Reallyinthislaboratoryalsohas the electric power supply.
果然这个实验室中也有电力供应。Untilthis time, slowShenhangrealized before oneself, forgot that askedhow the electric power supply on Grandmasterislandcomes.
直到这时,徐慎行才意识到自己之前忘记问大师这个岛上的电力供应到底是怎么来的了。HoweverslowShenhangfelteven ifoneselfreally asked that opposite party'sreplymost likely (80%)do not know......
不过徐慎行觉得自己就算真的问了,对方的回答八成也是不知道吧……Justwalkedtwosteps, slowShenhangdiscoveredoneselfhad a paper.
刚刚走了两步,徐慎行就发现自己脚下有一张纸。From the beginninghethinksthatis only the uselesstest reportand so onthing, but after picking, herecognizedthisthrough the pattern of paperpageedgeisonepage in thatrecord.
" New style on April 7 , 953, the weatherwas somewhat cloudy "
" Sorossaid that thisis a fine weather, damn, Idid not think that thisweathercancalculate the fine weather. Thismostslightlyis that better than on some storm. "
" Peacefulblackbecause by her stubborn, the hatefulfatherwas confined to barracks, Iwantto adopt the beforehandmethodto look forher, butwas discoveredby the security of theirfamily/home. Thatold manridiculedruthlesslymyconsidering resources bite off more than can chew, Iwas enraged, threwtowardhim, Ifeltthat timemelike a lion! "
" Naturallyfinallywas pressedto hitbythatold man'sbehindsecurity, thisdoes not have the means that the arm of fellowis thicker than mywaist. "
" Thatdamnold manforbidsmeto continueto contact the peacefulblack, because, becauseIam only a poor boy, in the pocketdoes not have the scientific worker of money. "
" Ineed the money, makingthatold manbe ablethereforeto shut up! Perhaps, is the timeconsidered that by the research subject that Sorostheyspurned...... "
「我需要一大笔钱,让那个老头能够因此闭嘴!或许,是时候考虑一下那个被索罗斯特他们唾弃的研究课题了……」„Loves the part......”
“只是言情部分啊……”slowShenabout tothispage of papersrecords the date that clampgoodat the same timeaccording toabove, unavoidablysomewhatis also disappointed- compared with the romancepart, hewantsto see the usefulinformation.
徐慎行将这页纸按照上面记述的日期夹好的同时,不免也有些失望-比起言情部分,他更想要看到有用一些的信息。„Did littleslow, whatinsidewrite?” The beasteargirlaskedcuriously.
“小小徐,里面写了什么?”兽耳女孩好奇地问道。„It‘s nothing, someboredmatters.”
“没什么,一些无聊的事而已。”slowShenhangselectsin the notebooksomesenselessromancepartsto sayto the girllistens, whilecontinuesstand forth.
徐慎行一边挑笔记本里面一些无趣的言情部分讲给女孩听,一边继续向前走去。Afterward, the girlfoundanotherpageon a rack.
" New style on April 22 , 953cloud burst "
" Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable! "
" Isucceeded, butalsofailure. "
" Iam unable to imagine the gene of animalandhumanoverlap to havesuchchangemutually...... theirbirthas ifto need more than a strongerenergyhuman, otherwisesucceededto clonethistypeeven‚halfperson’, quickstillbecauseis unable to support the bodyto dry up dead. "
" They are also the person, before coming to the verge of death the lookandchanting' recitationmademebe troubled. "
" Later, Ithink after theymelt the wreckageponderedverylong...... Iwantperhapsto obeydeputy'sadviceto give upthisresearch boardbeing quite good. "
" But for peacefulblack, because, Ihave had no alternative. "
“……”It seems likethisRownyHardertrulyis a veryoutstandingscientist, unexpectedlyspent for more than tendaysreallyto cause the beastmothermerely......, althoughseemed likesomeissues.
After slowShenhangpondered the moment, touchedas ifsomewhatis worried abouthisgirl'shead.
徐慎行思考了片刻后,摸了摸似乎有些担心他的女孩的脑袋。Thentheycontinueto go forward.
接着他们继续前进。In the nextroomputcompletelysimilarculture dishonething, revengeflavor that inalmosteveryculture dishtransmitted, insideas ifalsoremains any strangeblackmaterial.
The beasteargirlas if not likehereflavor, is coveringnose some appearances of being completely muddled.
兽耳女孩似乎不太喜欢这里的味道,捂着鼻子有些晕头转向的模样。„Is Mr.slowyoucollectingtheseslips of paper?”
“徐先生您正在收集这些纸片吗?”At this time, as ifalsofound a paperpage of notebookunder the culture dishgreatlyblack.
" New style on May 3 , 953, shouldbehappycloudless day "
" Was defeated, regardless ofdoes thatuselessly, after the computation, succeeds born-and-a-half person of needsenergyaboutonecityoneyear of electric quantity...... "
" Obviouslymanypeopledo not think that Icanbe successful, after allin the trial period, I have not been ableto guarantee the percentagehundredsuccesses. "
" Investors seem to have wantedto withdrawto invest, damn, this way can't Ionlyaccomplish nothing? "
" Certainlyalsohaswhat means that so long ascanfind the specialenergyorigin...... "
「一定还有什么办法的,只要能够找到特殊的能量来源……」Thisfellowhas a falling into errorfeeling...... slowShenhangto sayat heart.
这家伙已经有种误入歧途的感觉了啊……徐慎行在心里说道。Theycontinueto go forward, butis walking, the frontpathwas actually stopped upbecause of the landslide.
他们继续前进,但是走着走着,前面的道路却因为塌方而被堵住了。„Can littleXu'swooden stickmake a connection withthisroad?” The beasteargirlaskedcuriously.
“小小徐的木棒能打通这条路吗?”兽耳女孩好奇地问道。„Pouringis not good, but if the landslidetroubled.”
“倒也不是不行,但万一塌方就麻烦了。”Becauseat presentownstrengthbecomesverysubtle, slowShenhangdoes not have the confidence to controlowndestructive powercompletely.
因为目前自己的力量变得很微妙,徐慎行并没有信心能够完全掌控自己的破坏力。Hetolookedall around, discoversnearbybeing correctventilating duct.
“我们走那里。”„Mr.slow, thereis the illegalway.”
“徐先生,那里是非法路径。”„Our is the peculiar circumstance, needsto adopt the specialmethodto be good! After finishing up, youcanreport to the police, Idid not mind!”
“我们这是特殊情况,需要采取特殊手段才行!完事之后你可以报警,我不介意的!”slowShenhangsaidaffectedly virtuously.
……Possiblybecause ofthisfacilityin the undergroundrelations, is higherrelationsregarding the request of draft equipment, hereventilating ductis quite broad, greatlyis blackthisstature the robot to worm one's way intoreluctantly.
可能因为这个设施处于地下的关系,对于通风设备的要求更高一些的关系,这里的通风管道相当宽阔,就连大黑这种身材的机器人都能勉强钻进去。Walksoneto havewire nettingthis point is quite troublesomeevery time- is goodmakesherdoto rip the degree of wire nettingbecause of the beasteargirl'sstrengthsufficiently.
就是每走一段就会有铁丝网这一点比较麻烦-好在兽耳女孩的力量足以令她做到手撕铁丝网的程度。Butneedsto make the girlcrawlas the matter standsinfront, thisletsfollow, ingirl'sfollowingslowShenhangis on the riseeach time, hasto plantto makeunusualbeast the feeling of matter......
After crawlingslightlya while, the girlfound the exit|to speak, opened the ventto jumpinsistently.
稍微爬了一会儿后,女孩就找到了出口,一马当先地打开通风口跳了下去。slowShenhangalso, discovered that hereshouldbe a place of similaroffice.
徐慎行也跟下去之后,发现这里应该是一间类似办公室的地方。Onworkstage the name brands of somepeople.
办公台上有人的名牌。Abovewrites‚is heatingSoros’.
上面写着‘温恩・索罗斯特’。Butinthisofficeoncehad a fightto be the same probably, ornamentsall aroundfall downverydisorderly, the groundare also scatteringmanydocuments.
只不过这个办公室里好像曾经发生了一场搏斗一样,周遭的摆设十分凌乱地倒在地上,地上还散落着许多文件。Afterward, the girlsmelled the ground, foundpaperpage in a notebookinthatpile of document papers- whythismakesslowShenhangverycuriousthisthing to appearhere.
" Outside new style on November 13 , 953, has not arrivedtoday, does not know that iswhatweather "
" OriginallyplannedandSoroscracks a joke "
" Butactuallyheard a newsinout of the door of hisofficeaccidentally/surprisingly, thismademedeterminehurriedly a nexttodayisfool's day. "
" Butveryobviouslyis not. Thereforethatnewsshouldreal. "
" Iam not a natural person, butis the clone......, moreovermygenesample came from underthatthingunexpectedly...... "
" It is not ableto believe that Oh, mybrainnow a confusion. "
" Damn, no wonderIhave thoughtinownmemoryhasseveralplacesto be very strange, is unable the self consistent method...... "
" Originally did mypastlearn/study the false appearance of installmentinput? "
" No wondermyname is like thisisland, is calledRownyHarder, because of since the beginning, mein the test piece that inthisislandis born! "
" ...... SuchI, but also is human? "
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