ILK :: Volume #63

#6286: Will not lose

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The day profound child is still thinking. 天玄子本来还在想。 If this fellow is honest to discuss the matter. 这家伙要是老老实实过来谈事情的话。 That said booing. 那倒好说。 But the time of One Revolution eye is actually thinking coped with their profound Heaven Saint Sect. 可是一转眼的时间竟然想着对付他们玄天圣宗了。 This really ate the great ambition leopard guts, has not met such matter. 这真是吃了雄心豹子胆了,从来没有遇上过这样的事。 Passes certainly the emperor regarding the day they. 对于天通准帝他们这些人。 Became especially is excited. 一个个都变得格外的兴奋了。 Finally can justifiable making a move. 终于可以名正言顺的出手了。 Finally made them catch the opportunity, can fellow under the tidying up ruthlessly. 终于让他们逮到了机会了,可以狠狠的收拾下的家伙了。 Has heard profound Heaven Saint Sect compares is difficult to deal with/ferocious, therefore I also want to realize today well, your profound Heaven Saint Sect has is difficult to deal with/ferocious how, hopes that do not disappoint me!” “一直听说玄天圣宗比较厉害的,所以今天我也想好好的体会一下,你们玄天圣宗到底有多么的厉害,希望别让我失望!” Lin Fei also stood. 林飞也随之就站了起来了。 But making a move that other would-be emperor Expert have not worried. 而其它的准帝强者并没有着急的出手 Their know did not worry at this time. 他们自己都知道这个时候不着急。 This fellow had rushed to their here in any case. 反正这家伙已经跑到了他们这里来。 Also can have what worry that is good to worry. 还能有什么好着急的着急了。 That was really cannot eat the hot tofu impatiently. 那真是心急吃不了热豆腐呢。 I heard that your strength is very powerful, if your willing joins our profound Heaven Saint Sect, that before matter we can treat as have not happened, do you feel how about it?” “我听说你的实力还是非常强大的,如果你愿意加入我们玄天圣宗的话,那之前的事情我们都可以当做没发生过,你觉得怎么样?” The day profound child thought this person is very at present valuable. 天玄子还是觉得眼前这个人挺有价值的。 Attempts to draw, if can draw to their profound Heaven Saint Sect, that was naturally different. 尝试着可以拉一拉,如果能拉到他们玄天圣宗的话,那自然就不一样了。 Has saying that working of this day profound child really had very big difference from others. 不得不说,这个天玄子的做事就跟其他人确确实实有了很大的不一样的。 Compared with others, but also really a little distinguishes. 跟其他人一比,还真的有点区别。 Lin Fei this comes is the preparation this matter coming to an arrangement. 林飞这趟过来就是准备把这事情给谈妥的。 Life Restricted Area gave his such fragment(s), a news of entrance, was naturally different. 生命禁区给了他这么一个碎片,还有一个入口的消息,自然就不一样了。 The Lin Fei nature preparation strikes ruthlessly this so-called profound Heaven Saint Sect. 林飞自然准备狠狠地敲打一下这个所谓的玄天圣宗 Also wants to see profound Heaven Saint Sect strong. 也想见见玄天圣宗到底有多强。 Has strong in that imagination, this is a matter that he most cares about. 有没有想象之中的那么强,这个才是他最为在乎的一件事情。 Other matter he can not regard a matter. 别的事情他都可以不怎么当成一回事了。 I really have no interest what in your profound Heaven Saint Sect, first hit one to say again!” “我对你们玄天圣宗真的没什么兴趣,还是先打过一场再说吧!” The Lin Fei form also arrived directly outside. 林飞的身影也直接就来到了外头。 Others also on one after another with. 其他人也就纷纷的就跟了过来了。 After they come out, is staring at present this young people. 他们出来之后一个个都盯着眼前这个年轻人。 But actually must have a look at this present young people strength strong. 倒要看看这个眼前的年轻人到底实力有多强。 Has imagines with them such. 有没有跟他们想象中的那样。 The day profound child also walks, is staring at present this person like this. 天玄子也走出来,就这样盯着眼前这个人。 Our profound Heaven Saint Sect does not bully you, so long as you can be victorious our here Expert, won several, I naturally also made you leave!” “我们玄天圣宗也不欺负你,只要你能打得过我们这边的高手,赢得几场,那我自然也就让你离开了!” Everyone truly cannot completely understand at present this person. 大家确确实实看不透眼前这个人。 Even thought that at present strength should of this person is very formidable that is such formidable, more must be careful. 甚至觉得眼前这个人的实力应该是非常强悍的那种,越是这样的强悍,越是要小心了。 Whose know this fellow comes out from that place. 知道这家伙是不是从那个地方出来的。 After all probably such place, actually does not have the what person to come out, but sometimes some people will often run from these places. 毕竟像是这样的地方,其实也没什么人出来的,但是有时候往往就会有些人从那些地方跑出来的。 Words that runs from that place, then on complete difference. 从那个地方跑出来的话,那就完完全全的不一样。 Such person is most hard to deal with. 这样的人才是最让人难缠的。 Behind whose know has the helper, therefore their profound Heaven Saint Sect must cautiously to be good. 知道后面有没有帮手呢,所以他们玄天圣宗也得要小心翼翼才行。 He will say that if changed some people that to be different, he too lazy said this. 他才会这么说呢,要是换个别人的话那就不一样了,他才懒得说这样的话。 Made the person begin to besiege directly and that's the end, which as for was so troublesome. 直接让人动手围攻了就是了,哪至于这么麻烦。 The first step step comes. 一步步来。 Is good after all. 总归还是有好处的。 Many that day profound child matter sees. 天玄子这种事情见的多了。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一下。 The day passed the emperor to begin certainly directly, he most hated this fellow. 天通准帝直接就动手了,他可是最恨这家伙。 Last time time lost to you, but this words I had found your flaw time, can give to defeat you absolutely.” “上一次的时候输给你了,不过这一次的话我已经找到你的破绽了,绝对能将你给击败了。” The day passes certainly the eruption of emperor is very strong, even compared some before methods. 天通准帝的爆发还是很强的,甚至相比之前更有的手段了。 Also was goes back to ponder over, how has a look to beat at present this fellow. 也是回去琢磨了下来,看看到底怎么击败眼前这个家伙。 Even other would-be emperor Expert, were still staring at this person at this time. 就算是其他的准帝强者,这个时候也都盯着这个人。 Has a look at this fellow how big is it ability, after all the day passes strength of emperor also to be certainly good. 看看这个家伙到底有多大的能耐,毕竟天通准帝的实力也不错。
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