UP :: Volume #1

#1: The soul returns!

300 years later. 三百年后。 Qianxuan Continent, Silver Moon Empire, Dark Moon City, Yu Family Town. 乾玄大陆,银月帝国,暗月城,虞家镇 The dim light of night is deep. 夜色深沉。 In medicinal herb Aristocratic family Yu Family old dwelling Ancestral Hall peripheral, the cold wind howls, the withered leaf flutters about. 在药材世家-虞家的老宅宗祠周边,阴风呼啸,枯叶纷飞。 Soul returns, the soul returns!” “魂归来兮,魂归来兮!” A grey clothes skinny old man, is swaying the bronze bell, walks randomly regarding Ancestral Hall. With bronze bell dingdong sound, the old man often sends out gloomy deep and quiet low to howl, such as evil spirits in the underground nine quiet sobs. 一灰衣枯瘦老叟,摇晃着铜铃,围绕着宗祠游走。伴随着铜铃的“叮当”声,老叟不时发出阴沉深幽的低啸,如恶灵地底九幽哭泣。 The Ancestral Hall four corner/horn, stand erect respectively four Soul-Attracting Banner, banner are fluttering with the wind, the flag surface draws ghosts that carves to make threatening gestures, such as wants break free, selects the person to bite. 宗祠四角,分别竖立着四杆招魂幡,幡旗随风飘荡,旗面绘刻的鬼物张牙舞爪,如要挣脱而出,择人而噬。 For a long time , the old man halts silently, shakes the head to Yu Family Old Master gently, shows helplessly. 许久后,老叟默然止步,向虞家老太爷轻轻摇头,以示无能为力。 Many years ago Old Master Yu Can that then the both legs break off, sits down exhausted in the wooden wheelchair, the whole face is dismal, Old Ning, didn't my grandson, come back seriously again?” 多年前便双腿折断的老太爷虞璨,瘫坐在木质轮椅内,满脸悲凉,“宁老,我那孙儿,当真是再也回不来了么?” Ning Ji receives the bronze bell, looked at Ancestral Hall, the silent half sound, said: Person then has Heaven, Earth and Human three souls since birth, Earth Soul is collecting memory, Heaven Soul open the wisdom, but Human Soul, then controls own flesh body, all actions and practiced.” 宁骥收起铜铃,看了一眼宗祠,沉默半响,道:“人生来便有天、地、人三魂,地魂汇集着记忆,天魂开启智慧,而人魂,则掌控自身的血肉躯壳,一切举动和修行。” Young Master Yu...... is at variance with the average man, I had determined long ago, its Heaven, Earth and Human three souls, only has Human Soul inherent.” 虞少爷……异于常人,我早年就判定过,其天地人三魂,唯有人魂与生俱来。” As for Earth Soul and Heaven Soul, why does not know the reason, cannot appear.” “至于地魂天魂,不知因何原因,始终未能显现。” Young Master Yu these years, have been hard to remember, before the matter, could not remember the guidance the schoolwork and studies, all because Earth Soul did not see, caused all sorts of life experiences, various memory, cannot the imprint gathering.” 虞少爷这些年来,一直难以记住,以前发生的事情,记不住教导的功课和学业,皆因地魂不见,使得种种人生经历,各类记忆,不能烙印汇聚。” As for ignorant, the conduct is variable, has not opened because of Heaven Soul, to wisdom...... chaotic.” “至于浑浑噩噩,行事无常,则因天魂未开,致智慧……浑沌。” However, Earth Soul and Heaven Soul, although is important, but Human Soul is the key of life and death. Human Soul also said that fate soul and main soul, Human Soul does not extinguish, the person then does not die.” “然,地魂天魂虽然重要,可人魂才是生死之关键。人魂又称命魂主魂,人魂不灭,人便不死。” Then is ignorant, has not known toward, because Human Soul is in good health, Young Master Yu still crossed safely for 17 years.” “便是浑浑噩噩,不知过往,因人魂健在,虞少爷依然安然渡过了十七载。” Yet now, had/left the big problem, is Human Soul!” “可如今,出了大问题的,正是人魂!” Ning Ji each few words, like the sharp blade, prick the Yu Can pit of the stomach, made its to be so grieved as to wish one were dead, the tears. 宁骥的每一句话,都如利刃,刺入虞璨心窝,令其痛不欲生,老泪纵横。 Since the son daughter-in-law has an accident, oneself both legs were broken by the enemy forcefully, Yu Can had no longer counted on that Yu Family can also be again magnificent, he only hopes that has the flaw grandson since birth, can succeed under the birth the heir, made Yu Family no lack of successors to conduct. 自从儿子儿媳出了事,自己双腿被仇家硬生生打断,虞璨已经不再指望虞家还能再次辉煌,他只希望那生来就有所缺陷的孙儿,能成功诞下子嗣,令虞家后继有人。 But now...... 可现在…… Old Master, son-in-law, since comes back to life is hopeless, attended to the following matter early.” 老太爷,姑爷既然还魂已无望,还是早早料理后续之事吧。” An inopportune low and deep sound, resounds towering, at once then sees a diminutive old man, goes into the garden floating, and stands dead ahead the Yu Can wheelchair, after bow/rear body, instead occupies a commanding position to overlook Yu Can slightly, opens the mouth again: Old Master restrains your grief and accommodates change, no one thinks that son-in-law has the matter, but things have gotten to this point, for Yu Family in the future, does to decide early.” 一不合时宜的低沉声,突兀响起,旋即便见一矮小老者,飘然闯入庭院,并站立于虞璨轮椅正前方,在略略鞠身之后,反居高临下俯视着虞璨,再次开口:“老太爷节哀顺变,谁都不想姑爷有事,可事已至此,为了虞家未来,还是早做定夺吧。” This person of form one, Ancestral Hall four corner/horn four Soul-Attracting Banner, fierce cruel ghosts that on banner makes threatening gestures, as if suddenly degenerated into the dying thing by the living creature, does not have the stance of again wanting break free, strange is in abundance peaceful. 此人身影一至,宗祠四角的四杆招魂幡,幡旗上张牙舞爪的凶恶暴戾鬼物,似乎突然由活物沦为了死物,再无一丝想要挣脱的架势,诡异的纷纷安静下来。 Carefully looks like, will discover that these draw foreign object that carves, by the clear rapid desalination, such as the inscribing ink was being washed by the clear water. 仔细看来,会发现那些绘刻的异物,正由清晰迅速淡化,如刻画的墨汁被清水洗尽。 You!” “你!” Ning Ji calls out, criticize violently, internal energy chaotic, will only think four strange power suddenly, rewinds to come from Soul-Attracting Banner of its refinement, if potential mighty current! 宁骥暴喝,正要兴师问罪,突气机混乱,只觉四道异力,从其炼制的招魂幡内倒卷而来,势若洪流! !” “噗!” Ning Ji cannot resist, a blood hurricane, essence, qi and spirit of whole person, will resemble will rout shortly, the look will be pale, the body will tremble. 宁骥招架不住,一口鲜血狂飙而出,整个人的精气神,似在顷刻间击溃,神色苍白,身躯颤栗。 Old Brother Ning!” 宁老哥!” Yu Can presses two hands of wheelchair, the blue vein is sticking out suddenly, is furious to call out, Yin Jue, what did you make?!” 虞璨按着轮椅的两手,青筋暴起,震怒暴喝,“殷绝,你做了什么?!” Mr. Ning, your trivial Yellow Court Realm cultivation base, taking advantage of broken Soul-Attracting Banner, arranged soul-attracting formation, really thinks carelessly is helping son-in-law return to the soul?” Diminutive old man Yin Jue coldly snorted, the big sleeve wields, said: „The matter that I cannot achieve, why can you?” 宁先生,你区区黄庭境修为,借一残破招魂幡,胡乱布下招魂阵法,真以为是在帮姑爷回魂?”矮小老者殷绝冷哼一声,大袖一挥,道:“我都做不到的事情,你凭什么能?” „!!” “咻!咻咻咻!” Four deep blue flowing light, just like cold lightning, shoot from its sleeve cuff illness/quick, drill into four Soul-Attracting Banner. 四道湛蓝流光,犹如冷电,从其袖口疾射而出,钻入四杆招魂幡 banner is split up suddenly, the detention is fettering evil ghosts and yin spirits, changes to the light smoke to dissipate immediately. 幡旗骤然四分五裂,其中拘禁束缚着的恶鬼阴灵,顿时化作轻烟消散。 Ning Ji collapses to the ground loudly, the sweating is dripping, the corner of the eye and ear, have the dirt blood to overflow, making him look horrible to look, in malicious ghost just like previously banner. 宁骥轰然瘫坐在地,虚汗淋漓,眼角和耳朵,有污血流溢而出,令其看着惨不忍睹,宛如先前幡旗内的厉鬼 Old Master, you also saw, the Mr. Ning that you invited, boundary cultivation base was superficial, collapsed at the first blow before me.” Yin Jue sighs suddenly, said: The method that son-in-law there, I should try, has tried. As long as a slim chance of survival, how will I give up?” 老太爷,你也看到了,你请来的这位宁先生,境界修为浅薄,在我面前都不堪一击。”殷绝忽叹了一口气,道:“姑爷那里,我该试的法子,都已经试过了。但凡还有一线生机,我岂会撒手不管?” Young master was killed by you!” “少爷就是被你们害死的!” Outside the garden, the immature purple clothes maidservant, crops up, points at Yin Jue to scold loudly: I find with own eyes, is you, is the young master who you kill!” 庭院之外,有一稚嫩的紫衣丫鬟,冒出头来,指着殷绝大声呵斥:“我亲眼瞧见的,是你,就是你害死的少爷!” Bold lowly maid!” Yin Jue drinks lowly. “大胆贱婢!”殷绝低喝。 Bunch of green spooky flame, is fluttered swiftly by his fingertip, the gloomy ice cold aura, emits from that bunch of flame, in an instant then floats in the purple clothes maidservant top of the head, float sways from side to side. 一簇绿幽幽火苗,倏然由其指尖飘出,阴森冰寒之气息,从那一簇火苗散溢开来,刹那间便浮在紫衣丫鬟头顶,悬浮扭动。 cold power changes to the green smog, doing abhiseka enters! 寒力化作绿色烟雾,灌顶而入! The purple clothes maidservant, from head to foot, freezes at the visible speed rapidly, the short several respiration interbreaths, the pretty young girl, has just like become a sad touching ice sculpture, all vitalities all froze in temporarily. 紫衣丫鬟,从头至脚,以肉眼可见的速度迅速冰冻,短短几个呼吸间隔,俏丽少女,俨然已成一具凄美冰雕,一切生机皆被暂时封冻。 The face facial expression, seemed framed eternal resentfully in angry, is difficult slightly the subtle change. 其面部神情,仿佛被永恒定格在愤懑气恼,再难有丝毫细微变化。 Yin Jue!” 殷绝!” Yu Can two hands makes an effort to whip the wheelchair, tries to sit up, actually forgot that two legs have broken off, instead under emotions out-of-control, such as that Ning Ji, drops by the wheelchair in loudly in the place, the forehead is knocked broken by the hard blue stone, in an extremely difficult situation. 虞璨两手用力拍打着轮椅,试图坐起,却忘记两腿早已折断,反在情绪失控之下,如那宁骥般,轰然由轮椅内跌落在地,额头都被坚硬青石地磕破,狼狈不堪。 Yin Jue that twice acts, the footsteps have not moved, still stands erect in same place, Yu Can throws down exactly before his foot. 两次出手的殷绝,脚步未动,依然矗立于原地,虞璨恰就摔倒在他脚前。 Old Master.” Yin Jue bends down, tears down the hypocritical mask, pupil light cold quiet/dark, cloudy say/way: My family young lady, marries your Yu Family that foolish simple-minded, why asks you to be well aware. Your Yu Family internal disorder and foreign invasion, many predicaments, reduce and solve in put in order by my family young lady one by one. It is not my family young lady, Yu Family feared that has been with one's family broken up and decimated.” 老太爷。”殷绝俯下身子,撕下伪善面具,眸光冷幽,阴沉沉道:“我家小姐,下嫁你虞家那痴傻愚儿,所求为何你心知肚明。你虞家内忧外患,诸多困局,都由我家小姐在一一梳理化解。不是我家小姐,虞家怕是早已家破人亡。” Young lady for your Yu Family, takes care in vain for a half year, the thing of asking you are not willing to hand over, the young lady and others, we could not wait.” “小姐为你虞家,白白张罗半年,所求之物你还是不肯交出,小姐等得及,我们等不及了。” Two groups of purple quiet ghost fire, from the Yin Jue eye pupil deep place, concentrate suddenly quietly. 两团紫幽鬼火,忽从殷绝眼瞳深处,悄然凝成。 The ghost fire deep place, has small fragments rune inscription, just like point starlight to glitter, resembling to bewitch to seize the mortal form, the refining will of the people. 鬼火深处,有碎小符隶,犹如点点星光闪烁,似能勾魂夺魄,炼化人心。 In the Yu Can pupil the angry flame, extinguishes in an instant, only feels the forehead, such as by chill/yin cold ice blade cutting, another evil will, was infiltrated forcefully from its forehead. 虞璨眸中怒焰,刹那间熄灭,只觉得额头,如被阴寒冰刃切割,另有一股邪恶意志,强行从其眉心渗透下来。 Since your not agrees said that then, my oneself dig!” “既然你不肯说,那么,我就自己挖出来!” As Yin Jue drinks severely, Yu Can forehead, slender blood threads, tear suddenly! 随着殷绝的厉喝,虞璨眉心处,有一条纤细血线,骤地撕裂而成! The Yu Can eye pupil, was filled up by the scarlet blood-color rapidly, as if the next second of eyeball must explode. 虞璨眼瞳,被猩红血色迅速填满,仿佛下一秒眼球就要爆开。 Old Yin! Stop!” 殷老!住手!” Outside the Yu Family old dwelling, one drinks the sound suddenly chilly, such as phoenix cry, resembles the cold ice sharp sword, pricks everyone chest cavity suddenly. 虞家老宅外,突有一清冷喝声,如凤鸣,又似寒冰利剑,陡然刺入所有人胸腔。 The one after another nimble and resourceful bird, is condensed to transform by spiritual power lightly purely, flies to call, but, wander in the Yu Family old dwelling. 一只只翩然灵动的鸟雀,由纯粹灵力凝聚幻化而成,飞鸣而至,在虞家老宅内游荡 „!” “喀嚓!” Covers firm thick icestone of purple clothes maidservant, by the disruption of bird pecking, a bird was changed to the one warm current, leisurely enters his slightly prosperous milk-white bosom , helping her put in order blood qi, restores the vitality. 覆盖紫衣丫鬟的坚厚岩冰,被鸟雀啄的碎裂,一只鸟雀化作一道暖流,逸入其微隆酥胸,助她梳理气血,恢复生机。 When other birds, fly, fluctuates for the magnificent magical amulet suddenly, the divine light overflowing color, will be full spiritual power to emit in the dwelling. 其余鸟雀,飞动之际,骤然变幻为瑰丽灵符,神光溢彩,将充盈灵力散溢于宅院。 Gathers to accept spiritual qi, suppresses mysterious talisman array of evil charm, instant that forms. 一座聚纳灵气,镇压邪魅的神秘符阵,霎那形成。 Regardless of Ning Ji, is Yu Can, thinks suddenly all over the body comfortably, such as bathes, in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) unusual brightness nourishes, the mind loses, the physical injury, is changing for the better gradually. 不论宁骥,还是虞璨,忽觉通体舒泰,如沐浴在万丈宝光滋养中,心神损耗,身体创伤,都在渐渐好转。 Yin Jue lowers the head, sighs in a soft voice, the technique law takes back all, the body such as the illusory night ghost, departs floating. 殷绝垂头,轻声叹了一口气,术法尽数收回,身如虚幻夜鬼,飘然离去。 Grandpa Yu, the house slave I will be strict to teach, but also please restrain your grief and accommodate change. As for the matter of engagement, since Yu Yuan the soul has extinguished, I will report my father, in the near future both sides meet with, relieves early.” “虞爷爷,家奴我会严加管教,还请节哀顺变。至于婚约之事,既然虞渊已经魂灭,我会禀告我父亲,近期双方会面,早早解除。” During this period, I will continue am Yu Family, gives some cares again tediously, many that the solution can see troublesome.” “在此期间,我会继续为虞家,再费一些心思,解决能看见的诸多繁琐麻烦。” The chilly sound, dissolves gradually. Making noise, has not come from beginning to end truly. 清冷声,渐渐隐去。出声者,从始至终都没有真正现身。 After the moment, when restores to Yu Can, Ning Ji and purple clothes maidservant injury most, talisman array that mysterious measures not, changes to the one after another bird to go far away again. 须臾后,待到虞璨宁骥、紫衣丫鬟伤势恢复大半,那玄妙莫测的符阵,再次化作一只只鸟雀远去。 Old Master, is the misdemeanor that Yin Jue does!” 老太爷,都是那殷绝做的坏事!” The purple clothes maidservant and Ning Ji, after Yu Can holds the wheelchair, cannot endure patiently, being filled with righteous indignation shouted curses: Yin Jue this evil and cruel old dog, keeps Yu Family, sooner or later in vital point dead clan everyone!” 紫衣丫鬟和宁骥二人,将虞璨扶回轮椅之后,还是忍耐不住,义愤填膺的叫骂道:“殷绝这头歹毒老狗,留在虞家,早晚要害死族内所有人!” Let alone.” Yu Can in the wheelchair, looks at a loss to placing grandson's Ancestral Hall, muttered scared whispers, „didn't my grandson, really really come back again?” “别说了。”虞璨在轮椅内,茫然地望向摆放着孙儿的宗祠,失魂落魄地喃喃低语,“我那孙儿,真真就再也回不来了么?” Yin Jue said right, my boundary cultivation base is superficial, merely Yellow Court Realm. If there is a Yin God Realm powerhouse to present, perhaps by Yin God leaving the body, can completely understand little Young Master mind all clue, even uses the exceedingly high method, prevents the Human Soul dissipation of little Young Master.” Helpless Ning Ji said. 殷绝说的没错,我境界修为还是浅薄,仅仅黄庭境。若有阴神境强者在场,以阴神出窍,兴许就能看透小少爷脑海一切端倪,甚至施展通天手段,阻止小少爷人魂消散。”宁骥无奈道。 Yin God! Our does Silver Moon Empire, how many Yin God have? This kind moves fast in the clouds, has a thought that can the character in Yin God tour thousand li (500 km) landscape, I go down in the world Yu Family, where has the qualifications to become friends with?” In the Yu Can pupil the brilliance, is gradually gloomy, the heart such as the dying embers said: My grandson, that thing, I was not destroys, making entire Yu Family follow to be buried along with the dead, will not give them!” 阴神!我们银月帝国,才有几尊阴神?这类飘忽于云端,一念起,能阴神游览千里河山的人物,我落魄虞家,哪有资格去结交啊?”虞璨眸中光彩,渐渐暗淡,心如死灰地说道:“我孙儿不在了,那东西,我便是毁去,让整个虞家跟着陪葬,也不会交给他们!” Careful walls have ears, cautious word!” Ning Ji shouted lowly, saw with own eyes that the Yu Can look was not right, caused a meaningful glance to that purple clothes maidservant. “小心隔墙有耳,慎言啊!”宁骥低呼,眼见虞璨神色不对,就向那紫衣丫鬟使了一个眼色。 Old Master, you should rest, perhaps the little Young Master breath, true dying, a favorable turn, you did not can have looked on the bright side of thing.” 老太爷,你该去休息了,小少爷鼻息还在,尚未真正气绝,兴许还有一丝转机,你可别想不开。” The purple clothes maidservant, is pushing that wheelchair rashly, leaves from the garden hurriedly. 紫衣丫鬟不由分说地,就推着那轮椅,急匆匆地从庭院离开。 Where also has a favorable turn.” After they depart, the Ning Ji silent half sound, twittering said: Tonight, he was doomed is could not endure.” The words, he shakes the head, goes out dejected. “哪里还有一丝转机啊。”在他们离去之后,宁骥沉默半响,呢喃道:“今晚,他注定是熬不过的。”话罢,他摇了摇头,也颓然走出。 The garden falls into the deathly stillness gradually. 庭院渐渐陷入死寂。 Late at night, sky over old dwelling Ancestral Hall, changes constantly suddenly, lightning flashes and thunder rolls, the space twists suddenly shakes! 后半夜,老宅宗祠上空,突风云变幻,电闪雷鸣,空间急剧扭曲震荡! Two became the clear(ly) bright crack of cruciform alternately, tore into shreds suddenly void. Ten character interweaving place, radiant ray dazzling, at once two groups of gloomy shadow, the escape comes out respectively, and is hidden in Yu Family old dwelling Ancestral Hall completely. 两条交叉成“十”字形的明熠裂缝,陡然撕碎虚空而成。“十”字交织处,璀璨光芒刺目,旋即分别有两团灰暗幽影,先后飞逸出来,并全部隐没于虞家老宅宗祠 ...... ……
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