ILK :: Volume #64

#6327: Receives you to work as the goon

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This move is very very fierce. 这一招很强很猛。 After this person making a move erupted the strong attack. 从这个人出手之后就爆发出了超强的攻击。 If the tornado wind same swept across. 龙卷风一样席卷过来了。 Is good is not long because of the time, finally stopped. 好在时间不长,终于停了下来了。 Lin Fei scar is very heavy, wound is very heavy. 林飞身上的伤痕还是挺重的,伤的挺不轻的。 Finally shouldered. 终于扛了下来了。 Even the following old man is still same. 就算是后面的老头也是一样。 Old man's situation compared with many of his bitter. 老头的情况就比他惨烈的多了。 Although this fellow achieves the Great Emperor Late Stage battle efficiency, but he was bad is overall many. 虽然这家伙是达到大帝后期的战斗力的,但是整体来说他还是差了不少了。 Naturally has no way to compare with Lin Fei. 林飞自然是没法比的。 But this ordinary person at this time also light came one. 而这个普普通通的人此时也是淡淡的来了一句。 Never expected that your survive got down unexpectedly, that next we meet time again, but your such strength, the next time may not have to feel better, I can a move striking to kill you.” “没想到你竟然坚持下来了,那下一次咱们再见面,不过你这样的实力,下一次可没那么好受了,我会一招将你给击杀的。” Whish. 哗的一声。 This ordinary form changed to fragment(s) directly. 这个普通的身影直接就化作了碎片 Vanishes without a trace. 消失得无影无踪。 As his vanishes! 随着他这消失! Surrounding these Rune, blasted out rapidly. 周围的这些符文,迅速地都炸开了。 In an instant these Rune no longer exist. 转眼之间这些符文都不复存在了。 With is Rune on these iron chains , is the same. 跟着就是这些铁链上的符文,也是一样。 In an instant vanishes without a trace. 转眼之间消失的无影无踪了。 The time of such One Revolution eye, these mark methods did not have, on the contrary was continuously black flood dragon king finally awaken of deep sleep. 就这么一转眼的时间,这些印记手段都没了,反倒是一直沉睡的黑蛟王终于苏醒了过来了。 Crash-bang crash-bang. 哗啦哗啦。 Is vibrating the body. 抖动着身体。 haha haha, I woke finally, that loathful thing disappears finally.” 哈哈哈哈,我终于醒过来了,那讨人厌的东西终于不见了。” The black flood dragon king truly was awaken comes. 黑蛟王确确实实是苏醒过来了。 That type makes him feel the Rune strength that difficult withstands all vanishes to disappear, was only left over this iron chain. 那种让他感觉到难以承受的符文的力量全都消失不见了,只剩下这铁链了。 He also saw at present this young people, whole body up and down is tattered, as if must collapse to be the same , saw own former subordinate besides him, is North Sea. 他也看到了眼前这个年轻人了,浑身上下都是破破烂烂的,似乎要崩溃一样的,除了他之外还见到了自己的老部下了,也就是北海。 You are very good, without thinking finally that fellow killing, you are Expert that which on looks, unexpectedly is so strong, his move is no one can unable to withstand .” “你很不错,没想到终于将那家伙给弄死了,你这是上哪来找来的高手呢,居然这么强,他那一招可不是谁都能承受得住,的。” The black flood dragon king changed to a bald man. 黑蛟王化作了一道光头汉子。 Bald form that even changes. 就算是化作的光头身影。 Body as were always many some iron chains, this was the special iron chain, was no one can work loose. 身上一如既往的还是多了些铁链了,这个是特殊的铁链了,也不是谁都能挣脱得了的。 Even the black flood dragon king is still hopeless equally radically. 就算是黑蛟王也是一样根本就没戏。 But this time Lin Fei put out a hand to grasp directly a key that fell on the ground. 而此时的林飞直接伸手就抓过了掉在地上的一把钥匙了。 This appeared the key was special, light as a swan's feather, but this thing was unexpectedly useful. 这把钥匙显得非常的特殊了,轻如鸿毛,但是这东西居然非常的有用了。 Was used to open these iron chains. 用来打开这些铁链了。 But this time black flood dragon king naturally was slow first step. 而此时的黑蛟王自然是慢了一步 Now you can come to open to me, this time you performed the big merit, this king certainly can the generous recompense your, making you follow to become a servant to favor in my side, such treatment is not the what people can achieve, even this king can also make you dragon Pu!” “现在你可以过来给我打开了,这次你立下了大功劳了,本王一定会重赏你的,让你跟在我身边成为一个仆宠,这样的待遇可不是什么人都能做得到的,甚至本王还可以让你成为龙仆!” The black flood dragon king was especially happy, he closed/pass that long time finally, finally ob­tains freedom. 黑蛟王格外的高兴了,他终于关了那么长的时间,终于获得了自由了。 So long as broke free of these iron chains, he can ob­tains be again free. 只要挣脱了这些铁链,他就可以重新获得自由。 When the time comes the world of this side will also welcome his time finally. 到时候这一方的世界终于又将迎来他的时代了。 Excuse me, my thing point to this thing has no interest, I to you very interested.” “不好意思,我对这玩意的东西一点都没有兴趣,我对你挺有兴趣的。” Lin Fei smiles. 林飞笑了笑。 Went to the place of not far away, took out Medicinal Pill to eat directly. 就来到了不远处的地方,取出了丹药直接就吃下去。 Getting up that starts to restore. 开始恢复的起来了。 Such action also lets the black flood dragon king in great surprise. 如此的举动也让黑蛟王大惊。 „Are you saying what? The fellow of your scoundrel courts death, North Sea, went to give to kill him!” “你在说什么?你这个混帐的家伙是不是找死,北海,去把他给杀了!” The black flood dragon king sobered with great difficulty came, did not have that loathful thing again. 黑蛟王好不容易才清醒了过来了,再也没有了那讨人厌的东西了。 Has not thought that Human Race brat dares to speak such words to oneself. 没有想到一个人族小子敢跟自己说这样的话。 If were not strength is limited, the black flood dragon king had begun, hit to explode him said again. 如果不是一身的实力都被限制了,黑蛟王早就动手了,将他打爆了再说了。 Only can begin by own subordinate, own subordinate absolutely did not have. 只能让自己的部下去动手了,不过自己的部下根本就没有动了。 Also on quietly is standing. 也就静静的站着了。 King the time changed is now different, he was not saves your, but was tidies up your, I had been subdued by him.” “大王现在时代变了不一样了,他不是来拯救你的,而是来收拾你的,我已经被他收服了。” The originally also happy black flood dragon king stares suddenly. 原本还高高兴兴的黑蛟王一时间就是一愣。 A little cannot believe. 有点不敢相信。 Own subordinate was given to subdue unexpectedly. 自己的部下居然被人给收服了。 He is not subdued easily, that is powerful. 他可不是那么容易被收服的,那可是强大的很。 Great Emperor Late Stage level strength basically can walk sideways. 大帝后期级别实力基本上都可以横着走了。 In addition here also does not have the what person to rush, how to present such matter? 再加上这里又没有什么人能闯进来,怎么会出现这样的事情呢? Most important is this person subdues itself unexpectedly. 最重要是这人居然来收服自己。 If so, that said oneself had troublesome. 如果是这样的话,那岂不是说自己有麻烦了。 The situation appears quite was bad. 情况显得相当的糟糕了。 Is impossible, how you were possibly given to subdue by him, hurried striking to kill him, brought his key, I can restore freely, after having the freedom, the person who these past years has begun I must return them entirely, making their know what be called regret! “不可能的,你怎么可能被他给收服了,赶紧去将他给击杀了,把他的钥匙拿过来,那我就可以重新恢复自由了,有了自由之后,那些当年动过手的人我通通都得回报他们,让他们知道什么叫做后悔”! The black flood dragon king non-stop is rocking iron chain. 黑蛟王不停的晃动着铁链子。 North Sea stood there motionless. 北海就站在那里一动不动了。 Also know this time did not move. 知道自己这时候也根本动不了。 King accepts the reality, after his awaken comes, he will have the means your to subdue, I thought that can leave here is also good, in any case was closed inundates without the daylight here, outside world is very splendid.” “大王还是接受现实吧,等他苏醒过来之后他就会有办法将你的收服了,我觉得能离开这里也是挺不错的,好歹被关在这里漫无天日,外面的世界还是很精彩的。” North Sea also arrived at Lin Fei side. 北海也就走到了林飞的旁边了。 The black flood dragon king almost spat on a blood. 黑蛟王差点就一口血吐了出来了。 How to meet such matter? He has not bumped into. 怎么会遇上这样的事情呢?他从来都没有碰上过。 Oneself really must be given to subdue. 自己真的是要被人给收服了过去了。 That is impossible, you want to subdue this king, is not that easy.” “那不可能的,你想收服了本王,不是那么容易的。” No matter how black flood dragon king roared has not used. 不管黑蛟王怎么咆哮根本就没有用了。 Lin Fei on the restoration of such quietly. 林飞就这样静静的恢复了。 His Medicinal Pill naturally was Top Grade Medicinal Pill, wound quickly restored. 他的丹药自然是顶级丹药了,身上的伤很快就恢复了过来了。 Together with the consumption of before is also same, got back, has saying that before that fellow was really very overbearing. 连同之前的消耗也是一样,也恢复了过来了,不得不说之前那家伙真的是挺霸道。 This move infinite was powerful, had exceeded Great Emperor Late Stage level strength, reached the Great Emperor peak. 这一招无限的强大了,已经超越了大帝后期级别实力,达到了大帝的巅峰了。 This is also Lin Fei. 这也是林飞 If this changes into a person, under such method must die without doubt, no one can unable to withstand, was too fiercely is too aggressive. 这要是换成一个人的话,就这样的手段之下必死无疑了,没有人能承受得住的,实在是太猛太凶悍了。 Lin Fei stood got up, took a look at present black flood dragon king. 林飞重新站了起来了,打量了眼前的这个黑蛟王。 strength by seal, but this temperament or quite are hot tempered. 实力被封印着,但是这脾气还是相当暴躁的。 Has saying that this fellow can be closed here, has own ability. 不得不说这家伙能被关在这里,也是有着自己的能耐的。 He said right, I truly am subdue your, can I give such big care to come to here to work otherwise? You said that the average person has really not been worth me doing that but you were an exception, who made you have the Great Emperor peak level battle efficiency, my came to lacked a goon, you were I best gold medal goon.” “他说的没错,我确实是来收服你的,要不然的话我怎么会这么费这么大的心思来这里做事情呢?你说是不是,一般人还真不值得我这么做,但是你算是一个例外了,谁让你拥有大帝巅峰级别的战斗力呢,我正好缺一个打手,你就是我最好的金牌打手了。” Takes away to work as the gold medal goon oneself. 把自己拿去当金牌打手。 The black flood dragon king almost must spit blood. 黑蛟王差点要吐血了。 Complete looks down upon own. 完完全全的就是看不起自己的。
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