ILK :: Volume #64

#6304: Also must we come

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stone coffin formidable on outside Ljig of these black clothes protectors. 石棺上的这些黑衣守护者之力格外的强悍 A blade made fence black sea be repulsed directly. 一刀就让樊乌海直接就败退了出去了。 Even he on thing, cannot grasp this black clothes guard on hand unexpectedly for a short time. 就算是他手头上的东西,居然一时半会也拿不住这个黑衣守卫。 Truly is very strong. 确实是非常强。 As for Chen Meng is also same. 至于陈猛这边也是一样。 The opposite party similarly is a blade, made him dash directly. 对方同样是一刀,也让他直接就飞奔了出去了。 Following Luo tall their is also same. 跟着罗高他们那里也是一样。 Their tripartite person this came up to realize difference immediately. 他们三方人这一上去立马就体会到其中的差别了。 It is not able to contend with these formidable exist. 根本就无法抗衡这些强悍存在了。 Also only then Lin Fei here has not tried. 也就只有林飞这里还没有试过。 Such a situation, actually Lin Fei not accidental/surprised. 这么一个情况,其实林飞一点都不意外 Can put such four things here, then this strength absolutely was unusual formidable. 能放着这么四个东西在这里,那么这实力绝对是非常的强悍了。 Even can say that exceeded the imagination by far. 甚至可以说远远的超出了想象了。 But one has not struck them must kill. 只不过并没有一击将他们必杀。 It can be imagined during their strength have not imagined terrifying that. 可想而知他们的实力也没有想象之中的那么恐怖 Lin Fei also came up. 林飞也就上来了。 This comes up to feel that has cold light together. 这一上来就感觉到有一道冷光。 Dashed directly. 直接就飞奔了过来。 Cold light quite overbearing of fierce quite, has not stopped. 冷光相当的猛相当的霸道,从来都没有停下来过。 Like this stares appears in the Lin Fei front. 就这样直勾勾地出现在林飞的面前。 His direct fist on bang in this above of light. 他直接一拳就轰在了这道光的上面了。 When he rumbles broken, came blade light. 在他轰碎的时候,又来了一道道刀光。 Even compared with before that blade passes/tests must terrifying. 甚至比起之前的那一道道刀关要更加的恐怖 Must is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 要更加的厉害了。 The might obtained the increase unexpectedly. 威力居然得到了增幅。 Came the interest instantaneously. 瞬间就来了兴趣了。 The one breath erupted the strengths of dozens fists. 一口气就爆发出了几十拳的力量了。 Directly approaches on the bang. 直接就轰向。 But at this time also had cold light together whiz to come. 而此时也有一道冷光嗖的一声就过来了。 Cold light compared with imagination during must aggressive. 冷光比想象之中的要更加的生猛。 Has not made his method stop, but is the continues crazy bang is chaotic. 并没有让他的手段停下来,而是继续的狂轰乱。 But nearby fence black sea their will have eaten up Medicinal Pill. 而边上的樊乌海他们这会都已经吃下了丹药了。 There restoration. 正在那里恢复。 Only then they know a moment ago this action fierce. 只有他们自己才知道刚才这一举动到底有多猛。 Also forest Fellow Daoist strength formidable.” “还林道友实力强悍啊。” Such. 这么一下。 They realized was different. 他们就体会到其中的不一样了。 If this they a blade could not shoulder continually. 这要是他们的话连一刀都扛不住了。 strength strong. 实力到底有多强。 They never have such thoughts. 他们自己想都不敢想了。 His strength truly wanted many of formidable compared with us!” “他的实力确实是比咱们要强悍的多了!” After coming up . 上去之后。 They had realized overbearing. 他们就体会过其中的霸道的。 So long as is full power to go, they could not really have resisted. 只要是全力以赴的话,他们这些人还真的抵挡不住。 Also only forest Fellow Daoist has such skill. 也就只林道友才有这样的本事。 Others are not really good. 其他人真不行。 Can rumble to break this thing, words as the matter stands we can the loosen be many actually.” “能轰破了这东西了,这样一来的话咱们倒是能松不少。” Fan black sea has not realized. 樊乌海没体会过。 How also do not know is a matter, present words especially look forward to Lin Fei. 不知道是怎么一回事呢,现在的话就格外期待林飞了。 Lin Fei the ferocity of strength also quite, killed directly front. 林飞实力相当的猛,直接就杀到了面前了。 Even can say that from the start has not stopped. 甚至可以说压根就没有停下来过。 However this black clothes protector also followed to begin. 不过这黑衣守护者也跟着动起手来了。 From beginning to end has not stopped, even can say quite fierce quite was aggressive. 从头到尾都没有停下来过,甚至可以说相当的猛相当的霸气了。 Lin Fei each fist can rumble in these blade light the positions of core. 林飞每一拳都能轰在这些刀光的核心的位置。 No one compared with him clear, this method is the what type. 没有人比他更加的清楚,这个手段到底是什么样的。 Even can say that this method far exceeded the imagination, went beyond the expectation. 甚至可以说这手段远远超出了想象,也超出了预料了。 Is Great Emperor lord level exist worthily, such method can also place here, is really aggressive.” “不愧是大帝级别存在,这样的手段也能放在这里,果然是生猛的很。” Lin Fei can realize this in beginning differently. 林飞在动手的时候就能体会出来这个不一样的。 Even can say far exceeded the imagination fearful. 甚至可以说远远超出了想象的可怕的。 Really does not begin, but also do not know, began on know difference. 真的是不动手,还不知道呢,动起手来就知道其中的差别了。 Even this black clothes guard, strength again how strong. 就算这黑衣护卫,实力再怎么强。 Also as was always pounded by the Lin Fei direct fist. 也一如既往的被林飞直接一拳就砸了出去了。 From beginning to end has not stopped. 从头到尾都没有停下来过。 Do not look at Lin Fei to be relaxed, but also only then his own know time has quite was strenuous. 别看林飞轻轻松松的,但也就只有他自己知道刚才的时候到底有相当的吃力了。 Also only then he can withstand. 也就只有他才能承受得下来呢。 After this fist gets down, this black clothes guard changed to place fragment(s) directly. 这一拳下去之后,这黑衣护卫直接就化作了一地的碎片了。 Fence black sea they inspire secretly. 樊乌海他们都暗暗的吸了一口气了。 Is incomparable on some know Lin Fei strength formidable. 知道林飞有的实力强悍无比。 Currently they have finally realized, truly is incomparable formidable. 现在他们终于有了体会了,确确实实是无比的强悍 Also incomparable terrifying. 也无比的恐怖了。 Our these can open this stone coffin time finally, inside had a look to have the what thing.” “咱们这一次终于能打开这石棺,看看里头到底有什么东西了。” Fence black sea also relaxed, other three people are also same. 樊乌海也是松了一口气了,其他三个人也是一样。 Their also know Lin Fei strength quite formidable. 他们也都知道林飞实力相当强悍了。 But without thinking of a fist in black clothes guard thorough routing. 只不过没有想到一拳就将在黑衣护卫彻底的击溃了。 Originally after think repelled this black clothes guard, should did not have the what matter, but in an instant . 本来以为击退了这黑衣护卫之后应该也就没什么事了,但是转眼之后。 Lin Fei discovered own idea a little issue. 林飞就发现自己的想法有点问题了。 In the original position, presented a black clothes guard unexpectedly. 在原先的位置上,居然又出现了一个黑衣护卫的。 This black clothes guard, do not know is the what time appears. 这个黑衣护卫,也不知道什么时候出现的。 strength with before time actually does not have the difference of least bit. 实力之前的时候竟然没有半点的区别。 Made him stare instantaneously slightly, can have such operation unexpectedly. 瞬间就让他心里头微微一愣了,竟然还能有这样的操作。 know own judgment had no mistake. 知道自己的判断没有任何的错了。 To open this stone coffin is not that easy matter. 想要打开这石棺也不是那么容易的事。 Must strike to kill these black clothes guards simultaneously, must be hopeless otherwise radically. 得同时击杀了这些黑衣护卫的,要不然的话根本就没戏了。 Our mentalities is right, wants to break open these things also is really not that easy matter, must together striking to kill them.” “咱们刚才的思路是对的,想要破开这些东西还真不是那么容易的事,得一起将他们给击杀了。” Lin Fei also drew back. 林飞也就退了回来了。 Not again making a move. 没有再出手了。 The black clothes guard also restored the original appearance after a blade. 黑衣护卫在一刀之后也就恢复了原先的样子了。 As if what matter has not happened is the same. 仿佛什么事情都没有发生过一样。 Fence black sea their complexion is also slightly changed. 樊乌海他们的脸色也是微微的一变了。 This situation thinks with them complete is different. 这情况跟他们想的完完全全的就是不一样的。 Has not really thought that can also have such operation.” “真没想到还能有这样的操作。” Fence black sea their also think these won time. 樊乌海他们本来还以为这一次赢定了。 Words that however now looks like, opened this stone coffin to be possible not to have that easy matter. 但是现在看来的话,打开这个石棺可就没那么容易的事了。 At least wants within a certain amount of time striking to kill them, truly is not that easy matter. 最起码想要在一定的时间内将他们给击杀,确实不是那么容易的事。 That did not say our came in vain!” “那不是说咱们这一趟都白来了!” They cope with these black clothes guards individually individually are not the opponents. 他们单个单个对付这些黑衣护卫都不是对手。 Only if unites in together, that actually a little ability. 除非是联合在一起,那倒是有点能耐了。 Cannot give to strike to kill four guards. 不能一口气将四个护卫都给击杀了。 Wanted to open this thing should is difficult such as to ascend heaven. 想要打开这东西应该是难如登天了。 Can say unusual terrifying. 可以说非常的恐怖了。 How can people like you open this stone coffin? Also must we come to be good.” “你们这样的人又怎么能打开这个石棺呢?还得咱们来才行。” In an uproar. 哗然一声。 The sound rushes from outside together. 一道声音就从外面闯了进来。 The sound passed on to make their complexion slightly change. 声音一传进来就让他们这些人脸色微微变了。 Who finally know is. 终于知道是谁。 Unexpectedly was the unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate person. 居然是无双门的人了。 before time, with unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate person fighting. 之前的时候,就跟无双门的人给交过手了。 Has not thought this time came out unexpectedly. 万万没有想过这个时候居然又出来了。 Also arrived here. 也来到了这里了。 As if regarding this stone is the what type background clear matter. 似乎对于这石到底是什么样的来路一清二楚的事情。 Truly is the unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate person. 确确实实是无双门的人。 The person of unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate also saw this stone coffin. 无双门的人也看到了这石棺了。 Saw this black clothes guard. 更看到了这黑衣护卫的。 Even you came are still same, could it be you also want to give to strike to kill these black clothes guards one-on-one, that was how possible.” “就算是你们来了也是一样,难道你们还想单对单把这些黑衣护卫都给击杀了,那怎么可能的。” Fence black sea is impolite. 樊乌海也丝毫不客气。
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