UP :: Volume #14

#1377: In the fire takes the chestnut!

Regardless how to see how to induce, Yu Yuan Yang God's body, is a real Asura! 无论怎么看,怎么去感应,虞渊阳神之身,都是一位货真价实的修罗! Moreover 9th rank Platinum Asura! 而且还是九级白金修罗 Asura blood energy that his platinum armor, the sharp corner thorn, the internal organs deep place transmits...... 他那白金般的铠甲,锋锐的棱刺,脏腑深处传来的修罗血能…… Even yes, he raises monster blade Blood Prison in hand , changes makes the bright silver, the knife point also turnover silver lustrous glow. 甚至是,他提在手中的妖刀血狱”,也在不知不觉间,变做亮银色,刀尖还吞吐着白银般的辉芒 Except that pair of dark-red eye pupil, Yu Yuan from top to bottom is Asura. 除了,那双暗红色的眼眸,虞渊浑身上下都是修罗。 Jun Chen and Zhou Yóu and the others, do not know that had fought with many Asura, their characteristics to Asura Clan, aura, familiar cannot be familiar. 君宸周游等人,不知曾经和多少修罗战斗过,他们对修罗族的特征,气息,熟悉的不能再熟悉了。 Yu Yuan Yang God, by Asura's image and aura appear in the world, making them shock incomparably. 虞渊阳神,以修罗的形象和气息现世,让他们震惊无比。 They have not seen, stems from Grand Vastness Human Clan cultivator, Yang God that tempering comes out, can be such a appearance. 他们没见过,出自浩漭人族修行者,淬炼出来的阳神,会是这么一个模样。 This where Human Clan Yang God, clearly is the foreign race soldier! 这哪里还是人族阳神,分明就是外界的异族战士啊! Asura......” “修罗……” Yu Yuan narrows the eye to smile, his Yang God grips monster blade instant that easily, seize the body Atez. 虞渊眯眼而笑,他阳神握住妖刀的霎那,就轻而易举地,“夺舍”了阿特兹 By Blood Prison backlash Atez, all memory, bloodline profundities, to impression of Alonso and Sabonis, one and admits by him. 被“血狱反噬阿特兹,所有的记忆,血脉奥妙,对阿隆索萨博尼斯的印象,也被他一并接纳。 Atez, as Platinum Asura, before gave loyalty to Sabonis, naturally has seen Sabonis repeatedly. 阿特兹,身为一位白金修罗,以前效忠于萨博尼斯,当然多次见过萨博尼斯 He to Asura King, to Dark Territory, to Alonso, has the extremely deep understanding. 他对修罗王,对暗域,对阿隆索,都有极深的认识。 seize the body he, Yu Yuan was equivalent to the Asura Clan know-it-all, learned many this ethnic group inside stories. 夺舍”了他,虞渊相当于成了修罗族的百事通,获知了不少此族群内幕。 Atez......” 阿特兹……” Distracted Alonso, is feeling the familiar aura of being exactly the same, as if sees the male cousin who that person elapses seriously, resurrects from monster blade, is interrogating him loudly. 精神恍惚的阿隆索,感受着如出一辙的熟悉气息,仿佛当真看到那位逝去的堂兄,从妖刀内复活过来,在大声地质问他。 Because in his heart has the shame, does not dare to face, does not dare to look at the Yu Yuan vision. 由于他心中有愧,竟不敢去面对,不敢去看虞渊的目光。 His moving aside, his pacing back and forth and hesitation, making him unable to concentrate the energy to deal with Mo Baichuan. 他的躲闪,他的彷徨和犹豫,令他不能集中精神应对莫白川 ! 喀嚓! vital point of his waist abdomen, the one piece of golden water chestnut shield transmits the abnormal noise, then splits. 他腰腹的要害,一块金色的菱盾传来异响,然后就绽裂开来。 Mo Baichuan Dharma Idol gorgeously, eye pupil suddenly one bright, saw the opportunity instantaneously. 莫白川巍然的法相,眼瞳陡然一亮,瞬间就看到了可乘之机。 After an instant, then nine grain of rice sizes burning sun, appears in the rhombus golden Shield of Alonso waist abdomen place suddenly, and along slit of splitting, leisurely enters to the Alonso flesh. 一霎后,便有九点米粒大小的“炎日”,忽然在阿隆索腰腹处的菱形金盾中出现,并沿着绽裂的缝隙,逸入到了阿隆索血肉中。 Under rhombus golden Shield, Alonso liver spleen spot, nine groups of dark red flame flaming combustion. 菱形金盾下,阿隆索的肝脾部位,九团深红火焰炽盛燃烧。 Burned black, spreads rapidly, Golden Asura of this 10th rank bloodlines, was contained dao principles of flame flame energy to injure. 大片大片的焦黑,迅速蔓延开来,这位十级血脉的黄金修罗,也被蕴含火焰道则炎能伤到。 Alonso also hears indistinctly, ancient fire gods, are roaring excitedly. 阿隆索还隐约听见,一尊尊古老的火神,正在兴奋地咆哮着。 His in the depth of one's soul, starts to burn the roaring flame, a negligence of his such instant, was then injured by Mo Baichuan. 他的灵魂深处,也开始燃烧出烈焰,他就那么一霎的疏忽,便被莫白川伤到了。 Eats under the pain, he stuffy snort/hum, hurried to eliminate all sorts of distracting thoughts. 吃痛之下,他闷哼一声,赶紧打消了种种杂念。 Bang! 轰! mystical crystal ball, emits from his palm, interior 神奇水晶球,又从他的掌心冒出,内部 Emerges ancient boundless dark aura. 涌现出古老苍茫的黑暗气息 The spheroid, as if has Dark Territory ability of deep conceals, was assembled by the bloodlines by him. 球体内部,仿佛有深藏的暗域异能,被他以血脉调集出来。 That crystal ball, therefore however changes to a dark world, shows deep gloomy ancient intent. 那个水晶球,因此而化作一个黑暗的世界,透出深沉阴暗的古意。 Faint within, a dark old city appears, in the city wall seems occupying one after another ominous severe variant beast. 隐隐间,还有一座黑暗古城浮现出来,城墙上仿佛盘踞着一头头凶厉的异兽 On blood-stained wall, filled the claw marks, resembles in silent tells everyone, in this city, had many to have the frigid war. 血迹斑斑的墙壁上,也充满了爪痕,似在无声地告诉所有人,在这座城池内,曾经发生过多少起惨烈的战争。 Mo Baichuan was attracted by the dark old city, only looked at two, the three spirits then trembled. 莫白川被黑暗古城吸引,只看了两眼,三魂便震颤起来。 He knows immediately, if seriously is the absolute darkness, he should anything unable to find. 他顿时知道,如果当真是绝对的黑暗,他应该什么也瞧不见。 He can see in Dark World, is standing erect a dark old city, is Alonso is intentional inevitably! 他能看到黑暗世界内,矗立着一座黑暗古城,必然是阿隆索有意为之! Since wants to look that sees clearly carefully!” “既然想看,那就仔细看清楚!” Alonso is sneering, stroked gently crystal ball, inside dark old city vanishes does not immediately see. 阿隆索冷笑着,摩挲了一下水晶球,里面的黑暗古城顿时消失不见。 May in the Mo Baichuan eye pupil deep place, then suddenly presented that mysterious dark old city, Alonso stares when Mo Baichuan, in the mind has a flaw, found the medium, delivers Mo Baichuan in the depth of one's soul that dark old city. 可在莫白川眼瞳深处,则是突然出现了那座神秘的黑暗古城,阿隆索似在莫白川凝望,在心灵有一丝破绽之际,就找到了媒介,将那座黑暗古城送达莫白川灵魂深处 Above the dark old city, the innumerable Dark Territory cold beasts, start to attack the Mo Baichuan mind crazily. 黑暗古城上方,无数暗域的寒兽,开始疯狂冲击莫白川的心灵。 Mo Baichuan Dharma Idol, is therefore difficult to maintain, loudly disintegration. 莫白川法相,也因此再难维系,轰然解体。 !! 咻!咻咻咻! Said ten million/countless golden silver lightning, seizes the chance to turn toward Yu Yuan, that Beheading Dragons Platform flies. 千万道金色银色闪电,趁机向着虞渊,还有那斩龙台飞去。 Yu Yuan perceived early. 只是,虞渊早有觉察。 Has his true body, his special Yang God Beheading Dragons Platform, forms in one golden lightning instantly, from vanishes same place. 有他的本体真身,还有他特殊阳神斩龙台,在第一道金色闪电形成的刹那,就从原地消失。 Moves!” “移!” Yu Yuan drinks one lightly. 虞渊轻喝一声。 That by Alonso golden blood, the ice cliff land that covers, was cut independently with entire space. 那块被阿隆索黄金之血,掩盖起来的冰岩大地,和整个空间似被独立切割走。 He in secretly, had used the Beheading Dragons Platform strength, under the place of golden Saint splendor covering, hides from the eye of Alonso puts aside. 他已在暗地里,动用了斩龙台的力量,将金色圣辉笼罩之地,从阿隆索的眼皮子底下移开。 You want Beheading Dragons Platform, that looked at you to have this skill.” “你想要斩龙台,那就看你有没有这个本事了。” Yu Yuan is laughing, true body entered Beheading Dragons Platform, mind slightly, is controlling Beheading Dragons Platform, appears is in that golden Saint splendors. 虞渊嗤笑着,本体真身进入了斩龙台内部,心灵一微荡,就驾驭着斩龙台,出现于那片金色圣辉所在。 Beheading Dragons Platform also in an instant, enlarged ten million times, such as a side independent starry sky land. 斩龙台也在刹那间,放大了千万倍,如一方独立的星空大地。 Beheading Dragons Platform under presses slowly! 斩龙台缓缓下压! Suppression world common people, galaxy myriad clans imposing manner, from that white lustrous Opening Heavens Divine Stone transmits! 镇压天下苍生,星河万族的气势,从那白莹的“开天神石”中传来! The a stream of bolt of white silk splendid light, first step flies from Beheading Dragons Platform, chops directly to the Alonso blood essence condensing golden Saint splendor, such as when a universe pollution, breaks out the world! 一道道匹练般的华光,先一步飞离出斩龙台,直接劈向阿隆索精血凝炼的金色圣辉,如在宙宇一片浑浊时,将天地劈开! ! 哧啦! The sound that the rich silk splits, resounds from that golden Saint splendor, unusual barrier that Alonso golden blood, refining forms, was torn into shreds by splendid light forcefully. 玉帛裂开的声音,从那金色圣辉中响起,阿隆索黄金之血,精炼形成的奇特结界,被华光硬生生地撕碎。 The Alonso energetic will, his each wisp of soul thought, a formation, explodes swiftly like the air bubble. 阿隆索的精神意志,他的每一缕魂念,倏一形成,就如气泡般爆开。 Is only your several drops of blood essence, do you also really think invincibly?” “只是你的几滴精血而已,你还真以为无敌吗?” The Yu Yuan grinning fiendishly sound, from Beheading Dragons Platform, from Yang God of another end, resounds with one voice. 虞渊的狞笑声,从斩龙台内,从另一端的阳神,异口同声地响起。 Said, perhaps you do not believe that I am congealing am the Atez shape, when change is Platinum Asura, from Atez bloody soul, knew all your secrets.” “说起来,你或许不信,我在凝为阿特兹的形态,化为为白金修罗时,就从阿特兹血魂内,得知了你的一切秘密。” „The under bloodlines of your Alonso, go on a punitive expedition against with you stellar world's wall, can achieve the subtle connection. Your Alonso, to various class barrier, energy light barrier, blood marks formation is skilled since childhood. You become Asura Clan Great Commander, goes on an expedition in all galaxy, robs the starry sky from other race hand.” “你阿隆索的血脉,和你征伐下的星辰界壁,能够达成微妙的连系。你阿隆索,从小就对各类的结界,能量光幕,血纹阵列精通。你成为修罗族大统帅,在各方星河征战,从别的种族手中抢夺星空。” Then, taking advantage of Cold Well of Dark Territory, waters Dark Territory ability, integrates in these world's wall.” “然后,借暗域寒井,将暗域异能浇灌下来,融入到那些界壁内。” „A side world, became your Asura Clan territory, became your world. Asura King Sabonis, person's that dark old city in Dark Territory, can through such stellar world, see outside the matter.” “一方世界,就这么成了你们修罗族的领土,成了你们的世界。修罗王萨博尼斯,人在暗域中的那座黑暗古城,就可以通过这样的星辰世界,看到外面发生的事情。” „After Dark Territory ability floods stellar world, can become the eye of Sabonis, can become your Alonso foothold.” “被暗域异能充斥后的星辰世界,能成为萨博尼斯的眼睛,也能成为你阿隆索的落脚点。” „......” “……” Yu Yuan spoke with confidence. 虞渊侃侃而谈。 Alonso strange bloodline profundities, he clearly seeing the minutest detail, he at the Beheading Dragons Platform strength, had also worn down in the golden Saint splendor, all Alonso small thoughts. 阿隆索奇异的血脉奥妙,他已经洞察秋毫,他还以斩龙台的力量,消磨了黄金圣辉内,所有阿隆索的微小念头。 Alonso, wants to read command Cold Abyss' mouth to explode extinguishes, becomes not possibly. 阿隆索,想要一念令“寒渊口”爆灭,也变得没有可能。 Another side. 另一边。 Yu Yuan Yang God of Asura shape, is raising monster blade Blood Prison, falls in Dharma Idol that Mo Baichuan collapses directly. 修罗形态的虞渊阳神,则是提着妖刀血狱”,直接落在莫白川崩溃的法相中。 And shouted: „, But also stares is doing really? Cold Abyss' mouth, will be led into Beheading Dragons Platform finally, was taken away Firefly Star Territory!” 并喝道:“诸位,还愣着作甚?寒渊口,终将被带入斩龙台,被带离飞萤星域!” Such remarks, everyone looks fiercely, then sees the shape such as Cold Well of Dark Territory, is thicker extravagantly Cold Abyss' mouth, covers in the dim cold fog, flies slowly to Beheading Dragons Platform. 此言一出,大家猛地看去,然后就见形如“暗域寒井”,却更粗阔的“寒渊口”,笼罩在朦胧寒雾中,缓缓地向斩龙台飞去。 The golden blood, such as the rainstorm, border sprinkles from Cold Abyss' mouth. 金黄色的鲜血,如暴雨般,从“寒渊口”边沿洒落。 When everyone sees Cold Abyss' mouth by cold fog wrapped, immediately realized, seemingly stays out Violent Bear, originally has the relation in secret and Yu Yuan early. 等大家看到“寒渊口”被寒雾裹着时,马上就意识到,看似置身事外般的暴熊,原来在暗中和虞渊早有联系。 Was it makes a move to help Yu Yuan Cold Abyss' mouth protect, did not let the blood of Alonso, contaminated again. 是它出手帮虞渊将“寒渊口”保护了起来,不让阿隆索的鲜血,再沾染上去。 Alonso!” 阿隆索!” Jun Chen, Zhou Yóu, that Crane of Death, sees Cold Abyss' mouth unobstructive, flies to fall accordingly. 君宸,周游,还有那只死亡之鹤,一见“寒渊口”无碍,应声飞落下来。 Falls to the Yu Yuan Yang God place, they from the body of Yu Yuan, smelled enormous and powerful blood energy. 一落到虞渊阳神处,他们就从虞渊的躯体内,嗅到了浩荡血能 This also makes them realize clearly, now Yu Yuan Yang God, truly has 9th rank Great Monster battle strength! 这也让他们清晰地认识到,如今虞渊阳神,确实具备九级大妖战力 Human Clan cultivator, the formation of Yang God, unexpectedly is the crystallization of blood energy and soul energy, is shocking enough. 人族修行者,阳神的形成,竟然是血能魂能的结晶,已经足够惊世了。 Yang God that just congealed, but also was ordinary with 9th rank Monster King, this was above the cognition of people. 刚凝成的阳神,还和九级妖王一般强悍,这更加超乎众人的认知了。 Also at this time, they understands that initially did not look at the junior who glances by them, had become the powerhouse of same rank truly! 也在这时,他们明白当初不被他们看上眼的小辈,已真正成了同等级的强者! ...... ……
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