After the diamondsaid goodbye, slowShenhangand his party of continueto go down toGongyuan District.
和金刚告别后,徐慎行一行人就继续深入了公园区。PresentslowShenhangdresses upsomewhatfunnily, hedoes not know where looked for a nylon rope, bundledseveralwooden clubs, the backis conducting the back, at first sightlooked like the ancientfirewoodcourt attendant...... slowShenhangalsoto know that ownimagewas somewhat subtle, acted according to the special circumstances, nowdoes not care about the personal imagetime.
现在的徐慎行打扮有些滑稽,他不知道从哪里找了根尼龙绳,将数根木棍捆了起来,背在背上,乍一看就像是古代的柴禾郎……徐慎行也知道自己的形象有些微妙,不过事急从权,现在也不是在意自己个人形象的时候。Unlike the entertainment district and business district, the naturalizationdegree of Gongyuan Districtishighest, if not in the green and luxuriantforestsclimbs mountains and crosses rivers, occasionallycanseesomepark facilities, definitelyis unable to believe before here, unexpectedly is also only a manualconstructionpark.
跟娱乐区和商业区都不一样,公园区的自然化程度是最高的,如果不是在郁郁葱葱的林间跋涉的时候,偶尔能够看到一些公园设施的话,完全无法相信这里以前居然也只是一座人工建造的公园。„Youdetermined that hasn't brought the wrongroad?”Somewhat asks the slowShenline in the jungledifficultlygoing throughdepressed.
“应该是这条路没错……”Originally the confidentbeastearlittle girlseemed like is not quite now definite: „ButIremember the beforehandnotso manytreesto......”
本来信心满满的兽耳小女孩现在看起来似乎也不太确定了:“但我记得以前没那么多树才对……”slowShenhangdoubtlooked at the surroundingthesetrees, althoughwithoutarriving atonepersonjoint holdsthatthickly, butoverwhelming majoritiesare not the short34yearscangrow into.
徐慎行狐疑地看了看周围那些树木,虽然没到一人合抱那么粗,但绝大多数都不是短短三四年时间就能长成的。Thismade the credibility in thischildish matterdropwithout doubtmuch.
这无疑让这孩子话里的可信度下降了不少。Is goodaftershehas not fallenchain- passed through the grove, whatappearsbeforeslowShenhangisbecause the domainchanges a mass concretesection that turns upwards.
好在她并没有掉链子-穿过了树丛之后,出现在徐慎行面前的是因为地盘变动而翘起的一大块混凝土截面。Inthissection, a drainagesuchexposedoutside.
在这道截面中,一个下水道口就那样裸露在外。„Ishere!” The little girlsare swaying the tail, points at the drainageto sayin high spirits: „‚Teacher’livesinthis!”
“就是这里!”小女孩摇晃着尾巴,兴冲冲地指着下水道口说道:“‘老师’就住在这里面!”Seeming likehereas ifleft uncultivated was the same for a long time, abovehas been covered with the moss, stepped onsoftly, looked likesteps on was the same on the meat of whatanimal.
The sewer of thissewerandbusiness districtis not same, generally speakingis much tinier, butalsomade an adultnot needto bend oversufficiently to walk.
The peak of seweras ifhasmany and groundlinkblowhole, in the daytime, the sunlightwill injectfromtheseblowholes, making the sewerat first sight not dim.
下水道的顶端似乎有不少和地面联通的气孔,在白昼的时候,阳光会从这些气孔射入,令下水道并没有乍看起来那么昏暗。In additionalsohasin the business districtsewerby the sewerthattype of smalllamp, it seems likeuseswhen the evening.
此外在下水道两侧也有商业区下水道里那种小灯,看来是在晚上时使用的。Moreoverin the sewerdoes not have the sewage, eveneven/includingShuijicould not see,shouldstopusing.
而且下水道里并没有污水,甚至连水迹都看不到,应该早就停止使用了。Slightlywalksseveralafterinsidesteps, will bump into the iron fence of itsroom partition.
只是稍微往里面走几步后,就会碰到一个将其隔断的铁栅栏。On the iron fencehasdoortogether, at this time the doorseeminglyclosesstubbornly, ondoorknobcarelesslyis entangling a iron chain, abovealsohung a rustybiglock.
铁栅栏上有一道小门,此时小门看起来关得死死的,门把上胡乱的缠着一根铁链,上面还挂了一把锈迹斑斑的大锁。Behind the iron fencecansee before being similar, searchlightonething that foundgreatlyblack, the searchlightbuttocksfollowingelectric wirewas usedonetypelight/onlywithlookingmakespeoplethink that the technique of laymanmet, andextendsto the sewerdeep place.
铁栅栏后面可以看到类似之前大黑找到的探照灯一样的东西,探照灯屁股后面的电线被用一种光是用看的就让人觉得十分门外汉的手法接了起来,并一路延伸到下水道深处。„Well? Why will thisiron gatebe closing?”
The beasteargirltriedto pullgate on an iron fence-, although the girlseemed like only a lacking the strength to truss up a chickenlittle girl, butin factslowShenhangactuallyknows that the opposite partywascanrelaxedonefivemeters away, canliftover a hundredkilogramsbigdashedblackseveral hundredmetersstrangestrengthyounger sister, put the words of Earthto compelcertainlyis a femaleman-, but the iron gate in stockadewas actually entirely still, not only it seems like it was closesverysolid, was very solidon the noise-makerstockade.
兽耳女孩试着扯了一下铁栅栏上的门-虽然女孩看起来只是个手无缚鸡之力的小女孩,但实际上徐慎行却知道对方是个可以轻轻松松一条五米远,能够举着上百公斤重的大黑飞奔上好几百米的怪力妹子,放到地球的话绝逼是个女汉子-但栅栏上的铁门却纹丝不动,看来不仅是关得很严实,就连铁栅栏本身都十分结实。Thismade the slowShenhangunavoidablysomewhatominouspremonition: Is it possible thatwasownleadhalobecomes effective? Whyothersleadhalovarioustypesturn bad luck into good, ownwill actually cometo have the strangetrouble?
这令徐慎行心里不免有些不祥的预感:莫非是自己的主角光环又生效了?为啥人家的主角光环各种逢凶化吉,自己的却总是会来带奇奇怪怪的麻烦呢?„Girl, youdraw back.”
“丫头,你退开一点。”Thereforeheextractsfirewood...... Ito mean the wooden clubfrom the backsimply, a stickgot downsilentlyshutting off the iron fence.
于是他干脆从背后抽出一根柴禾……我是说木棍,一棍下去无声无息地将铁栅栏给切断了。„Mr.slow, youdestroy the public property.”Makes noiseto saygreatlyblackimmediately.
“徐先生,你这是破坏公物。”大黑立刻出声说道。„Doesn't matter, without others seesin any case.”
“罚款……”„Ido not listen tomenot to listen tomenot to listen!”
“我不听我不听我不听!”While the iron gatedrops down, not far awayalsoresounds‚clanglangworked as’ the noisysound.
在铁门倒下的同时,不远处也响起了‘锵啷哐当’的嘈杂声响。„Whatsound is that?”Straight that girl'searsets uprightall of a sudden, seemed to be somewhat frightenedevidently.
“那是什么声音?”女孩的耳朵一下子竖的笔直,看样子似乎有些被吓到了。Throws the wooden clubwreckage in handone side, slowShenhanglooked at the iron fence of under foot, behindthatdoorhad a carefuliron wireto be connected including the above the ceiling.
把手里的木棍残骸丢到一边,徐慎行看了眼脚下的铁栅栏,那道小门后方有一条细细的铁丝一直连上了天花板。„Is the mechanism/organization, simple, butactuallypracticalalarm apparatus.”Becausehad seensimilarthing, slowShenhangrecognizes the realuse of thatthingimmediately, hekicked the iron wire, explainedto the girl: „Thisiron wireis hanging a basket, insideputsomeat sixes and sevensthings...... to befrom the sound the can so on...... the basketcanmaintainat a verysubtlestate of equilibrium, oncesomepeopleopened the iron gate, the basketunder the influence of iron wirereversesimmediately, insidethingcanfallon the groundmakes the sound, played the role of warning.”
“是机关,一个简易但却实用的警报装置。”因为曾经见过类似的东西,徐慎行立刻认出了那玩意的真实用途,他踢了踢铁丝,向女孩解释道:“这根铁丝吊着一个篮子,里面放了一些乱七八糟的东西……从刚才的声音来看应该是易拉罐之类的……篮子会保持在一种很微妙的平衡状态,一旦有人打开了铁门,在铁丝的影响下篮子会立刻翻倒,里面的东西会掉在地上发出声响,起到警报的作用。”During the speeches, in the branch road of frontsewerhas lightenedfourforms, theyandslowShenhangand his party of maintainedcertaindistance, even iflooks at the expression of nottooclearopposite partybecause of the rayissue, butslowShenhang can still feel the hostility on themsending out.
“她们里有你的‘老师’吗?”Becausethere is a firewoodin the relations of hand, slowShenhangnowis actually calm, evenaskedto the girlample.
The beasteargirlpulled out the smallnose, seems smellinganything.
兽耳女孩抽了抽小鼻子,似乎在嗅着什么。Passed a smalllittle while, sheshakes the head: „No, theyare not‚teacher’.”
过了一小会儿,她就摇了摇头:“不,她们都不是‘老师’。”„Who youare, whycango intohere?”
“你们是什么人,为什么要闯入这里?”At this time, infrontfourpeoplealsooneis the person of leadopens the mouthto askprobably, hertonewas quite severe, withoutstating clearly, buthad determined the natureslowShenhangand the othersfor the intruderwithout a doubt. Fromsomesignificance, cutsslowShenline of badfamiliesfront doortrulyalsoto calculate the intrudercasuallyand that's the end......
这个时候,面前的四人中也有一个大概是领头的人开口问道,她的语气颇为严厉,即便是没有明说,但毫无疑问已经将徐慎行等人定性为了入侵者。从某种意义来说,随随便便砍坏人家大门的徐慎行确实也算入侵者就是了……„IamBobeautiful of entertainment district, iscomes tohereto look for‚teacher’!” The beasteargirlsaidinsistently.
“我是娱乐区的博美,是来这里找‘老师’的!”兽耳女孩一马当先地说道。„Grandmasterdid not receive guestsrecently.”
The opposite partydeclinedwithout hesitation, butas ifunderstandsslowShenhangand his party of did not intendto invade, therefore the hostilitywas weakenslightly.
不过徐慎行却因此眼睛一亮。Originallyhethinksbeasteargirl‚teacher’, does not wantto find the opposite partyat leastalso to mostlyhereruntenchapters of eightchapters of dutiesto be good, butnowfrom the words of opposite party, that‚teacher’also, butpuredoes not see the bystander.
本来他以为兽耳女孩的‘老师’多半已经不在这里了,想要找到对方至少还得跑上十章八章的任务才行,可现在从对方的话来看,那位‘老师’还在,只是单纯不见外人而已。„? ‚Teacher’does not see the words of others, what to do does thathavenewfriends should?” The beasteargirlsaidstrangely: „Without‚teacher’ the words, how should everyonelearn/studyandadapt?”
“诶?‘老师’不见其他人的话,那有新的friends该怎么办啊?”兽耳女孩奇怪地说道:“没有‘老师’的话,大家又该怎么学习和适应呢?”„...... Has not related, will not havenewfriends born.”
“……没关系,已经不会有新的friends诞生了。”Silent the moment, the opposite partysaidslowly, butin the wordshas a not being able to sayheaviness: „Youalsogo back. Nowregardless ofyouhad anything not to have the significance...... soon, allfriendswill be killedby the calamity, compared withdyingonstrangeland, diedinownfamily/homeis better.”
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