UP :: Volume #13

#1245: Spontaneity attraction

Yu Yuan has not acted rashly finally. 虞渊最后还是没轻举妄动。 This is because, actually he does not determine Chaos Sea's Kun in Distant Circle Star Territory, was not clear that Stellar Giant Beast, can arrive instantaneously. 这是因为,他不确定溟沌鲲究竟在不在邃林星域,也不清楚那头星空巨兽,能不能瞬间降临。 Lin Zhuyun, Yin Corpse King, he does not have too to dread in addition. 只是蔺竹筠,加上阴尸王,他没太多畏惧。 Chaos Sea's Kun is naturally different. 溟沌鲲自然是不一样的。 Therefore he chose calmly, the choice listens to Yan Ziyang, does not make any waste motion. 于是他选择了冷静,选择听严子央的,不作任何的多余动作。 Has not made him and others too long...... 并没有让他等太久…… Left.” “离开了。” Yan Ziyang does not know the inside story, the look is actually very calm, that yin corpse(s), is only delaying of control soul thought. Relax, our careful point is good, he has not arrived at this place, anything cannot investigate. For these years, I am because can cover up the aura, can go on living in Distant Circle Star Territory.” 严子央不知内情,神色倒是很淡定,“那阴尸,只是操控者魂念的延展。放心吧,我们小心一点就好,他没有亲临此地,什么也探察不到。这么多年来,我就是因为能遮掩气息,才能在邃林星域活下去。” Yu Yuan praised two with a smile. 虞渊笑着夸赞了两句。 Wisp of soul thought, another world in Beheading Dragons Platform forms, this soul thought is not Yin God, cannot in the spiritual body shape, with the Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon carefree exchange of that elders, unable to fight, cannot display any soul secret art secret technique. 一缕魂念,在斩龙台内部的另一个天地形成,此魂念不是阴神,不能以灵体的形态,和那老辈的极寒天魔畅快交流,不能战斗,也不能施展任何的魂决秘术 Only can, see clearly inside condition. 只能,看清里面的状况。 That cold crystal split, the Your Majesty the Empress carry-over strength was ground, making that Old Heavenly Demon be wild with joy. 那块寒晶绽裂了开来,女皇陛下的遗留力量被碾碎,让那老天魔欣喜如狂。 At this moment, Old Heavenly Demon is drawing support from the cold crystal the fragment, gathers part again secretly, 9th rank and 8th rank Frost Giant Dragon extreme cold dragon strength, refining becomes demon body. 此刻,老天魔正在借助寒晶的碎块,再暗地里收取一部分,九级八级冰霜巨龙极寒龙力,炼化魔躯 That side small world, a Frost Giant Dragon incessantly head, besides 10th rank Dragon God, his descendant heir. 那方小天地,冰霜巨龙不止一头,除了十级龙神,还有其后裔子嗣。 Demon God Level Old Heavenly Demon, because of the severely wounded reason, can absorb secretly, is only 9th rank and 8th rank Frost Giant Dragon. 魔神级别老天魔,因重伤缘故,能偷偷汲取的,只是九级八级冰霜巨龙 As for that head, achieves Dragon God Level Frost Giant Dragon, he also can only look at two greedyly, is incapable of acting sloppily. 至于那头,达到龙神级别冰霜巨龙,他也只能眼馋地多看两眼,无力胡来。 When Old Heavenly Demon mumbled, but also is calling out in alarm continues. 老天魔念念有词时,还在惊呼不止。 He guessed correctly obviously, he at this moment in what wondrous object, because of him twittering Beheading Dragons Platform, then the look hesitates, while is still collecting to take cold energy. 他显然猜到了,他此刻在什么奇物里面了,因为他呢喃着“斩龙台”,然后一边神色犹豫,一边还在敛取寒能 Should be looks, Yu Yuan is well-meant to him, therefore following courage gradually big. 该是瞧出了,虞渊对他没恶意,所以后面的胆子渐渐大了起来。 Yu Yuan nods secretly. 虞渊暗地里点了点头。 ...... …… Above gigantic meteorite. 硕大的陨石上方。 Has Young Medicine God Chu Yao of name, was lowering the head the ponder, is estimating a medicinal herbs constitution of pill pellet, has not continued to pay attention to all around. 有“小药神”之称的楚尧,本在低头沉思,揣摩着一种丹丸药草构成,没有继续留意四周。 Suddenly, he smelled the unusual sound. 忽然间,他嗅到了异常动静。 Silver Scale Clan!” 银鳞族!” Scales shiny, but is actually winding around rich corpse qi foreign race, the eye socket is empty, suddenly falls to the giant meteorite that Pei Yuling vanishes. 一位鳞甲铮亮,但却缭绕着浓郁尸气异族,眼窝空洞,忽然落向那块裴羽翎消失的巨大陨石。 Chu Yao lowers the head to overlook, on the face appears immediately startled accommodates. 楚尧低头俯瞰,脸上顿时浮现惊容。 Above that giant meteorite, the everywhere dead tree, in the eye of Chu Yao, is pasting the different glow, all dead trees as if are full a crazy vitality! 那块巨大的陨石上方,无处不在的枯树,在楚尧的眼中,内中流转着异芒,所有的枯树仿佛充盈着一股疯狂的生机! The Silver Scale Clan soldier who corpse qi winds around, drops instant of land, the trunk and branches of sections of dead trees, pierced him suddenly. 尸气缭绕的银鳞族战士,落下大地的霎那,一截截枯树的枝干,陡然刺穿了他。 The trunk and branches of ash-gray, such as the sharp lance, that person degenerates into the yin corpse(s) Silver Scale Clan soldier, the firm scales paper sticks, was pierced instantaneously. 灰白色的枝干,如锋利的长矛,那位沦为阴尸银鳞族战士,坚固的鳞甲纸糊般,被瞬间洞穿开来。 At once, the trunk and branches of dead tree becomes soft tenacious, the vine is twining yin corpse(s) slowly. 旋即,枯树的枝干又变得柔软坚韧,藤蔓般将阴尸慢慢缠绕着。 Silver Scale Clan yin corpse(s), under the eye of Chu Yao hides, the short time was absorbed all remaining weak strengths, with tightening of trunk and branches, changes to the bleached bone quickly. 一具银鳞族阴尸,在楚尧的眼皮子底下,短短时间被汲取一切尚存的微弱力量,随着枝干的勒紧,很快化作枯骨。 The body does not save. 皮肉不存。 This strange scene, looked Chu Yao is absolutely terrified, then remembered Pei Yuling. 这一幕诡异场景,看的楚尧毛骨悚然,然后就想起了裴羽翎 „Won't Mr. Pei, have the matter?” 裴先生,不会有事吧?” when this thought appears, is gazing under him of that meteorite, feel out, that meteorite as if glows the difference inexplicably, unhealthy crazy vitality! 此念一起,注视着下面那块陨石的他,莫名地感觉出,那陨石仿佛焕发出异样的,不健康的疯狂生机! All dead woods, all bleached bones, as if were overflowed the mysterious strength to cover by the center of the earth, is having the mutation. 所有的枯木,所有的枯骨,仿佛被地心溢出来神秘力量覆盖,正发生异变。 Stares at that meteorite for a long time, a desire and impulsive, emerge uncontrolled. 长久凝视那块陨石,一股欲念和冲动,不受控制地涌现。 That meteorite, resembles is attracting him intensely, is summoning him, making him hurry...... 那陨石,似在强烈地吸引着他,呼唤着他,让他赶紧下去…… The meteorite attraction, from weak ones to strong ones, continually is increased. 陨石的吸引力,从弱到强,不断地提升着。 Willpower not tenacious Chu Yao, in a while, then somewhat has a dizzy spell, spiritual wisdom must collapse, wants to obey the attraction of meteorite release, jumps to that meteorite. 意志力并不坚韧的楚尧,没过多久,便有些头晕目眩,灵智都要崩溃了,想顺从陨石释放的吸引力,跳到那块陨石。 Whiz! 嗖! A Fire Lizard Clan clansman, the manner is demented, first he one step takes the action, crashes to the following meteorite. 一位火蜥族的族人,神态癫狂的,先他一步做出行动,坠落向下面的陨石。 Has not waited for him to fall to the ground, the trunk and branches of sections of dead trees, probably fierce devil snake, flies to flee one filling where the other drops, passes through this Fire Lizard Clan directly. 还没有等他落地,一截截枯树的枝干,像是狰狞的怪蛇,前仆后继地飞窜出来,直接贯穿这位火蜥族 The Fire Lizard Clan clansman of 7th rank bloodlines, by strange branch, after the penetration, frames in the midair. 七级血脉的火蜥族族人,被诡异的树枝,穿透后定格在半空。 Branch such as long and narrow steel lance, sharp, straight, and is firm. 树枝如狭长的钢铁长矛,锋锐,笔直,且坚固。 Fire Lizard Clan clansman, but also in void, flesh passes rapidly cleanly, even after skin candle melt, was taken cleanly by the branch. 火蜥族的族人,还在虚空中,一身的血肉迅速流逝干净,连皮肤都蜡烛般消融后,被树枝吸食干净。 Is only left over, the skeleton that does not have the flesh, is hanging on several sections of branches, empty. 只剩下,一具没血肉的骸骨,悬挂在几截树枝上,空空荡荡。 Chu Yao awoke with a start immediately, shouts in the above meteorite: Mr. Pei? Mr. Pei you also in?” 楚尧顿时被吓醒了,在上方的陨石呼喊:“裴先生裴先生你还在吗?” Shouted is very long, Pei Yuling has not responded. 喊了很久,裴羽翎也没有回应。 Chu Yao hesitated merely a small meeting, then toward the following meteorite, bow/rear body salutes, the look is sorrowful: Sorry, I will tell Grand Vastness World great cultivator, why you perish, die of where.” 楚尧仅仅迟疑了一小会,便朝着下面的陨石,鞠身行礼,神色悲痛:“抱歉,我会告诉浩漭天地大修,你是因何而亡,死于何处。” When he, realized when that meteorite, to his life attraction is so enhanced, he does not dare to hesitate. 待到他,意识到那块陨石,对他这般的生灵吸引力又增强时,他再也不敢迟疑。 Clenches teeth, the Chu Yao then flying leaves, does not dare to return. 一咬牙,楚尧便飞身离开,头都不敢回一下。 ...... …… yin corpse(s) changed to the bleached bone.” “一个阴尸化作了枯骨。” …… Micro Star Ashen Sea Region wonderland, Yin Corpse King is frowning, the vision, faced position deeply drearily, „there, I perceived the unusual strength.” 微缩星烬海域般的奇地,阴尸王皱着眉头,目光深沉阴郁地,朝向了一个方位,“在那里,我觉察出了不同寻常的力量。” Above opposite islands, makes the pen blade by soul power, in rock wall inscribing Lin Zhuyun, seems aloof. 对面岛屿之上,以魂力做笔刀,在岩壁刻画蔺竹筠,显得无动于衷。 A capable big man, appears lifelike, was carved when the face carefully, soon completely will present, male image in rock wall will explode. 一个精壮高大的男子,栩栩如生地浮现,就在面部被精心雕琢,即将完整呈现时,岩壁中的男子影像蓬地爆开。 As if has not heard the Yin Corpse King words, the Lin Zhuyun eye pupil coldly quiet, paints again with rapt attention. 仿佛没听到阴尸王的话,蔺竹筠眼瞳冷幽地,再次凝神作画。 I judge, the master to that place, this/should meeting is interested.” “我判断出,主人对那个地方,该会感兴趣。” Yin Corpse King lightly snorted, without solicited the suggestions of Lin Zhuyun again, suddenly adjusted the direction. 阴尸王轻哼一声,没有再征求蔺竹筠的意见,突然就调整了方向。 The wonderland after reduction, is shuttling back and forth in numerous meteorites, goes toward the destination. 缩小后的这块奇地,在众多陨石内穿梭着,朝着目的地而去。 ...... …… Yu Yuan awakens unexpectedly. 虞渊蓦地惊醒。 The pickling in acupoints small world Beheading Dragons Platform, slightly shaking, is making his acupoints faint painfully swollen, compelled he awoke. 封藏在穴窍小天地斩龙台,微微震荡着,令他那个穴窍隐隐胀痛,逼的他醒了过了。 ! 呼! long-strip shape Beheading Dragons Platform, was summoned by him, grips by two hands. 长条形斩龙台,被他召唤出来,以两手握住。 His Yin God, is trying and in Beheading Dragons Platform, the cub communication of that Titan Spinosaurus, wants to ask that cub, presented any accidental/surprised accident. 他的阴神,试着和斩龙台内,那头泰坦棘龙的幼兽沟通,想问问那头幼兽,出现了什么意外变故。 Quick, he obtained the explicit answer. 很快,他就得到了明确的答复。 The Distant Circle Star Territory deep place, has the one piece of meteorite to live suddenly evilly different, gushes out extremely special space surge! 邃林星域的深处,有一块陨石突生邪异,涌出极其特别的空间波荡 That space surge, is related with Void Spirit Demon! 空间波荡,和虚空灵魅有关! Beheading Dragons Platform this is Void Spirit Demon Clan Opening Heavens Divine Stone, is the cocoon that their creator sheds, therefore to is related with Void Spirit Demon, special surging, Beheading Dragons Platform will have the induction. 斩龙台本为虚空灵魅一族的“开天神石”,是他们缔造者蜕下的茧,所以对和虚空灵魅相关的,特殊的波荡,斩龙台会生出感应。 The cub added that shake is attracting Beheading Dragons Platform, induced Beheading Dragons Platform in the past. 幼兽还说,那震荡在吸引着斩龙台,诱导斩龙台过去。 The suggestion of cub is...... is far away. 幼兽的建议是……远离。 Famous beyond heavens battlefield, it seems like has far-reaching idea, the bad risk is everywhere.” “著名的天外战场,看来暗藏玄机,凶险无处不在啊。” Yu Yuan pondered over secretly, decides to believe the suggestion of cub, does not go to that boundary to move, in order to avoid adds the right and wrong, causes complications. 虞渊暗自琢磨了一下,决定听信幼兽的建议,不去那个地界活动,以免平添是非,节外生枝。 The situation lost control quickly. 只是,事态很快就失控了。 ...... …… Meteorite that one piece of sun's fragment forms. 一块太阳碎片形成的陨石。 Asura Clan Elena , more than ten blood qi exuberant Asura Warrior, encircle that occupying land area not big meteorite. 修罗族艾莲娜,伯托,还有十几位气血旺盛的修罗战士,将那块占地不大的陨石团团围住。 Has cultivator of Scarlet Demon Sect sect, collects solar flame energy in inside, tempering Yang God's body.” “有赤魔宗宗的修行者,在里面采集太阳炎能,淬炼阳神之体。” Snort, just transformed Yang God, Scarlet Demon Sect and Primordial Yang Sect cultivator, after entering Distant Circle Star Territory, seeks for this kind because of the meteorite that Sun explodes to form.” 伯托哼了一声,“刚刚蜕变出阳神的,赤魔宗元阳宗修行者,都会在进入邃林星域后,找寻这类因太阳爆裂而形成的陨石。” Scarlet Demon Sect.” 赤魔宗。” The Elena brow selects, jumps down. 艾莲娜眉头一挑,一跃而下。 Comes out!” “出来吧!” ...... ……
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