UP :: Volume #13

#1252: Good

Like mountain overwhelming power Golden Rock Beast, through Profound Heaven Sect watch over Galaxy Port, after visiting famous beyond heavens battlefield, immediately uses a drop of monster blood perception ethnic group. 一头如山岳般威猛的金岩兽,通过玄天宗看护的“星河渡口”,踏足著名的天外战场后,立即动用一滴妖血感知族群。 His drop of golden monster blood, such as great sun initial rise, around brilliance galaxy. 他的一滴金色妖血,如大日初升,光耀四面星河。 The intermittent monster energy ripples, transmit ten million li(0.5km) away instantaneously, but also is continue spread. 阵阵妖能涟漪,瞬间传递到千万里外,还在继续扩散。 If opens in the shell meteorite, Profound Heaven Sect guarding, looks silent, secret exclamation. 如张开贝壳般的陨石中,玄天宗的镇守者,沉默地看着,暗暗惊叹。 He knows that present Golden Rock Beast, named Jin Li, is 9th rank Monster King. 他知道眼前的金岩兽,名叫金厉,是一位九级妖王 Jin Li will appear in this, rather than Abysmal Dusk Star Territory , because before Abysmal Dusk Star Territory that massacre, Jin Li makes numerous Golden Rock Beast first come this place. 金厉之所以会出现于此,而不是深黯星域,是因为在深黯星域的那场惨案发生前,金厉就让众多金岩兽先来了此地。 Because of his ethnic group here, therefore after Abysmal Dusk Star Territory has an accident, his hesitation, has not accepted the dispatch of Monster Hall. 因为他的族群在此,所以深黯星域出事后,他一番犹豫,没接受妖殿的调度。 He after handling own business, is keeping thinking about the ethnic group, chose here. 他在处理好自己的事务以后,惦记着族群,还是选择来了这里。 But he uses monster blood, after attempting to communicate several right arms, discovered a strange matter. 可他动用妖血,尝试着沟通几位得力干将以后,发现了一件诡异的事情。 His these go-getters, were completely as if insane. 他的那些干将,似乎全部疯了。 These have the 8th rank bloodlines, same had opened the fellow of wisdom with him, as if degenerated, turned into only the knowledge to slaughter, without the spirituality ominous beast. 那些也有着八级血脉,和他一样早就开启了智慧的家伙,仿佛退化了,又变成了只知杀戮,没有灵性的凶兽。 His summon, all Golden Rock Beast have not paid attention, does not seem to feel. 他的召唤,所有的金岩兽都没理会,似乎没感觉到。 Moreover, numerous Golden Rock Beast beast group, are still gathering to well up toward position unexpectedly. 而且,众多的金岩兽兽群,竟然还在朝着一个方位聚涌。 That is not his present position...... 那并不是他现在的位置…… Jin Li hu-hu, lived a while sulks, roars hot tempered lowly, goes far away rapidly. 金厉呼哧呼哧的,生了一会儿闷气,暴躁地低吼一声,迅速远去。 ...... …… What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Yan Qiling sets up the together white lustrous meteorite, in the hand is pinching one, the crescent moon accessory that just carved , is overlooking the under foot exhaltedly. 严奇灵在一块白莹的陨石,手中捏着一个,刚刚雕琢出的月牙饰品,居高临下地,俯瞰着脚下。 His whereabouts, in this beyond heavens battlefield extremely high void. 他所在之处,在此天外战场极高的虚空。 He is stepping on meteorite, once was a fragment of crescent moon, with past Liu Ying refining Eye of Falling Star somewhat similar. 他踩着的陨石,曾经是一轮弯月的碎片,和当年柳莺炼化的“陨落星眸”有几分相似。 By him the understanding about space strength, in addition this unique meteorite, he and Yu Yiyi can see many marvelous. 以他对空间力量的认识,加上这块独特陨石,他和虞依依两人能看到很多奇妙。 They notice, is hiding much, lets Great Monster that they had not previously discovered, crops up suddenly. 他们注意到,不少潜藏着,让他们先前都没发现的大妖,突然间冒头。 Then, hits the chicken blood probably, some gathers to well up to them. 然后,一个个像是打个鸡血般,向他们后面的某地聚涌。 Not is only Great Monster, some beyond the heavens variant beast, were alarmed similarly. 不仅是大妖,还有一些天外异兽,同样被惊动。 Battlefield deep place gate of Origin World concentrates, caused other mutation?” Yan Qiling is frowning, being puzzling, is impossible? The gate in Grand Vastness, a foreign race wonderland gate, after forming, will not make beast group crazy.” “战场深处的‘源界之门’凝成,难道引起了别的异变?”严奇灵皱着眉头,百思不得其解,“不可能啊?浩漭内的门,还有异族一下奇地的门,形成以后,也不会令兽群疯狂啊。” Because of comprehend power of space, he enters outer territory's galaxies, after obtaining the approval of Divine Soul Sect, understood specially mystically gate of Origin World. 因为参悟空间之力,他进入外域星河,得到神魂宗的认可以后,特意去了解了神秘的“源界之门”。 He had not heard, „after gate of Origin World forms, will trigger monster beast and different 他从没听说,“源界之门”形成后,会引发妖兽、异 Beast demented. 兽的癫狂。 simply is not two position.” Yu Yiyi said. 根本就不是两个方位。”虞依依道。 Sound becomes strange, is only Great Monster and variant beast, these two have similar characteristics. When was just born, bloodline rank not high stage, does not have any wisdom formation.” Yan Qiling narrows the eyes to focus, the expression on face is very strange, relative, is very easy to lose control, is very easy to lose sanity.” “动静变得奇怪的,只是大妖异兽,这两者有个同样的特征。就是刚出生时,血脉等级不高的阶段,没有什么智慧形成。”严奇灵眯着眼,脸上的表情很是怪异,“相对的,也很容易失控,很容易丧失理智。” He said, is Great Monster and variant beast that notices these to set out in abundance, spiritual wisdom collapse. 他这么说,是注意到那些纷纷出动的大妖异兽,灵智崩溃了。 Turned, wild animal that will only follow the instinct conduct. 变成了,只会遵循本能行事的野兽。 „Before either, either , do we choose a place to explore?” Yu Yiyi proposed. “要么前,要么后,我们选一个地方探索?”虞依依提议。 „Shortly after front, situated in the battlefield central center, gate of Origin World just formed. Behind, beast group is gathering to well up, the reason is unknown.” Yan Qiling whispered, you elect.” “前面,处于战场中央腹地,有一个源界之门刚形成不久。后面,兽群在聚涌,原因不明。”严奇灵嘀咕了一番,“你来选。” Behind, my master should in the rear area, I first to find him.” The Yu Yiyi tone is decisive. “后面吧,我主人应该在后方,我要先找到他。”虞依依语气果断。 According to you.” “依你。” ...... …… On cold qi dense meteorite. 寒气森森的陨石上。 The blood-color blade light, interweaves to become numerous strange grids, flies to the dark guy who that Monster King fluctuates. 道道血色刀光,交织而成众多的奇异网格,向那头妖王变幻出的黝黑大汉飞去。 The guys grin smile strangely, shuttles back and forth in the countless blade light like the electricity, often approaches Yu Yuan, conducts a limbs to collide, Fiendish Demon Body Refining Technique that boy, you cultivation, but also is really a little way 大汉咧嘴怪笑,在数不尽的刀光中穿梭如电,不时逼近虞渊,进行一番肢体碰撞,“小子,你修炼的煞魔炼体术,还真是有点门道啊” ! 呼! One group of gigantic bloody soul, in everywhere blood-color grid, appear suddenly is the blood ape shapes. 一团硕大的血魂,在漫天的血色网格中,突然显现为血猿形态。 blood ape is whooshing heavenshaking, does not know where has a giant iron rod from refining, pounds in the guy back of the head. 血猿震天嘶吼着,不知从何地精炼出一根巨大的铁棍,一头砸在大汉后脑勺。 Skin color jet black Monster King, was pounded to fall by a stick in the place, was completely muddled gets up, looks at bloody soul of giant ape shape, the eye light of tyrannical restrained rapidly. 肤色漆黑的妖王,被一棍砸落在地,晕头转向地起来,看了一下巨猿形态的血魂,眼中的凶戾之光迅速收敛。 He also reveals the color of recalling, Sir Heaven Shaking Ape, my first expedition world, devoted life to under your tent/account in the past. At that time, I and Outer Territory powerhouse slaughtered, as long as had timid slightly, was so taught by you.” 他还露出缅怀之色,“震天猿大人,当年我第一次征战天下,就是在你帐下效命。那时,我和外域强者厮杀,但凡稍有胆怯,就是被你如此教训的。” The guys sobbed the feeling, has not worried to counter-attack, as to look at that bloody soul several. 大汉唏嘘感慨,没着急回击,似乎想多看那血魂几眼。 As if to respond to him, in the blood-color grids of many interweaving, another six groups of bloody soul, reduce suddenly correspondingly. 似乎为了回应他,众多交织的血色网格内,另外六团血魂,突然相应地缩小。 Only has, bloody soul of that Heaven Shaking Ape shape, continuous growth. 唯有,那震天猿形态的血魂,不断地壮大。 As if, awakened extremely shortly spirituality...... 仿佛,极其短暂地觉醒了一点灵性…… Is rocking Yu Yuan of numb and aching hot arm, looks at that this is Black-oil Barbarian Ox Monster King, secret surprised. 晃动着酸麻火辣胳膊的虞渊,看着那头本为黑油蛮牛妖王,暗暗惊奇。 Black-oil Barbarian Ox is Grand Vastness major world, unconventional monster beast, this monster beast is accustomed to the activity extremely in the desolate and uninhabited mountain deep place, seeks for ink jet black oil in underground, expands own bloodlines through refining that oil, thus rapidly broken boundary. 黑油蛮牛浩漭大世界,极其另类妖兽,这种妖兽习惯于活动在荒无人烟的大山深处,在地底寻找一种墨汁般漆黑的油脂,通过炼化那种油脂壮大自己的血脉,从而迅速地破境。 In Grand Vastness World, that jet black oil is not inexhaustible, therefore Black-oil Barbarian Ox, once breaks through 8th rank, will be ordered to escort to beyond the heavens by Monster Hall. 浩漭天地,那种漆黑油脂也不是无穷尽的,所以黑油蛮牛一旦突破八级,就会被妖殿勒令送往天外 Moreover, but also does not make them return to Grand Vastness as far as possible again. 而且,还尽量不让他们再回浩漭 Therefore, highest -grade Black-oil Barbarian Ox, all go on an expedition in the beyond the heavens galaxy, in black strap breakthrough bloodlines through foreign race galaxy. 因此,大多数高等级黑油蛮牛,全部在天外星河征战,通过异族星河内的黑油突破血脉。 At present this head, the bloodlines achieves 9th rank Black-oil Barbarian Ox, is quite famous in the Grand Vastness legend. 眼前这一头,血脉达到九级黑油蛮牛,在浩漭的传说中颇为著名。 300 years ago, when is Medicine God Hong Qi, he heard. 三百年前,还是药神洪奇时,他就有所耳闻。 Huge bloody soul of rapid rise, resembles in extremely in a short time, congealing is a huge apes and monkeys, pair of scarlet monster, stares to look to the skin jet black robust man, fiery. 迅速膨胀的巨大血魂,似在极短时间内,凝为一头庞大的猿猴,一双猩红的妖目,直勾勾看向皮肤漆黑的壮汉,炯炯有神。 Really is pitiful, is better than the Sir you, unexpectedly by blade backlash.” “真是可悲,强如大人你,竟被一把刀反噬了。” Black-oil Barbarian Ox shakes the head, appearance that regrets very much, „, if not this blade, if Sir also, perhaps in the present chaotic way of the world, there is to attack the hope of Monster God.” 黑油蛮牛摇了摇头,很是惋惜的样子,“如果不是这把刀,如果大人还在,兴许在如今的混乱世道,也有冲击妖神的希望。” Naturally, but a little hopes that I felt after all, I am more entitled.” “当然,只是有点希望罢了,毕竟我觉得,我才更有资格。” The jet black guy said with a smile strangely. 漆黑大汉怪笑道。 Black Ox, you so boast shamelessly.” 黑牛,你还是如此大言不惭。” A gentle delightful female voice, transmits from the meteorite of distant place, then sees the one piece of colorful meteorite, probably beautiful woman passes rapidly. 一个轻柔悦耳的女声,从远方的陨石后面传来,然后就看到一块花花绿绿的陨石,像是妖艳的女子迅速逝来。 Among the colorful crushed stones, emerges the one thin baseless monster shadow, she smiles. 五颜六色的碎石之间,凭空浮出一道瘦巴巴的妖影,她抿嘴一笑。 Whiz! 嗖! Next instantly, she stops side Black-oil Barbarian Ox, skinny such as the hand of firewood, sways gently. 下一个刹那,她就在黑油蛮牛身旁停下,枯瘦如柴的一只手,轻轻地摇晃。 The meteorite that she was previously at explodes suddenly, the colorful stone, changes to a lot of colored pebble, blooms the bright bright ray, concentrates behind her presently. 她先前所在的陨石陡然爆开,花花绿绿的石块,化作千百个彩色石子,绽放出鲜艳明亮的光芒,在她背后凝现。 „Are you Yu Yuan?” woman looks delicately gentle, spoke softly, „, a very capable young fellow, the appearance also lost face/showed off, too pitifully.” “你就是虞渊吧?”女子看着柔弱温婉,慢声细语,“啧啧,挺精壮的一个小伙子,模样也出彩,太可惜了。” She narrows the eye to smile, said to Black-oil Barbarian Ox: Not anxiously, the juniors in many palace , on the way.” 她眯眼而笑,又对黑油蛮牛说:“莫急,还有很多殿内的小辈,也在过来途中。” Death, but also is insufficient?” Black-oil Barbarian Ox grins fiendishly. “死的,还不够吗?”黑油蛮牛狞笑。 That moment that he drops, knows to have Golden Rock Beast, Bloodstained Beast, the Wind Wolf and other Monster Hall juniors, dies of that named Blood Prison monster blade. 他落下的那一刻,就知道有金岩兽,血纹兽,风狼妖殿小辈,死于那把名为“血狱”的妖刀 Year to year drifts outside, several hundred years do not return to Grand Vastness him, have no sentiment to the Monster Hall junior. 常年漂泊在外,几百年也不回浩漭一趟的他,对妖殿的小辈没什么感情。 Several, definitely are insufficient.” “才几个而已,肯定是不够的。” woman lowers the head, the line of sight as if crosses numerous holes, found that drop tender green, the dazzling and intoxicating blood, Black Ox, you were too arrogant. Depending on your one, really thinks that what can capture? If that person really below, but incessantly drop of blood.” 女子低着头,视线仿佛越过众多的孔洞,瞧见了那滴嫩绿色,令人目眩神迷的鲜血,“黑牛,你太自大了。凭你一个,真以为能有什么斩获?那位如果真在下面,可不止一滴血。” Black-oil Barbarian Ox stares. 黑油蛮牛一愣。 Yu Yuan, you may know, Monster Hall once did favor you extremely? Sir Golden Elephant, but also has particularly recommended you, but you actually rejected gathering of Monster Hall.” woman pities facial expression, sighed, several babies who and you were on good terms, in good of Monster Hall development, Zhan Tianxiang, Zhao Yafu, the person who you were familiar with.” 虞渊,你可知道,妖殿曾极为看好你?金象大人,还特别举荐过你,可你却拒绝了妖殿的招揽。”女子一副惜才的神情,叹息一声,“和你交好的几个娃娃,在妖殿发展的都不错,詹天象,赵雅芙,还有一些你熟悉的人。” Stops!” The Yu Yuan complexion is deep. “打住!”虞渊脸色深沉。 ...... ……
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