#431: The words saying because in the next two days must go out, therefore one of the only then guaranteeing a minimum, if there is, after can wait for me to come back, makes up.
Althoughold man'snamereallyhasin the spiritual cultivationvery muchmodel/patternEr of person, butthiscannotwipeto disappearheas the stain of swindler.
虽然老头的名字确实很有修道中人的范儿,但这并不能抹消他作为骗子的污点。„On the other hand, cansubdueandraisesto send the words of ghost, doesn't needto play tricksto work as the godstick? What you generalresentmentspirits should alsoto have the meansto copeis right?”
“话说回来,能够收服和饲养寄物鬼的话,根本不需要装神弄鬼当个神棍吧?一般的怨灵啥的你应该也有办法对付才对啊?”slowShenhangsomewhataskedto the old manperplexed.
徐慎行有些不明所以地向老头问道。„Therefore the young people, yourunderstandingthisway of the worldaretooshallow.”
“所以说年轻人啊,你对这个世道的了解还是太浅。”FeelsslowShenhangandinsimilarZhengyinotfrom the beginningimpressionprobablysuchdifficultbeing together, therefore the old manspoketo startcasually: „, butis obsoleteIdescend the mountain the sinceritymustfor the safetysubdue demons of common peopleexcept the demon, when the goodtaoist priestto come, but the issueis, the generalresentmentcould not affect the life of person...... also to achievespirit most such asblowsto fallpaperon hand, to makeperson of a timehand that took the thingfellandlays aside the remote controlslipperyand so on matter of practical jokerank, moreovertwodays of resentfulspirithad vanished into thin air, could not wait forour generationto act. Butsomequitepowerfulevil spirit, the obsoletescholarship not fineis nottheiropponents.”„In additioncaught the ghostproperly is almost 2-3completed, a visual effectdid not have, thesepleasebe who obsolete the personcaught the ghostinsteadto think that did not have the skillto deceive peopleobsolete!” His face‚what to doIcan, Ialsoverydespair’expression: „Thisway of the worldsolicited moneyoutmoded, under the accident of sortsdiscoveredobsoletewrites the novelto comparecasuallycatches the ghostto make moneyproperly, has starved to deathobsoletein the street! Afterward, was obsoleteIto discoveraccidentallythisonlysent the ghost, thentried the clothingto get back one's composure the stick, finally after havingsent the visual effect that the ghostdisturbedto make, thatmasterreallygavewas obsoletemymanyremuneration for services rendered, thissolvedobsoleteurgent matter......”
大概是觉得徐慎行和肖正义并没有自己一开始印象中那样的难相处,因此老头说话开始随便了起来:“老朽我下山的时候可是真心要为了百姓的安危降妖除魔当个好道士来的,但问题是,一般的怨灵根本影响不了人的生活……最多也就能做到诸如吹落手边的纸张、令人拿东西的时候手滑掉落、藏起遥控器之类恶作剧级别的事,而且过两天怨灵自个儿就烟消云散了,根本等不到我辈出手。而一些比较强大的恶灵,老朽学艺不精又不是它们的对手。”“加上正经抓鬼几乎都是2-3就做好了,一点视觉效果都没有,那些请老朽来抓鬼的人反而觉得老朽没本事只是在骗人!”他一脸‘我能怎么办,我也很绝望啊’的表情:“这个世道又不兴化缘了,要不是机缘巧合之下发现老朽随便写写小说都比正经抓鬼赚钱,老朽早就饿死在街边了!只是后来,老朽我无意中发现了这只寄物鬼,便试着装了一回神棍,结果有了寄物鬼捣乱做出的视觉效果之后,那家主人果然给了老朽我不少酬金,这才解了老朽的燃眉之急……”Thereforewallowed the godstickhaving no interestsymbolstarting fromthat time.
所以从那时候开始就沉迷神棍无心码字了么。„Does your becoming monkperson, wantso manyyellowish whitethat thingsto havewhatusing?”
“你一个出家之人,要那么多黄白阿堵物有何用?”Becauseopposite partyalwaysobsoletesaying, harms the tone that slowShenhangspokeby the knight-errant who heled.
因为对方总是老朽老朽的自称,害得徐慎行说话的口吻也被他带的武侠了起来。„Immeasurabledayreveres, naturallyforkryptongold/metal!”
“无量天尊,当然是为了氪金啊!”„Where the purity of Buddhistran up towent......”
“出家人的清心寡欲跑到哪里去了……”„Itoldyou, recentlythis«CrownPositionOrdered by the emperor personally»inhad/leftmagical girlTang dynasty pilgrim monk, the old mansproutedthisspecially, butseveralgot downnot to haveonly, almostharmed the old manto believe that the profound studieschanged professionsto be the monk!”
“……”How your familyimmeasurabledayreveresnot to havefivethunderto executeto divideyou......
你家无量天尊怎么没有一个五雷正法下来劈死你……„Do youalsowrite the novel?”
肖正义则有些好奇地问道。„Right, the old manreadsnowadays the novel, is the leadinstallsto compelto hit the faceall, theseimmortal cultivationroleshave no difference from the local ruffian, thereforeis in a rageto decideoneselfwrite a book, the oathmustbecomepure running water of thismuddyworld!”
The old manpicks up the beard, repliedawe-inspiring.
老头一拈胡须,正气凛然地回答道。„Saidwhatyouwriteis the legitimateimmortal cultivationnovel?”
„ No, what the old manwritesismyth and black
“……”Yourthistherewas the pure running waterfeeds! Clearlyis the mud-rock flow!
A similarZhengyifaceultrawantsto complain, butdoes not knowappearance where spits.
肖正义一脸超想吐槽但是不知道从哪里吐起的模样。In brief the idle talkwas at this point similar.
总之闲话说到这里就差不多了。slowShenhangthinks that in the police stationhas no surplusclues, continue treatis not here useful, shouldgo tootherplacesto investigate.
徐慎行认为派出所里已经没什么剩余的线索了,继续待在这里也没有什么用,应该去其他地方调查了。„What to do does thatgoshould? Investigates the body of dead?”
“那接下去应该怎么办?去调查死者的尸体吗?”similarZhengyinaturallyalsoagreed that slowShenhangmeaning, is only at presentalmostdoes not have anycluesituation, theyalso can only the probablyheadless flysameproceed along no particular course.
肖正义自然也同意徐慎行的意思,只是在目前几乎没有任何线索的情况下,他们也只能像是无头苍蝇一样乱撞。„Does not use, the deadbodybasicallyalsohas nothingto investigate.”
“不用,死者尸体基本上也没什么好调查的。”slowShenhangshakes the head.
徐慎行摇了摇头。Heafter all is not the medical examinerand so on, medicineskillnearly without, althoughshuttled back and forthin the dayinbattlefieldsto exerciseto the resistance of corpse, butstilldoes not think that the situation of needingis getting downvisitcorpse- light/onlydepended on the aura that remainedalso to determine the type of cursein any case, thereforewithoutthatnecessity.
他毕竟不是法医之类的,医学技能近乎于无,虽然穿梭在战场间的日子早就锻炼出了对尸体的抗性,但依然不想在没必要的情况下去参观尸体-反正光靠残留下来的气息也能确定诅咒的类型了,所以没有那个必要。„In the family/home that wego to the deadinvestigates.”
“我们去死者的家里调查。”„Such being the case, thatobsoletefirstsaid goodbye......”
“既然如此,那老朽就先告辞了……”Howas ifmustbe involved inthisto seein very dangerouseventshortly, the old mangreets with a smileimmediately, wantsto sneak offsecretly.
眼看着似乎自己要被卷入这个怎么看都很危险的事件中,老头立刻陪着笑,想要偷偷溜走。After alllight/onlydepends ona wee bitresidualcurseaura to be sent the ghost who oneselfraiseto go crazyto reverse the powerfulevil spirit, howthistimeeventsaw that is notthiscrude personcanmix, this kind of timewaswisewithdrawalis quite good.
毕竟光靠一丁点残留的诅咒气息就能够让自己饲养的寄物鬼发狂反转成强大的恶灵,这次的事件怎么看都不是自己这种半吊子能够掺和的,这种时候还是明智的退出比较好。Butwas naturally blockedbyslowShenhang.
但自然还是被徐慎行拦了下来。„In, because the relations of crime of fraudwere sentencedno less than ten-year prison termor the life imprisonment, andconfiscates the entire fortuneandfollowsoneto investigateinthismatterus, the venerableyouchoseoneto be good.”
“在因为诈骗罪的关系被判十年以上有期徒刑或无期徒刑,并没收全部财产和跟我们走一趟调查这件事里,老先生你选一个好了。”slowShenhangis staring at the opposite partyfalse smile: „Ithinkin any caseyoubymoney that the godstickstatusdid makealreadyover500,000?”
徐慎行皮笑肉不笑地盯着对方:“反正我想你凭借神棍身份赚到的钱已经超过五十万了吧?”„Snort, fewyearshave also been ableto livein any caseobsolete! In order toprotectcommon peoplecommon people, abandonedthismeatstillto refuse to balkobsoleteeven!”Therefore the old personputs on a serious faceimmediately, have a strong sense of righteousnesssaid: „Brave soldieryoudo not needto take pity onobsolete! Hasanythingto tell that saidalthough!”
“哼,反正老朽也已经没几年可以活了!为了保护黎民百姓,老朽即便是舍了这身肉也在所不惜!”于是老人立刻板起脸,大义凛然地说道:“壮士你不必怜惜老朽!有什么吩咐尽管说吧!”„oldslow, I have thoughtbeforeyourfacial skinwas thick...... similarZhengyito see thatto sighenough”: „Nowlooks like, as ifyoutruly can be called the honest and dependableyoungmy dear'sname......”
“老徐啊,我以前一直以为你的脸皮够厚了……”肖正义见状不由感叹道:“现在看来,似乎你确实能够称得上诚实可靠小郎君的称呼啊……”„This did callmeto throw into the nonrecoverabletrash can?”
“这个称呼我可以丢进不可回收垃圾桶里吗?”„Mythis is praisingyou.”
“我这是在夸奖你。”„Go away!”
“滚!”In briefafter a dialogue of nonutrition, similarZhengyicarried outownresponsibility, wanted the deadfamily'skeytothatpotbelliedManagerclear/pain-, because the deaddiedin the police station, therefore the keywas also treated as the exhibitto placetemporarilyin the exhibitroom.
总之在一番没啥营养的对话之后,肖正义就履行起了自己的职责,向那个大腹便便的楚所长要了死者家里的钥匙-因为死者是死在派出所里的,所以钥匙也被当做证物暂时安放在了证物室里。Before some relatives of deadmade, actuallyalso the part of goals are to probablyreturn tothesekeys...... to compare toat present an unspecified number ofpropertyafter all, obviouslythesereal estate under deadnamemustbe more attractive.
之前死者的一些亲戚来闹,其实也有一部分的目的是为了要回这些钥匙……毕竟比起目前数额不明的财产,显然死者名下的那些房产要更加诱人。Properly speaking the police inspectorsshould notthateasily the keytosimilarZhengyi, butfirstabovehas decided that is processedthiscasebysimilarZhengyi.
按理说派出所所长也不应该那么容易就把钥匙给肖正义,但一来上头已经决定了,由肖正义来处理这个案子。Secondly during after thatfatmanager is also atbrainwashinglampeven/includingZhaotwobrainswere remnant, thereforesimilarZhengyiis very relaxedreceived the key.
二来那个胖所长也正处在被洗脑灯连照了两次之后的脑残期间,所以肖正义很轻松就拿到了钥匙。„littlesimilar...... not, Officersimilar.”
“小肖……不,肖警官。”slowShenhang and old mansuccessivelyleft the police station, similarZhengyiis also just aboutwithtime, thatfatmanagerstopped by calling outhim.
徐慎行和老头陆续离开了派出所,肖正义也正要跟上去的时候,那个胖所长却叫住了他。„What's wrong?”similarZhengyiis somewhat astonished, is it possible that has the brainremnantperiodpassed?
“怎么了吗?”肖正义不由有些讶异,莫非脑残期已经过了?Thereforehefished out the brainwashinglampagainquietly......
于是他再次悄悄摸出了洗脑灯……„Thistimecase, hopes that youcansuccessfullysolve. Haswhatneedwords, althoughinraisedtouson the line.”
“楚所长?”„After allnearbythisis we area of jurisdiction, protects the safety of people is also ourresponsibility!” The opposite partyshow a faint smile: „Haha, naturallythisis the authoritieswords, because ofmy familyin, ifcannotsolvethiscase, Imaybeing in suspensemy wife and child......, althoughis onlymyselfishness, buttheycannotprotect, I have whatqualificationsto be the police......”
“毕竟这附近都是我们所的辖区,保护人们的安全也是我们的职责!”对方微微一笑:“哈哈,当然这都是官面上的话,因为我家就在附近,如果不能解决这个案子的话,我可放心不下我的妻子和孩子……虽说只是我个人的私心,但连她们都不能保护好的话,我又有什么资格当警察呢……”„Good, Iunderstood.”
“好的,我明白了。”similarZhengyialsonods, helooks at the opposite partyearnestly, thoughtsomewhatrepulsive in appearancefattyface seemed also gentle: „Givesme!”
……„Was too slow.”
After similarZhengyigoes out, the both armshold the chest, someimpatientslowShenhanghas explodedshouts.
等肖正义出门之后,双臂抱胸,早已有些不耐烦的徐慎行爆喝道。„Okay, sorry.”
肖正义无奈地道了个歉。Healwaysthought that the jasminebewilderedlydoes not becomeinoldslowwill be more willful...... does not knowisownmisconception.
他总觉得茉莉不在身边的老徐会莫名其妙变得更加任性一些……也不知道是不是自己的错觉。Afterwardheshot a look ateyenearbyold man, askedtoslowShenhanglow voice: „Takinghimis useful? Whatdifficultto be inadequateyouto discover not rightplacefrom the dialogue?”
随后他瞥了眼一旁的老头,小声向徐慎行问道:“带上他有什么用?难不成你从刚才的对话里发现了什么不对劲的地方吗?”„No,”slowShenhangrepliedcategorically: „Thought that thisis quite fun!”
“……”Reallybecamewillfulmany. Sitsboards the police vehicle, similarZhengyiopens the guidanceto drive pasttoward the family/home of dead.
果然变得任性了好多。坐上警车,肖正义打开导航就朝着死者的家里开了过去。Satreads the material of deadinslowShenhang of copilot.
坐在副驾驶的徐慎行则重新翻看起了死者的资料。„How is thisfellow...... first half of lifelike the animationactor?”
“这家伙……怎么前半生跟个动漫男主角一样?”Helooksalsowhilemaking noisereview: „Is an orphan, the parentswas unclear, when the orphanagelivessettled on the adoptionby the presentparents.”
他一边看还一边出声点评:“原本是个孤儿,父母不详,在孤儿院生活的时候被现在的父母看中收养。”„Hisfoster parentsoncewereto very richcouple,”similarZhengyi who was familiar with the materialgoesnaturally: „Theyhave wanted a son, butactuallyonlyhad a daughter, afterwardbride's sidebecause the gynecological diseasehas toexcise the womb, without the meansregenerates a boy, thereforeadoptedoneespecially, treats as the biologicalson the same as love, the deadalsoverymade every effort to succeed, the school daysacademic recordhas been among the best, the movementlevelis also good, led the schoolbasketball teamto enter the citycompetitionround of four. Raiseswhile convenient, theirbiological daughtersare younger than the dead.”
“他的养父母曾经是对非常有钱的夫妇,”熟读资料的肖正义自然而然地接了下去:“他们一直想要个儿子,但却只生了一个女儿,后来女方就因为妇科疾病不得不切除了子宫,没办法再生一个男孩,所以才特地去领养了一个,当做亲儿子一样疼爱,死者原本也挺争气的,学生时代学习成绩一直都名列前茅,运动水平也不错,曾经带领校篮球队闯入过市大赛四强。顺带一提,他们的亲生女儿比死者年纪小一些。”„Thenhas died...... slowShenhangalsothento readto the couple”: „Cause of deathis a threeyears ago traffic accident. Hewithownyounger sisteralsoincar(riage), because in back seat, thereforereceivedsomeminor wounds. The company that butafter that the coupleorganizedwas carved upbytheirrelatives, some real estate of only thenleaving behindcannotget so far asfrom the deadhand.”
“不过那对夫妇已经死了啊……”徐慎行也接着读了下去:“死因是三年前的一场车祸。他和自己的妹妹也在车里,不过因为都是在后座,所以只是受了一些轻伤。只不过在那之后,夫妻俩创办的公司就被他们的亲戚瓜分了,只有遗留下来的一些房产没能从死者手上弄到。”„Has the younger sisterto haveroom/house the parentsdoubleperishingtop studentsetting, is really the hackneyed stuff, nowis not popularthis.”
The old manalsopoked head to join the discussionfrom the back seat, andsaid with certainty that said: „Makes the openingwiththissetting the words, the readerswill definitely think that the senselessandabandonedbook, causes the result is too badto throw the streetfinally!”
老头也从后座探出头来加入了讨论,并言之凿凿地说道:“用这个设定做开头的话,读者们肯定会觉得无趣而弃书,最后导致成绩太差而扑街的!”„His sisterafter the parentsdiehad the depression, the multiplesuicide attemptswere preventedby the dead, buttwoyears ago hasjumping from an upper storydead unable to rush a timepromptly, causingherheadto fall to the groundcaused heavy losses, becomes the vegetable, lies downby the presentin the hospital.”slowShenhangdisregardedold man'swords, continuedto read: „The deadalsobecause ofrebuking oneselfbecamegloomy, all day the dwellingat home, discontinued studiesfrom the schoolfinally.”
“不过他妹妹在父母死后就得了抑郁症,多次尝试自杀都被死者阻止了下来,但两年前有一次跳楼死者没能及时赶到,导致她头部落地受到重创,成为了植物人,到现在还躺在医院里。”徐慎行无视掉了老头的话,继续读道:“死者也因为自责而变得阴郁了起来,整天宅在家里,最后还从学校里辍学了。”„Old mantoldyou, ifthiswere the novel, thisgoodsshouldbe a leadreadyready, ifenduredthistribulation, perhapswill obtain the gold/metalfingerto cureownyounger sister, thenstepped onto the counterattackto hit the face, becamedragonAotian the path that parents'industryseized!”
The old mancontinues the spittleto scattersaid.
老头继续唾沫星子四溅地说道。„Doesn't your fellow, with the deadin the sameassociation, a wee bitnews of opposite partyknowobviouslyunexpectedly?”
“你这家伙,明明和死者在同一个公会里,居然连对方的一丁点消息都不知道吗?”similarZhengyiis driving, whileindicatedto despiseto the old man.
肖正义一边开着车,一边对老头表示鄙夷。„Nonsense, the old manis not the intimatebig sister'srole, does not touch others 'sprivacyis the conductprinciple of old man!”
The old manrepliedrighteously.
老头理直气壮地回答道。Afterwardhethinks,thensaid: „Mustmediate the association presidentrelatedwords, besidesthese that youknow, trulyalsoa little......”
随后他又想了想,然后说道:“不过要说和会长有关的话,除了你们都知道的那些外,确实还有一点……”„What?”slowShenhangis on the riseto askfrom the material.
“什么?”徐慎行从资料上抬起头来问道。„Actuallyin the association the old person from opening the clothing/takingtimejoinsshouldknow that thismatter- association presidentandin the association a femaleplayerhas had a netlove, afterward but why did not know, twopeoplebid good-bye.”
The old man who turnsfrom the memorydeep placesaidthismatterslowly: „Becausewas very longbeforehandmatter, therefore the old mancannotthinkbeforefor a while.”
将这事儿从记忆深处翻出来的老头缓缓说道:“因为是很久以前的事了,所以老夫之前一时也没能想起来。”„Do youstillrememberthismatterspecifictime?”
“你还记得这件事具体的时间吗?”Never expected thatslowShenhangstarts the old man who takesto providesuchinformationfor a whileunexpectedly, similarZhengyiaskspleasantly surprised.
It is not complexbecause of the human communication of dead, perhapstherefore the littlecluecanbecomedecisiveevidence that locks the criminal.
因为死者的人际交往并不复杂,所以说不定一点点线索都能够成为锁定犯人的决定性证据。„, It is not the twoyears ago appearances...... old manrepliesprobably”: „Becauseplayed at that timeis moving, thereforeshouldnot have the mistake.”
“唔,大概是两年前的样子吧……”老头回答道:“因为那个时候游戏里正在举行活动,所以应该不会有错。”Jumps from an upper storywith the younger sisteristime? slowShenhanginwhisperedat heartsilently.
和妹妹跳楼是一个时间吗?徐慎行在心里默默嘀咕。similarZhengyialsothinksprobablysimilarmatter, similarlysilent, seems combing the case the vein.
The family/home of deadis away from the police station is not actually far, therefore the quickthreepeoplearrived at the entrance of luxury apartment.
死者的家距离派出所其实并不算远,于是很快三人就来到了豪华公寓的门口。„Said,shouldhave the monitoringlike the luxury apartmentand so on?”
“说起来,像这样的豪华公寓应该有监控之类的吧?”slowShenhangaskedtosimilarZhengyi: „Haven't yourpolicemovedto take the monitoring?”
徐慎行向肖正义问道:“你们警方难道没有调取监控吗?”„Accent, butis useless, in the monitoring can only see that the deadsomewhatlefthereanxiously.”
“调了啊,不过没用,监控里只能看到死者有些焦急地离开了这里而已。”similarZhengyihas also watched the monitoringvideo recordingprobably, had not found the clue that deservesconsiderationininside.
肖正义大概也看过了监控录像,并没有在里面找到值得重视的线索。ThereforeinsimilarZhengyishowsafter the apartmentsecurity the police officer proved that in the opposite partystrangevision( is mainly toold man), arrives atthattwoentrances that the deadoccupiedwhile the elevator- because of the relations of apartmentstructure, only thenfollowingcanunder the elevator, butfront dooralsoonthat.
于是在肖正义向公寓保安出示了警官证之后,就在对方怪异的目光(主要是对老头的)中,乘电梯来到了死者所居住的那两层门口-因为公寓本身结构的关系,只有下面一层才能够下电梯,而大门也在那一层。With the keyopens the front doortime, similarZhengyifeltoneselfas ifheardanything.
用钥匙打开大门的时候,肖正义觉得自己似乎听到了什么。Butquitebriefarrangementfurnitureare not manyfor the place that the personhides, for the first timeas far as eyes can reach and no one'ssign.
错觉吗?Hehas turned headto look atslowShenhang, discovered that thisfellowshowed the faint smileexpression, as iffound any funmatter.
他扭过头看了眼徐慎行,发现这家伙露出了似笑非笑的表情,似乎找到了什么好玩的事。Hasthisfellowin any case, whatrelationsshouldnot have?
反正有这家伙在,应该不会有什么关系吧?Heldsuchmentality, similarZhengyiwas enteringin the room, startedto conduct the reconnaissancetoit......
作者留言:Monthly ticket1387, monthly ticketBangdroplowered...... meto think that Ialmostshouldgive up( the deadfisheye
月票1387,月票榜掉的更低了……我觉得我差不多该放弃了(死鱼眼Thereforetodayonly hasonechapter......
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Comments for Chapter #431: The words saying because in the next two days must go out, therefore one of the only then guaranteeing a minimum, if there is, after can wait for me to come back, makes up.