UP :: Volume #14

#1384: Has the worry respectively

Highest Beginning God King intercepts Alonso in the hidden place. 太始神王在暗处截杀阿隆索 But Cardolas, when the other side galaxy border, waiting for Chaos Sea's Kun were many. 卡多拉思,也在另一方星河边沿,等候了溟沌鲲多时。 This indicated that the Firefly Star Territory drastic change, Divine Soul Sect and that person Radiant Clan patriarch, actually has a sleep/felt early. 这说明飞萤星域的剧变,神魂宗那位明光族族长,其实是早有所觉。 Moreover, has the action secretly early. 而且,暗地里也早有行动。 Otherwise, they do not have possibly to appear promptly, does not have possibly in the suitable location, gives Alonso Chaos Sea's Kun to deal a head-on blow! 不然,他们没可能及时出现,没可能在合适地点,给予阿隆索溟沌鲲迎头痛击! But why they have not entered Firefly Star Territory early, has not been at Firefly Star Territory, to Alonso, starts to Chaos Sea's Kun? Rather, must wait for their severe wound and frantic condition, thinks when escaped the birth day is starting? 可他们为何没早早进入飞萤星域,没在飞萤星域内部,对阿隆索,对溟沌鲲下手?而是,偏偏要等他们重伤和狂暴状态,以为逃出生天时在下手? Alonso must die without doubt, Chaos Sea's Kun...... might be eliminated some flesh.” 阿隆索必死无疑,溟沌鲲……兴许要被剥夺部分血肉。” A road formation of distortion, that extremely fat body of chamber of commerce Zhou Yóu, walked very much lithely. 一个扭曲的甬道形成,商会周游的那具臃肿身子,很轻盈地走了出来。 On the Zhou Yóu chubby face, piled up with the smile, the tone actually ice-cold brutal, Xi Quan is our people, Alonso dares to kill him, should think has such consequence. Asura Clan and a Blood Demon clan collaborates, opposes with us everywhere, first in Fallen Moon Restricted Zone, is Thousand Birds World, they tossed about too many terrible business.” 周游胖乎乎的脸上,堆满了笑容,语气却冰冷无情,“席荃是我们的人,阿隆索敢杀他,就该想过有这样的后果。修罗族血魔一族联手,处处和我们作对,先在陨月禁地,又是千鸟界,他们折腾出了太多麻烦事。” Chaos Sea's Kun!” “还有溟沌鲲!” Zhou Yóu sneers pleased, Sabonis and Grake, had not clarified their localizations! When Bertan nods, Cardolas also approved our policies, are coordinating the advancement time, depends on him and Grake, how dares to keep off our roads?” 周游快意地冷笑,“萨博尼斯格雷克,一直都没弄清楚他们的定位!当贝尔坦斯点头,卡多拉思也赞成我们的方针,配合着推进的时候,就凭他和格雷克,怎么敢来挡我们的路?” Vast boundless outer territory's galaxies, Primodial Demon Clan Great Patriarch Bertan, eternal and undying! 浩渺无际的外域星河,元魔族大族长贝尔坦斯,永生不死 He dominates the age of starry sky, compared with Dragon Clan, must be longer than Divine Soul Sect, but also is remote. 他称霸星空的年代,比龙族,比神魂宗还要长,还要久远。 Even he nodded, to the idea of Divine Soul Sect and chamber of commerce expressed support, Cardolas echoed, Dark Spirit Clan, Star Clan, Banshee echoed, Sabonis and Grake were bent on having to create difficulties, can grab the bargain to be strange! 连他都点头了,对神魂宗商会的理念表示支持,还有卡多拉思进行呼应,暗灵族,星族,女妖纷纷附和,萨博尼斯格雷克偏要从中作梗,能讨到便宜才怪! Grake died, under the Sabonis heavy losses, does not dare to leave Dark Territory. Now, Alonso is dying. Chaos Sea's Kun, will be ripped some flesh by Cardolas. This, then under general trend, fate of resisting stubbornly!” Zhou Yóu complexion indifferently. 格雷克死了一回,萨博尼斯重创之下,都不敢离开暗域。如今,阿隆索就要死了。溟沌鲲,也会被卡多拉思割掉一部分血肉。这,便是在大势所趋之下,负隅顽抗的下场!”周游脸色漠然。 Yu Yuan, Ji Ningshuang and Yu Mu and Cao Jiaze, listening to his these words, the thoughts to vary. 虞渊,纪凝霜郁牧曹嘉泽,听着他的这番话,心思各异。 What Yu Yuan thinks, Divine Soul Sect and Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce joint effort, in addition the coordination of Bertan and Cardolas, indeed cleared away all barriers! 虞渊想的是,神魂宗通天商会合力,再加上贝尔坦斯卡多拉思的配合,的确是扫清了所有障碍! Asura Blood Demon, is really not the Bertan this Great Demon God opponent, should end up such a fate. 修罗加血魔,果然不是贝尔坦斯这个大魔神的对手,就该落得这么一个下场。 Why doesn't have to enter firefly earlier?” Yu Yuan proposed in the heart to have doubts finally. “为什么没早点进飞萤?”虞渊最后提出了心中疑惑。 ! 呼! Tian Cang comes, stops by his Beheading Dragons Platform, first nods to him expresses best wishes, at once aims at Cao Jiaze with a smile, Profound Yellow Dao Banner on this boy!” 天藏呼啸而来,就在他斩龙台旁停住,先对他颔首致意,旋即才笑着指向曹嘉泽,“玄黄道旗在这小子身上!” Yu Yuan gawked staring, has not responded immediately. 虞渊愣了愣,没立即反应过来。 Profound Yellow Dao Banner, Han Miaoyuan can arrive momentarily.” 玄黄道旗在,韩邈远就能随时降临。” When Tian Cang mentioned the Han Miaoyuan name, the look was not quite natural, as if in mysteriously and inexorably, felt that had the one vision, was away from numerous star territory, looked at his secretly. 天藏说起韩邈远的名字时,神色也不太自然,似乎在冥冥中,感觉有一道目光,隔着众多的星域,暗地里看了他一下。 Is such as existence of Tian Cang this rank, mentioned the Han Miaoyuan name, easily by opposite party perception. 越是如天藏这个级别的存在,说起韩邈远的名字,越容易被对方感知 Instead is ordinary people, bloodline rank low foreign race, when chatted mentioned Han Miaoyuan, only in his mind and soul sea, will exude small mighty waves. 反而是凡夫俗子,血脉等级较低的异族,闲聊时说起韩邈远,只会在他心灵和魂海内,泛起一丝小波澜。 He will not care. 他不会太在意。 Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) is also good, Radiant Clan that person Goddess of Light, not clear Grand Vastness that side attitude.” 太始也好,明光族那位光之神女也罢,都不清楚浩漭那边的态度。” When Tian Cang again opens the mouth, first looked at Beheading Dragons Platform, said: Until Cold Abyss' mouth, falls into Beheading Dragons Platform, they relax secretly.” 天藏再次开口时,先看了一下斩龙台,道:“直到寒渊口,落入到斩龙台里面,他们才暗松一口气。” Issue that you are worried about, is our Sir Sect Master, similarly in issue of worry.” The Cao Jiaze smile is strange. “你们担心的问题,也是我们宗主大人,同样在担心的问题。”曹嘉泽笑容怪异。 So that's how it is.” Yu Yuan nods gently. “原来如此。”虞渊轻轻点头。 He understood finally...... 他终于懂了…… „Before Cold Abyss' mouth not Beheading Dragons Platform takes away, Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) and Cardolas will be worried, Grand Vastness that side Primodial God great cultivator, Monster Hall Monster God, could through Cold Abyss' mouth, arrives from the Cold Abyss of Nine Nethers seabed directly! 寒渊口”没被斩龙台收走前,太始卡多拉思会担心,浩漭那边的元神大修,还有妖殿妖神,或许能通过“寒渊口”,从九幽寒渊的海底直接降临! Except in addition, Cao Jiaze brings Profound Yellow Dao Banner, can make the Han Miaoyuan twinkling arrive. 除此外,曹嘉泽带着的“玄黄道旗”,也能让韩邈远瞬息抵达。 Do not look that Han Miaoyuan has not come, but before him , since Silver Sand Star Territory, could not possibly have felt the firefly drastic change. 别看韩邈远没现身,可他之前既然在银沙星域,没可能感觉不到飞萤的剧变。 Chaos Sea's Kun, Alonso, these two causing sounds, should alarm him. 溟沌鲲,阿隆索,这两个弄出的动静,应该早就惊动了他。 If he comes full power, how long could not want, will then appear in Firefly Star Territory. 他若是全力过来,要不了多久,便会出现于飞萤星域 He came, can directly intervene this star territory change in situation, can play the role that gives the final word. 他来了,就能直接干预此星域的变局,能起到一锤定音的作用。 Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) and Cardolas, have scruples him, has scruples Grand Vastness other Primodial God and Monster God, the fear is the trap and ambush. 太始卡多拉思,顾忌他,也顾忌浩漭的其他元神妖神,害怕是陷阱和埋伏。 Similarly, Han Miaoyuan is not clear, in the chaotic Firefly Star Territory hidden place, actually to be hiding Divine Soul Sect many God King, does not have like the Cardolas foreign race peak coordination. 同样的,韩邈远也不清楚,在混乱飞萤星域暗处,究竟潜藏着神魂宗的多少神王,有没有如卡多拉思般的异族巅峰配合。 both sides, feared that the opposite party executes scheme secretly, has not been preparing in a hurry completely, therefore bears patiently does not send. 双方,都怕对方暗施诡计,都在仓促间没准备周全,所以隐忍不发。 Because of the beginning, Firefly Star Territory the riot, is an accident/surprise. 因为从一开始,飞萤星域的这场暴乱,就是一场意外。 This is not the final battlefield that they choose. 这并不是他们挑选的最终战场。 You can go back.” “你们可以回去了。” Zhou Yóu snort/hum, hinted Cao Jiaze, that Yu Mu and Ji Ningshuang, leave Firefly Star Territory as soon as possible. 周游哼了一声,示意曹嘉泽,还有那郁牧纪凝霜,尽快离开飞萤星域 In our Grand Vastness, will have one importantly, about Abyss Chaotic Hollow and God of the Origin World parliament.” Cao Jiaze nods, said: „The meaning of our Sir Sect Master, is hopes chamber of commerce and Divine Soul Sect, best some people be able to participate. He had discovered, made a deduction, thought that great calamity will happen in Grand Vastness.” “在我们浩漭,会有一场重要的,关于深渊混洞源界之神的议会。”曹嘉泽点了点头,说道:“我们宗主大人的意思,是希望商会神魂宗,也最好有人能参与。他有了一些发现,做出了一个推演,觉得一场大劫将在浩漭发生。” The Zhou Yóu mind slightly shakes, said: I will transmit.” 周游心神微震,道:“我会传达。” Ok.” “好了。” Cao Jiaze smiles, then looks to Yu Mu, is often looking at Yu Yuan Ji Ningshuang 曹嘉泽笑了笑,然后看向郁牧,还有不时望着虞渊纪凝霜 , Time, we do not need to leave from Distant Circle Star Territory early, goes to Silver Sand Star Territory directly on the line. In there, will have our people to aid, should unable to have what problem.” ,“时候不早了,我们不必从邃林星域离开,直接去银沙星域就行。在那儿,会有我们的人接应,应该出不了什么问题。” Yu Mu without delay, directly enters azure shining Palace that he controls. 郁牧二话不说,直接进入他驾驭的青耀宫殿。 Ji Ningshuang always thinks about reluctantly, deeply looked at Yu Yuan, flies into to the palace. 纪凝霜念念不舍地,深深看了一眼虞渊,也飞入到宫殿内。 Cao Jiaze passed on a message True Person Ling Xu immediately, True Person Huan Miao, Wei Zhuo wait/etc. were close to great cultivator, making them change course directly, went toward Silver Sand Star Territory. 曹嘉泽马上传讯灵虚真人,幻渺真人,还有魏卓等正在接近着的大修,让他们直接改道,往银沙星域而去。 ! 呼! He is controlling the palace, in Yu Yuan, the gaze of Tian Cang and under Zhou Yóu, is moving fast going far away. 他驾驭着宫殿,在虞渊,还有天藏周游的注视下,飘忽着远去。 That side Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) also some instruction, stop war of both sides temporarily, first searches appropriate dense/woods cold star territory together, placed good Cold Abyss' mouth to say again.” Tian Cang said lightly. 太始那边也有吩咐,暂时停下双方的战争,先共同寻觅一个合适的森寒星域,安置好寒渊口再说。”天藏淡淡地说道。 Zhou Yóu begins supinely, is looking at that Violent Bear, sees it always to protect Yu Yuan, suddenly gets a sudden inspiration, said: Perhaps, it can help us find best star territory. Even being situated of Cold Abyss' mouth, it should also be able to help!” 周游仰起头,望着那头暴熊,见它始终在守护着虞渊,突然灵机一动,道:“兴许,它能够帮我们找到最佳的星域。连寒渊口的坐落,它应该也能帮上忙!” It indeed.” Tian Cang agreed. “它的确可以。”天藏同意。 Most had talent as Blue Demon Clan initially, he knows all sorts about Violent Bear the legend, knows this mysterious Violent Bear, in many extreme cold remote to the galaxy, has keen perception. 身为蓝魔族当初最具天赋者,他知道种种关于“暴熊”的传说,知道这头神秘的“暴熊”,对星河中许多极寒异地,有非常敏锐的感知 Since Violent Bear can guard this Cold Abyss' mouth for Nie Qingtian, is protecting say/way river of sword lights, perhaps that can also for this Cold Abyss' mouth, find the one piece of appropriate soil to stop over. 既然暴熊能替聂擎天镇守这个寒渊口,保护着道道剑光长河,那兴许也能为这个寒渊口,重新找到一块合适的土壤落脚。 Yu Yuan, can words, but also needs you to come with it to communicate.” 虞渊,可以的话,还需要你来和它沟通。” Zhou Yóu ridiculed two, said: That side chamber of commerce assists certainly full power, regardless of it needs anything, chamber of commerce will satisfy with every effort. Grand Vastness that Five Great Influences, for Cold Abyss' mouth selected location again, will provide the boost that all can provide.” 周游讪笑了两声,道:“商会那边一定全力协助,不论它需要什么,商会都会尽力满足。就连浩漭的那五大势力,也会为了寒渊口的重新选址,提供所有能提供的助力。” Then, I and it communicate.” “回头,我和它沟通一下。” When such speech, his vision also follows to fly azure shining Palace, caring of whole face. 这么讲话时,他的目光还追随着飞逝中的青耀宫殿,满脸的不在意。 Departure of Ji Ningshuang, making him quite not abandon, making him slightly somewhat sad. 纪凝霜的离开,让他颇为不舍,让他略有些感伤。 Has a reunion in beyond the heavens with great difficulty, opens the heart with great difficulty, has not spoken several words with enough time, distinguishes again. 好不容易在天外重逢,好不容易敞开心扉,还没来得及说几句话,又再次分别。 That side Tai Shi (Highest Beginning), supports you actually, Great Sword Immortal Ji, drags into us.” Tian Cang smiles. 太始那边,倒是支持你,将纪大剑仙,拉入到我们这边。”天藏嘿嘿一笑。 I also think.” “我也是这么想的。” Yu Yuan takes back the vision, stabilizes emotions, waits and sees eight sides by Beheading Dragons Platform. 虞渊收回目光,稳定情绪,以斩龙台观望八方。 Comes from Distant Circle Star Territory, True Person Ling Xu that group of people, because of the pass on message of Cao Jiaze, really choose to change course, goes in the Silver Sand Star Territory direction. 邃林星域而来的,灵虚真人那一拨人,因曹嘉泽的传讯,果然选择改道,往银沙星域的方向而去。 Lu Liu, Hei Xun, Azure Nightmare, White Ghost and the others, already with Jun Chen and White Crane convergence. 绿柳,黑浔,还有青魇白鬼等人,已和君宸白鹤汇合。 They are sizing up True Person Ling Xu by far, because as if received the order, is maintaining the restraint vigorously, no choice acts unreasonably in demise Firefly Star Territory. 他们远远打量着灵虚真人,似乎因为收到了命令,正极力地保持克制,没有选择在灭亡的飞萤星域乱来。 Shortly, they also together and fly toward Beheading Dragons Platform. 没多久,他们也一起朝着斩龙台和自己飞来。 ...... ……
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