UP :: Volume #13

#1254: Has no interest in bother

Green and lustrous cold and gloomy rock cave. 绿莹莹的森冷岩洞。 Ghost Spirit Sect Yan Ziyang , looks at one flock of colorful fish distressfully, lets fall along a hole. 鬼灵宗严子央,愁眉苦脸地,看着一群色彩斑斓的鱼儿,沿着一个孔洞垂落。 In cold rivers that cold vein contains, that drops the tender green blood of Empress of Azure Luan, the unusual brightness ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), dark cavern, brightness of very shining. 寒脉蕴藏的冷冽河流内,那滴青鸾女皇的嫩绿色鲜血,宝光万丈,将幽暗的洞穴,照耀的很是敞亮。 Shines, one flock of fish, appears is tall and pleasing to the eye. 照耀的,一群鱼儿,也显得是美轮美奂的。 Yang God great cultivator as Ghost Spirit Sect, goes on an expedition many years of Yan Ziyang in outer territory's galaxies, sees these fish, is above Monster Hall that person female Great Monster, by drop by drop blood condensing. 身为鬼灵宗阳神大修,在外域星河征战多年的严子央,一眼就看出那些鱼儿,就是上方妖殿那位女性大妖,以一滴滴鲜血凝炼而成。 Needs me to act? Can the words that I make a move, expose itself?” “需要我出手吗?我出手的话,会不会暴露自己?” Yan Ziyang is indecisive. 严子央犹豫不决。 Suddenly, the tender green blood in that drop of ice cold rivers, ripples dazzling and intoxicating surging. 突然间,那滴冰寒河流中的嫩绿色鲜血,荡漾出令人目眩神迷的波荡。 A crafty ability quantity of distortion soul, was full the rock cave instantaneously, and spreads toward the above. 一股扭曲灵魂的诡异能量,瞬间充盈了岩洞,并朝着上方蔓延。 In the eye of Yan Ziyang, appears immediately confusedly. 严子央的眼中,立即浮现出迷茫。 When colored small fish, must fall to that ice cold rivers, if receives the hauling of what strength to pull, unexpectedly flies to flee upwardly. 一尾尾彩色的小鱼,就要落向那条冰寒河流时,如受到什么力量的牵引拉扯,居然又飞窜向上。 Quick, all by that woman Great Monster, the sea-monster that releases from the sleeve, then returns to her monster body. 很快,所有被那女子大妖,从袖筒释放的游鱼,便重新回归她妖体 woman looks fierce, screamed strangely several, lost spiritual wisdom suddenly, throws toward Black-oil Barbarian Ox. 女子龇牙咧嘴,奇怪地尖叫了几声,突然间失去了灵智,朝着黑油蛮牛扑去。 „Does insane young married woman, you court death?” “疯婆娘,你找死吗?” Black-oil Barbarian Ox has a big shock, first is far away retreats, and said crassly: „The leaders of your water clan, is not I frames, do you come unable to pass with me, what significance have?” 黑油蛮牛大惊失色,第一时间远离撤退,并骂骂咧咧地说道:“你们水族的大统领,又不是我陷害的,你来和我过不去,有什么意义?” Whiz! Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖!嗖嗖嗖! By the sea-monster of woman income sleeve, was departed again, the school of fish that the inflation, changes to the bloodthirsty suddenly, tears and bites Black-oil Barbarian Ox, just like black iron firm monster body. 女子收入袖筒的游鱼,再一次飞出,骤然膨胀,化作嗜血的鱼群,撕咬起黑油蛮牛,犹如黑铁般坚固的妖体 The mouth of woman, gets bigger and bigger, skeleton that inside did not have the flesh, is broken at her mouth implosion. 女子的嘴,越张越大,里头一具具没了血肉的骸骨,在她口腔内爆碎。 At once, then sees spurs, swift and fierce such as arrow place, goes to Black-oil Barbarian Ox. 旋即,便见一根根的骨刺,凌厉如箭地,也向黑油蛮牛而去。 Everywhere color fish and bone arrow. 漫天的彩鱼和骨箭。 Also is shouting Black-oil Barbarian Ox, notices in her eye pupil, there is a small green flame to appear, the Black Ox facial expression fiercely changes, finally realized is not right. 还嚷嚷着的黑油蛮牛,留意到她眼瞳中,有微小的绿焰显现,黑牛神情猛地一变,终于意识到了不对劲。 He roared hot tempered lowly two, was planning that far away from this meteorite, monster soul as if listens respectfully to a song of the birds. 他暴躁地低吼了两声,正打算远离这块陨石,妖魂仿佛聆听到一声鸟鸣。 The song of the birds, as if from 100,000 years ago pasts, stretched across the space and time to transmit. 鸟鸣,仿佛从十万年前的过去,横跨时空传来。 9th rank Black-oil Barbarian Ox, rolls the unique bloodlines that wells up to be stimulated immediately, he in an instant, changed to the dark good shape, has black viscous oil, flows unceasingly from his pore, and was lit instantaneously. 九级黑油蛮牛,滚涌的独特血脉顿时被激发,他在霎那间,就化作了黝黑蛮牛形态,有黑色粘稠的油脂,从他的毛细孔不断流淌出来,并被瞬间点燃。 ! 呼! Black monster fire, is burning crazily, dozens zhang (3.33 m) high Black-oil Barbarian Ox, shouts in monster fire continues. 黑色的妖火,疯狂的燃烧着,数十丈高的黑油蛮牛,在妖火中嘶吼不止。 The bloodthirsty, the colored school of fish, was burnt by black monster fire. The thorn to his swift and fierce spur, falls on his strong monster body, „, when ding-dong such as the metal junction strikes. 嗜血的,彩色的鱼群,被黑色妖火噼里啪啦地烧死。刺向他的凌厉骨刺,落在他的强健妖体,“当当当”的如金铁交击。 Was enraged good, wrapped dreadful black monster fire, does not draw back instead enters, charged into that person directly, is distorting, is revealing monster body woman Great Monster. 蛮牛被激怒,裹着滔天的黑色妖火,不退反进,直接冲向了那位,也在变形,正在显露妖体女子大妖 both sides, quick slaughter in the same place, seethes in black monster fire. 双方,很快就厮杀在一起,在黑色妖火内翻腾。 In midair. 半空中。 A fist thrashes when Yu Yuan of Golden Rock Beast head, in that Golden Rock Beast sinks, the surprise looks to below. 一拳捶打在一头金岩兽脑袋的虞渊,在那金岩兽沉落之际,诧异地看向下面。 Time regains consciousness through Your Majesty the Empress several, created big sound, he believes Monster King of two 9th rank bloodlines, even if crashed in the rock cave seriously, should unable to make anything. 通过女皇陛下的几次苏醒,造成的大动静来看,他相信两位九级血脉的妖王,即使当真冲进了岩洞,应该也做不成什么。 Let alone, before Your Majesty the Empress deep sleep, has said that her drop of blood...... is no one can capture. 何况,女皇陛下沉睡前也说过,她的那滴血……不是谁都能斩获的。 Because believes that Your Majesty the Empress battle strength, Yu Yuan dares controls monster blade, while hunts and kills the out of control Golden Rock Beast, but is not worried about two Monster King, really can threaten Chen Qinghuang. 正是因为相信女皇陛下战力,虞渊才敢一边驾驭妖刀,一边去猎杀失控的金岩兽,而不担心两个妖王,真能够威胁到陈青凰 But following picture, makes Yu Yuan surprised, the mind shakes. 可下面的画面,还是让虞渊惊讶,心神震荡。 Because, Your Majesty the Empress as in deep sleep, that drop tender green, unusual brightness ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) strange blood in rock cave, has no special sound. 因为,女皇陛下依旧在沉睡,那滴嫩绿色,在岩洞内宝光万丈的奇异鲜血,也没有什么特殊动静。 Two Monster King have massacred mutually. 偏偏,两个妖王已互相残杀起来。 8th rank Great Monster, does not wait to be close to her drop of blood, is crazy. 9th rank Monster King, falls on that meteorite, what as long as there is to change, by her crafty strange power quantity influence?” 八级大妖,不等接近她的那滴鲜血,就已经疯狂了。九级妖王,落在那块陨石,但凡有什么异动,也会被她的诡异力量影响?” „Does Stellar Giant Beast that such as she so, the chaotic period is born, have such strength inborn?” “如她这般的,浑沌时期诞生的星空巨兽,天生具备这样的力量?” No wonder, she cannot have a liking for Great Demon God Grake blood crystal piece, has not revealed the specially big interest.” “难怪,她看不上大魔神格雷克血色晶块,没流露出特别大的兴致。” The Yu Yuan heart has become aware. 虞渊心有所悟。 ! 噗! He calls the Heaven Raising Sword scabbard, Golden Rock Beast, passes through after the waist abdomen, the form again raises, falls to other one piece of meteorite. 他唤出擎天之剑的剑鞘,将一头金岩兽,从腰腹贯穿以后,身影再次拔高,落到另外一块陨石。 Occupies a commanding position, looks into eight sides, he saw many 8th rank Great Monster, with beyond the heavens variant beast. 居高临下,眺望八方,他看到了更多的八级大妖,和天外异兽 Estimated sketchily, at least 30 8th rank Great Monster, with variant beast of same rank, were given the attraction by Your Majesty the Empress a drop of blood hence. 粗略估算了一下,至少有三十个八级大妖,和同等级的异兽,被女皇陛下一滴鲜血给吸引至此。 Two Monster King, fall into the meteorite to massacre mutually, the Grand Vastness monster, with variant beast, originally does not satisfy the need, I guess that...... they will also kill to be heavily engaged?” “两位妖王,落入陨石会相互残杀,浩漭的妖,和外界的异兽,本就不对路,我猜……他们同样会杀个不可开交吧?” This read just formed, he knew the answer. 此念刚形成,他就知道了答案。 Has to side far Golden Rock Beast, with he has seen Heavenly Star Beast, scarce Dark Flame Beast, inside and outside dozens, tearing and biting in together. 有离的极远的金岩兽,和他见过的天星兽,还有稀少的暗焰兽,在数十里外,就撕咬在一起了。 Heavenly Star Beast and Dark Flame Beast, stem from nearby Star Clan Swaying Fantasy Star Territory respectively, with Silver Scale Clan Silver Sand Star Territory, they moves in Distant Circle Star Territory, to collect the special thing, goes to powerful. 天星兽暗焰兽,分别出自附近星族曳幻星域,和银鳞族银沙星域,它们活动于邃林星域,也是为了收集特殊之物,去强大自己。 To Grand Vastness Great Monster, the beyond the heavens variant beast instinct dislike, is the type that meets can slaughter. 浩漭大妖,天外异兽本能地厌恶,属于一见面就会厮杀的类型。 Two alien of different camp, because of the blood of Your Majesty the Empress, massive gathering wells up to meet, without losing sanity, not crazily, still possibly launches the bloody battle immediately. 不同阵营的两种异类,因女皇陛下的鲜血,大量的聚涌碰面,即便没有失去理智,没有疯狂,也可能马上展开血战。 Let alone, that drop of blood twists their spiritual wisdom. 何况,还有那滴鲜血扭曲他们的灵智 Worthily is in the legend, is spreading the death and destruction divine bird. Place visited, is really rivers of blood, no place can be peaceful.” “不愧是传说中,散布着死亡和毁灭的神鸟。所过之处,的果真是血流成河,没一个地方能安生的。” Yu Yuan expressed admiration. 虞渊啧啧称奇。 Then suddenly remembers, he when Grand Vastness major world, was called by all parties for Plague God in secret. 然后突然想起,他在浩漭大世界的时候,也被各方私底下称呼为“瘟神”。 Is a little skillful.” “有点巧。” Shakes the head, Yu Yuan no longer thinks, is gripping tightly the Heaven Raising Sword scabbard, Heaven Raising Nine Slashes all sorts of exquisite releases heartily. 摇了摇头,虞渊不再多想,紧握着擎天之剑的剑鞘,将“擎天九斩”的种种精妙尽情释放。 Golden Rock Beast that a stream of scarlet sword glow, the shoots towards approaches, struck can pierce the Golden Rock Beast flesh and blood. 一道道绯红剑芒,射向临近的金岩兽,一击就能洞穿了金岩兽的骨肉。 However, the 8th rank Golden Rock Beast vitality is quite astonishing, only if monster heart is pierced, otherwise Golden Rock Beast will not die thoroughly, but can also be wounded to continue to fight. 不过,八级金岩兽的生命力颇为惊人,除非是妖心被刺穿,不然金岩兽都不会死透,还能负伤继续战斗。 The head, was chiselled by the scabbard, Golden Rock Beast will not die immediately. 就连头颅,被剑鞘凿开来,金岩兽也不会立即死亡。 Heart, is vital point in vital point, this and Human Clan cultivator is different.” “心脏,是要害中的要害,这点和人族修行者不同。” Yu Yuan knew in heart, the following assassination, will aim at the chest of Golden Rock Beast , punctures thoroughly this kind of monster beast monster heart as far as possible accurate. 虞渊心里有数了,后面的刺杀,都会瞄准金岩兽的胸口,尽可能精准地,刺透这类妖兽妖心 Howling! Howling!” “嚎!嗷嚎!” ten million li(0.5km) away star sea, has the roaring sound of ominous beast, rock the earth. 千万里外星海,另有凶兽的咆哮声,震天动地。 Jin Li!” 金厉!” Yu Yuan listened attentively, the complexion even more gloomy and cold, actually no alarmed and afraid. 虞渊倾听了一下,脸色愈发阴冷,却没有一丝惊惧。 Jin Li with following Black-oil Barbarian Ox, that woman Great Monster, same is only 9th rank Monster King. 金厉和下面的黑油蛮牛,还有那女子大妖,一样只是九级妖王 Monster King, since also by the ability influence of Undying Bird, being come also the enormous possibility to lose sanity, he does have what to fear? 妖王,既然也被不死鸟异能影响,来了也极大可能性丧失理智,他有何惧? Let alone...... 何况…… Yu Yuan narrows the eyes to focus, silent smiled. 虞渊眯着眼,无声地笑了起来。 He felt that Fiend Demons Cauldron, exactly realized, cauldron's soul Yu Yiyi in speedy approach. 他感觉到了煞魔鼎,非常确切地意识到,鼎魂虞依依在迅速接近。 A Yu Yiyi person is equivalent to 9th rank Unrestrained Realm, in addition Concubine Han, numerous high-grade fiend demon, his battle strength can rise suddenly instantaneously a big truncation! 虞依依一人就相当于九级自在境,加上寒妃,还有众多高等级的煞魔,他的战力能瞬间暴涨一大截! Another end. 另一端。 beyond heavens battlefield deep place, that by Yin Corpse King and Lin Zhuyun, strange meteorite of close attention. 天外战场的深处,那块被阴尸王蔺竹筠,密切注意的奇异陨石。 The Pei Yuling top of the head Void Heavenly Mirror, walks from the center of the earth, his look, is feeling the sound of this side land gloomy, whispered: Should not be this, should not......” 裴羽翎头顶“虚天鉴”,从地心走出来,他神色阴沉地,感受着此方大地的动静,嘀咕道:“不应该是这样,不应该的……” Famous beyond heavens battlefield, according to his judgment, many foreign race and Great Monster appears and disappears. 著名的天外战场,根据他的判断,有很多异族大妖出没。 Grand Vastness Yang God, has much whets in this. 浩漭阳神,同样有不少在此磨砺。 underground, after appearing mysterious sound, attracts many lives to come by rights ought to the investigation, or joins in the fun, comes to clarify the reason. 地底,在显出神秘动静以后,理当吸引诸多生灵过来探察,或者凑热闹地,前来弄清楚缘由。 But he waited to be very long, has not waited till too many lives, this was very unusual. 可他等了很久,并没有等到太多生灵,这很反常。 Pei Yuling worries very much. 裴羽翎很着急。 ...... ……
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