Bang bangbang bang bang.
The Lin Feimethodtrulyisveryoverbearing.林飞的手段确实是挺霸道的。Thisgroupkilled a bigpiecethesefellowbangin the past.
甚至还曝出了不少的石头呢。Thesestonesdo not have the whattoostrongattractionto himnow.
这些石头对他来说现在并没有什么太大的吸引力的。Naturallybetter than nothing.
当然聊胜于无。Alsoonone by onegaveto receivethem.
After receivingthesethings, hedirectlytowardinside.
收起来这些东西之后他直接就往里头去了。Rushing toinsidelaterdiscovered that thisissmallImmortal's Cave is the same.
冲到里头之后就发现这是一个小的洞府一样的。Hereseemsverypeaceful, discovered many corpses.
这里头显得挺安静的,更发现了不少的一些尸体。Alsowas the corpse of seabeast.
The seabeastappearedto be sturdier.
海兽显得个头更加的壮实了。Probablyhuman formPuppetis a little same, but the upper partis the appearance of person, the lower part, was not struckto killdirectlyhere.
有点像是人形傀儡一样,只不过上半身是人的样子,下半身就不是了,直接就被击杀在这里了。Theirweaponalsoappearveryis difficult to deal with/ferocious.
他们的兵器也是显得非常厉害的。Rumbleinloud noisetransmittedsomesounds.
轰隆隆的巨响里面更传来了一些动静了。Lin Feicameonsomeknowshouldpeopleat heart.林飞心里头就知道应该是有人来了。Isevidently the condition is not very good.
就是看样子状态并不是很好。Hehas not thoughtwhat, front the preparationgoeswelllooksis a situation of whatappearance.
他也就没想什么了,准备去前面好好的看一看到底是一个什么样子的情况。Onewalkstowardinside, front saw a bigsea of firecrash-bangcrash-bangfalling.
Front saw onlymanyseabeastsbydrawing.
只见前面不少的海兽都被拉到了一起了。Magic arts that displaying that seems liketechniqueMagesamekeeping.
一个像是术法师一样的不停的施展的法术。Attackon the bodies of theseseabeasts.
攻击在这些海兽的身上了。Butis also similarinfrontoneto the close combat, practices the body, keepslooking attheseseabeasts.
配合的倒是也挺不错的。Alsohasin the place of distant placefeels betteris frozendirectly.
The seabeast that butthesefreezepassedonthat the time of a while to clashevidentlycomes out.
只不过这些冰冻的海兽看样子过上那么一会儿的时间就能冲得出来了。Butat this time.
那两人忽然目光就投了过来了。Fellon the body of thisLin Fei, particularlythatused the magic arts, perhapsfeels the pressure, the magic artscamedirectlytogether.
落在了这个林飞的身上了,尤其是那个施展法术的,或许是感受到了压力的,直接就是一道法术过来了。Is centered onLin Feichanged tocoldfrostsinstantaneously, whole bodywas also frozenin the same place.
以林飞为中心瞬间就化作了一片寒霜了,整个人也被冰冻了在一起。Lin Feidoes not know whether to laugh or cry, oneselfthenjustcameto look,unexpectedlywas frozen.林飞也是哭笑不得,自己这才刚过来看一看,居然就被冰冻了过去了。
Does thiscalculate the whatappearance?
这算什么样子呢?Crash-bang a sound.
哗啦一声响。Blasted outincoldfrostdirectlyeverywhere.
在身上的寒霜直接就满地的炸开了。Lin Feifollowedto walk.林飞跟着就走了出来。„Two were toodirect, Iwaslook, onmaking a move, you was also too careful.”
The Lin Feiwordsonein the past his twolookwithchanged.林飞的话一过去他那两人神色就跟着一变了。After all the might of thatmagic arts, thatwas the would-beemperorleveldegreea moment ago, unusualformidable, moreoverwasno onecanshoulder.
Such a shookunexpectedlydirectly.
就这么一下居然直接就震开了。Even a matterdoes not have, thiswas makes one lookfeltinconceivableone.
甚至一点事情都没有,这才是让人看了感觉不可思议的一件。Afterhearing the words of opposite partytwo peoplecomplexionslightlychanged.
当听到对方的话后两人的脸色都是微微一变了。After alltheirtrulythinkthispersonwantsto cometo snatch the thinga moment ago, theyalso come here with great difficulty, naturallythought that an opposite partypersoncomes.
The resulthas not thought the ability that opposite partyis somewhat strong, shouldereddirectly.
A matterdoes not have.
一点事情都没有。No matter howsaid that two peoplefelt the pressure, ifreallybegan, theyas ifseemeddo not haveinthis moment the whatodds of success.
不管怎么说两人都感受到了压力了,真要是动起手来的话,他们俩人似乎在这一刻显得没有什么胜算了。„Your excellency, wea moment agowere only the instinct, after allthisplacewhorushedweto be ablemaking a move, ifyour excellencydid not have the whatopiniontous, Iyoutold that the soundwas sorry.”
“阁下,我们刚才只是本能而已,毕竟这个地方谁闯进来了我们都会出手的,如果阁下对我们没什么意见的话,那我就跟你说声抱歉了。”Two people are very actually direct, mustbe clear aboutthisperson of is difficult to deal with/ferociouscompared withanybody, thereforechose the apologysimplydirectly.
道下歉的话。Perhapsto themmeddlesome.
也许对他们来说还是好事呢。„Mytemperamentis not considered as that verybig, so long asyoureplied that Iseveralissueswere good, mustIunderand othersbeginyouto be possible is not easyotherwise.”
A Lin Feifistrumbled, thisfistpoundedontheseseabeasts.林飞一拳就轰出去了,这一拳捣在了那些海兽身上。Such.
哗啦哗啦的。Astheseseabeasts the coldfrostwas shattered, together with the body is also same.
掉出来了不少的石头。Madetheirlookbe startled.
就让他们两人神色都是一怔了。Thismethod was also too overbearing, unexpectedlymaking a movegaveto drive outthemdirectly.
这手段也太霸道了吧,居然一出手直接就将他们都给轰开了。Theytocope withtheseseabeasts, butnextspent the painstaking care, was all kinds ofmagic arts, got so far assomestonesreluctantly.
他们为了对付这些海兽,可是下费了心血了,又是各种各样的法术,才勉勉强强弄到了一些石头。Has no wayto comparewiththisat presentcompletely, the directfistwas struckto kill, isformidableis really invincible.
跟眼前这位完全没法比了,直接一拳就被击杀了,真的是强悍无敌的。Held breath a cold air/Qi.
更是倒吸了口冷气了。Cold sweatone after anotherbraveddownward.
冷汗都一滴一滴的往下冒了。Does not have the means that wasthispresentpersonstrength is too powerful.
没办法呀,实在是这眼前的人实力太强大了。Ifstrengthis notsuchpowerful, theywill not worry that so much, will not be afraid.
如果实力不是这么强大的话,他们也不会这么担心的,甚至不会这么害怕了。„Senior, you said that so long asourknow, wewill definitely say.”
“前辈,你说,只要我们知道的,那我们肯定会说的。”Two people are very actually direct, is very simple, after allothersstrengthcompared withmany of theirformidable.
两人倒是挺直接的,也挺干脆的,毕竟人家的实力比他们强悍的多了。Ifthisbegins, their two peopleare not the opponents.
这要是动起手来的话,他们两个人万万不是对手。Nowothers are also quitenotifyhim.
也算是给足了他们的面子了。Ifdid not givefullytheirface, thisfistfellonthema moment ago, theythought that oneselfreallymustdiewithout doubt.
如果不是给足了他们的面子,就刚才这一拳落在他们身上,他们觉得自己真的是必死无疑。No onecould rescue their.
这样的人不恐怖吗?Absolutelyisterrifying. ”
绝对是恐怖的。”„Youcan come here, natureknowsomenews, Iwantto ask that yourheredoes have the so-calledbigseabeast, moreovercomparesis difficult to deal with/ferocious that perhapssaidwhichseabeastspowerfulcanhavetreasurethese, Ialsowantto listento have, if anythatwas good.”
这一路进来。Hehas not seen the whatpowerfulseabeast, thereforepreparedto find the personto ask, these twocancomeherenaturallynotsimple, thereforesomeknowclues.
A two peopleactuallyheartraised.
两人其实一颗心都提了起来了。do not knowwill be facing the whatissue, buthas not thought that unexpectedlyis such a issue.不知道会面对着什么问题,但是万万没有想到居然是这么一个问题。Came the spiritall of a sudden.
一下子就来了精神了。„Myknowwhatplacehas the seabeast, probablyin the ruins of North Sea.”
“我知道什么地方有海兽,好像是在北海的废墟。”„For those the ruins of North Sea, there heard that hasmanypowerfulseabeaststo be closedininside, outside issomeordinaryseabeasts.”
“对就是北海的废墟,在那里听说有不少的强大的海兽都被关在里头,在外头都是一些普通的海兽呢。”„Here alsomap, youcanlook.”
“我们这里还有一张地图,你可以看一看。”Theythrew a map, thismapis not considered as that veryancient, seemedverynew, shouldwas the replica.
他们就扔来了一张地图了,这张地图并不算是很古老,显得挺新的,应该是复制品。Naturallyeven the replica, thatstillhad very bigvalue.
当然就算是复制品了,那也是有很大的价值。„Iheard before ruins of thatNorth Seatimeis a seabeaststrongly, was used the methodsealinggot up, after thatno onecanrushwent, buttheseheard that timehasmanysacred place, planned that thisNorth Searuinsextinguishing, gaveto striketo killthem, the seniorcango tohereto bumptries one's luck!”
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