UP :: Volume #13

#1247: If the god is common!

Huge copper bell, howls from void. 巨大铜钟,从虚空中呼啸而过。 On the bell wall engraves, numerous fire talismans and scarlet Red Devils clouds, is releasing the turbulent flame, lets this heaven rank spirit tool, looks at such as the boiling hot iron slab. 钟壁上刻印着的,众多的火符和赤红魔云,释放着汹涌火焰,让这件天级灵器,看着如滚烫的铁块。 Yuan Lianyao of Yang God shape, stands erect in the bell end, the whole body is burning the dark red flame. 阳神形态的辕莲瑶,矗立在钟口,浑身燃烧着深红火焰。 In the flame, a little selects crystal piece such as the stars sparkle, bright dazzling. 火焰中,有点点晶块如星辰闪耀,亮的眩目。 Her, to the copper bell bottom region, if there is ebullition magmatic pool. 她脚下,通往铜钟底部的区域,如有一个沸腾的岩浆潭 In flame juice, surges continuous, is transporting blazing flame energy to this Yang God physique unceasingly. 内中的火焰汁水,涌动不休,不断向她这具阳神体魄输送着炽热炎能 A beautiful lotus flower, such as the marvelous armor, protects her form. 一朵妖艳的莲花,如奇妙般的铠甲般,将她的身影护住。 She turns head repeatedly, the complexion is dignified, soul thought that „” makes noise, such as the electric arc flashes through in side , helping her perception peripheral sound. 她频频回头,脸色凝重,“哧哧”作响的魂念,在旁边如电弧闪过,帮助她感知周边的动静。 The Asura Clan soldier who she is worried about to pursue, hides in the meteorite of way, pulls out hails plots. 她担心追击的修罗族战士,潜藏在途径的陨石,抽冷子进行暗算。 By these Asura Clan powerhouses, the polite name was called the young girl of Your Highness Elena, she is certainly untrustworthy. 被那些修罗族强者,尊称叫艾莲娜殿下的少女,她当然信不过。 She thought that Asura young girl was calling makes the clansman stop, perhaps is a clansman obvious strategy, lets these valiant Asura Warrior, copes with her in other method. 她觉得修罗少女吆喝着让族人停下,兴许是一种族人心照不宣的策略,让那些彪悍的修罗战士,以别的手段对付她。 In famous beyond heavens battlefield, facing Asura of ominous remoteness, Yuan Lianyao does not dare prudently. 身在著名的天外战场,又是面对凶名远扬的修罗,辕莲瑶不敢不慎重。 Until...... 直到…… The message transfer of Fang Yao, she relaxes finally quietly, distinguishes accurate position, the coordinates informs Scarlet Demon Bell tool's soul. 方耀的讯息传递过来,她才终于悄悄松了一口气,辨别出准确方位,将坐标告知“红魔钟”的器魂 Scarlet Demon Bell accelerates suddenly! 红魔钟”陡然加速! After the moment, Yuan Lianyao is riding Scarlet Demon Bell, with rushing to Fang Yao meets. 片刻后,辕莲瑶乘坐着“红魔钟”,和赶赴过来的方耀碰头。 These Asura?” “那些修罗呢?” Bald bright Fang Yao, the back is floating three giant flame balls, each flame ball, can embezzle more than ten foreign race soldiers one time. 光头明亮的方耀,背后漂浮着三个巨大的火焰球,每一个火焰球,都能一次性吞没十几个异族战士。 Inside fireworks roasts fiercely, has earthfire, there is skyfire mingle, is hiding frantic flame energy. 里面焰火炙烈,有地火,也有天火混杂,藏着狂暴炎能 Several Heavenly Evil Sect and Witch Poison Cult cultivator, is also looking around. 几个天邪宗巫毒教修行者,也在东张西望。 drawing when behind, stems from Medicine God Sect Chu Yao, sees Yuan Lianyao comes, the look is slightly awkward. 拉在后面的,出自药神宗楚尧,看到辕莲瑶现身时,神色略显尴尬。 Chu Yao is separated from that strange meteorite, after running away that even Pei Yuling cannot attend, soon bumped into Fang Yao, this batch stem from Extinction Continent cultivator similarly. 楚尧脱离那块诡异陨石,连裴羽翎都顾不上的逃走以后,不久就碰到了方耀,还有这批同样出自寂灭大陆修行者 Therefore, he seeks Fang Yao and the others the asylums, is thinking Galaxy Port leaves from that as early as possible. 于是,他寻求方耀等人的庇护,想着从那“星河渡口”趁早离开。 Fang Yao in his mouth, knew drastic change that has in Swaying Fantasy Star Territory, heard the meteorite that Pei Yuling submerges, had the fearful change, instead stimulated the rich interest. 方耀在他嘴里,得知了发生在曳幻星域的剧变,也听说了裴羽翎沉没的陨石,出现了可怕的变化,反而激发了浓郁兴趣。 Again then, Fang Yao induces to the Yuan Lianyao SOS, gets the people to come. 再然后,方耀感应到辕莲瑶的求救讯号,就领着众人过来。 both sides meet. 双方就此碰面。 Possibly pursued loses.” “可能追丢了。” Yuan Lianyao relaxes completely, nods to Fang Yao, explained: Asura who „ bumps into, should come from Firefly Star Territory, the young girls named Elena, raises silver giant hammer, yes 辕莲瑶完全放松下来,冲着方耀点了点头,解释道:“碰到的修罗,应该来自飞萤星域,有一个叫艾莲娜的少女,提银色巨锤,也是 Bloodlines of 8th rank, but battle efficiency exceptionally astonishing. ” 八级的血脉,可战斗力异常的惊人。” She says the long and short of the story simply. 她简单说了说来龙去脉。 Then, discovers Fang Yao, Heavenly Evil Sect and Witch Poison Cult several people, the complexion is somewhat strange. 然后,就发现方耀,还有天邪宗巫毒教的几人,面色有些古怪。 Also notices in the crowd, were many a stranger...... 还注意到人群中,多了一个陌生人…… „.” “咳咳。” Fang Yao touched the bright top of the head, hehe smiled several straightforwardly strangely, points at Chu Yao saying: This, you should not be strange, he from Medicine God Sect comes, to call Chu Yao. Is this, he in a short time ago, with Profound Heaven Sect Cao Jiaze, Fu Xuanwen and the others one, went to Star Clan Swaying Fantasy Star Territory.” 方耀摸了摸光可鉴人的头顶,粗豪地嘿嘿怪笑了几声,指着楚尧说道:“这位,你应该不陌生的,他从药神宗而来,叫楚尧。是这样的,他在前不久,和玄天宗曹嘉泽,傅宣文等人一道儿,去了星族曳幻星域。” Young Medicine God Chu Yao!” Yuan Lianyao facial expression ice-cold, disdaining and dislike on face, a point not covers up. 小药神楚尧!”辕莲瑶神情冰冷,脸上的不屑和厌恶,一点不加掩饰。 Yu Yuan 300 years ago direct disciple, that most loves, now became the Zhong Chichen lucky son-in-law, decided but not yet announced next Medicine God Sect Sect Master. 虞渊三百年前的亲传弟子,还是最疼爱的一个,如今成了钟赤尘的乘龙快婿,内定的下一任药神宗宗主 How can she not know? 她岂会不知? Chu Yao in Swaying Fantasy Star Territory, has seen Yu Yuan, but also knows that Yu Yuan and a Asura Clan young girl goes hand in hand. The name of that Asura young girl, is Elena, once was the roving bandit, now is admitted by Asura King.” Fang Yao does not raise Hong Qi specially, only said the Yu Yuan name. 楚尧曳幻星域,见过了虞渊,还知道虞渊和一个修罗族的少女结伴同行。那个修罗少女的名字,就是艾莲娜,曾为流寇,如今又被修罗王重新接纳了。”方耀特意不提洪奇,只说虞渊的名字。 The Yuan Lianyao long brow, wrinkles slowly. 辕莲瑶长长的眉头,慢慢皱起来。 She is near initially outer territory's galaxies, after Yu Yuan leaves Grand Vastness, these things of experience, and does not have any hearing. 她初临外域星河,对虞渊离开浩漭以后,经历的那些事情,并没有什么耳闻。 Scarlet Demon Sect cultivator, deliberately does not propose the Yu Yuan deeds, therefore her anything is not clear. 赤魔宗修行者,也刻意不提虞渊的事迹,所以她什么都不清楚。 Fang Yao this time through Chu Yao, realizes Asura Clan Elena, since came in Distant Circle Star Territory, then leaves Swaying Fantasy Star Territory Yu Yuan with her, the incarnation is Chen Qinghuang Undying Bird, is very likely also in this side beyond heavens battlefield. 方耀这次是通过楚尧,意识到修罗族艾莲娜,既然在邃林星域现身了,那么和她一起离开曳幻星域虞渊,还有化身为陈青凰不死鸟,极有可能也在此方天外战场 Discrete in order, Fang Yao decides to open the heart, told the Yuan Lianyao real situation. 谨慎起见,方耀决定敞开心扉,告诉辕莲瑶真实情况。 The Yuan Lianyao hear, nods silent. 辕莲瑶听完,沉默地点了点头。 But eye, then shone gradually. 可眼睛,则渐渐亮了起来。 ...... …… The cold meteorite, under the control of Yan Ziyang, changed the direction again. 冷冽的陨石,在严子央的驾驭下,再一次改变了方向。 Ghost Spirit Sect Yan Ziyang, it may be said that is the having mind filled with question, does not know that Yu Yuan actually thinks anything. 鬼灵宗严子央,可谓是满腹疑问,不知道虞渊到底想什么。 A while, making him avoid the central center, even if detours, walks one section much, do not pass through from the Distant Circle Star Territory deep place. 一会儿,让他避开中央的腹地,即便是绕路,多走一截,也不要从邃林星域的深处经过。 Some time ago, Yu Yuan suddenly changed the mind, let him toward the central region vanguard. 不久前,虞渊又突然改变主意,让他朝着中央地带前行。 Yan Ziyang also has to comply. 严子央也只好依从。 Beheading Dragons Platform internal world. 斩龙台内部的世界。 Yin God that the Yu Yuan cultivation Great Yin Soul Technique becomes, exchanges with that person Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon, suddenly the heart has become aware, 虞渊修炼“大阴魂术”而成的阴神,和那位极寒天魔交流一番,突然心有所悟, Dim within, he as if thought that his Yin God, in Beheading Dragons Platform two small world, can fabricate...... various offensive as one desires. 朦朦胧胧间,他仿佛觉得他的阴神,在斩龙台的两个小天地,可以随心捏造……各种攻势。 The Yin God intention moves. 阴神心念一动。 one after another 8th rank and 9th rank Frost Giant Dragon, even that 10th rank Dragon God, in dragon's corpse ice lustrous extreme cold dragon breath, instantaneously by the control influence of his Yin God. 一头头八级九级冰霜巨龙,甚至那头十级龙神,龙尸冰莹极寒龙息,瞬间受他阴神的操控影响。 this world, rules of world suddenly changes! 此方世界,天地规则骤然一变! Ka ka! 咔咔! sparkling and translucent sharp ice cones, with his intention, by the Frost Giant Dragon strength, mix strange power in this world, extremely short time refining. 一根根晶莹锋利的冰锥,随着他心念,由冰霜巨龙的力量,糅合此方世界内的异力,极短时间精炼而成。 Several ice cones, such as wield the extreme cold rule the Spiritual God, in an instant creates. 十几根冰锥,如执掌极寒规则的神灵,霎那间缔造。 The ice cones tip, is sparkling cold light that absorbs the person, inside has a lot of slender ice glow, the shape of dragon, such as materialization of cold ice rule. 冰锥的尖端,闪耀着摄人的寒光,里头有千百条纤细冰芒,龙之形态,如寒冰规则的实质化 ice cones, 11 face that person to restore Old Heavenly Demon. 冰锥,一一朝向那位恢复中的老天魔 Old Heavenly Demon was pointing by numerous ice cones, sparkling and translucent demon body is stiff, moves does not dare to move. 老天魔被众多冰锥指着,晶莹魔躯僵硬着,一动不敢动。 You, do you want to do?” “你,你要干什么?” His demon soul is trembling, he felt suddenly, this strange world's control, uses the floor core rules of Grand Dao, must grind his soul and body. 他的魔魂都在颤栗,他忽然觉得,这个奇异世界的主宰,动用底层核心的大道规则,要碾碎他的魂魄和躯体。 Looking like bored a hole through that cold crystal to be the same some time ago. 就像是不久前凿穿那块寒晶一般。 In this side small world, that more than ten hundred meters ice cones, punctures thoroughly the feeling of transmitting swiftly and fiercely, making Old Heavenly Demon know that resists without resisted, he comprehend cold ice morality and justice, in the flash of contact, will brutally write off. 在此方小天地,那十几根百米长的冰锥,传来的凌厉刺透感,让老天魔自知无力抗拒,他所参悟的寒冰道义,将会在接触的一瞬间,被无情抹杀。 Because, inside has the 10th rank Frost Giant Dragon strength! 因为,里面有十级冰霜巨龙的力量! That is Dragon God! 那可是龙神 Wonderful!” “妙哉!” Yin God of Yu Yuan impractical upper air , sighs with emotion one well satisfied with a smile. 虞渊虚浮高空的阴神,心满意足地,笑着感慨一句。 Several ice cones in breaths, disintegrate mystically, changes to ice cold dragon breath, the powder is the this world floor strength, integrates Beheading Dragons Platform. 十几根冰锥在一息间,神秘地解体,化作冰寒龙息,散为此方世界的底层力量,重新融入斩龙台 The intention again changes. 心念再变。 9th rank Thunder Dragon, thunder dragon breath in within the body surviving, changes to the fierce thunder storm, is congealing in an instant. 一头九级雷龙,体内残存的雷霆龙息,化作狂烈的雷霆风暴,在霎那间凝成。 Yu Yuan Yin God, looked was born with have deadly poison Jasper Dragon again to a day before, the mind moves, saw muddy deadly poison river, in surviving dragon breath because of dragon's corpse congealed. 虞渊阴神,再看向一头天生就具备剧毒碧玉龙,心神一动,就见一条条浑浊的剧毒长河,因龙尸内的残存龙息凝成。 Frost, strength that the thunder, deadly poison, dragon's corpse contains, can be transferred by him as one pleases. 冰霜,雷霆,剧毒,龙尸所含的力量,能够随心所欲地被他调用。 Also can, change to any shape the entity and illusory thing, strikes at the enemy accurate. 也能,化作任何形态的实体和虚幻之物,精准地打击敌人。 So long as in Beheading Dragons Platform, in two small world, he looks like fusing the Dao Beheading Dragons Platform Unrestrained Realm great cultivator, can use all dragon's corpse strengths! 只要在斩龙台中,在两个小天地内,他就像是合道斩龙台自在境大修,能动用所有龙尸的力量! Whiz! 嗖! His Yin God, appears in suddenly burying corpse Dragon of Space-Time small world, the intention fluctuates, the Dragon of Space-Time surviving strength, changes to the space shield surface, concentrates for shining space blade. 他的阴神,瞬息间又出现于埋尸时空之龙小天地,心念变幻间,时空之龙的残存力量,化作空间盾面,凝为明晃晃的空间利刃 The time, because of the control of its mind, such as is backflowing, can frame in some moment. 时间,因其心神的操控,如在回流,也能够定格在某一刻。 Such as the god is common!” “如神一般!” Yu Yuan from forbidden area, does not open the arm, makes to surround the stance of the world. 虞渊不自禁地,张开手臂,做出环抱天地的架势。 So marvelous realizing from experience, he in this life and previous, has not experienced. 如此奇妙的体悟,他在这一世和前一世,是从没有经历过的。 He feels for the first time clearly, his cultivation Great Yin Soul Technique the soul, two world in Beheading Dragons Platform, can control the myriad things, deserving only gods! 他第一次清晰地感受到,他那修炼“大阴魂术”的魂魄,在斩龙台中的两个天地,就是能主宰万物的,当之无愧的唯一神明! ...... ……
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