声用低音炮般低沉但又足以震撼人心的声音问道。slowShenhangtigerbodyshakes, the heartsaid the person who motherletsthisvoiceunexpectedlydubs, the indigenous peopletaste of MeaderCerdais really heavy......
徐慎行虎躯一震,心说尼玛居然让这种声线的人来配音,米德切尔达的原住民口味真重……„Goes to the court.”
" It is not in the databasewithanothertwostatus that youtravel together. "
「与您同行的另外两位的身份并不在信息库中。」„Thissuspect who isto goto stand trial.”
“这位是前去受审的嫌疑人阁下。”Althoughhas the preparation, butlistens toLukesto introduce itself, slowShenhangissomewhatuncomfortable.
虽然早就有心理准备,但听路克斯这么介绍自己,徐慎行还是有些不爽。„Thisis......”Lukesis planningthento introduce the jasmine.
“这位是……”路克斯正打算接着介绍茉莉。Finallygirloneselfsaidseriously: „Nestis the trial lawyer of landlord, said.”
" Confirmed "
「确认完毕」ThereforeslowShenhangin front ofthempresented the translucentscreens of threename cardsizes.
于是徐慎行他们面前就出现了三个名片大小的半透明屏幕。InLukesthatpiecewrites ‚ holds the serviceofficer
路克斯那片上写着‘执务官Lukes, arrest raid ’.
路克斯,逮捕行动’。WhatslowShenhangis‚suspectX, standstrial’.
徐慎行的是‘嫌疑人X,接受审判’。Jasmineis‚trial lawyer, rescue mission’.
茉莉的则是‘辩护律师,救援任务’。„Thisis the statusinformation, goes to the pass of MeaderCerda.”
路克斯向徐慎行他们解释道。Surroundingsgreen lightonebright, was then dark.
紧接着,周围绿光一亮,然后又暗了下去。„Was thisthingbad?”slowShenhangaskedcuriously.
“这玩意坏了?”徐慎行好奇地问道。„No, has arrived.”
“不,已经到了。”WithLukes'sexplanation, the coffin...... Imeant that the front door of conveyersuchopenedtowering.
伴随着路克斯的解释,棺材……我是说传送器的大门就那样突兀地打开了。Outsideworldwantsattractivemanycompared with the parking lotstar, Jinse Building that althoughreaches to the skyis still close, butin the groundcansee a scrapscrap the greenbelt, looksevenalso to see a giantlakefrom afar, as well assubmerges the constructioninlakecompletely.
外面的世界比起停车场星球来要漂亮的多,虽然高耸入云的金色大厦依旧鳞次栉比,但地面上还是能够看到一小块一小块的绿化带,远远望去甚至还可以看到一个巨大的湖泊,以及完全淹没在湖泊里的建筑。Is it possible that is that the vestige of oldtime? slowShenhanginwantsto sayat heart. Unexpectedlyalsokeepsthattype of thing, it seems like that the people in MeaderCerdaalsoveryhave the romanticistmood......
那莫非是旧时代的遗迹吗?徐慎行在心里想道。居然还留着那种东西,看来米德切尔达的人也挺有浪漫主义情怀的……„The intelligentlifeform of someworldaquatic, will therefore go tothatplaceto stand the trial.”LukessawslowShenhangvisionto fallinthatgreat lake, thensolvedto saytoslowShenhang: „The beforehandwordsactuallydo not havethisfacility, thataquatic organismbasicallythinks to advancewith the fish bowl......, butafterward the secondkind of the world that in the courtgoes( sovereigntyworld) the residentafterwas treatedlike thisstaged the protest, the suitcourtdiscriminationaquaticcivilization, thereforedugKou Lakeafterwardspecially, constructedthatthing......”
“……”Alsocomesacclaiming of my flash!
把我那一瞬间的赞叹还来!Because the function of thisstaris the court of similarcourt, therefore the personhereis not the staff, isto stand the trial the personorhisrelative.
因为这颗星球的职能就是类似法院的审判所,因此在这里的人不是工作人员,就是要接受审判的人或其亲属。Thisgets downmakesslowShenhangbroaden the outlookactually, here many is longgrotesque, is the Other Worldpersonratheris more like the alien...... evenslowShenhangvertically and horizontally/able to move unhinderedtens of thousands of the world, stillwithoutseeingso manystrange people- does not knowwhyhe went to Other World, the intelligentlifeformis the human formis in the majority, overwhelming majorityevenandhumanhas no difference.
( 2 / 2 )
……Monthly ticket1984
The dogyounger sister'smousepadpreviewcharthas completed, later the material objectcantake the prizeto jointo draw......
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