UP :: Volume #12

#1180: Embraces the heavy responsibility

Floating Life World everything may become vulnerable. 浮生界地动山摇。 The life in in the depth of underground, the rock cave and city that these Crypt Clan clansmen open, therefore cracks. 生活在地底深处的,那些地穴族族人开辟的岩洞和城池,很多因此而崩裂。 upper continent Silver Scale Clan, Fire Lizard Clan and Rock Clan soldier, cries out strangely panic-stricken, does not know that had what disaster. 上陆银鳞族,火蜥族岩族战士,惊恐地怪叫,不知道发生了什么灾难。 Similarly, lower continent Dark Spirit Clan, Moon Night Clan and Banshee, few part Void Spirit Demon, in constant anxiety, has not as if had similar experience. 同样的,下陆暗灵族,月夜族女妖,少部分的虚空灵魅,也惶惶不可终日,似乎从没有过类似经历。 Since they move, Floating Life World one auspicious, when with upper continent eruption war, will have the mighty waves. 自从他们迁徙过来,浮生界就一片祥和,只有和上陆爆发战争时,才会有波澜。 To them, Floating Life World is a paradise, is their long-awaited homelands. 对他们来说,浮生界就是一个乐土,也是他们梦寐以求的家园。 Today, the paradises in their heart, deep sleep ten million year ominous beasts, were awakened by what strength probably suddenly, reveals his dense fang. 今天,他们心中的乐土,像是一头沉睡千万年的凶兽,突然被什么力量惊醒了,将其森然獠牙露出。 ! 噼里啪啦! Scatters in thunder swirl of various forbidden area places, lightning flashes and thunder rolls, rumble is vibrating suddenly, gathers to well up again. 散落在禁地各处的雷涡,忽电闪雷鸣,轰隆隆地震动着,再一次聚涌过来。 Before different, these thunder swirl cross from the Yu Yuan top of the head, probably the thunderstorm electricity ball, crashes unexpectedly to that profound cavern. 不同之前,那些雷涡虞渊头顶越过,像是雷暴电球,竟然坠落向那幽深洞穴。 One group of then one groups. 一团接着一团。 Yu Yuan, Dark Spirit Clan Mi Ting, in the dumbfoundedness that the one side looks. 虞渊,还有暗灵族米婷,在一旁看的目瞪口呆。 ! Bang bang! 嗤嗤!轰隆轰隆! Soon, that bunch of thunder swirl, as if then blast out bottom of the cavern, launches preying to rip to fight with what ominous thing. 不多久,那一团团的雷涡,似乎便在洞穴底部炸开,和什么凶物展开搏杀撕斗。 Floating Life World land, starts a bigger vibration, many Dark Spirit Clan and Moon Night Clan house, therefore however collapsing. 浮生界的大地,又掀起更大的震动,不少暗灵族月夜族的屋舍,因此而震塌。 The wail like ghosts and howl like wolves squeal, resounds in the Floating Life World two mainland, moves foreign race that from Outer Territory comes, was scared. 鬼哭狼嚎的尖叫声,在浮生界的两个大陆响起,从外域迁徙而来的异族,一个个被吓破了胆子。 But at this time, Yu Yuan Yin God, is listening respectfully in that cave entrance attentively, can hear howling that punctures the eardrum. 而此时,虞渊阴神,正在那洞口用心聆听,能听到声声刺破耳膜的嘶啸。 His face hid to shake shaking, the facial expression in eye, must strangely strange. 他脸皮子抖了抖,眼中的神情,要多怪异就有多怪异。 Then is skillful?” “那么巧?” In the mind, Eight-legged Spider by the picture of Monster Phoenix separate, was initiated the underground variation demon rebellion, causing Floating Life World to start the earthquake, Yu Yuan stupidly also guessed correctly the situation again. 脑海中,八足蜘蛛妖凤割裂的画面,引发了地底异魔的暴动,导致浮生界开始地震,虞渊再傻也猜出了情况。 With the Eight-legged Spider union, creates Yu Zhu, is now by seal in variation demon of underground cavern! 八足蜘蛛结合,缔造出虞蛛者,就是如今被封禁地底洞穴的异魔 He sees the companion, was executed by Purple Phoenix in the quiet cold galaxy, under the violent anger, cannot control emotions again, will rise spiritedly to revolt. 他是看到伴侣,被紫色凤凰格杀在幽冷的星河,暴怒之下,再也控制不住情绪,才会奋起反抗。 Also causes, thunder swirl crashes in abundance, conducts the heavy losses to encircle to him. 也导致,雷涡纷纷坠落,对他进行重创围剿。 In the past when he and giant spider traded, knows that Yu Zhu another bloodlines source, stemmed from Sea of Colored Cloud Miasmas, concrete was anything, giant spider had not stated clearly. 当年他和巨蛛交易时,就知道虞蛛的另外一个血脉源头,出自于彩云瘴海,具体是什么,巨蛛没言明。 Unexpected, should be Yu Zhu true father's variation demon, was stranded in Floating Life World unexpectedly! 未料到,应该是虞蛛真正父亲的异魔,竟然被困在浮生界 That variation demon, in the judgment of Yu Yuan, this/should is born in Sea of Colored Cloud Miasmas, and refining leaves contains the deadly poison body. 异魔,在虞渊的判断中,该是在彩云瘴海诞生,且炼化出含剧毒的躯壳。 variation demon by seal in the underground deep place, is not dared to clash, is the fear is shelled by thunder swirl. 异魔封禁地下深处,不敢冲离出来,就是害怕遭受雷涡的轰击。 He needs tempering including the deadly poison body, protects demon soul of Earth Demon by this, letting thunder swirl is unable to infiltrate the soul instantaneously. 他需要淬炼剧毒的躯壳,以此来保护地魔魔魂,让雷涡无法瞬间渗透魂魄。 Dark tunnel deep place, since is dense, he can only by evil thought(s), affect to live in the following Crypt Clan clansman, misleads the Crypt Clan clansman, seeks for deadly poison for him 幽暗的地洞深处,既然是密实的,那他只能以邪念,影响生活在下面的地穴族族人,蛊惑地穴族的族人,为他寻找剧毒 medicinal herbs. 药草 Once the Crypt Clan clansman enters upper continent and lower continent, will definitely be cleaned. 只是,一旦地穴族的族人进入上陆下陆,肯定会被清洗。 Occasionally has fish slip through , can only come this forbidden area, these deadly poison medicinal herbs, throws down from cave entrance. 偶尔有漏网之鱼,也只能来此禁地,将那些剧毒药草,从洞口丢下去。 But fish slip through, needs to go to face Heavenly Star Beast, encirclement of Moon Swallowing Ape and Lightning Marten kills, should not find cave entrance, by variant beast and monster beast gobbling up. 可漏网之鱼,又需要去面对天星兽,吞月猿闪电貂的围杀,应该还没有找到洞口,就被异兽妖兽给吞吃了。 This variation demon in in the depth of underground, could take advantage of mutual battle of Crypt Clan, attracts pulls selects remnant soul to supplement itself. 异魔地底深处,兴许能依仗地穴族的相互厮杀,吸扯点残魂补充自己。 May want the body of condensing deadly poison, can only draw support from the external object, needs outside person, numerous toxicants and poisonous herbs, the delivery give him. 可想要凝炼剧毒的躯体,就只能借助外物,需要有外面的人,将众多的毒药和毒草,送达给他。 By knowing one method you will know all, Yu Yuan shortly, wants to understand many things. 一通百通,虞渊没多久,就想明白了很多事。 Since is the Yu Zhu father, but he, saw these about my passing, should be unlikely to start to me. Can with the giant spider union, after seeing giant spider was executed by Monster Phoenix, but also dares so the violent anger, this variation demon...... to fear that is not simple.” Yu Yuan secretly thought. “既然是虞蛛的生父,而他,又看到了那些关于我的过往,应该不太可能对我下手。能够和巨蛛结合,在看到巨蛛妖凤格杀后,还敢如此暴怒,此异魔……怕是不简单呐。”虞渊暗暗道 After a while, thunder swirl under leisurely enters cavern, connects the float to transgress. 过了一会儿,逸入洞穴下的雷涡,又接连漂浮逸出。 Obviously can see, thunder swirl that the escape comes out, thunder lightning essence energy that in saves, passed much. 明显能看出,飞逸出来的雷涡,内中积蓄的雷霆闪电精能,流逝了不少。 Following variation demon, quiet, as if demon soul received the heavy losses, has not emerged soul spirit evil fiends again, does not have the ability , to continue with the Yu Yuan secret exchange. 下面的异魔,也沉寂了下来,似乎魔魂受了重创,再也没有涌现出魂灵恶煞,也没有能力,继续和虞渊秘密交流。 In, actually does inside have what evil spirit?” “里面,里面究竟有什么妖魔?” Mi Ting approached a point sluggishly, looks from afar to that profound cavern, looks at departure of thunder swirl, low voice inquiry. 米婷慢吞吞靠近了一点,远远看向那幽深洞穴,看着雷涡的离开,小声询问。 Because Life Altar no longer derives soul power, Yin God is full full Yu Yuan gradually, learned that variation demon origin, the mood improved much. 因“生命祭坛”不再汲取魂力,阴神渐渐充盈饱满的虞渊,又获知了那异魔的来历,心情变好了不少。 Now what he thinks, later, how to go facing Denise. 他现在想的是,待会儿,如何去面对丹妮丝 The underground that big sound, alarmed Denise inevitably, that person Star Clan your young lady, definitely knows is variation demon under cavern causes trouble. 地下那么大的动静,必然惊动了丹妮丝,那位星族的贵小姐,肯定知道是洞穴下的异魔作祟。 Does not know Denise, saw, is I am poisoning quietly. 就是不知道丹妮丝,有没有看到,是我在悄悄地投毒。 Do not be anxious, did you see these thunder swirl?” Yu Yuan is pointing at the thunder vortex of going far away, has them, regardless of the tunnel deep place has what evil creature evil spirit, nothing to be afraid.” “别紧张,你看到这些雷涡了吧?”虞渊指着远去的雷霆涡旋,“有它们在,不论地洞深处有什么邪物妖魔,都不足为惧。” That, that is good, that is good.” Mi Ting said anxiously repeatedly. “那,那就好,那就好。”米婷不安地连声道。 Denise as expected arrives rapidly. 丹妮丝不出所料地飞速抵达。 ! 呼! Congealing is the one star energy light beam, falls after that galactic ancient battleship, she told to Docter: Brings Mi Ting to leave, in the near future does not need to come, I will treat the period of time in this.” 凝为一道星能光柱,从那艘星河古舰落下以后,她对道格特吩咐道:“带米婷离开,近期也不必过来了,我会在此待一阵子。” Good!” “好!” Star Clan soldier Docter that combines, holds Mi Ting that a little does not abandon, shoots at that battleship suddenly. 一并下来的星族战士道格特,抓住有点不舍的米婷,骤然射向那艘战舰。 With the low and deep bellow, the anchoring upper air motionless battleship, has left unexpectedly. 伴随着低沉轰鸣声,原先一直停泊高空不动的战舰,竟然就此离开了。 You said right, we irrevocably proved that news, Schwarz died in Thousand Birds World.” “你说的没错,我们确证了那个消息,施瓦茨死在千鸟界了。” Only is left over two people, after Chen Qinghuang in stupor, Denise sighed spookily, „ in the near future, I will be consoling my father, helping him walk from the sorrow. The son after all is a son, although the talent is not good, the brain is also common, but he in 只剩下两人,还有昏迷中的陈青凰以后,丹妮丝幽幽一叹,“近期,我都在劝慰我父亲,帮助他从悲痛中走出来。儿子毕竟是儿子,虽然天赋不行,脑子也一般,可他还是在 On Schwarz, reposed something. ” 施瓦茨身上,寄托了一些东西的。” The Yu Yuan nod indicated to understand. 虞渊点头表示明白。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Denise knits the brows slightly, looks to that cavern, slowly restored calmly. 丹妮丝微微皱眉,看向那洞穴,慢慢恢复了冷静。 I and he, there is an instant exchange.” Yu Yuan has the excuse, considering, is opening the mouth saying: He indeed came from Grand Vastness major world, should breed from Sea of Colored Cloud Miasmas. I with you said before, he needs deadly poison to restore the strength, no issue.” “我和他,也有过一霎交流。”虞渊已经有了说辞,思量着,开口道:“他的确来自于浩漭大世界,也应该是从彩云瘴海孕育出来的。我之前和你说的,他需要剧毒来恢复力量,也没什么问题。” Denise is hesitating, has not interrupted his words, hints him to continue. 丹妮丝沉吟着,没有打断他的话,示意他继续。 Your Highness Denise, your younger brother dies of Thousand Birds World, is not Divine Soul Sect and Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce error.” Yu Yuan said. 丹妮丝殿下,你弟弟死于千鸟界,不是神魂宗通天商会的过失。”虞渊道。 I know.” Denise replied. “我知道的。”丹妮丝回答。 between Heaven and Earth many situations, have the heaven and earth turning upside down great change, should this you acknowledge? Divine Soul Sect and Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, are attempting to contain all foreign race, is trying hard. If your Star Clan Great Sage Beilu, Leo, Mia of my clan, approved Divine Soul Sect and Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce, is this?” Yu Yuan careful questionnaire. 天地间的很多局势,已经有了翻天覆地的巨变,这点你该承认吧?神魂宗通天商会,在尝试着包容各方异族,也在努力。如你们星族的大贤者贝鲁,还有利奥,我族的米娅,都认可了神魂宗通天商会,是这样吧?”虞渊小心征求。 Denise carefully thinks, agreed said: Yes, your view does not have the issue.” 丹妮丝认真地想了想,同意地说:“是的,你的说法没问题。” That communicated well.” “那就好沟通了。” Yu Yuan smiled, is pointing at that cavern mouth, he, with present Grand Vastness Five Paramount Influences, should be the opposite. He got up by the house arrest, is not Demon Palace is the Monster Hall writing skill, why will come this as for Floating Life World, I am not clear temporarily.” 虞渊笑了起来,指着那洞穴口,“他呢,和现在的浩漭五大至高势力,该是对立面。他被幽禁起来,不是魔宫就是妖殿的手笔,至于为何浮生界会来此,我暂时不清楚。” Since with Five Paramount Influences for the enemy, that can classify is Divine Soul Sect and Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce faction, I also thought that can convince him.” “既然和五大至高势力为敌,那就能归类为神魂宗通天商会的派系,我也觉得能说服他。” After all, he was detained the house arrest many years, he not clear present galaxy, has changed.” “毕竟,他被关押幽禁了多年,他也不清楚现在的星河,早就变了。” „Becoming, we and Grand Vastness another side they, have been able to coexist.” “变得,我们和浩漭另外一方的他们,已经可以共存了。” „......” “……” Yu Yuan explained his idea. 虞渊说明他的想法。 He thought that Yu Zhu father, should be the unclear present situation, therefore also Floating Life World foreign race, regards as the enemy entirely. 他觉得虞蛛的生父,该是不明现状,所以也就将浮生界异族,通通视为敌人。 Because in before, Grand Vastness World all living things, with Outer Territory various clans, was the life and death archenemy, contradictory irreconcilable. 因为在以前,浩漭天地的众生,和外域的各族,乃生死大敌,矛盾不可调和。 Now is different. 现在则不一样了。 His words saying, Denise pondered peacefully, digests the content in his words. 他的一番话说完,丹妮丝安静地思考,消化他话里的内容。 Shortly, Denise eye slightly bright, the gentle voice said: Your meaning is, his also not clear situation , he if knows that has Divine Soul Sect and Heavenspan Chamber of Commerce coordinates, we and Grand Vastness major world person and monster, part was fusing mutually, will he open the heart?” 没多久,丹妮丝眼睛微亮,柔声说道:“你的意思是,他还不清楚外界的情况,他如果知道有神魂宗通天商会牵头,我们和浩漭大世界的人和妖,一部分在相互融合了,他会敞开心扉?” I felt, we can find the way to release him, then demanded other reward from his mouth.” Yu Yuan suggested. “我觉得,我们可以想办法释放他,然后从他口中索要别的报酬。”虞渊建议道。 I feared that he will act sloppily, feared that we cannot trig him.” Denise somewhat worried. “我怕他会胡来,也怕我们制不住他啊。”丹妮丝有些担忧。 To put it bluntly, to not familiar Grand Vastness devil foreign object, such as the Denise aristocrat young lady, lacks the trust, is afraid that variation demon to renege on a promise, break free comes out, extinguished Floating Life World all living things on the slaughter. 说白了,对不熟悉的浩漭邪魔异物,如丹妮丝般的贵族小姐,缺乏信任,害怕那异魔反悔,一挣脱出来,就屠灭了浮生界的众生。 I first contact him, I had confidence, can convince him, reaches the agreement with us.” Yu Yuan self-confident say/way. “我先来接触他,我有把握,能说服他,和我们达成协议。”虞渊自信满满道。 ...... ……
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