UP :: Volume #14

#1367: Sadness of Violent Bear

Heaven Raising Sword returns to Grand Vastness! 擎天之剑重归浩漭 To anybody, this result is unexpected, accidental/surprised to the extreme. 对任何人来说,这个结果都是始料未及的,让人意外到了极点。 Because, in present Grand Vastness major world, not Heaven Raising Nine Slashes inheritance. 因为,在现在的浩漭大世界,并没有“擎天九斩”的传承者。 But Nie Qingtian, initially died, what the back strives to be most was Five Paramount Influences, Sword Sect also sets out various multi- Great Sword Immortal for this reason. 聂擎天,当初之所以陨灭,背后出力最多的还是五大至高势力,剑宗也为此出动诸了多大剑仙 He should be hostile to Sword Sect, hates another four big Supreme influences. 他本应该敌视剑宗,仇恨另外四大至高势力。 May respect his will and last wish divine sword, gathered prestige energy in the say/way river of sword lights, just released to shock everybody a sword, then bored a hole through the jamming Cold Abyss' mouth, vanishes in Grand Vastness major world. 可尊重他意志和遗愿的神剑,聚拢了道道剑光长河中的威能,刚释放出惊世骇俗一剑,便凿穿了堵塞的“寒渊口”,就此消失在浩漭大世界 Many people think that does not understand reason. 很多人想不明白其中的缘由。 Howling! 嗷嚎! Chaos Sea's Kun of frantic condition, the double pupil is flowing the blood, staggers along in boundless galaxy. 狂暴状态的溟沌鲲,双瞳流淌着鲜血,在无垠星河中跌跌撞撞。 His opens the mouth attracts, very natural, swallows his refining that wonder stone. 他张口一吸,很自然地,将他炼化的那块奇石吞下。 In the wonder stone, there is Star Ashen Sea Region, has Yin Corpse King and Lin Zhuyun, Monster Clan totem pillar. 奇石内,有星烬海域,有阴尸王蔺竹筠,还有一根根的妖族图腾柱 He not, because swallows that wonder stone, can restore to sober with spiritual wisdom. 只是,他并没有因为吞下那块奇石,就能恢复清醒和灵智 Yin Corpse King and Lin Zhuyun, in the call and roaring in his within the body, he as if cannot hear. 阴尸王蔺竹筠,在他体内的呐喊和咆哮,他似乎听不见。 Bang! 轰! All over the body dark, he of wound rapid healing, brute force shakes the heaven and earth, ice stars will crack-up along the way, he fell on by the cold light in the body, the fearsome wound absorbs ability. 通体黝黑,伤口迅速愈合的他,蛮力惊天地,将沿途一颗冰寒星辰撞碎,他被寒光浇洒在身,可怖的伤口自行吸纳异能 It preserves the frantic condition, instinct is destroying stellar territories, by the energy in the stars containing, is restoring the injury. 它保存着狂暴状态,本能地破坏星辰域界,以星辰中蕴藏的能量,恢复着伤势。 Jun Chen, Zhou Yóu, Tian Cang and White Crane, scatter in the Beheading Dragons Platform four corner/horn of Yu Yuan under foot, they look to the Yu Yuan look, filled astonishedly. 君宸,周游,还有天藏白鹤,在虞渊脚下的斩龙台四角散落,他们看向虞渊的眼神,充满了惊异。 Previously that sword, being doomed to go down in history, being doomed to be a focus of public attention. 先前那一剑,注定要载入史册,注定要万众瞩目。 That sword, the greater part sword energy, naturally came from Nie Qingtian leaves behind, a stream of river of sword lights. 那一剑,大部分剑能,自然还是来自于聂擎天遗留的,一道道剑光长河 sword edge, the scabbard and sword soul are fit, such as Human Clan great cultivator, Yin God, Yang God and main soul three in one body, can regard as the true complete shape. 剑刃,剑鞘和剑魂合体,如一位人族大修,将阴神阳神主魂三位一体,可以视为真正的完整形态。 divine sword of complete shape, the use saves ten million years sword energy, a sword cuts. 完整形态的神剑,动用积蓄千万年的剑能,一剑斩出。 Yu Yuan, is control of this sword! 虞渊,算是此剑的驾驭者! Only this, lets Yu Yuan this name sufficiently, resounds through in various beyond the heavens! 单凭这点,就足以让虞渊这个名字,响彻于诸天外界! From now on will get up, goes out of Yu Yuan that by Grand Vastness, will certainly make between Heaven and Earth all higher intelligent creature(s) pay attention, each can arrange on number character, will know this name. 从今起,由浩漭走出的虞渊,必将令天地间所有的高等智慧生灵留意,每一个能排的上号的人物,都会知道这个名字。 Because...... 因为…… Was his utilize divine sword, broke open endless absolute cold darkness, first tore Asura King Sabonis dark balance, then let the silver war spear disruption of Alonso. 是他御动神剑,破开了无尽的黑暗绝寒,先撕裂了修罗王萨博尼斯的黑暗制衡,再让阿隆索的白银战枪碎裂。 Asura Clan passes from generation to generation Elemental Grounding Cage, therefore discards completely, was repaired again difficultly. 修罗族世代相传的“素落地笼”,也因此完全报废,再难被修复。 divine sword, but also made a connection with Cold Abyss' mouth, as if also and shelters Grand Vastness Earthly Sword Gu Xingkui, has had an confrontation of instant...... 神剑,还打通了“寒渊口”,似乎还和庇护浩漭的“大地之剑顾星魁,有过一霎的交锋…… Thinks when the previous terrifying sound, Jun Chen, Zhou Yóu and White Crane, looked again to the Yu Yuan look change. 想到先前的恐怖动静,君宸,还有周游白鹤,再次看向虞渊时的眼神都变了。 Only then knows Tian Cang of Yu Yuan real background, the consistent indifference, as if has long known, since he were initial Dragon Slayer, since Beheading Dragons Platform in the under foot, Yu Yuan should be able to achieve these. 只有知晓虞渊真实来头的天藏,一贯的淡然,仿佛早就知道,既然他是当初的斩龙者,既然斩龙台在脚下,虞渊就应该能做到这些。 That sword?” “那柄剑?” Sits well in Tear of Blue Devil on Tian Cang, the look is tranquil, inquired affectedly in a soft voice. 端坐在“蓝魔之泪”上的天藏,神色平静,故作惊讶地轻声询问。 This time Tear of Blue Devil, such as bright to not a bright gem of impurity, is releasing the dark blue brilliance. 此时的“蓝魔之泪”,如明净到没一丝杂质的剔透宝石,释放着深蓝色的光辉。 But once, with is too near, in Tear of Blue Devil that” Beheading Dragons Platform depends the corner, overflows the broken light. 可是,一旦和斩龙台靠的太近,在“蓝魔之泪”的边角,就嗤嗤地流溢出碎光。 When Tian Cang speech, perceived that improper, spreads out slightly. 天藏讲话时,觉察出了不妥,稍稍拉开距离。 This is because, he realized keenly, that their Blue Demon Clan large sum of money builds Blood Spirit Altar, will be extracted pure ability by Beheading Dragons Platform. 这是因为,他敏锐地意识到,他们蓝魔族重金打造的这座“血灵祭坛”,会被斩龙台抽取精纯的异能 It is not Yu Yuan intentionally for it, but is mysterious Beheading Dragons Platform, brings this species and wonderful. 并非是虞渊故意为之,而是神秘的斩龙台,自带这种属性和神妙。 that person, in beyond the heavens, many died in battle acquired Great Sword Immortal sword intent, was escorted to Grand Vastness Sword Sect by divine sword.” 那位,在天外收集到的,诸多战死大剑仙剑意,被神剑送往了浩漭剑宗。” Yu Yuan is quiet. 虞渊早就沉静下来。 Because, sword soul before charging into Cold Abyss' mouth, on the apology place, informed his truth and reason. 因为,剑魂在冲向“寒渊口”之前,就歉意地,告知了他真相和缘由。 Told him, will follow the Nie Qingtian last wish, these Great Sword Immortal comprehend the exquisiteness of sword, brought back to Grand Vastness safely, sprinkled to Sword Cave. 告诉他,将会遵循聂擎天的遗愿,把那些大剑仙参悟的剑之精妙,安然带回浩漭,洒落向剑窟 Is, finds roots...... 算是,认祖归宗…… Yu Yuan even can faint feel out, in Grand Vastness Genesis Continent, Sword Sect Sword Cave be at this time, has close sword lights, flies after the space circles one, such as the electricity illness/quick falls. 虞渊甚至能隐隐感觉出,此时在浩漭天源大陆,剑宗剑窟所在,有细密的剑光,在天上飞逝盘旋一番后,如电疾落。 sword lights, strange sword intent, walks randomly in the depth of underground under Sword Cave. 还有更多剑光,奇异的剑意,游走在剑窟下的地底深处 Slowly, integrates marvelous Sword Cave, changes to bunch of bright lightnings, for afterward Sword Sect juniors, came the comprehend feeling. 慢慢地,融入到奇妙的剑窟,化作一束束鲜艳的闪电,供后来的剑宗子弟,前来参悟感受。 If the angry function resonance, contains Dao of Sword exquisite sword lights, will evolve sword art, imprint to the body and mind of later generation. 若有气机能共鸣,蕴含剑道精妙的剑光,就会衍化出剑决,烙印到后辈的身心。 Thus, found the new generation successor. 从而,找到新一代的继任者。 Dao of Sword of deceased, will therefore be inherited. 逝者的剑道,也会因此而被传承下去。 Nie Qingtian truly is person hero.” 聂擎天确实是人雄。” In the big sleeve is swaying bright starlight, if after two groups of galaxy micro, refining to Jun Chen of sleeve, did not acclaim one parsimoniously, at once the facial expression, looks discretely to the stars of distant place, said: Alonso still in!” 大袖中挥洒着熠熠星光,如将两团星河微缩之后,炼化到袖筒的君宸,不吝啬地赞叹了一句,旋即神情谨慎地,看向远方的一颗颗星辰,道:“阿隆索依然在!” Alonso!” 阿隆索!” White Crane, that Zhou Yóu, in the eye flashes through the vigilant ray. 白鹤,还有那周游,眼中闪过警惕的光芒。 That divine sword, should not elect to return to Grand Vastness at this time.” Tian Cang spooky say/way. “那柄神剑,不该选在这时候回浩漭。”天藏幽幽道。 Alonso, Chaos Sea's Kun of frantic condition had not died, but is taking advantage of frantic of giant beast, through the Firefly Star Territory everywhere stars, is restoring the injury unceasingly. 阿隆索还在,狂暴状态的溟沌鲲也没有死亡,而是正依仗着巨兽狂暴,通过飞萤星域的漫天星辰,不断地恢复着伤势。 The complex situation, has not returned to normal. 复杂的局势,并没有平复下来。 Yu Yuan has not paid attention to them, the vision penetrates from Zhou Yóu and Jun Chen, looks at the body to have the close wound, snow-white down many disappearances Cold Territory's Snow Bear, „are you good?” 虞渊没理睬他们,目光从周游君宸之间透过,看着身上有着细密伤口,雪白绒毛很多消失的“寒域雪熊”,“你还好吗?” „! Wū wū......” “呜!呜呜……” It exudes the sorrowful low roar, as if for a short time, but could also not accept the betrayal of Asura Clan. 它发出悲痛的低吼声,似乎一时半会,还接受不了修罗族的背叛。 Alonso said explicitly, he obtained inciting of Sabonis, therefore took out Elemental Grounding Cage. 阿隆索明确地说了,他是得到了萨博尼斯的授意,所以祭出了“素落地笼”。 In Cold Territory's Snow Bear in the heart, Sabonis was initially that simple and honest Asura youngster...... 在“寒域雪熊”的心中,萨博尼斯还是当初那个淳朴的修罗少年…… Is raising the sword, physique grandiose Sabonis, goes on an expedition in Binghan Other Region, slaughters with the variant beast fight, after the severe wound, was discovered by it, by picture that it treats, as if happened yesterday. 提着战刀,体魄壮硕的萨博尼斯,征战于冰寒异域,和异兽搏斗厮杀,重伤之后被它发现,被它医治的画面,仿佛就发生在昨日。 It stemming from the appreciation, stemming from the Asura Clan ancient contract , helping the Sabonis breakthrough bloodlines, to its cold crystal...... 它出于欣赏,出于和修罗族的古老契约,帮助萨博尼斯突破血脉,给其寒晶…… Without its help, the Asura Clan king...... perhaps at all is not present Sabonis. 没有它的帮助,修罗族的王……或许根本不是现在的萨博尼斯 It has not thought that that was being protected by it, the simple and honest youngster who accompanying, is reaching slowly, will issue one unexpectedly, aims in its order. 它从没有想过,那个被它一路呵护着,陪伴着,慢慢登顶的淳朴少年,竟然会下达一个,针对于它的命令。 It is a little disappointed, more is sad and disappointed. 它有点寒心,更多的则是悲伤和失望。 Is all right well, you are also careful, after divine sword leaves, I felt that Alonso will also act. As for Firefly Star Territory of your control......” “没事就好,你也当心点,神剑离开以后,我感觉阿隆索还会出手。至于,你统御的飞萤星域……” Looks at Chaos Sea's Kun, is destroying stellar territories everywhere, made the Asura Clan all living things twinkling tragic death, Yu Yuan also thought reluctantly. 看着溟沌鲲,四处在破坏星辰域界,令修罗族的众生瞬息惨死,虞渊也觉无奈。 He knows, whatever Chaos Sea's Kun goes crazy, Firefly Star Territory will degenerate into the next deathly stillness galaxy finally. 他知道,任由溟沌鲲发狂下去,飞萤星域终将会沦为下一个死寂星河。 But present he, in the hand does not have Heaven Raising Sword, in the starry sky does not have a stream of river of sword lights to hang, he is unable again took out Opening Heaven Sword Formation. 可如今的他,手中并没有擎天之剑,星空中也没一道道剑光长河高悬,他也无法再次祭出启天剑阵”。 Chaos Sea's Kun under frantic condition, the defensive power achieves high, the brute force is also the peak, is extremely formidabe. 狂暴状态下的溟沌鲲,防御力达到最高,蛮力也是巅峰,极难对付。 I want to take a look actually, that person Asura Clan Great Commander, is to look at the destruction of Firefly Star Territory indifferently.” “我倒是想看看,那位修罗族大统帅,是不是要冷眼看着飞萤星域的毁灭。” Jun Chen curls the lip, the tone is indifferent, obviously this star territory Asura life and death, is not regarded as what important matter. 君宸撇了撇嘴,语气冷漠无比,显然不把此星域的修罗生死,看做是什么大事。 „The Alonso courage is big, dares unexpectedly before Chaos Sea's Kun has not solved, starts to you!” Zhou Yóu echoed one, then said: Xi Quan, was killed by this person, Asura Clan must pay the price for this reason!” 阿隆索胆子不小,竟然敢在溟沌鲲没解决之前,就对你下手!”周游附和了一句,然后说道:“席荃,被此人所杀,修罗族必须要为此付出代价!” Mentioned this, comprehend death strength White Crane, low cry. 提到这个,参悟死亡力量白鹤,低鸣一声。 He of monster crane shape, with the Xi Quan non- cross-eye, was in sharp opposition everywhere, may after Xi Quan died, he is a little moved. 妖鹤形态的他,原先和席荃处处不对眼,针锋相对,可在席荃死亡以后,他还是有点伤感。 His fellow traveller, was short of one. 他的同路人,又少了一个。 !!! 咻!咻!咻咻! Mo Baichuan, with Sword Sect three Great Sword Immortal, changes to fire glow and flowing light, falls to having Cold Abyss' mouth the ice lustrous stars, disperse near that icestone melt deep sea. 莫白川,和剑宗的三位大剑仙,化作火芒和流光,落向有“寒渊口”的冰莹星辰,散在那岩冰消融的深海附近。 In four people, Mo Baichuan and Du Yuan and Yu Mu, lower the head to stare at the deep sea, as if saw Cold Abyss' mouth. 四人中,莫白川杜远郁牧,低头凝望着深海,仿佛看到了寒渊口 They in silently perception anything. 他们在默默感知着什么。 Only has Star Frost Sword Ji Ningshuang, although person in side, but a pair of cold crystal Ice jade's beautiful eye, is full contain kindly, is looking at Yu Yuan on Beheading Dragons Platform. 唯有“星霜之剑纪凝霜,虽然人在旁边,可一双寒晶冰玉的美目,则是满含关切地,望着斩龙台上的虞渊 As if, how wants to ask his condition. 似乎,想问问他的状况如何。 ...... ……
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