ILK :: Volume #64

#6309: This place not simple

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After having this time Great Array exist . 有了这座时间大阵存在之后。 Lin Fei does not worry. 林飞也就不着急进去。 After all everyone calm. 毕竟大家都淡定的很。 He similarly is calm. 他同样是淡定的很。 Carried on the first registration here actually. 倒是在这里进行了第一次签到了。 Also is look forward to especially. 也是格外的期待 He must determine compared with anybody, this was big temporary palace the place of true core. 他比任何人都要确定了,这就是大行宫的真正的核心的地方了。 Had a look at their know, after all each one can make Half-Step level strength. 看看他们这些人就知道了,毕竟个个都能打出半步级别实力 Had this strength words unable to come to here. 有这个实力的话根本就来不了这里了。 Said that not to mention wants to go to rob inside treasure. 更别提说是想进去抢夺里面的宝物 Registers the successful ob­tains Great Emperor air/Qi field in the Great Emperor main temporary palace.” “在大帝主行宫签到成功获得大帝气场。” This registration lets some Lin Fei accidental/surprised actually. 这一次的签到倒是让林飞自己都有些意外的。 What registration is not the so-called strength, is a Great Emperor air/Qi field thing. 签到的并不是所谓的力量,还是一个大帝气场这玩意。 In his opinion appears some weaks, especially after looking, is not to know whether to laugh or cry. 在他看来显得有些鸡肋呢,特别是看了之后更是哭笑不得呢。 This thing also can only emit the Great Emperor level air/Qi field. 这东西也就只能放出大帝级别的气场了。 As for change that the strength words and have no. 至于实力的话并没有任何的改变。 Probably such thing takes to trick a servant actually. 像是这样的东西拿出去忽悠一下人倒是还可以。 However the words of other use really did not have what. 但是别的用场的话还真的没什么 Very makes him very speechless actually. 倒是挺让他挺无语的。 You said that if other thing also even, but the words of this thing really very make people feel reluctantly. 你说要是别的东西的话也就算了,但是这个东西的话真的挺让人感觉到无奈的。 Following several days have not registered the what good thing actually. 后面的几天倒是没签到什么好东西。 One was really much worse than with this Great Emperor air/Qi field. 跟这个大帝气场一比真的是差了不少。 Also has not shut out. 也没有嫌弃。 In any case registers gained. 反正签到的都是赚了。 In this period some Expert rushed one after another. 期间陆陆续续有一些强者闯了进来。 Expert that however these rush may not have that good luck, was striked to fly directly. 不过这些闯了进来的强者可就没那么好运气了,直接就被打飞出去。 Or unravelled directly, getting down that cannot stay. 或者说直接就是灰飞烟灭了,没有个是能停留的下来的。 Those present basically were these people, did not have to be many, has not been short. 在场的人基本上就是那些人了,也没有多起来,也没有少去。 The front dangerous aura is also weaken slowly. 前面的危险气息也在慢慢的减弱了。 Although is not very obvious, but can also detect. 虽然不是很明显,但也能察觉得出来。 Registers successfully in the Great Emperor main temporary palace. ob­tains Great Emperor raging fire fist.” “在大帝主行宫签到成功。获得大帝烈火拳。” Today's registration makes the forest by oneself at present one bright actually. 今天的签到倒是让林被自己眼前一亮。 Because he pulled a thing that finally let his a little interest. 因为他终于牵到了一个让他有点兴趣的东西了。 Unexpectedly is the Great Emperor raging fire fist. 居然是大帝烈火拳。 This Fist Technique was different. 这个拳法就非常的不一样了。 This Fist Technique has the attribute, is the attribute of fire. 这个拳法是有属性的,属于火的属性。 After a fist rumbles came out, at least quite in 35 times of strength that usually erupts. 一拳轰了出来之后,最起码相当于平时爆发出来的三十五倍的实力了。 A fist contained Great Emperor, moreover unusual terrifying. 一拳都蕴含了大帝的威芒,而且非常的恐怖 Directly was 35 times of might. 直接就是三十五倍的威力了。 This unusual terrifying. 这就非常的恐怖了。 Coming out that can also judge from here Lin Fei, this Great Emperor Fist Technique erupts, badly badly was also 35 times erupts. 从这里林飞也能判断的出来,这大帝拳法爆发出来,最差最差也是三十五倍的爆发了。 To Lin Fei, this Fist Technique, in addition the before Great Emperor air/Qi field seemed very has the use actually. 林飞来说,这个拳法,再加上之前大帝气场倒是显得挺有用场了。 He is also not true Great Emperor level Expert, but also had Half-Step to step went out, relations that the firmly resist opposite party also had no. 他还不是真正的大帝级别强者,但也有半步跨了出去了,硬抗对方也没有任何的关系了。 Such method appears very aggressive. 这样的手段就显得非常的生猛。 Coordinates the use, Lin Fei or quite are satisfied. 配合起来使用,林飞还是相当满意的。 Nearby Lin Tian obviously can feel that this time Lin Fei mood was very different. 边上林天明显就能感觉到这个时候的林飞的心情挺不一样的。 After coming to here, he has observed this young people. 来这里之后他就一直观察这个年轻人。 This young people are very actually calm sometimes. 这个年轻人有些时候倒是挺气定神闲的。 However sometimes the mood had many changes actually not. 但是有些时候心情倒不是出现了不少的变化了。 Even how his also do not know this is a matter. 连他也不知道这是怎么一回事。 For example now. 比如现在。 He obviously can feel that the breath mood of opposite party had many changes, as if picked the treasure to be the same. 他明显就能感觉到对方的呼吸情绪都有了不少的变化的,似乎捡到了宝贝一样。 It seems like the what matter not to do in this, can could it be also pick what to be cheap here? 在这似乎什么事情都没有做,难道在这里还能捡到什么便宜吗? No matter how Lin Tian thinks, cannot think in any case. 不管林天怎么想,反正也是想不出来。 No matter how said, oneself is recent with him, the hit social dealings are good, after going, some can help. 不管怎么说,自己跟他最近,打的交道还是挺不错的,进去之后还是有些可以帮助的。 The time was half a month time passes by. 时间就是半个月的时间过去了。 Half a month time very flies actually, the aura of that danger also on dissipation without a trace. 半个月的时间倒是挺快的,那危险的气息也就消散的无影无踪了。 Whish. 哗的一声。 A Void collapse. 虚空一阵崩溃。 The people one is bright at present. 众人眼前一亮了。 This Great Array, radical disappearance without a trace. 这座大阵,彻底的消失的无影无踪了。 Many people whiz proceeded. 许多人嗖的一声就往前去了。 As soon as they proceeded cold Lie the sword light/only to cut directly together directly. 他们这些人一往前去直接一道冷烈的剑光直接就斩了过来。 Your these people really did not have the qualifications to snatch in my front.” “你们这些人还真没有资格抢在我的前面。” Flashed before on this sound together. 就这一道声音闪现了出来呢。 Following is together the sword light. 跟着就是一道剑光。 The sword light/only myriad radiance, sword shades, lock on everyone's body instantaneously. 剑光万千的璀璨,一道道剑影,瞬间就锁定在所有人的身上。 With erupting infinite the might, a sword resisted them unexpectedly. 跟着爆发出无穷的威力了,一剑竟然对抗了他们所有人。 No one has thought, the person rushes at this time unexpectedly. 谁也没有想到,在这个时候居然又有一个人闯了进来的。 Sword Technique Expert. 还是一个剑法高手 A sword makes everyone feel what to be called the danger. 一剑就让大家感受到什么叫做危险。 what is called terrifying. 什么叫做恐怖 People one after another emitted the treasure resistance. 众人纷纷放出了宝物抵抗了。 Resists this sword in them. 在他们抵抗这一剑. The form same is sending out the point like the flowing light together, snatched directly in everyone's front. 一道身影如流光一样散发着锋芒,直接就抢在了所有人的前头。 Who my know he was, his should was certainly the person in Jianmen, came out from that has not thought that also rushed to here to come unexpectedly, could it be here had the what thing to suit his goal.” “我知道他是谁了,他应该是绝剑门的人,从那里面出来的,没想到竟然也跑到这里来了,难道这里头有什么东西适合他的目标。” Some people called out in alarm one. 有人惊呼了一声。 Everyone turned hostile. 所有人都变脸了。 Unexpectedly is certainly the person in Jianmen. 竟然是绝剑门的人。 Really is this person of words, that may be bad, this is not open to discuss.” “真是这人的话,那可就糟糕了,这位可不是那么好商量的。” Many people have heard this certainly Jianmen. 许多人都听闻过这个绝剑门了。 Also makes them turn hostile becomes especially quick. 也让他们变脸变得格外的快。 Such in an instant time, that form has forestalled their first step. 就这么转眼的时间,那道身影已经抢先他们一步 Crashed in inside. 冲进了里头。 They have not thought, dashed directly again. 他们也没有多想,直接就再一次的飞奔了过去。 However these has not approached time. 不过这一次还没有靠近。 Sees myriad sword light eruptions again. 就见万千的剑光再次的爆发出来。 The fellow hid Sword Intent in Void unexpectedly. 那家伙竟然在虚空里面藏了一道道的剑意 Erupts in Instant, again gives the stop them 刹那之间就爆发出来,再次的将他们给阻拦 Lin Tian is also the complexion sinks. 林天也是脸色一沉。 Really is right now bad, there head head the person of gate came unexpectedly, this fellow is not affable, strength is also formidable especially.” “这下子真糟糕了,那里头的头的门的人居然来了,这家伙可不好惹呢,实力也是格外的强悍。” Such. 就这么一下。 Lin Tian somewhat turned hostile, no one was clear compared with him, here that fellow was powerful. 林天就有些变脸了,没有人比他清楚,这里头那个家伙的强大了。 Even can say this fellow to compared with fearful fear. 甚至可以说这家伙远比可怕的这种要更加的恐惧。 Lin Fei has not thought that also hid such is difficult to deal with/ferocious Expert in this hidden place unexpectedly. 林飞也没有想到在这暗处竟然还藏了这么一种厉害高手呢。 This Expert strength compared with imagination during wants terrifying. 这个高手实力远比想象之中的要恐怖的。 Otherwise , that short time will not erupt such big might a moment ago. 不然的话,也不会就刚才那么短短的时间就爆发出来这么大威力的。 He does not seem like others to worry actually, realized a matter. 他倒是不像是其他人那么着急,同时也意识到一件事情了。 Since that inside person can rush to here, that said also some people will also come. 既然那里面的人都能跑到这里来,那岂不是说还会有人也过来。 That this inside thing estimate also really very valuable. 那这个里头的东西估计还真的挺有价值的。 Person should of know this news will not be short. 知道这个消息的人应该不会少的。 Bang! 轰! Also dares to seek treasure on your these people here, the fellow of half foot.” “就你们这些人也敢在这里寻求宝物,半只脚的家伙。” Myriad thunder converge. 万千的雷霆云集而来。 All Void lived the thunder of say/way. 所有的虚空生出来道道的雷霆了。 The form in this thunder walked together comes out. 在这雷霆之中一道身影走得出来了。 People like thunder. 人如雷霆。 Everyone fleshly body one after another that each first step thunder explosion sound, shakes blasted out the fissure. 一步雷霆轰响,震的大家肉身纷纷的炸开来裂痕了。 Desperate! 绝望! thunder gate person!” “雷门的人!”
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