ILK :: Volume #64

#6307: I cannot be bullied

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In Lin Fei think this stone coffin should will have had Top Grade treasure to be right. 林飞一直都以为这个石棺里面应该会有一件顶级宝物才对。 After all before time his know here is a Great Emperor main temporary palace. 毕竟之前的时候他就知道这里是大帝主的一个行宫。 The thing that leaves behind was also naturally unusual. 留下的东西自然也非同一般了。 Looked at fence black sea know. 看樊乌海知道了。 Has not thought this stone coffin unexpectedly is a trap. 可万万没有想到这石棺居然是个陷阱。 Everyone gave serious injuries these guards with great difficulty, struck to kill. 大家好不容易把这些护卫都给重创了,击杀了。 Following. 跟着。 Is the multi-colored sunlight all over the sky, gave to attract everyone. 就是霞光满天,将大家给吸了进去。 Even it can be said that gave the town/subdues everyone. 甚至可以说是将大家给镇了进去了。 Really makes Lin Fei feel accidental/surprised. 真的是让林飞感觉到意外的。 In an instant. 转眼之间。 Surroundings also only then remaining Lin Fei such people. 周围也就只有剩下林飞这么一个人。 If other matter he said fortunately, but these people did not have all of a sudden, Lin Fei had the issue on the know before material. 要是别的事情的话他还好说,但是一下子这些人没了,林飞知道之前的资料就有问题了。 With saw that four black clothes guards resurfaced in the original place. 跟着就看到四个黑衣护卫重新又出现在原先的地方了。 Really very has the method. 真的是挺有手段的。 Pit one time the continues pit second time. 坑了一次又继续坑第二次了。 Moreover must gather, can the pit 而且还要集合,才能坑 It seems like this matter I could not help, moreover stone coffin was not the common ordinary thing.” “看来这件事情我是帮不了忙了,而且石棺也不是一般的普通东西了。” After Lin Fei looked at one, shook the head slightly. 林飞看了一眼之后就微微的摇头了。 Walking that however has not worried actually, here has not registered. 不过倒是并没有着急的走,这里头还没有签到过。 before time registered outside under. 之前的时候只是在外头签到了下。 Here can also register again, has a look to register to have the what thing when the time comes. 这里还可以再签到一下,看看到时候签到能有什么东西。 If can have the opportunity to rescue them, that is good. 如果能有机会将他们救出来的话,那是再好不过。 Without means that that Lin Fei not reluctantly. 如果没办法的话,那林飞也不会勉强。 Also to the next day. 也就到了次日。 Registers successful ob­tains Great Emperor fragment(s) strength one in the Great Emperor main temporary palace.” “在大帝主行宫签到成功获得大帝碎片力量一份。” Today's registration makes Lin Fei very surprised actually. 今天的签到倒是让林飞挺惊讶的。 Also can register such thing. 还能签到这样的东西。 Great Emperor fragment(s) strength, this seems somewhat precious. 还是大帝碎片力量一份,这就显得有些珍贵。 Lin Fei present strength had achieved extremely. 林飞现在的实力已经是达到了绝顶。 Has achieved so-called Half-Step, even can say that under the Secret Technique in addition held achieved this Level directly. 已经达到了所谓的半步了,甚至可以说秘法加持之下直接就达到了这一个层次了。 Now also obtains such a strength, is naturally impolite. 现在又得到这么一份力量,自然也就不客气了。 Although not material about this stone coffin, but such a reward is very satisfactory. 虽然不是关于这石棺的资料,但是这么一份奖励还是挺满意的。 Built up directly. 直接就炼化了。 The accumulation of Half-Step was also much thick. 半步的积累又厚实了不少呢。 This also made Lin Fei not worry to leave here. 这也让林飞根本不着急离开这里了。 A registration registered half a month time on the contrary here. 反倒是在这里一签到就签到了半个月的时间了。 Half a month time thing is good. 半个月的时间东西还是挺不错的。 Also made his strength proceed to push up first step. 又让他的实力往前推上了一步了。 Fence black sea they have not come out. 樊乌海他们这些人始终都还没有出来。 During Lin Fei was dark to induce, actually without feeling fence black sea they had an accident also feels relieved. 林飞冥冥之中感应来下了,倒是没有觉得樊乌海他们出事也就放心了。 Turned around to leave this temporary palace, went to the fuzzy deep place. 转身就离开了这个行宫了,前往了模糊的深处了。 Here has such a small temporary palace, will then certainly have the big temporary palace. 这里头有这么一座小行宫,那么一定就会有大行宫了。 The big temporary palace was the place that Lin Fei must go. 大行宫才是林飞所要去的地方了。 The unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate or the King Kong / diamond gate were some quite formidable exist. 无双门还是金刚门都是一些相当强悍存在了。 They can come to here, then other formidable influence should will also come to here. 他们能来这里,那么其他的强悍的势力应该也会来这里的。 The big temporary palace that Lin Fei directly soars. 林飞直奔的大行宫去了。 Here is the small temporary palace, then had certainly the big temporary palace. 这里是小行宫,那么一定就有大行宫了。 This is his goal. 这才是他的目标。 Goes through the strength threat of that infiltration strength in this white fog. 在这白雾里面穿行那渗透力量的力量威胁。 To him is not considered as that what, during was quick he to depend on is dark the direction, arrived at this white fog deep place. 对他来说已经不算是什么了,很快他就靠着冥冥之中的指引,来到了这白雾的深处了。 Saw in the clouds a city in this deep place. 在这深处就看到了一座云中城了。 Like this showers above the white fog, probably is the same in the middle of the cloud layer. 就这样淋浴在白雾之上,就好像在云层当中一样。 Void Shadow keep appears in this, but the entire city appears especially peaceful. 一道道虚影不停的在这层中浮现出来,而整个城显得格外的安静。 The Lin Fei feeling some people have actually registered this in the clouds city. 林飞却感觉已经有人登录这座云中城了。 Oneself were also close to this in the clouds city without delay. 二话不说自己也接近了这云中城了。 This was close to a tide rushing directly wells up came up among Instant, changed to the would-be emperor Great Perfection strength. 这一接近一股浪潮直接就奔涌了上来了刹那之间,就化作了准帝大圆满的力量了。 Limitless enormous and powerful. 还是无边无际浩浩荡荡的。 Without selecting the strength person in the front of this strength, will push fragment(s) in an instant. 没点实力的人在这力量的面前,转眼之间就会推成碎片 This to Lin Fei is not what. 这对林飞来说根本就不算是什么 fleshly body shouldered directly got down, rushed with whole body. 肉身直接就扛了下来了,跟着整个人就闯了进去了。 From the city distance, strength enormous and powerful galloping is in the clouds restless, is truly aggressive. 距离云中城还有一段距离,力量却浩浩荡荡的奔腾不息,确实挺凶悍的。 Is good because of Lin Fei smoothly on enter this in the clouds city. 好在林飞顺顺利利的就进入了这个云中城了。 This comes on these gaze, dashed directly came, cut the body of Lin Fei with a cold light directly. 这一进来就这一道道的目光,直接就飞奔了过来了,跟着一口冷光直接斩林飞的身上了。 A bell in his top of the head, made rumble the sound directly. 在他的头顶上一口钟,直接就发出了轰隆隆的声响了。 My goodness, this complete gets sick the rhythm that while you wants you to assign/life. 好家伙,这完完全全就是趁你病要你命的节奏呢。 On this plaza truly has been standing some people. 广场上确确实实已经站着些人了。 Each one is Powerful is serious. 个个都是威武严肃。 Sees the person to come in suddenly, employs a stratagem without delay. 冷不防地见到人进来,二话不说就动了手段。 Naturally some people have not begun. 当然也有些人是没有动手的。 They as if also very have the temperament. 他们这些人似乎也是挺有脾气的。 Disdains to do this matter, the actually several bearing patiently people, were the people of employing a stratagem. 不屑做这种事,倒是有几个隐忍的人,就是动了手段的人了。 Also did not think that this person can shoulder. 也不觉得这个人能扛得下来。 Outside one layer / first level method made one consume massive strength, in addition they suddenly on making a move, High Rank attack of would-be emperor level. 外面这一层手段就让人耗费了大量的实力了,再加上他们突然之间就出手,准帝级别高级攻击。 Naturally is no one can resist. 自然不是谁都能抵挡得住的。 Extinguishes kills also in an instant matter. 灭杀也不过转眼的事。 Your these fellows support is actually not concerned about face, my came to begin the section, think my single-handedly was good to bully.” “你们这些家伙倒是挺不要脸的嘛,我这一进来就动起了手段了,以为我单枪匹马的就好欺负了。” The cold light fell on the body of Lin Fei, by disintegration. 冷光落在了林飞的身上,就被崩碎。 Followed a fist to drive out that bell. 跟着一拳就轰开了那口钟。 whole body fell on plaza, gaze locked on the bodies of two fellows. 整个人就落在了广场上了,目光就锁定在两个家伙的身上了。 One is a tall person, one is the short person of handlebar. 一个是高个子的,一个是八字胡的矮个子。 Passes is glittering astutely the light of danger. 透着精明闪烁着危险的光。 And short person received this bell. 其中矮个子的收起了这个钟。 Above blasted out the fissure of say/way very slightly, but also makes him love dearly is dying. 上头炸开了道道的裂痕了非常的细微,但也让他心疼的要死了。 gaze was also full of the Endless hatred. 目光也充满了无尽的恨意了。 You change to go bad my treasure unexpectedly, I calculate that remember, do not let me seize the opportunity, otherwise directly extinguishing killed you!” “你竟然改坏我的宝物,我算记住你了,别让我逮住了机会,不然的话直接就将你给灭杀了!” Here does not welcome the strength weak person, we are just ahead of time screening, since your excellency has this strength, that naturally also has the qualifications to stand here.” “这里不欢迎实力弱的人,我们只不过是提前的筛选而已,既然阁下有这实力,那自然也有资格站在这里的。” The tall person also said earnestly. 那高个子也认真的说了。 This fellow cold seems the stone in Frost to be the same, is cold makes people unable to approach, even his surroundings cannot change the cold frost of city, Void was frozen was the same, invisible in formed a defense. 这家伙冷的就好像寒冰里的石头一样,冷得让人无法靠近,连他的周围都是变不了城的寒霜了,虚空都被冻结了一样,无形之中就形成了一道防御。 This method actually. 这手段倒是了得很。 Void. 一眼虚空 Can freeze. 就能进行冰冻。 should walks Expert of Frost department. 应该是走寒冰一系的强者 It is curious at present this black robe young people as for other Expert unexpectedly is so fierce. 至于另外的强者都挺好奇眼前这个黑袍年轻人的居然这么猛。 A moment ago that two attack sufficiently easy gave to extinguish would-be emperor Late Stage Expert kills. 刚才那两下的攻击足以轻而易举的将准帝后期强者都给灭杀了。 could it be this is would-be emperor Great Perfection Expert. 难道这是一位准帝大圆满强者啊。 That was also too young. 那也太年轻了。 do not know braves from the what place. 不知道是从什么地方冒出来的。 At least they have not really seen this person. 最起码他们还真的没有怎么见过这个人呢。 But said no matter how, they already remember, is difficult to deal with/ferocious of this person. 但不管怎么说,他们都已经记住了,这个人的厉害了。 Their making a move cannot grasp the opposite party, then strength of opposite party absolutely is formidable. 他们两个人出手都拿不住对方,那么对方的实力绝对是强悍的很。
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