ILK :: Volume #63

#6296: Do not offend

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Can say today is ancient cloud sacred place desperate a day. 可以说今天是古云圣地的绝望的一天。 Saint Lord was struck to kill! 圣主被击杀! Elder was struck to kill! 长老被击杀了! Even after their big backer profound Heaven Saint Sect big Expert came, is still same. 就算是他们的大靠山玄天圣宗的大强者来了之后,也是一样。 With fight that a young female non-stop. 正跟一个年轻的女子不停的交手。 That appearance looks like does not make the words that a victory and defeat comes, basically is very difficult to branch out the result. 那幅样子看来不打出一个胜负来的话,基本上很难分出结果。 What is most uncomfortable empties black. 最难受的要数空乌。 Empties black not to think from the start, oneself can also in the booth such matter. 空乌压根就没有想过,自己还能摊上这样的事情。 Also with such Wenqing heart movement...... 还跟这么一个文清心动手了…… Most important is the potential that this article purifies the mind is really quite is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 最重要是这个文清心的潜力真的是相当厉害 Although is Saint Emperor level strength, but fights after him the eruption that also really non-stop explodes again. 尽管是圣帝级别实力,但是跟他动手之后还真的不停的爆发再爆。 But he also can only suppress strength, cannot the opposite party injuring. 而他还只能压制着实力,不能将对方给打伤了。 But under such situation , to promote strength to be regarding Wenqing heart very helpful. 而在这样的情况之下,对于文清心来说提升实力还是挺有帮助的。 Squeezed the potential on this short time to the limit. 就这短短的时间将潜力都压榨到极限了。 Reviewing to empty black truly to be at heart bad. 反观空乌心里头确实非常的糟糕了。 No one compared with his know at present this situation. 没有人比他知道眼下这个情况。 Really with imagination during complete different. 真的是跟想象之中的完全不一样。 Does not begin do not know this article purifies the mind strongly. 不动手的时候不知道这个文清心到底有多强。 After beginning . 动手了之后。 His know this article purifies the mind really the imagination during must be more fearful. 他就知道这个文清心真的是比想象之中的要更加的可怕了。 After beginning, directly is a steamroll. 自动起手来之后,直接就是一个碾压。 Appearance that even has not stopped. 甚至没有停下来的样子。 This. 就这样。 Has fought ten days, emptied black whole body to collapse passed. 一直斗了十天的时间,空乌整个人都要崩溃了过去了。 Has such formidable exist, he can only with heart and soul deal with making a move that the article is purifying the mind. 有那么一尊强悍存在,他只能全心应付着文清心的出手 strength that the article purifies the mind is also stronger and stronger, unexpectedly broke through Saint Emperor Level in beginning directly. 文清心的实力也是越来越强,居然在动手的时候直接就突破到了圣帝层次 Achieved so-called Son of Heaven Realm, right now became is completely different. 达到了所谓的天王境界了,这下子就变得完全的不一样了。 After this Realm, method also formidable that shows. 到了这个境界之后,所展现出来的手段也就更加的强悍 The article purifies the mind has not stopped. 文清心更没有停下。 Regarding emptying Wulai said that simply was the disturbing one dreams day. 对于空乌来说简直就是噩梦一般的日子了。 But does not have the means that can only , only then such survive gets down. 但也没办法,只能只有这样的坚持下来。 His know only then survive can have the means of livelihood. 知道只有坚持自己才能有活路。 Not survive words that may on the thorough death. 坚持的话那自己可就彻底的死定了。 No one could save itself. 谁也救不了自己。 In an instant time was one month passes by. 转眼的时间就是一个月过去了。 This month. 这一个月的时间里面。 Spatial black true was too uncomfortable, was good can finish because of him finally. 空乌真的是太难受了,好在他终于可以结束了。 The potential that article purifies the mind seemed to be squeezed to the limit. 那个文清心的潜力似乎被压榨到极限了。 Stopped directly. 直接就是停了下来。 Good, now you can walk!” “挺不错的,现在你可以走了!” Spatial black Rumeng pardons is the same. 空乌如蒙大赦一样。 This month is really the most desperate time. 这一个月的时间真的是最绝望的时候。 Has not thought can also bump into such matter. 从来没有想过还能碰上这样的事。 The present words do not need to be worried, really can radical departure. 现在的话就不需要担心了,真的可以彻底的离开了。 Emptied black also to leave, has not thought. 空乌也就离开了,根本就没有多想了。 The people lived are leaving are pick one super to be greatly cheap. 人活着离开都算是捡了一个超级大便宜了。 At this time had not walked, did that also wait for the what time? 这个时候还不走,那还等什么时候呢? Empties black to walk! 空乌一走! The entire sacred place as if became in this moment peaceful. 整个圣地似乎在这一刻变得安静了下来。 Entire sacred place almost already not many people. 整个圣地几乎已经没有多少人了。 The remaining people each one had been injured, can only wait for death here, this situation also is really rarely seen. 剩下的人已经个个是受伤了,只能在这里等死了,这情况还真的是不多见。 Lin Fei also had the article purifying the mind level to open this sacred place. 林飞也带着文清心级开了这个圣地了。 After all to him effective strength of this sacred place basically built was similar. 毕竟对他来说这个圣地的有生力量基本上已经被打造的差不多了。 Even if they do not begin, the person who these wait and see is still same. 就算是他们不动手,那些观望的人也是一样。 Also will begin. 也会动手。 Walks. 走的时候。 writing Qingxin gave to take here wealth. 文清心把这里的财富都给取走了。 Scattered naturally does not want. 零零散散的自然也就不要了。 When their walks. 等到他们这一走。 Many sacred place one after another on making a move. 不少的圣地纷纷出手了。 There do not know here is a situation of what appearance. 那里不知道这里是一个什么样子的情况。 It can be said that this ancient cloud sacred place is also unlucky. 可以说这个古云圣地也算是倒霉。 Whom coping with is not good. 对付谁不好。 Unexpectedly is copes with the article to purify the mind. 居然是对付文清心。 The article purifies the mind following has super strong master. 文清心后面有一个超级强的师尊的。 This is to make people feel the best inconceivable person. 这才是让人感觉到最佳不可思议的人。 They felt terrifying that article purifies the mind. 他们就感觉到那个文清心的恐怖了。 Rejoiced at heart own not harebrainedly making a move. 心里头更加的庆幸自己没有冒冒失失地出手了。 Must be possible to be bad otherwise. 要不然的话可就糟糕了。 Lin Fei brought the article to purify the mind returned to the invincible mountain. 林飞带着文清心就回到了无敌山。 The article purified the mind is Son of Heaven level strength. 文清心已经是天王级别实力了。 The following these days can dive to cultivate/repair here. 接下来的这一段时间就可以在这里潜修了。 Does not have the what place to compared with this invincible mountain better. 没有什么地方比这个无敌山要更好的了。 Lin Fei naturally is also incomparable was happy. 林飞自然也是无比的高兴了。 Wanted know he also to harvest many good things. 知道他也收获了不少的好东西了。 Continuously breakthrough. 一直突破。 Also broke through big Realm, the obtained reward was also naturally different. 还突破了一个大的境界,得到的奖励自然也就不一样了。 „The following some time, you here consolidated well was good, this gives your treasure.” “接下来的一段时间,你就在这里好好的巩固就行了,这是给你的宝物。” This was Son of Heaven level weapon, unusual formidable. 这是一件天王级别兵器了,非常的强悍 On naturally can lay out a stronger function that the article purifies the mind on hand. 在文清心的手头上自然能拍出更强的作用。 Another two disciples do not have the too big breakthrough actually. 另外两个弟子倒是没有太大的突破。 Lin Fei not accidental/surprised. 林飞一点都不意外 Breaks through this thing unable to worry, the situation that after all the article purifies the mind is different from them. 突破这东西也不能着急,毕竟文清心的情况跟他们不一样。 The profound Heaven Saint Sect emptying black went back. 天圣宗这边的空乌回去了。 A month, entire profound Heaven Saint Sect person unusual accidental/surprised. 一个月的时间,整个玄天圣宗的人都非常的意外 Also think has the what accident, after coming back a saying, each one dumbfounded. 以为什么变故呢,等到回来一说之后个个都傻眼 Also is that fellow. 又是那家伙。 The fellow also trains such a is difficult to deal with/ferocious disciple unexpectedly. 那家伙竟然还培养出这么一个厉害的弟子。 You said other matter also even, but such is difficult to deal with/ferocious the words of disciple, then on complete difference. 你说别的事情也就算了,但是这么厉害的弟子的话,那就完全的不一样。 Perhaps in the future was formidable would-be emperor Expert. 也许未来又是一尊强悍的准帝强者了。 In would-be emperor quite valiant that. 还是准帝里面比较彪悍的那种。 Profound Heaven Saint Sect naturally was the eye of opening the eyes closes one's eyes regarding this matter. 天圣宗对于这件事情自然是睁之眼闭只眼了。 Looks for the trouble that article purifies the mind, how possible matter. 去找那个文清心的麻烦,那怎么可能的事。 Said that not to mention looks for that Lin Fei. 更别提说是找那个林飞了。 That Lin Fei terrifying. 那个林飞恐怖 They are obvious to all. 他们是有目共睹的。 Really is fierce. 真的是猛。 Their profound Heaven Saint Sect Expert is not others opponents. 他们玄天圣宗高手也不是人家的对手。 No one know this strong, it seems like it is instead could erupt so-called Great Emperor level strength in them. 没有人知道这位到底有多强,反正在他们看来也许能爆发出所谓的大帝级别实力了。 Naturally no one dares to confirm, words that confirms. 当然没有人敢去验证,去验证的话。 Did not do well oneself this poor life to vanished in a puff of smoke. 弄不好自己这条小命可就灰飞烟灭了。 Matter that can handle also on incomparable simple. 能做的事情也就无比的简单了。 That is treats as the what matter not to have. 那就是当做什么事情都没有。 Therefore profound Heaven Saint Sect got down a matter. 于是玄天圣宗就下了一个事情了。 That makes everyone know that this article purifies the mind. 那就是让所有人认识这文清心的。 One do not pay attention to give profound Heaven Saint Sect to bring when the time comes was troublesome. 别到时候一不留神给玄天圣宗带来了麻烦了。 If brings the trouble, when the time comes does not need to let person making a move, extinguished them directly cleanly. 要是带来麻烦的话,到时候不需要让人出手,直接就把他们都灭了一干二净。 This matter caused many sounds when the time comes. 这件事情到时候引起了不少的动静。 Said that not to mention is ancient cloud sacred place, was extinguished like this. 更别提说是古云圣地,就这样被灭了。 Profound Heaven Saint Sect has not prevented from beginning to end. 天圣宗从头到尾都没有阻止。 Even also arranges people to go this sacred place to extinguish simple. 甚至还安排人去把这个圣地灭得更加的干脆。 To get rid relates that to be unknown. 是不是想摆脱关系那就不得而知了。 Everyone felt in any case about that mysterious black robe person was fearful. 反正大家心里头对那个神秘的黑袍人更加的感觉到可怕了。 But Lin Fei is very carefree and content actually, his Origin Soul were also many were many. 林飞倒是挺悠然自得的,他的元神又多了不少了。 This article purified the mind to him brought many harvests. 这次文清心给他带来了不少的收获了。 strength one promoted more than with before, very made people feel happily. 实力之前一比又提升了不少了,还是挺让人感觉到高兴的。 More importantly was away from that six months is also more and more near. 重要的是距离那半年的时间也是越来越近了。
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