ILK :: Volume #64

#6316: Underestimated black Dragon King

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No matter how said. 不管怎么说。 Lin Fei has rushed to several domains finally continuously. 林飞总算是连续闯过了好几个地盘。 Also met the Great Emperor level Intermediate Stage sea beast. 又遇上了大帝级别中期的海兽。 These sea beasts seem incomparable was powerful, after all they have the background. 这些海兽就显得无比的强大了,毕竟他们本身就是有底子的。 Had some advantages with the words that Lin Fei begins. 林飞动起手来的话还是占了一些优势的。 Lin Fei most powerful is the method. 林飞最强大的就是手段。 In addition this body incomparable great strength, finally one by one striking to kill them. 再加上这身躯无比的强大,最后一一的将他们给击杀了。 Altogether struck to kill three Great Emperor Intermediate Stage sea beasts. 一共击杀了三头大帝中期的海兽。 When he wants to kill the fourth head, discovered that this place had been emptied. 当他想要打杀第四头的时候,发现这个地方已经被人清空了。 Does not have the what thing to remain. 没有什么东西留下来。 Some of his know here also people came. 他就知道这里还有人进来了。 As for was what person that was unknown, did not have the what too tremendous impact in any case to him. 至于是什么人那就不得而知了,反正对他来说也没有什么太大的影响。 Now he must do was striking that kept kills. 他现在要做的就是不停的击杀了。 After striking killed these sea beasts, truly can obtain some fragment(s). 击杀了这些海兽之后确实是能得到一些碎片 Is powerful can drop out many fragment(s). 越是强大的就能掉出更多的碎片 He on has ten fragment(s) on hand, has not been able Combination. 他手头上已经有十来个的碎片了,就是还不能组合 He thought that struck to kill Great Emperor Late Stage level sea beast should not to have the what issue again. 他觉得再击杀一头大帝后期级别的海兽应该也就没什么问题了。 Immediately can unable to find a Great Emperor Late Stage sea beast. 马上就能找得到一头大帝后期的海兽。 This is black Dragon King, right is black Dragon King. 这是一条黑龙王,没错就是一头黑龙王 However this is Variation Bloodline, and impure, if really these true Black Dragon will see will not naturally care. 不过这是一条变异血脉,并不纯,真要是那些真正的黑龙见了自然也就不会在意了。 haha haha, your fellows also want to cope with my black Dragon King, today I give clean that you eat, this king has not eaten for a long time for a long time happy the thing like you.” 哈哈哈哈,就你们这些家伙也想对付我黑龙王,今天我就将你们一个个都给吃的一干二净,本王已经好久好久没有吃过像你们这样痛快的东西了。” Lin Fei just break into a new place, heard the loud and clear sound. 林飞闯入了一个新的地方,就听见了洪亮的声音。 This sound passed on, affected Void. 这声音一路传过来了,牵动了虚空 Changed to strengths. 化作了一道道的力量。 Is pasting. 不停的流转着。 Also falls on the body of Lin Fei. 也落在林飞的身上。 This falls on Lin Fei, made him be able to feel this strength formidable. 这一落在林飞身上,就让他感受得到这力量的强悍了。 His know this should is that black Dragon King. 他就知道应该就是那位黑龙王 Realized that matter some people are coping with this black Dragon King. 更加意识到一件事情有人正在对付这黑龙王 However looks at the situation, black Dragon King seems in the winning side. 不过看情况,黑龙王似乎处于上风的。 As for beginning the person estimate is at a disadvantage. 至于动手的人估计是处于下风。 Therefore he went forward rapidly, finally saw black Dragon King in a lakeside. 于是他迅速的前进了,终于在一处湖边看到了一个黑龙王了。 That was a huge form changed to a black armor person, on also grasped side Tianhua a halberd on hand. 那是一个庞大的身影化作了一个黑甲人,手头上还手持一把方天画戟。 Every one attacked was full of the Endless violence. 每一下攻击都充满了无尽的暴力。 But has lain down many people in the ground in distant place. 而在远处的地面上已经躺了不少人。 Almost does not have to breathe, but also is left over 2-3 also in reluctant survive. 几乎已经没有了呼吸了,还剩下2-3个还在勉强的坚持着呢。 Their treasure soon were also close to collapse, is unable unable to withstand. 他们身上的宝物是乎也快要接近崩溃了,根本就无法承受得住了。 The complexion is also white. 脸色也是白的很呢。 This we were die, has not really thought that black Dragon King had gone out of Great Emperor Late Stage unexpectedly, has reached the Great Emperor peak, was too fearful!” “这回咱们是死定了,真没想到黑龙王居然已经走出了大帝后期,已经达到了大帝巅峰了,太可怕!” They are sacred place. 他们是圣地的。 Is comes to strike to kill this black Dragon King, wants to strike to kill his ob­tains treasure, has not thought. 就是前来击杀这个黑龙王的,想要击杀他获得宝物,万万没有想到。 Black Dragon King hid Great Emperor Late Stage strength from the beginning, let their having no other choice all-out effort strength, when they were much better, showed the Great Emperor peak level battle efficiency directly suppressed them directly. 龙王一开始就是隐藏了大帝后期实力,让他们不得已拼劲了实力,等他们好得差不多了,直接就展现出了大帝巅峰级别的战斗力的直接就压制了他们了。 Gave to strike to kill their many Expert, now is only left over they three also reluctant survive. 将他们不少的高手都给击杀了,如今就只剩下他们三个还勉强的坚持着。 On hand on the big Emperor Treasure thing basic on survive long time. 手头上的这件大帝宝物根本就坚持不了多长的时间了。 Or I use the last move, I fought him, like this everyone can have the opportunity to leave, must everyone probably die otherwise here.” “要不我用最后一招吧,我跟他拼了,这样大家才能有机会离开,要不然的话大家都得死在这里。” A black clothes female look becomes one cold. 一个黑衣女子神色变得一冷。 Also becomes the incomparable firmness. 也变得无比的坚定。 know only then such method can have the opportunity to leave here. 知道只有这样的方法才能有机会离开这里。 Valley /span > this black Dragon King too cunning. 谷/span>这个黑龙王狡猾 It is estimated that with such method, do not know pit many people. 估计用上了这样的手段,不知道坑了多少人了。 But they are one of them. 而他们就是其中之一。 „It is not good, if you used this move, you thorough destroyed, your magical skill restores thoroughly does not come back, 10 million cannot use.” “不行不行,你要是用了这一招的话,你就彻底的毁了,你的道行就彻底修复不回来了,千万不能用啊。” Another two people are also one anxious, under such mind dispersion. 另外两个人也都是一急的,就这么心神分散之下。 Whish. 哗了一下。 Three people were pounded to turn directly on the ground. 三个人直接就被砸翻在地上了。 Was also fallen together with this treasure in the hand of black Dragon King. 连同这件宝物也被落在了黑龙王的手上。 The black Dragon King iron fist stresses crash-bang one, the thing of this thing easy changed to fragment(s). 龙王铁拳一抓哗啦一声,就这玩意的东西轻而易举的就化作了碎片了。 Scattered place. 散落了一地了。 Now did not have this Body Defense treasure, I thought how you also really fight with me, you two I must certainly eat, actually your queen, this king very long has not enjoyed, operated with you.” “现在没了这件护身宝物,我看你们还真跟我怎么斗,你们两个我是肯定要吃掉的,倒是你这个女王,本王已经很久没有享受过了,就拿你开刀好了。” Black Dragon King laughed to throw a black rope directly. 龙王大笑一声直接就扔出了一条黑色的绳索。 This black rope threw to change to a black long line, gave to entangle them directly. 这条黑色的绳索一扔出来就化作了一条黑色的长龙,直接就将他们三个人都给缠了起来。 Such. 就这么一下。 They strength lived by the seal unexpectedly. 他们一声的实力居然就被封印住。 They cannot enter. 他们也进不出来。 „Your cultivation had/left Black Dragon seal unexpectedly.” “你你竟然修炼出了黑龙印。” They naturally recognize this are the what things. 他们自然认得出来这是什么东西。 This was the famous Black Dragon seal. 这就是大名鼎鼎的黑龙印了。 The thing biggest role of this thing is used for the trapped/sleepy person. 这玩意的东西最大的作用就是用来困人。 The person who once surrounds can live in his strength thorough seal. 一旦困住的人就能将他的实力彻底的封印住了。 Only if some people can solve, must unable to restore strength otherwise. 除非是有人能解得开,要不然的话根本无法恢复实力 Black Dragon King laughs, a little eyesight? Unexpectedly also know this king Black Dragon seal, this treasure of being Wang Yong millennium cultivation came out, being used to bundle your is relaxed.” 龙王大笑,“有点眼力吗?居然还知道本王这个黑龙印,这个是本王用了千年时间才修炼出来的宝贝了,用来捆你们那是轻轻松松的。” Black Dragon King was appears especially is also self-satisfied. 龙王也是显得格外的得意了。 Finally can enjoy well one time. 终于可以好好的享受一次了。 His look one cold, looked to a place. 他的眼神一冷,看向了一个地方了。 rise is a fist. 抬头就是一拳。 Rolls to me.” “给我滚出来。” Such a fist drove out Void directly, as changing to strong winds monstrous waves. 就这么一拳直接就轰开了虚空了,作为化作了一片狂风巨浪。 Followed the form to walk together. 跟着一道身影就走了出来了。 That Lin Fei. 正是那林飞 Lin Fei comes time, sees them, as soon as defeats. 林飞来的时候,就看见他们一败。 Naturally can also know this black Dragon King terrifying. 自然也能知道这个黑龙王恐怖 Unexpectedly has reached the Great Emperor peak. 居然已经达到了大帝巅峰了。 Such battle efficiency is powerful, was no one can prevent. 这样的战斗力已经是非常非常的强大了,也不是谁都能阻止得了的。 Also no wonder this black Dragon King so extremely arrogant aggressive, has not regarded a matter these people completely. 也怪不得这个黑龙王如此的狂妄霸气,完全就没把这些人当成一回事。 Your excellency hurries, black Dragon King cultivation to the Great Emperor peak level battle efficiency, no one could be his opponent!” “阁下赶紧走吧,黑龙王已经修炼到了大帝巅峰级别的战斗力了,没人会是他的对手的!” That black clothes female shouted loudly one. 那黑衣女子高喊了一声。 . 哇的一声。 Put out the blood. 就吐出了鲜血。 Three people numerous was pounded on the ground. 三个人重重的就被砸在了地上了。 Black Dragon King gaze transferred came, fell on this black robe person, he received a point of dangerous feeling on his body unexpectedly. 龙王目光转了过来了,落在这个黑袍人身上了,在他的身上他竟然受到了一点危险的感觉。 This is before does not have. 这是之前所没有。 Never expected that today also is difficult to deal with/ferocious, your vitality very exuberant, if I can call you to eat, perhaps my Great Emperor peak can also on first step.” “没想到今天还来了一个厉害的呢,你身上的气血非常的旺盛,我要是能叫你吃的话,也许我这大帝巅峰还可以更上一步。” Such a look, his know at present this black robe person very fearful, unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 就这么一个眼神,他就知道眼前这个黑袍人非常的可怕,非常的厉害 If can eat him, naturally can the ob­tains enormous advantage. 如果能将他吃了,自然能获得极大的好处了。
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