Because ofbystander, thereforeslowShenhangalsosaidambiguously.
因为还有外人在,所以徐慎行也只是含糊其辞地说了一下。In fact, losing the soulsicknessisslowShenhanghas bumped intofewquitethornyillnessinOther World.
The body of patientcanlosetoagglutination of soul, causing the soulto rush to the strangeplaceincautiously, butwithout the body of soulis only a empty shell, putswords that Earthcame, was regarded the vegetable is also verynormal......
患者的身体会失去对灵魂的粘合度,导致一不小心灵魂就跑到了奇奇怪怪的地方,而没了灵魂的身体就只是一具空壳,放到地球来的话,被当成植物人也是很正常的……Let aloneisslowShenhang of magic artsidiot, related tosoultype of thing, even if is skilled inthisGreat Sage in aspect unable to find way out, does not have anyclue.
The patient who onlylivesbecause the soulis separatedwas seenbyslowShenhang, onewas graspedbyhim, forced in the opposite partybody.
唯一一个活过来的患者还是因为灵魂脱离的时候被徐慎行看到,被他一把抓了回来,重新塞进了对方身体里。Mustsay that loses the differences of soulsicknesspatientandvegetable, thatis the formeris only the pureempty shell, but the latterwithin the bodyhas the soul, although the souls of mostvegetables are quite for various reasons weakand that's the end.
要说失魂症患者和植物人的不同之处,那就是前者只是单纯的空壳,而后者体内还是有灵魂在的,虽然大部分植物人的魂魄因为各种原因都比较虚弱就是了。Wentto see a younger sister of thatdead, slowShenhangalsorepeatedlyconfirmed the information of jasmine.
The younger sister of deadtrulyis not the ordinaryvegetable, butisoneloses the soulsicknesspatient. Moreover a nearbyplaceties upspiritdoes not have, let alonewas the girljustleft the soul of body, even ifslowShenhanghad a mind to come back to lifeonetime( physics) unable to achieveagain......
死者的妹妹确实不是平常的植物人,而是一个失魂症患者。而且附近连个地缚灵都没有,别说是女孩刚刚离开身体的灵魂了,就算是徐慎行有心想要再次一次还魂(物理)也做不到……„If,thisgirl were also the victim of deathgame, thenwehave possibly arrived at the erroneous zone......”
“如果说,这个女孩也是死亡游戏的受害者,那么可能我们一直都走到误区了……”Afterdeterminingall these, slowShenhangcorrectedownexpression, saidto others: „Because the frontvictimhad died, naturally, wethink that the souls of thesedeadreturned to the root......, butis in fact not true. Perhapsthisgame...... it of thiscursedo not kill people, butwantsto captureby the soul of selection! The deaddo not have the soul, thereforeIcannotthink ofthis pointfrom the beginning.”
在确定了这一切后,徐慎行才端正了自己的表情,向其他人说道:“因为前面的受害者都已经死去了,理所当然的,我们就以为那些死者的灵魂都回到了根源……但实际上并非如此。恐怕这个游戏……这个诅咒的本身并不是要杀人,而是想要夺取被选中者的灵魂!死者没有灵魂,因此我才没能在一开始想到这一点。”„Soulanything...... alwaysthought that the matterwas getting more and more exaggerating.”
“灵魂什么的……总觉得事情越来越夸张了啊。”Cannotbe familiar in the worldas before the leveldarkness, thereforeclear/painNuanxiashowed a facial expression of threeviewcollapses.
依旧没能够习惯世界里层的黑暗,因此楚暖夏露出了一副三观崩坏的神情。„If possible, investigatedhereon the line.”similarZhengyiopens the mouthsuddenly, saidtoclear/painNuanxia: „As the thousand gold (daughter) of Managerclear/pain, Icanunderstand that youwere full of the mood of duty, the words that butcontinuesperhaps, will cause the damagetoyou, thismattergivesourSirs. Thismatterhad nothing to dowithyou, therefore should not be involved in the strangematter is quite good.”
“如果可以的话,调查到这里就行了。”肖正义突然开口,向楚暖夏说道:“作为楚所长的千金,我能够理解你充满了义务的心情,但继续下去的话,说不定会对你造成伤害,这种事就交给我们大人吧。这件事原本就和你无关,不要因此而被卷入奇怪的事里比较好。”„, Althoughsaysnowsomewhatembarrassed, what is very regrettable, Ihad been involved.”
The girlis smiling bitterly the reply: „Iam not the sense of responsibilityspeciallystrongthatperson, reason thatwill put one's heart and soulto investigate, what is onlyI.”
“你自己?”similarZhengyias ifsmiledanything, showed the unbelievableexpression.
肖正义似乎笑到了什么,露出了难以置信的表情。„BecauseIhave also played the deathgame.”
The girlreplied.
女孩回答道。Listened toher saying that the oldtaoist priestactuallycould not repress, askedto the young girl: „Is it possible that are youalso the person in blackpigeonpledge?”
听她这么说,老道士却按捺不住了,向少女问道:“莫非你也是黑鸽盟里的人?”„Right, Iam【Holds the dogdog of nuclear bomb】, Youwill ask that thisissue, did showyoualso?”
The girlwas also excited.
女孩也兴奋了起来。„Is equally same, Iam【Not deadのpittree】!” The old manwas also excited: „Never expected thatourtrade unionalsoreallyhasto sprout/moe the younger sister!”
“一样一样,我是【不死の坑树】啊!”老头也激动了起来:“没想到我们工会还真有萌妹子啊!”Jasminesilentlooks atall these, then the cattoslowShenhangside, entrainedhisbottom of pants leg.
茉莉沉默的看着这一切,然后猫到徐慎行身边,拽了拽他的裤脚。„Landlord, the nestwas hungry.”
“房东,窝饿了。”ThereforeunderslowShentradeondecisiondecision- firstfinished eating the foodto sayotheragain.
……Finished eating the food, onegroup of peoplecontinuedto discuss that actuallyhowcancompletelysolve the curseproblem of deathgame.
吃完饭,一群人就继续讨论起了究竟怎么样才能彻底解决死亡游戏的诅咒问题。„Said how thatgameis? Canplaytome?”
徐慎行向楚暖夏问道。„, AlthoughItrulythinking of the USB of gamebrought, butthisinsidegameIcould not have opened.”
“呃,虽然我确实是把装着游戏的U盘带过来了,但是这里面的游戏我已经打不开了。”clear/painNuanxiatried to find outfromoneselfsmallbackpack, put out the association presidentto sendto her USBgivesslowShenhang.
楚暖夏从自己的小背包里摸索了一下,拿出了会长寄给她的那个U盘递给徐慎行。ThereforeslowShenhangand her party of thenstartedto move the pasttowardnearbynet.
于是徐慎行一行人便开始朝着附近的网咖移动了过去。AfterslowShenhangopens the game, the pictureno longerwas the deathtime keeping of thatlimitlessjet blackanddisastrous defeat.
当徐慎行打开游戏之后,画面不再是那副漫无边际的漆黑和惨败的死亡时间记录。Butplaysto be the same with the girl for the first time, presented the truegamepicture.
而是和女孩第一次玩一样,出现了真正的游戏画面。Stopsin the initialcontact surface of game, slowShenhangsharply a gamehas not been starting, buthas turned head to looksimilarZhengyi who cell phoneasked: „How do youlook?”
停在游戏的初始界面,徐慎行并没有急着点游戏开始,而是扭过头向正在看手机的肖正义问道:“你看怎么样?”„Right,”similarZhengyicontrastedpicture on picture and cell phone on the computerscreen, the nodsaid: „Thisisgamedemo that femaleuniversity student of accidental deathmade.”
“没错了,”肖正义对比了一下电脑屏幕上的画面和自己手机上的画面,不由点头说道:“这个就是意外死亡的那个女大学生做出来的游戏demo。”Althoughhad guessed, butslowShenhangshowed‚reallyso’self-satisfiedfacial expression.
虽然早就有所猜测,不过徐慎行还是露出了‘果然如此’的得意神情。Evenashim of magic artsidiot, can still see that in the startpicture of gamehas hadmanyblackmagics the traces, for examplemagicandpixel on leadseveralstrangesunspotsbackgroundchart and title of seeminglyapproximateincantation...... is not right, is the blackmagic, in factis more like the witchcraft.
即便是作为法术白痴的他,也能够看出游戏的开始画面中就已经存在着不少黑魔法的痕迹,譬如背景图上的魔法阵、像素主角身上几个诡异的黑点以及看起来近似咒文的标题……不对,与其说是黑魔法,实际上更像是巫术。HoweverslowShenhangdoes not know that the witchcraft of thisworldiswhatappearance, thereforedoes not have the meansto speak irresponsiblyand that's the end. „In other words, was the secretevil behind-the-scenes manipulatorthathad died the femaleuniversity student?”similarZhengyiheard that the word the tonguesighed: „Really isinconceivable......”
不过徐慎行并不知道这个世界的巫术是什么样子的,所以也没办法乱说就是了。“也就是说,幕后黑手就是那个早就死去了女大学生吗?”肖正义闻言不由啧舌感叹:“真是不可思议……”„Havinganythingis inconceivable, the effect of curseisto win the soul, isthatfemaleuniversity studentbecomessomespecialdead spiritprobably, needsto swallow the soul to fortunately survivereluctantly.”Oldtaoist priestsneersactually: „Butwas also mediocre, in the final analysis is also onlyby the fellow who the soulcontinues the life.”
“有什么不可思议的,诅咒的效果是夺走灵魂,大概是那个女大学生成为了某种特殊亡灵,需要吞噬灵魂才能勉强幸存。”老道士倒是一声冷笑:“但也不过如此了,说到底还只是个靠生魂续命的家伙罢了。”Although the strengthis very weak, but the story of oldtaoist priestis not bad, so long asdo not surpass the outline, almostmostissuescanbe explainedhishere, canbe a starbeautifulAdream of deterioratedversionreluctantly: „Once the soultakes in too much, because the soulis doping the memory and sentimentcause trouble, causing the brainconfusion unable to distinguish, finallybecomes a monster.”
The dead spiritalsohas the brain.
亡灵还有大脑么。slowShenhang at heartunstated criticism.
徐慎行在心里腹诽。„Saidso many, how should weface the curse?”
“说了那么多,我们又该怎么面对诅咒呢?”clear/painNuanxiaalso asked that she was truly worriedevidently.
楚暖夏又问道,看样子她确实还是挺担心的。„Ifintwopeoplecurse, frontthathad not been killedeasilyaccidentally/surprisingly, thatafterattemptedto be inadequatefor successive several times, the cursehas persisted inkilling the firstperson, will jump over the firstpersonsimply, looks the secondperson?”
“如果有两个人中了诅咒,其中前面那个没那么容易被意外杀死,那么在连续几次尝试不成后,诅咒是会一直坚持杀第一个人,还是会干脆跳过第一个人,去找第二个人?”slowShenhangopens the mouthto ask.
The oldtaoist priestandclear/painNuanxialook at each other in blank dismay, thisissuetheyhave not thoughtactually.
老道士和楚暖夏面面相觑,这个问题他们倒是没想过。„Has triedto killfirstprobably?”
After long time, clear/painNuanxiatries the guessto say.
半晌后,楚暖夏试着猜测道。„Ithought that perhapswill jump over, is not right, shouldsay that the old manhopesitcanjump over......”
The old manalsosaidworn out: „Buthad just attacked the old manobviouslytwice, butalsodid not have the soundto the present, making the old manbe hardto feel at ease.”
老头也有气无力地说道:“但刚刚明明袭击过了老夫两次,但到现在却又没动静了,让老夫难以心安啊。”„In briefgave a tryon the line.”
“总之试试看就行了。”Therefore the slowShenhangverysimpleplaceheld the game, abovebraved a villain, the gameto startlike this.
于是徐慎行很干脆地点开了游戏,上面冒出来一个小人,游戏就这样开始了。Butoldslowanythinghas not actually done, the direct controlownroleis jumping in the stochastic mappingedgeriver that the gameproducedto commit suicide......
但老徐却啥都没做,直接操纵着自己的角色跳进了游戏生成的随机地图边缘处的河里自尽了……Afterward the gamepicturegraduallyvanishes, oneline of whitecharactersappearedon the screen.
随后游戏画面逐渐消失,一行白色的字出现在了屏幕上。Deathtime: 1 minute 32 seconds
死亡时间:1分32秒„Are youdoing?”
“你这是在干嘛?”clear/painNuanxiahad a scareby the action of hisbigstrip.
楚暖夏被他大条的举动吓了一跳。„Experimenthas a look at the performance of curse.”Casts a sidelong glanceto entangleinoneselfblackmist, slowShenhangis calm and composed even in press of workdraws out the USB: „ThisthingIfirsthelpedyoupreservefor the time being.”
“试验看看诅咒的性能啊。”瞟了一眼缠在自己身上的黑色雾气,徐慎行好整以暇地拔出U盘:“这东西我就姑且先帮你保存了。”Goes the matter that mustdoto be simple.
接下去要做的事就简单了。slowShenhang and old manunder the surveillance of people, are testing the effect of curseinpersonquitefewplaces.
The quickconclusioncame out.
很快结论就出来了。Withsimilar that slowShenhangguessed, thiscurseafter allwas the resentfulspiritcurse, some itselfwisdom, thereforeafterattackedfor successive two timesslowShenhanghitto explode, italsoas ifsomewhatstopsordreadsslowShenhang.
和徐慎行猜测的类似,这种诅咒毕竟是怨灵型的诅咒,本身就有一些智慧,因此在连续两次袭击都被徐慎行打爆之后,它也似乎有些消停或者说忌惮徐慎行了。ThereforealthoughslowShenhangbellywalksin the smalllane, has not hadanyaccident/surprise.
因此虽然徐慎行肚子走在小巷子里,也没有发生任何意外。Actuallyoldtaoist priest, onceis away from the people are slightly far, quickwill encountersomeaccidents/surprises- for example the matchesself-ignition in roadsidetrashcan, the electric wirebreaksto brave the electric sparkto danglefrom the abovesuddenlyfiercely, as well asin the canalis losing the bearchild of firecrackersdownward......
倒是老道士,一旦和众人距离稍远,很快就会遭遇到一些意外-譬如路边垃圾箱里的火柴自燃,电线突然断裂冒着电火花从上方猛地垂下,以及正在往下水道里丢鞭炮的熊孩子……It seems likeaccording toso long asin turn the oldtaoist priesthas not died, goes the person who receives the cursenot to have the appearance of matter.
看来按照顺序只要老道士没死,接下去受到诅咒的人就不会有事的样子。In order toconfirmthis point, clear/painNuanxiaalsogot up the gameaccount numberinnetspecially, tostillremained behindseveralpeopleinassociationto inquire a situation, the resultdiscoverycurrentconditionsandtheirguessesare similar, deathtimecompared witholdtaoist priestlonguntil nowno onehad died.
为了确认这一点,楚暖夏还专程在网咖上了游戏账号,向依然留守在公会里的几人询问了一下情况,结果发现目前的状况和他们的猜测类似,死亡时间比老道士长的到现在为止都没人遇难过。Althoughfound the breachin the unexpectedplace, butthiscannotcompletelysolve the problem.
The curse of death( excludingslowShenhang) headlike the sword of Damocleshas been hanginginpeople who thesehave played the game, makingpeoplebe hardto be relieved.
死亡的诅咒一直在那些玩过游戏的人们(不包括徐慎行)头上如同达摩克里斯之剑高悬着,让人难以安心。„In any event, has been ableto calculate that nowreluctantlyweoccupiedactively.”
“不论如何,现在已经勉强可以算我们占据主动了。”slowShenhang is quite actually optimistic: The matter that „must dohastwo, firstwasto protectthisfellow( hepats the shoulder of oldtaoist priest) is not cursedkilling;Anotheris the recyclingdestroysotherUSB.”
徐慎行倒是颇为乐观:“现在要做的事有两件,第一就是保护这家伙(他拍了拍老道士的肩膀)不被诅咒给干掉;另外一个就是回收销毁其余的U盘。”At this point, helookedtosimilarZhengyi: „Does the lattergiveyourauxiliarybranch to accomplish?”
说到这里,他看向了肖正义:“后者交给你们的辅助科能办到吗?”„ThisIdrawn gamehave said that abovereplied that requiressometime, butregardingtheiroperating efficiencies, Iadmires, thereforedon't worry.”
肖正义一脸自豪地回答道。„Thatis good, as the matter standscancease the curseto continueto proliferate, latercursed the attack to spenditsstrengtheach time, cameseveraltimes, believes that itwill be weakenedto a limit, when the time comeswantedto defeatitto have no difficulty.”
“那就好,这样一来就能够杜绝诅咒继续扩散了,之后每次诅咒来袭都会花费它本身的力量,多来几次,相信它就会被削弱到一个极限,到时候想要击败它就没什么难度了。”„Has knownobviously the main body of enemy, oldslowyoucan'tmake a moveto get rid of the opposite partydirectly?”
“明明已经知道了敌人的本体,老徐你还是不能直接出手干掉对方吗?”Howlistens toslowShenhangto tell,similarZhengyisomeare not familiar withunavoidably- in the pastwords, slowShenhangarranges the tacticto be basic
听徐慎行怎么吩咐,肖正义不免有些不太习惯-往常的话,徐慎行布置战术基本Isthis: I and jasminefrom the upfrontthey, youshouted666inbehindon the line......
都是这样的:我和茉莉从正面上他们,你在后面喊666就行了……„Becausecould not find the main body of enemy, the resentfulspiritcurseattack was also too weak, in additioncurseddoes not have the entityeven moreto be therefore frail, has not waited formeto find the causes and effectslineeach timeon the dissipationsimilar.”
A slowShenhangsobbingappearance.
徐慎行一副唏嘘的模样。„The causes and effectswords, yousomerelics that do go tothatfemaleuniversity studenthometo askherto leave behindare not good? Onthattype of thingshouldhave the causes and effects of opposite party?”
“因果的话,你去那个女大学生家找她留下的一些遗物不行吗?那种东西上应该有对方的因果吧?”Althoughwas not clear that actually the causes and effectsline in slowShenhangmouthisanything, butsimilarZhengyidog-leggaveowncommentimmediately.
虽然并不清楚徐慎行口中的因果线究竟是个啥,但肖正义还是立马十分狗腿地提出了自己的意见。slowShenhanglistens, feels likea little truth.
徐慎行一听,觉得好像有点道理。Althoughmakesalwaysassassinations( physics) feeling, butin order tosolvesthismatterearlier, withsomeextremitiesis notunacceptable.
虽说这么做总有一种暗杀(物理)的感觉,不过为了能够早点解决掉这件事,用些非常手段也不是不能接受的。„Butas the matter standsI and jasminemustleavehere, youcanguarantee that these dayscanprotectthatold fogy, makinghimnot be cursedgets rid of?”
于是徐慎行向肖正义问道。RegardingslowShenhang, thiscurse is truly weak, butto people, thiscursehas the considerablefatalstrength.
After similarZhengyijoinsultramanaged, the growthis indeed quick, in additionhas the relations of supreme commandersword, the self-preservationshouldnot be a problem, butmustprotectthatoldtaoist priest, perhapssomewhatlacked the ability to do what one would like.
肖正义加入了超管办之后,成长的确很快,加上有元戎剑的关系,自保应该不成问题,可要保护好那个老道士,恐怕就有些力不从心了。„Doesn't matter, I aloneam perhaps insufficient, but can also call the reinforcement!”similarZhengyiputs out the cell phone, thendials were savingseveraltelephonesone after another......
“没关系,我一个人或许不够,但是还能叫救兵啊!”肖正义拿出手机,然后陆续拨通了里面存着的几个电话……About after a halfhour .
大约半个小时之后。DingYang who halftreadonnedinto the cultivatorthresholddetainedChenTuwa who wantedto escapeto come here.
半只脚踏入了修行者门槛的丁洋就押着想要逃跑的陈土娃来到了这里。„, Grandmasteryouunexpectedlyalsoin!”
“哦哦,大师你居然也在!”SeesslowShenhang who has not departed, DingYangis surprisedat the same time, thrust out the faceto collect, waswantsprobablygave a tryto be ablewithnovelleadfromslowShenhangthis‚grandfather’handneighborhoodto any goodthing.
看到尚未离去的徐慎行,丁洋不由大感意外的同时,又腆着脸凑了过来,大概是想要试试看能不能跟小说主角似的从徐慎行这个‘老爷爷’手里弄到点什么好东西。If heaven pities me, slowShenhangwhole bodybesides the 50 cents in pocket, has almost nothingwithnowacts......
天可怜见,现在徐慎行全身上下除了兜里的五毛钱之外,几乎没有任何拿得出手的……Therefore after hewas perfunctoryseveralambiguously, rises the jasmine, escapeddistressedly.
……According tosimilarZhengyi the address that fromassistingKuwaitattains, slowShenhangfinallycarefulwas not discoveredby the average person, whileinbuildingpeakwithrunning of spiderheroverytodestination.
The femaleuniversity studentfamily circumstances that develops the gameare poor, aftershediessuffers a disastrous decline, her mother is also Pancorrect/howeverawakens, althoughalmostcleared the family property, butalsoleavesfrom the cultsfinally, is only the present can only the humble abodein a smallroom, all day longcries. Nowprobablyis the time that the opposite partyworks, in the roomandno one.
那个开发出游戏的女大学生家境不怎么好,而且在她死后更是一落千丈,她的母亲也算是潘然醒悟,虽然几乎是散尽了家财,但也总算是从邪教中抽身而出,只是现在只能够蜗居在一间小小的屋子里,成天以泪洗面。现在大概是对方工作的时间,屋子里并没有人在。slowShenhangdecidesto submergequietly.
徐慎行决定悄悄潜入进去。Therefore his foreheadbroke open the wall, walksafter the jasmineswaggeringwent, alsomakes the little girlthrough the alchemy the wallpatch.
于是他一额头砸开了墙壁,和茉莉大摇大摆走了进去后,又让小女孩通过炼金术把墙壁修补好了。„Aiya, shouldslowone......”and other jasminesfix the wall, hepats the forehead, is somewhat annoying: „Latergoes out must poundagainonetime......”
“哎呀,应该缓一下的……”等茉莉修好墙壁,他才一拍额头,有些懊恼:“待会儿出去的时候还得再砸一次……”In any eventsubmergedfinally.
不论如何总算是潜入了进来。Can look, mother of femaleuniversity studentregardingoneselfdaughter'sdeathisverysad, in the smallroom the daily necessitiesare not many, was the relic of thatfemaleuniversity studentcrowdedhalfroomon the contrary......
看得出来,女大学生的母亲对于自己女儿的死还是很伤心的,小小的屋子里生活用品不多,反倒是那个女大学生的遗物塞满了半间屋子……WhileslowShenhangpreparesto look for anything( physics) time, heactuallydiscoveredone
正当徐慎行准备找些什么东西施法(物理)的时候,他却发现了一个Exquisitecombination locknotebook.
小巧密码锁的笔记本。Pinches the combination lockgently, slowShenhangopens the notebookto look,discoveredthisis a diary.
轻轻捏开密码锁,徐慎行打开笔记本一看,就发现这是一本日记。Afterwardhethenglanced throughitfast.
After completingall these, slowShenhanglongexhales the one breath.
做完这一切后,徐慎行才长长地呼出一口气。„Motheregg, made a mistake......”
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