ILK :: Volume #63

#6300: Dreaded

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No one has thought that here some people have come unexpectedly. 谁也没有想到这里居然已经有人过来。 Even fence black sea is still same. 就算是樊乌海也是一样。 Imagines during with him the complete difference. 跟他想象之中的完完全全的不一样的。 Even if some people act swiftly to get there first, this with is the phase difference that he thinks too greatly is too big. 就算有人捷足先登,这跟他想的真的是相差太大太大。 A little makes him unable to believe oneself came first step unexpectedly late. 有点让他不敢相信自己居然晚来了一步 Comes here unexpectedly is the unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate that including his own incomparably dreads. 来这里的居然是连他自己的无比忌惮的无双门。 Wants know this Sect that very powerful. 知道这个宗门那个是非常的强大的。 That has the inheritance of Great Emperor level Expert. 那是有大帝级别强者的传承的。 Perhaps probably such influence, the what time presented Great Emperor Expert. 像是这样的势力,说不定什么时候又出现了一位大帝强者了。 No one can resist. 不是谁都能对抗得了的。 Also has many background. 也是有不少的底子的。 The person who sees the unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate basically many walked is far. 看见无双门的人基本上有多远就走多远了。 Changed on for example the present fence black sea look were many. 就比如现在樊乌海神色就变化了不少了。 Hears? Thinks us to begin, with we began words, you may not that good luck!” “听见没有?是不是想我们动手,和我们动手了的话,那你们可就没那么好运气!” This place also is really not you can act unruly, is good while our mood, now many rolls far to me, do not let our making a move, must your not want to live otherwise!” “这地方还真不是你们可以撒野的,趁着我们心情好,现在有多远就给我滚多远,别让我们出手,要不然的话你们一个都别想活下来!” These people truly are very crazy, even complete has not regarded a matter them. 这些人确确实实是挺狂的,甚至完完全全的就没有把他们这些人都当成一回事。 Fence black sea truly is most annoyed one. 樊乌海确实是最为恼火的一个。 As for other is also same also especially annoyed. 至于其他的也是一样也是格外的恼火。 Also know facing this unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate. 知道面对这个无双门。 The matter that they can handle really are not many, particularly this Sect strength on incomparable great strength. 他们能做的事情还真的并不是很多,尤其是这个宗门实力本身就无比的强大。 If who despises, that is embarrassed you to eat one, super owed greatly. 谁要是轻视的话,那不好意思你就得吃上一个,超级大亏了。 „The person of unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate is is truly aggressive enough, but this place is not you, since we came, does not have plan departure easily.” 无双门的人确实是挺够霸气的,不过这地方也不是你们,我们既然来了,就没打算轻易的离开。” The fence black sea tone sinks suddenly. 樊乌海忽然语气一沉。 Spoke frankly face to face. 当面直说。 As for several other, after the look slightly changes, returned to normal. 至于另外几个,神色微微变之后也是恢复了正常。 They can cultivation to this Realm, be are not naturally low. 他们能修炼到这个境界,自然是不低了。 Said that not to mention this place is different from other place. 更别提说这个地方跟别的地方不一样。 If really walks, such laborious coming, but spent many thoughts. 真要是这么走的话,这么辛辛苦苦的过来,可就花费了不少的心思。 Now walks also is really makes them not be glad. 现在走还真的是让他们不太乐意。 Even Lin Fei is still same. 就算是林飞也是一样。 Came to their here rarely, how can also turn around to walk. 难得来了他们这里,又怎么能这么转身就走。 That naturally was not his attitude. 那自然不是他的作风了。 Said that not to mention here he also felt the different kind aura. 更别提说在这里他也感受到了别样的气息了。 In other words here should somewhat compared is difficult to deal with/ferocious level exist. 也就是说这里应该是有些比较厉害级别存在了。 Here registers words should to register some good things. 这里签到一下的话应该能签到一些好东西。 He easily will not give up, even if fence black sea must walk. 他更加不会轻易的放弃了,就算是樊乌海要走。 Lin Fei will not leave here. 林飞也不会离开这里的。 Isn't these people? 不就是这些人吗? As for unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate what, has not really been considered as to him what. 至于无双什么的,对他来说还真的不算是什么 Sure enough. 果不其然。 With a fence black sea such saying. 随着樊乌海这么一说。 The person complexion of unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate is also follows changes. 无双门的人脸色也是跟着一变。 The courage is so unexpectedly big, does not want to walk unexpectedly. 胆子居然这么大,竟然不想走。 They looked to be ominous up. 他们都面露凶光了。 Your these fellows are really unable to differentiate good from bad, the words such being the case, I am impolite.” “你们这些家伙真的是不知好歹,既然如此的话,那我也就不客气了。” These people of unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate usually get down are supercilious. 无双门的这些人平时下来都是心高气傲的。 Not to mention said that is here. 别提说是在这里的。 Since some people do not walk, that do not blame their making a move. 既然有人不走,那就别怪他们出手 In this flash. 就在这一瞬间。 Their making a move. 他们就出手 Does not want to walk, that remained completely here was good, came to self-tempering condition!” “不想走,那全部都留在这里好了,正好磨练状态!” Among unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate these person of Instant begins. 无双门这些人刹那之间就动手。 This began each one to show would-be emperor level strength. 这一动手个个都展现出了准帝级别实力了。 treasure is also unusual formidable. 身上的宝物也是非常的强悍的。 This making a move directly is the formidable Divine Ability method. 这一出手直接就是强悍神通手段的。 To they. 对上他们。 Even Lin Fei such person, still by two unrivaled / Wu Shuang gates Expert staring. 就算是林飞这样的人,也被两个无双门的高手给盯上。 Expert of these two unrivaled / Wu Shuang gates unexpectedly are would-be emperor Intermediate Stage. 这两个无双门的高手居然都是准帝中期 Such strength especially was also powerful, in addition the method, truly is to make people feel the incomparable great strength. 这样的实力也是格外的强大了,再加上手段,确确实实是让人感觉到无比的强大。 Others are also same. 其他人也是一样。 Fence black sea their making a move is actually very direct, started directly. 樊乌海他们倒是出手挺直接的,直接就开打了啊。 Chen Meng this fellow is direct. 陈猛这家伙更是直接。 The great axe in hand keeps brandishing, that is really overbearing of quite. 手中的巨斧不停地挥舞着,那真的是相当的霸道。 Every one strikes makes inside their these will of the people one be startled. 每一击都让他们这些人心里头一惊。 From the start has not thought that but can also have exist that this to be afraid, unexpectedly shouldered with them hardly. 压根就没有想过,还能有这样可害怕的存在,居然跟他们硬扛了起来。 Has not tried before perhaps do not know strongly. 没试过之前也许不知道有多强。 After they probe, naturally also consciousness. 等到他们试探之后自然也就意识过来了。 Lin Fei also simple. 林飞这边也就更加的简单了。 From beginning to end the what method, not pouring also lets their look is to follow to sink. 从头到尾也没有怎么出什么手段,倒也让他们两个人神色都是跟着一沉。 Realized that met the opponent. 意识到遇上了对手。 The offensive of two people were also quicker and quicker. 两个人的攻势也是越来越快了。 Such method absolutely does not have what to use to him greatly. 这样的手段对他来说根本就没有什么大用。 Kept off. 就被挡了下来。 From beginning to end has not said what. 从头到尾没有多说什么 Was that person of head removed suddenly, returned directly. 为首的那个人忽然就撤了,直接就返回了过去。 This returns. 这一返回过去。 How only then his own know is a matter. 就只有他自己知道是怎么一回事。 Your these people also very have the method, unexpectedly also a little draws the attention of everyone, actually underestimate you.” “你们这些人还挺有手段的,居然还有点让人眼前一亮,倒是小看你们。” time this person truly must give to press these people. 刚才的时候这个人确确实实要把这些人都给压了下去了。 In an instant consciousness to want them to press, is not then easy matter. 转眼之间才意识过来想要将他们压下去,并不是那么容易的事。 Had a look at the situation on know, has not made them feel the pressure slightly. 看看刚才的情况就知道了,丝毫没有让他们感受到压力。 Was they had many pressures on the contrary. 反倒是他们自己一个个都有了不少的压力。 Only if they resorted to the strongest method, must want to resist otherwise, but also really supports not the easy matter. 除非他们动用了最强的手段,要不然的话想要对抗,还真的是挺不容易的事情的。 At least in a short time could not decide the victory and defeat. 最起码短时间内是分不出胜负了。 In such short time directly by drawing. 才会在这么短短的时间直接就被拉了回去。 They looked look to fence black sea is also unhappy. 他们看向樊乌海的眼神也就更加的不喜。 Fan black sea was relaxed, after all their strength were truly powerful. 樊乌海算是松了口气了,毕竟他们这些人的实力确确实实都挺强大的。 Like this powerful is very obvious, was no one can resist. 这样的强大是非常明显的,也不是谁都能对抗得了的。 Now we want to inquire about that this devil's lair, should did not have the what opinion, since everyone here, that came to everyone can begin together, I think that this always did not have the what issue.” “现在我们想要探寻这个魔窟,应该什么意见了吧,既然大家都在这里,那正好大家都可以一起动手,我想这个总没什么问题了吧。” Fence black sea has not followed up a victory with hot pursuit. 樊乌海也没有乘胜追击。 Also know they are not truly good to cope. 知道他们这些人确确实实不好对付的。 At present finally is also best. 眼下结果也算是最好的。 If this trades some results, but also do not know can be the what appearance. 这要是换个别的结果的话,还不知道会是什么样子的。 After that person snort/hum, has not paid attention again. 那人哼了一声之后也就没有再理会了。 Is staring on the contrary front. 反倒是盯着前面了。 Fence black sea is also thorough felt relieved, so long as they have not begun, then this matter was also can put. 樊乌海也算是彻彻底底的放心了,只要他们没动手,那么这个事情也算是可以放一放了。 We were careful the person who unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate, these fellows do not look at this time had not begun again, in fact perhaps in noisy, had/left the what matter, we must select carefully.” “咱们都小心无双门的人了,这些家伙别看这时候没有再动手了,实际上说不定又在闹,出了什么事,咱们这些人得小心点了。” Fence black sea passes message should come. 樊乌海传音应过来。 On their unrivaled / Wu Shuang gate person, only if hits making a move greatly, who must fear anyone otherwise.” “就他们无双门的人,除非是大打出手,要不然的话谁怕谁。” Chen Meng was actually indifferent. 陈猛倒是无所谓了。 As for another two people is also same also shaking the head slightly. 至于另外两个人也是一样也都微微的摇头。 Has not cared. 并没有怎么在意。 If would-be emperor Expert is so good to bully. 准帝强者要是那么好欺负的。 Was not now this appearance. 就不是现在这副样子了。
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