UP :: Volume #22

#2139: The wildness of origin soul looks

Whiz! 嗖! Guardian of person clan elder old man shape, enters by spiritual body through Titan Spinosaurus dragon heart, mixes Grand Vastness center that various day material rare treasure become. 族老叟形态的守护者,以灵体进入通过泰坦棘龙龙心,糅合各种天材异宝而成的浩漭腹地。 ! 滋滋! Said ten million/countless rainbow glow serene lightning, flies in the sphere Grand Vastness' heart crystal wall, the life and bloodline of all living things deep meaning, flashes before dazzlingly. 千万道虹芒幽电,在球形浩漭之心的晶壁中飞逝,生命和众生血脉的奥义,眼花缭乱地闪现出来。 Mountains and rivers land, sun, moon and stars, years samsara, plants ups and downs, frost all over the sky, waits for or the thing of real-life scenery, or world supreme truth, one by one in crystal wall startled great wild goose one presently. 山河大地,日月星辰,岁月轮回,草木枯荣,冰霜满天,等等或是实景之物,或是天地至理,逐个在晶壁惊鸿一现。 Another side unknown world, from the birth to the historical picture that dry perishes, ice-cold presents. 另有一方方未知世界,从诞生到枯亡的历史画面,冰冷地呈现。 The world, all living things, evolving of life and death, the change of time years, as if perform to be one of them. 世界,众生,生与死的衍变,时光岁月的变迁,仿佛尽在其中。 Guardian such as the one spirit, calmly is floating, he looks at the scene phenomenon in crystal wall, such as touches the between Heaven and Earth big secret. 守护者一道幽灵,静静地漂浮着,他看着晶壁内的场景异象,如触碰到天地间的大秘密。 At this moment, in that azure-black deep pool pond, extremely numerous of source condensing, can accomplish many God Clan Supreme. 此刻,那座青黑色的潭池中,本源凝炼的极多,能造就更多的神族至高 On his withered face has the hope that cannot cover suddenly. 他枯槁的脸上突有遮盖不住的渴望。 He and Yu Yiyi same are only spiritual body, does not have mortal body physique, fleshly creature(s) has the loving couple that perhaps he could not realize forever. 他和虞依依一样只是灵体,早就没了肉身体魄,血肉生灵才有的男欢女爱,他恐怕永远也体会不到了。 Yu Yiyi obtained source, has refining body, making him envy very much. 虞依依获得了一股本源,有着一具炼化躯身,令他很是羡慕。 In the strength of temple at his jurisdiction, to the ridicule and suppression of Yu Yiyi and Concubine Han, actually stems from his envy. 在圣殿以他权限内的力量,对虞依依寒妃的嘲笑和打压,其实源于他的嫉妒。 He knows that he is longing for anything, but that person, his beforehand master, since has no intention to realize his dream for him, he then can only wait. 他知道他在渴望什么,但是那位,还有他以前的主人,既然无意为他实现他的梦想,他便只能等待。 The soul sea of float above deep pool pond, in the radiant light is bright, as if connects in life bloodline principles of Grand Vastness' heart crystal wall together, is deducing what world big mystery. 漂浮在潭池上方的魂海,内中璀璨的光烁五颜六色,和浩漭之心晶壁的生命血脉法则似乎串联在一起,正推演着什么天地大奥秘。 He looks clearly, actually does not know unusually, therefore does not dare to speak to disturb. 他看不明白,却知道非同寻常,所以不敢出言打搅。 ! 哧啦! Often, has the thunder lightning, has the dazzling light, for the first time present instant in that soul sea. 不时地,有雷霆闪电,有刺目的光明,在那魂海内乍现一霎。 The old man who Guardian changes, can see Abyss Foundation Tree in soul sea, can see Great Demon God Reed, can see the Human Clan Supreme forms, can see the Evil God trend. 守护者化作的老叟,在魂海中能看到深渊建木,能看到大魔神里德,能看到人族一位位至高的身影,也能看到邪神的动向。 He also saw Hamm unexpectedly! 他竟然还看到了哈姆 Guardian knows suddenly, he all that comes to report, that person has known. 守护者忽然就知道,他过来要禀告的一切,那位都已经知道了。 Takes possession in Yu Yuan Undead Supreme It in within the body, is only the spirituality consciousness of few part, Its main body here, still has not left. 附体在虞渊亡灵至尊”体内的祂,只是少部分的灵性意识,祂的主体依然在此,从不曾离开过。 It in the place of Its origin, by spirituality and wisdom of its breakthrough, is constructing some important matter probably. 祂在祂的始源之地,以其突破的灵性和智慧,像是在构筑某种大事。 One group of dark, flame, separately is representing origin spirit of darkness and geocentric flame, both origin spirit are waiting for anything in Its main body patiently. 一团黑暗,一个火焰,分别代表着黑暗源灵地心之炎,两位源灵都在祂的主体中耐心地等候着什么。 Thunder, bright, dark, plants, extreme flame, origin blood, origin mortal soul, Guardian distinguishes the deep meaning that many origin spirit wield in this place. 雷霆,光明,黑暗,草木,极炎,源血,源魄,守护者在此地分辨出许多源灵执掌的奥义。 Some are more complex, he cannot the aura of perception discernment, as if from other origin spirit. 还有一些更复杂的,他不能感知辨别的气息,似乎来自别的源灵 And has the Mother of Earth surviving strength. 其中就有大地之母的残存力量。 Extant in world, was struck to kill melt origin spirit by It, Grand Dao that comprehend wields is exquisite, after It obtains, integrates this place, helping It push to spread out anything. 现存于世的,还有被祂击杀消融源灵,所参悟执掌的大道精妙,都被祂得到以后融入此地,帮助祂推衍着什么。 Goes out.” “出去。” Guardian hears Its order suddenly, anything has not ravelled, then temple return upwards. 守护者忽然听到祂的命令,什么也没弄明白,便向上方的圣殿回归。 Does not need to chase down Bertan, Evil Gods can the respective activity. The girl of that house arrest, allows to tread the temple.” “不用追杀贝尔坦斯,邪神们可以各自活动。那个幽禁的丫头,允许踏出圣殿。” Before Guardian returns to the temple, It transmits Its decree. 守护者回到圣殿前,祂传达祂的旨意。 Compliant.” “遵命。” Guardian quickly complies. 守护者急忙答应。 When departs to Guardian, above the deep pool pond azure-black soul sea deep place, appears the one indistinct illusory shadow. 待到守护者离去,潭池上方的青黑魂海深处,显出一道飘渺虚幻的影子。 The form that It transforms is the Yu Yuan image. 祂幻化出来的身影就是虞渊的形象。 His lord spirituality in the Yu Yuan shape, stands in that piece of mysterious soul sea, looks in the Grand Vastness' heart crystal wall, is flying serene lightning rainbow glow, It Its ginseng/partake 祂的主灵性虞渊的形态,站在那片奥秘无穷的魂海,看着浩漭之心的晶壁中,飞逝着的幽电虹芒,祂将祂参 The mystery that become aware world true meaning, major origin spirit wield, is unifying the current sensibility, ponders over Grand Dao that It pursues. 悟的天地真谛,各大源灵执掌的奥秘,结合着目前的感悟,琢磨祂追求的大道 The darkness waits in the one side with extreme flame peacefully. 黑暗和极炎在一旁安静等候。 Real Abyss origin blood has perished, life seed and that group of flesh that it leaves behind, I used so many years to have no way to thoroughly comprehend. This thing, is my last step. Waited to annex this world origin blood, with Desolate World origin blood, the life and true meaning of bloodlines absorption that they ran.” “真实深渊源血已亡,它留下的生命种子和那团血肉,我用了那么多年也没法悟透。此物,就是我的最后一步。等兼并了这一界源血,和荒界源血,将它们执掌的生命和血脉真谛吸收。” Perhaps my sacrificial refining that group of flesh, can create one again, belongs to my own fleshly body! I do not want to rely on Yu Yuan again, does not need to arrive at him to display the strength through seize the body.” “我再次祭炼那团血肉,或许就能创造出一具,属于我自己的血肉之躯!我不想再依赖虞渊,不需要通过夺舍降临他来展现力量。” Unusual such as we, only then one group of spirituality consciousness, actually have not belonged to our body.” “超凡如我们,只有一团灵性意识,竟然没有属于我们的躯身。” I will change this day dao law gauge.” “我会改变这个天道法规。” The darkness is excited because of Its these words with extreme flame. 黑暗和极炎因祂的这番话而兴奋。 origin spirit, since I start to have fleshly body, we will no longer rely on the life that we create. When I succeeded, you will have your body, does not need to create again with all mental efforts supremely.” 源灵,将从我开始拥有血肉躯体,我们将不再依赖我们所创造的生灵。等我成功了,你们也会有自己的躯体,不需要再费尽心思地去缔造至尊。” ...... …… Cold Territory. 寒域 Yu Yuan Yang God, will contain land essential mystery „when mud ball gives Tai Shi (Highest Beginning), Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) is wild with joy. 虞渊阳神,将蕴藏大地精奥的“泥球”交给太始时,太始欣喜如狂。 Mud ball integrates Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) Primodial God soul body, lost Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) of flesh physique, in the Outer Territory Heavenly Demon way, mud ball sacrificial refining gets up that immediately, its becomes his demon body. “泥球”融入太始元神魂体,失去了血肉筋骨的太始,以外域天魔的方式,立即将那“泥球”祭炼起来,将其变为他的一具魔躯 Treadons Pond of Creation border, Yu Yuan looks at inside that group very law-abiding flesh, can still feel in the soul-stirring strength, said: I will go to Desolate World.” 脚踏“创生池”边沿,虞渊看着里头那团很安分的血肉,依然能感受到内中惊心动魄的力量,道:“我会去荒界。” He and dark red such as in the mainland of blood, the origin blood consciousness exchange of this world. 他和深红如血的大陆内,这个世界的源血意识交流。 origin blood responded immediately pleasantly surprised, and told him, will fully coordinate him. 源血立即充满惊喜地回应,并告诉他,将会全力配合他。 Outside how?” “外面怎样了?” The in the depth of one's soul invasion mark, by Tan Xiaotian of complete wash, had not been approached the inquiry. 灵魂深处的侵染印记,还没有被完全洗涤的檀笑天,凑近过来询问。 The Demon Lord comparison cares about Bertan, he wants to know that Yu Yuan sees that person Great Demon God, obtains unprecedented progress. 魔主比较在意贝尔坦斯,他想知道虞渊有没有见到那位大魔神,有没有获得突破性的进展。 Bertan approaches fast.” Yu Yuan said. 贝尔坦斯就快来了。”虞渊笑着说。 Such remarks, keeps Cold Territory these supreme, the breath became loud. 此言一出,留在寒域的那些至强们,呼吸都变得粗重了。 Great Demon God Bertan image in their mind, that big great, was surprised to know that this legend character will soon arrive, they think that Yu Yuan found the means that must, in Cold Territory helps Bertan eliminate in the soul the that person invasion strength. 大魔神贝尔坦斯在他们心目中的形象,是那么的高大伟岸,惊闻这个传说人物即将抵达,他们以为虞渊找到了办法,要在寒域贝尔坦斯清除灵魂内那位的侵染力。 Bertan?” 贝尔坦斯?” Tan Xiaotian, Tai Shi (Highest Beginning), Tai Xu (Highest Emptiness) and other God King, vibrates because of this name. 檀笑天,太始,还有太虚神王,也因这个名字而震动。 He at oneself strength, has excluded the invasion of that person.” Yu Yuan answered. “他以自己的力量,已经剔除了那位的侵染。”虞渊解释道。 The people even more exclaimed in surprise. 众人愈发惊叹。 Without is too long, after Chaos Sea's Kun, little spinosaurus and An Ziqing, Zhong Chichen that Book of Time, then brings Bertan, Adria and You Qian, Lu Liu steps into Cold Territory. 没有过太久,在溟沌鲲小棘龙安梓晴之后,钟赤尘的那本时之书,便带着贝尔坦斯,阿德里娅尤潜,还有绿柳踏入寒域 Here before called Dark Territory, now shouts Cold Territory, really had the big change.” “这里以前叫暗域,现在叫寒域,果然是发生了大改变。” Wears Bertan of heavy armor, the build big military might, he reveals in armor outside arm nape of the neck, is purple crystal piece, is flowing the astonishing demon prestige. 身穿沉重盔甲的贝尔坦斯,体型高大威武,他露在盔甲外面的手臂脖颈,都是紫色的晶块,流淌着惊人的魔威。 However, in this rare amethyst demon body, can actually see azure-black soul energy. 然而,在这具稀罕的紫水晶魔躯内部,却还是能看到青黑色魂能 He rejected that person to twist the will the strength, may not have the means to change the source fundamentally, his demon soul cannot become the truly pure purple. 他剔除了那位能扭曲意志的力量,可没有办法从根本上改变源头,他的魔魂再也不能变为真正纯净的紫色。 Faint trace! Faint trace! 丝丝!丝丝! Bertan broken soul arcane, arrives at the Cold Territory instance in him, is affecting the whole world silently. 贝尔坦斯勒破的灵魂奥术,在他降临寒域的瞬间,便在默默影响整个世界。 Cold Territory soul energy is thin, is not a world that suits Heavenly Demon to assemble, but after Bertan arrives, the strength that he brings as if changes Cold Territory quietly. 寒域魂能稀薄贫瘠,不是一个适合天魔集结的世界,可贝尔坦斯到来以后,他自带的力量仿佛悄然改变寒域 Probably his inherent talent, he sends natural instinct probably. 像是一种他与生俱来的天赋,像是他发乎自然的本能 Sir Bertan!” 贝尔坦斯大人!” Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) sees him 太始望见他 After immediately laughing, is welcoming on own initiative goes forward. 后,立即哈哈大笑着,主动迎上前。 Tai Xu (Highest Emptiness), Tian Qi (Heaven Awakening) Divine Soul Sect God King, in the distant place salutes. 太虚,天启神魂宗神王,也在远方行礼。 If Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian this kind, Grand Vastness original these supreme, facing entering Cold Territory Bertin, actually without such warmly and winds ripe. 魔主檀笑天这类,浩漭原来的那些至强,面对进入寒域贝尔坦的,却没有那么的热情和熟络。 After all, before Bertan, is their life and death archenemies, is Grand Vastness oversteps that Magic Mountain. 毕竟,贝尔坦斯以前是他们的生死大敌,是浩漭怎么也逾越不过的那座魔山。 origin blood.” 源血。” Bertan on Book of Time, deeply looked at one, through Outer Territory Heavenly Demon demon soul, breeds the Blood Demon Clan mainland, suddenly is grinning smiles strangely. 时之书上的贝尔坦斯,深深看了一眼,通过外域天魔魔魂,孕育出血魔族的大陆,突然咧着嘴怪笑。 Yu Yuan perceived that origin blood of heart of mainland, that extreme cold, is ready in full battle array because of the arrival of Bertan. 虞渊觉察出大陆之心的源血,还有那股极寒,因贝尔坦斯的到来严阵以待。 Unexpectedly facing Great Demon God Bertan, origin blood and extreme cold these two big origin spirit, the appearance that somewhat dreads. 面对大魔神贝尔坦斯,源血极寒这两大源灵,居然都有些忌惮的样子。 Our Heavenly Demon Clan creator had died, what but also there is to hate cannot put down? It died, was one's turn you, you feared that I did do?” Bertan ridiculed. “我们天魔族缔造者都已经死了,还有什么仇恨放不下呢?它死了,接下来就轮到你们了,你们怕我干什么?”贝尔坦斯嘲笑道。 The Stellar Giant Beast control Origin World time, was ended because of the death of old spinosaurus, Bertan representative Grand Vastness origin soul. 星空巨兽统御源界的时代,因老棘龙的死亡而被终结,贝尔坦斯代表浩漭源魂 Later, Bertan is Origin World actual controller, beyond the heavens foreign race that origin blood and origin mortal soul accomplish, takes Bertan as to revere, does not dare to violate the order of Bertan. 之后,贝尔坦斯就是源界的实际掌控者,源血源魄造就的天外异族,也以贝尔坦斯为尊,不敢违背贝尔坦斯的命令。 Here head, naturally also has origin blood and origin soul decree, both have had the competitive relations. 这里头,自然也有源血源魂的旨意在,两者一直存在着竞争关系。 origin blood saw with own eyes that because of beyond the heavens foreign race that it and origin mortal soul become, cannot fight Heavenly Demon tribes, then affects Yang Vein subtly, causes the Blood Demon Clan group through Blood Origin Continent. 源血眼见因它和源魄而成的天外异族,斗不过天魔族群,便潜移默化地影响阳脉,通过源血大陆弄出血魔族群。 Blood Demon seems like that is accomplished by Source of Yang Vein, the back is a go-between is origin blood. 血魔看似由阳脉源头造就,背后牵线的就是源血 origin blood wants to split up this ethnic group from Heavenly Demon, confused the plan of Outer Territory Heavenly Demon by alien Blood Demon, Bertan should completely understand, knew the both sides gratitude and grudges to be very deep. 源血想要从天魔内部分化这个族群,以异类血魔搅乱外域天魔的计划,贝尔坦斯应该是早就看透了,也知双方恩怨很深。 But these gratitude and grudges, because of coming from Abyss origin soul embezzle Grand Vastness origin soul, becoming no longer was important. 可这些恩怨,因来自深渊源魂浩漭源魂吞没,变得都不再重要了。 ! 呼! Since Bertan flies from Book of Time suddenly, he arrived at the ice crystal world's wall position, clang clang clang rapped several, said: „Is another side dark Abyss?” 贝尔坦斯突然从时之书飞起,他到了冰晶界壁的位置,“铛铛铛”地敲击了几下,说道:“另一边就是黑暗深渊?” Yu Yuan in Pond of Creation Yang God nods gently. 虞渊在“创生池”的阳神轻轻点头。 Having to pass under that darkness, investigates to true Abyss?” Bertan inquired with a laugh. “有没有想过去那片黑暗之下,到真正的深渊探察一下?”贝尔坦斯笑呵呵地询问道。 I must first go to Grand Vastness.” Yu Yuan response. “我要先去一趟浩漭。”虞渊回应。 Grand Vastness?” 浩漭?” Bertan gawked, Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) and Tan Xiaotian and the others, the complete look changes looks to him. 贝尔坦斯愣了一下,太始檀笑天等人,全部色变地看向他。 Grand Vastness?!” 浩漭?!” Star Clan Barlow, Dark Spirit Clan Brisett, was captured by Evil God in Grand Vastness, soon died.” The Yu Yuan complexion is deep, I will rescue them.” 星族巴洛,暗灵族布里赛特,被邪神擒获在浩漭,就快要死了。”虞渊面色深沉,“我会去搭救他们。” Bertan is silent. 贝尔坦斯默然不语。 Yu Yuan deeply is looking by the way that he gives, is a forged out specialness Soul Divine Altar, has amethyst demon body Bertan, knows that Bertan and does not care about Barlow and Brisett life and death. 虞渊深深望着以他给出的方式,算是铸造出一座特殊“灵魂神坛”,拥有一具紫水晶魔躯贝尔坦斯,知道贝尔坦斯并不在意巴洛布里赛特的生死。 But Barlow, Brisett, including Radiant Clan Cardolas, before was he behind firm adherent. 巴洛,还有布里赛特,包括明光族卡多拉思,以前都是他身后坚定的追随者 Bertan in his mind, is heavy affectionate righteousness, such cold blood will not be brutal. 贝尔坦斯在他的印象中,也是重情重义者,不会如此的冷血无情。 Building of your demon body, will affect you subtly, you pay attention. I build Soul Divine Altar, your casting demon body, for contends with origin spirit. We must remember, origin spirit of our non- trouble-maker, we should have various life some emotions.” “你这具魔躯的筑造,将会潜移默化地影响你,你留意一下。我打造灵魂神坛,你铸造一具魔躯,是为了去抗衡源灵。我们要记得,我们不是非人的源灵,我们应该有生灵该有的各种情感。” Yu Yuan said sincerely. 虞渊语重心长地说道。 He even more deeply realized, the Zhong Chichen beforehand reminder is how prompt, letting him to confront the issue. 他愈发深刻地意识到,钟赤尘之前的提醒是多么及时,让他能正视问题。 He is resisting origin spirit wholeheartedly, when attempts gets rid of this aloof and remote to exist unusually, is actually falling to the enemy, oneself are becoming does not have the emotion inhuman thing. 他在一心对抗源灵,试图摆脱这种高高在上超凡存在时,却在不知不觉间沦陷,自己就在变为没有情感的非人之物。 This is contrary to his original intention obviously. 这显然有违他的初衷。 ...... ……
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