UP :: Volume #14

#1382: Try my utmost!

In flying azure shining Palace, Cao Jiaze is relying on the window, looks out quiet cold starry sky that the meteorite is proliferating. 飞逝的青耀宫殿中,曹嘉泽倚着窗口,遥望着陨石遍布的幽寒星空。 On his firm and resolute face, shows the expression that does not know whether to laugh or cry. 他坚毅的脸上,露出哭笑不得的表情。 Yu Mu to the words that Yu Yuan spoke, the dialogue of Ji Ningshuang and Yu Mu, he listened clear...... 郁牧虞渊说的话,纪凝霜郁牧的对话,他听的清清楚楚…… After he from breakthrough to Yang God, is regarded as below Unrestrained Realm strongest, in fact he when Roaming Soul Realm, is regarded as Roaming Soul Realm strongest. 他从突破到阳神以后,就被视为自在境以下的最强,事实上他在魂游境时,也被视为魂游境的最强。 Until now, he regardless of situated in what boundary, is boundary peak expert. 一直以来,他不论处于什么境界,都是一个境界的最强者 This, incessantly is Profound Heaven Sect, even Sword Sect and Primordial Yang Sect, even Demon Palace and Monster Hall, unanimously approves. 这点,不止是玄天宗,连剑宗元阳宗,甚至魔宫妖殿,也一致认可。 The side that because, his Cao Jiaze each step, the breakthrough of each boundary, walks is steady! 因为,他曹嘉泽的每一步,每一个境界的突破,都走的极稳! Person who he is younger, perhaps will be striving for quickly, under finishes in a hast, by earlier speed breakthrough boundary, looks that is more outstanding than his talent, will be more open than his future...... 比他年轻的人,兴许会在求快,急于求成之下,以更早的速度突破境界,看着比他的天赋出众,比他的未来更开阔…… However, only then he understands, although his boundary will be slow, is unspotted. 然而,只有他明白,他的境界虽然会慢一点,却毫无瑕疵。 The mind, physique, is to Grand Dao comprehend, he does not have the flaw. 不论是心灵,体魄,还是对大道参悟,他都没破绽。 He also believes, he has Yang God that moment in condensing, what An Ziqing, Xu Jingyao, Yuan Lianyao, Mo Yan, even Chen Qingyan and so on heaven's proud son, instantaneous is short his section. 他也坚信,他在凝炼阳神的那一刻,什么安梓晴,徐璟尧,辕莲瑶,莫砚,甚至陈清焰之类的天之骄子,都瞬间矮他一截。 This is his energy is always at! 这向来都是他的底气所在! Now, has Heavenly Water Sword name Great Sword Immortal, unexpectedly in he is close, entreated Yu Yuan flurriedly, making Yu Yuan not crude, under do not impulse killed itself...... 如今,有“天水之剑”称呼的大剑仙,居然在他接近时,慌乱地哀求虞渊,让虞渊别鲁莽,别冲动之下杀了自己…… In the eye of Yu Mu, just condensing had/left Yang God Yu Yuan, has surpassed itself? 郁牧的眼中,难道刚凝炼阳神虞渊,已经超过了自己? „Does Star Frost Sword actually also approve this matter? 星霜之剑”竟然也认同此事? Cao Jiaze appreciates Yu Yuan even again, sees that two Great Sword Immortal, looks at him and Yu Yuan strong and weak with this attitude, he felt the humiliation. 曹嘉泽就算再欣赏虞渊,见那两位大剑仙,以这种态度去看他和虞渊的强弱,他还是感觉到了屈辱。 The place that because, he most is proud, was given the denial by that two. 因为,他最引以为傲的地方,被那两位给否定了。 His same boundary is invincible, was broken like this? 他的同境无敌,就这样被打破了? brother Cao......” 曹兄……” Stands erect Beheading Dragons Platform Yu Yuan, narrows the eye to look, the corners of the mouth then bring back the smile, you two considered thoroughly, I and brother Cao feel like old friends at the first meeting, how to harm him?” 屹立斩龙台虞渊,眯眼一瞧,嘴角便勾起笑容,“你们两个多虑了,我和曹兄一见如故,怎么会伤害他?” Lu Liu comes, Hei Xun, Azure Nightmare and White Ghost, Shaking the Heavens Great Emperor also came, making him thoroughly relieved. 绿柳现身,黑浔青魇白鬼,还有撼天大帝也来了,让他彻底安心了。 Through the Beheading Dragons Platform broad field of vision, he noticed that Chaos Sea's Kun crazily is howling being far away, sees that piece of absolute cold darkness, wrapped Alonso, inhaled Ciara, Demian and the others one after another, similarly is evacuating. 通过斩龙台的广阔视野,他看到溟沌鲲一路狂嚎着远离,也看到那片绝寒黑暗,裹着阿隆索,又相继吸入了席亚拉德米安等人,同样在撤离。 depths of darkness, Alonso golden blood, although in the ebullition, actually gives him a feeling of spent force. 黑暗深处,阿隆索黄金之血虽然在沸腾,却给他一种强弩之末的感觉。 Why does not know, Yu Yuan always thought that this Asura Great Commander, most likely, will perish because of this war. 不知道为什么,虞渊总觉得这位修罗大统帅,十有八九,将会因为此战而亡。 In his main soul source to the deep place, has to Han Miaoyuan, to the Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) cognition...... 在他的主魂本源至深处,有对韩邈远,对太始的认知…… mysteriously and inexorably, he as if induces, this moment Firefly Star Territory borderland, is concealing the big terrifying. 冥冥中,他仿佛感应出,此刻飞萤星域边沿之地,暗藏着大恐怖。 Not only Alonso, perhaps including Chaos Sea's Kun, the road of this time escape 不仅阿隆索,或许连溟沌鲲,这次的逃亡之路 , Bad risk numerous. ,都将凶险重重。 He also by Beheading Dragons Platform, seeing the old name is You Qian Tian Cang, is controlling Tear of Blue Devil, when pursues that piece of absolute cold darkness, eye suddenly one bright. 他还以斩龙台,看到原名为尤潜天藏,驾驭着“蓝魔之泪”,追逐那片黑暗绝寒时,眼睛陡然一亮。 Later, the speed that Tian Cang chases down, obviously slowed down. 之后,天藏追杀的速度,就明显放缓了。 As if, realized that has the Divine Soul Sect giant, already secret ambush in that piece of dark road which must be taken, only when Alonso walks into a trap. 仿佛,意识到有神魂宗的巨擘,已秘密潜伏在那片黑暗的必经之路,只待阿隆索自投罗网。 ! 呜! Cao Jiaze, that Cold Territory's Snow Bear one step has not first come. 曹嘉泽未至,那头“寒域雪熊”先一步过来。 It is shouldering one round waning moon, the silver-white color, such as Eye of Falling Star lunar soul essence, in has drop of its blood essence, is releasing obvious life aura. 它背负着一轮“残月”,银白色,如陨落星眸般的月之精魄,内有一滴它的精血,释放着明显的生命气息 So-called waning moon, is that Firefly Star Territory moon, moon soul of most core. 所谓的“残月”,是那飞萤星域的月亮,最核心的月魄 Moon disrupts, moon soul can retain, was given to bring by it. 月亮碎裂,月魄得以保留,被它给带了过来。 Its two hands is gesticulating with effort, low is roaring lightly, is recounting anything...... 两手费力地比划着,低低轻吼着,述说着什么…… Has not gone to look at Cao Jiaze again, has not continued to size up elsewhere treacherous in secret, Yu Yuan turns around, looks at present Violent Bear, earnestly listens respectfully to its inner voice and earnestly seeking. 没有再去多看曹嘉泽,也没继续暗中打量别处的诡谲,虞渊转过身来,看着眼前的暴熊,认真聆听它的心声和渴求。 Hesitated, the Yu Yuan grave say/way: I do everything possible!” 沉吟了一下,虞渊庄重道:“我尽力而为!” It hehe laughs foolishly, at once waning moon is towing that threw to Beheading Dragons Platform. 它又呵呵地憨笑起来,旋即将那“残月”拖曳着,抛向了斩龙台 white lustrous brilliance that Beheading Dragons Platform releases, contained resistance and defense consciousness, Yu Yuan main body, but unties quietly. 斩龙台释放出的白莹光辉,内含的抗拒和防御意识,因人在其中的虞渊本体,而悄悄地解开。 Whatever, that round waning moon pushing directly into. 任由,那一轮“残月”的长驱直入。 ! 呼! The Beheading Dragons Platform inner-world, Frost Giant Dragon place of burying corpses, had/left a small crescent moon suddenly. 斩龙台内部世界,冰霜巨龙埋尸之地,忽多出了一轮小小的弯月。 This crescent moon, stops in a Beheading Dragons Platform side world hangingly, foreign object of inside blood drop shape, resembled is given to alarm suddenly, instinct wanted to flee. 这一轮弯月,在斩龙台的一方世界悬空停住,里面一个血滴状的异物,似被突然给惊动了,本能地想要逃离。 After an instant, Yu Yuan true body, arrives above this crescent moon. 一霎后,虞渊本体真身,来到此弯月之上。 Lowers the head, looks at that drop of Hami melon size, appears the oval shape, is absorbing ability toward the outside world, derives the silvery bright blood of cold power from moon soul, is feeling the silk threads silver wire, gradually refining in the blood, becomes thick strong. 低下头,看着那滴哈密瓜般大小,呈椭圆状,向着外界吸纳着异能,从月魄内汲取寒力的银亮鲜血,感受着丝丝缕缕的银线,在鲜血内渐渐精炼,变得粗韧。 Different from the Titan Spinosaurus cub, this drop of strange silver blood, concentrates for the embryonic form of life continually did not have. 不同于泰坦棘龙的幼兽,这一滴奇异的银血,连凝为生灵的雏形还没。 So long as his intention same place, Beheading Dragons Platform internal principle ability, will change to the thunder lightning, this crescent moon, is breeding the silver blood of life to kill to extinguish with crescent moon. 只要他心念一起,斩龙台内部的法则异能,就会化作雷霆闪电,将此弯月,和弯月内正孕育生命的银血殛灭。 He has not certainly done. 他当然没那么做。 Not only has not destroyed, he also opens the heart on own initiative, issued several one after another divine decree. 不仅没破坏,他还主动地敞开心扉,接连下达了好几个“神谕”。 He permits this small crescent moon, seeks the strength from Beheading Dragons Platform, mixes strange of this place. 他允许这一轮小小的弯月,从斩龙台内寻求力量,糅合此地的奇异。 The blood of that drop of silvery bright, breeds all conditions that new student/life is short, he will satisfy as far as possible. 那滴银亮的鲜血,孕育新生所欠缺的所有条件,他都会尽可能满足。 He must give that Cold Territory's Snow Bear large return, must by Beheading Dragons Platform that he wields , helping Snow Bear be born the new species. 他要给予那头“寒域雪熊”丰厚的回报,要以他执掌的斩龙台,助雪熊诞生出新的物种。 Takes Cold Territory's Snow Bear as the first ancestor, for the brand-new life of bloodlines source. 一个,以“寒域雪熊”为鼻祖,为血脉源头的全新生灵。 Relax, you for me, are the that person institute “放心,你为我,为那位 Done all, let the thing that you obtain you to want by rights ought. ” 做的一切,理当让你得到你想要的东西。” Above Beheading Dragons Platform, Yu Yuan Yang God, makes the commitment to it with a smile. 斩龙台上方,虞渊阳神,冲着它含笑做出承诺。 Helps Nie Qingtian protect that say/way river of sword lights many years, breaks to Distant Circle Star Territory to receive and instruct oneself, oneself will lead into Firefly Star Territory, Cold Abyss' mouth to that. 聂擎天守护那道道剑光长河多年,冲入到邃林星域为了接引自己,将自己带入飞萤星域,到那“寒渊口”所在。 Also preserved Ji Ningshuang, therapy for it, gives itself many boosts...... 还保住了纪凝霜,为其疗伤,给自己诸多的助力…… Regardless of it is because follows the Nie Qingtian last wish, because it induced himself is Dragon Slayer, these things that it handled, made Yu Yuan be greatly touched. 不论它是因为遵循聂擎天的遗愿,还是因为它感应出了自己乃斩龙者,它所做的那些事情,都让虞渊深受感动。 Therefore, its anything requests not excessively. 因此,它的什么要求都不会过分。 Wū wū......” “呜呜……” It shouted gently lowly, is expressing the gratitude. 它轻轻低呼,表达着感激。 Should, be you earns, I will try my utmost.” “应该的,都是你应得的,我会尽我所能。” Yu Yuan smiles, saw that Cao Jiaze is getting more and more near, Yu Mu and Ji Ningshuang repeatedly look like, the figure shrinks. 虞渊笑了笑,眼看曹嘉泽越来越近,还有郁牧纪凝霜频频看来,身形一缩。 Beheading Dragons Platform, with his Yang God's body, therefore is changing is small. 斩龙台,和他的阳神之身,都在因此而变小。 Quick, he changes to the normal physique, Beheading Dragons Platform in his, the white lustrous light barrier pollution, making one unable to find clearly, inside has anything. 很快,他化作正常体态,斩龙台就在他脚下,白莹光幕浑浊,令人不能清晰地瞧见,里面到底有着什么。 Only can, be indistinct sees a crescent moon, just forms. 只能,隐约间看到一轮弯月,刚刚在其中形成。 Senior Sister, is your injury good?” “师姐,你伤势还好吧?” Yu Mu inquired quietly, waits to see Ji Ningshuang to nod, the look came one heavily, teacher's younger brother Du injures is too heavy, his Dharma Idol crashed, the boundary drops Yang God. By his unmentionable diseasea in frame of mind and body, his fearing difficult to build Dharma Idol again, after returning to sect(s) , can only work as an idle elder, told the exquisiteness of sword for the newcomer.” 郁牧悄声询问,等看到纪凝霜点头,才神色沉重地来了一句,“杜师叔伤的太重,他的法相崩塌了,境界跌落到阳神。以他的心气和身体中的暗疾,他恐难再次筑造法相,回归宗门以后,也只能当个清闲的长老,为新来者讲述剑之精妙。” The Yu Mu tone, sobbed with completely reluctantly, even if his clear Du Yuan lived, still no future. 郁牧的语气,满是唏嘘和无奈,他清楚杜远即便活下来,也没什么将来了。 Ji Ningshuang calms down to examine carefully, notices the Du Yuan not only Dharma Idol disruption, being shattered sword intent of thorough marrow, scurried about in within the body, making his soul confused. 纪凝霜定神细看,就注意到杜远不仅法相碎裂,深入骨髓的破灭剑意,也在体内乱窜,令他的灵魂都错乱了。 Remaining unconscious of Du Yuan, is the three spirits loses control, mingle in the same place, such as the hemp rope tied a knot. 杜远的昏迷不醒,就是三魂失控,混杂在一起,如麻绳打结了。 „, He is also at least living.” “至少,他还活着。” Ji Ningshuang goes on an expedition beyond the heavens year to year, anything looked pale, heart hard like iron, Profound Heaven Sect Fu Xuanwen, Primordial Yang Sect Zhu Huan, died of Swaying Fantasy Star Territory and Filled Spirit World. Golden Rock Beast Monster King Jin Li, Deep Sea Giant Winged Lizard, Mighty Spirit King, Ancient Golden Elephant God, died in battle.” 纪凝霜常年征战天外,什么都看淡了,心硬如铁,“玄天宗傅宣文,元阳宗朱焕,先后死于曳幻星域盈灵界金岩兽妖王金厉,还有深海巨翼蜥,威灵王,金象古神,也都战死了。” Yeah.” “哎。” Yu Mu sighed spookily, in the near future, the loss of Grand Vastness, truly big making one is hard to accept. In the past, possibly several hundred years, will not die so many powerhouses.” 郁牧幽幽一叹,“近期,浩漭的损失,确实大的令人难以接受。以往,可能数百年时间,都不会死那么多强者。” This is World's Great Calamity, no one evades, we can only go to face.” The Cao Jiaze sound resounds from the distant place, is deep and solemn and respectful: Sect Master of my sect has deduced, said that Grand Vastness great calamity started, such as past Human Clan overthrew Dragon Clan, such as Five Paramount Influences, in the past the Divine Soul Sect pursuit like that.” “这是一场天地大劫,谁也躲不过,我们只能去面对。”曹嘉泽的声音从远方响起,深沉而肃穆:“我宗的宗主推演过,说浩漭的一场大劫开始了,如当年人族推翻龙族,如五大至高势力,当年将神魂宗驱逐那般。” Such remarks, Yu Mu and Ji Ningshuang mind shakes greatly. 此言一出,郁牧纪凝霜心神巨震。 On Beheading Dragons Platform, Yu Yuan also eye of reveal unusual look. 斩龙台上,虞渊也目露异色。 ...... ……
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