ILK :: Volume #62

#6162: That calculates together

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The words of Chen revelation are not considered as that very resounding, but to them the look again changed. 辰天启的话并不算是很响亮,可是对于他们这些人来说神色都再次的变了。 Especially this black clothed man Chen broadly is also same. 特别是这黑衣人辰广也是一样。 His look is also same changed, you said what, you are unable to differentiate good from bad, were you prepare to bring about own destruction? Unexpectedly person who dares to slander the family.” 他神色也是同样的一变了,“你说什么,你这是不知好歹,你这是准备自寻死路了是不是?竟然敢污蔑家族的人。” Chen broadly is really anger especially, regarding this cheap son, he has not cared. 辰广真的是格外的怒火的,对于这个便宜儿子,他并没有怎么在意。 Initial time gave him this quota, is to make the opposite party do obeisance into Sect, can have the what future to look at he himself, but spread the news to come back dead in afterward outside. 当初的时候把这个名额给了他,就是让对方去拜入宗门,能有什么前途就看他自己了,但是后来传来消息回来死在了外头了。 Chen broadly not sad, after all his son are very many. 辰广也没有怎么伤心,毕竟他儿子挺多的。 20-30 sons, therefore many few, actually does not have what to relate to him. 20-30个儿子呢,所以多一个少一个,其实对他没什么关系。 Said this Chen revelation not to mention originally not his likes. 更别提说这个辰天启本来就不怎么得他的喜欢了。 Now hears Chen revelation after again the words, anger. 现在再听到辰天启的话后更加的愤怒了。 Patriarch also waits for what, probably such fake goods killed directly and that's the end, does not absolutely need to remain again, then leaves perhaps the message also has the partner when the time comes, we first taking to interrogate and torture, when the time comes on the know situation.” 族长还等什么,像是这样的冒牌货直接杀了就是了,根本没必要再留着了,再留着的话到时候也许还有同伙呢,咱们先把拿下来拷问一番,到时候就知道情况了。” Their these Elder also stood in the same line, after all the past matter they most were clear. 他们这些长老也是都站在了同一条线了,毕竟当年的事情他们最是清楚了。 The mother of this Chen revelation was they use the method to kill by poison, never expected that so many years passed by, this Chen revelation came back. 这个辰天启的母亲就是他们用了手段才毒杀的,没想到这么多年过去了,这个辰天启回来。 This strength as if became formidable especially, but formidable can even again how about it. 实力似乎变得格外的强悍了,不过就算是再强悍又能怎么样 In their these Elder also several are Son of Heaven level Expert, in addition has under the control of Formation. 他们这些长老里面也有几个是天王级别强者的,再加上有阵法的操控之下。 Had really not thought that this Chen revelation can overturn the heavens insuffcient. 还真不觉得这个辰天启能翻天不成 Matter simple that at this time can make, directly the opposite party pressing and that's the end. 这个时候能做的事情就更加的简单了,直接就把对方给压下去就是了。 The Chen know sound will also draw the attention of many broadly absolutely. 辰广也知道刚才的动静绝对会引来不少人的注意。 Was good to open Formation promptly, outside must pass to really to look like a big joke otherwise. 好在及时开启了阵法的,要不然的话传到外面真的像成了一个不小笑话。 Matter also simple that must make, that was first takes to say this Chen revelation again. 现在自己要做的事情也就更简单了,那就是先把这个辰天启拿下来再说。 Starts Formation to me, first took him said again when the time comes the severe punishment interrogated and tortured, who had a look at behind him is instigates, dares to kill the person of our clan unexpectedly, but also dares to pretend to be nine Young Master that died is really unable to differentiate good from bad.” “给我启动阵法,先将他拿下了再说,到时候严刑拷问,看看他后面到底是谁主使的,竟然敢杀我们族的人,还敢冒充死去的九少爷真是不知好歹。” Chen broad snort/hum. 辰广哼了一声。 Started the Formation might directly. 直接发动了阵法威力的。 This Formation can play the Saint king peak level might, it can be said that was exceptionally powerful. 阵法能发挥出圣王巅峰级别的威力,可以说是异常的强大了。 But this time Chen revelation shakes the head disappointedly. 而此时的辰天启则是失望的摇了摇头了。 My also think so many years passed by, your should will have some guilt, but I very disappointed, you absolutely did not have, to you I am only common exist, since, I did not need to be polite in this case, the new hatreds on top of old can calculate today together considered as finished.” “我还以为这么多年过去了,你应该会有一些愧疚,但是我非常的失望,你根本就没有了,对你来说我只是一个不起眼的存在,也既然这样的话,那我也不用再客气了,新仇旧恨今天都可以一起算算了。” Comes back. 回来的时候。 Chen revelation had not planned that really must make what, but wants a justice for own mother, striking to kill these people, but cheap father's method lets him now is too disappointedly is too disappointed. 辰天启并没有打算真要做什么,只是替自己的母亲讨回个公道而已,将那些人给击杀了,只是现在便宜父亲的做法让他真的是太失望太失望了。 From beginning to end has not said one, included it in the fake goods directly. 从头到尾也没有多说一句,直接就把它列入了冒牌货。 Family's shame. 家族的耻辱了。 Maintenance family's reputation/honorary. 维护家族的名誉。 Chen revelation depressed all thoughts directly. 辰天启直接就压下了所有的念头了。 Since their, oneself did not use politely, began directly and that's the end. 既然他们这样子,那自己就更加的不用客气了,直接动手就是了。 The Great Array might or quite terrifying, was an illusory sound comes out directly. 大阵的威力还是相当恐怖的,直接就是一种虚幻的声音出来了。 A palm pressed. 一掌就压了下来。 Chen revelation met let loose strength. 辰天启接就放开了身上的实力了。 Also feels all right to mention on such method blows me, that is not possible.” “就这样的手段也好意思说来镇住我,那是不可能的。” Chen revelation moves forward to meet somebody directly. 辰天启直接就迎了上去。 Of bang. 轰的一声。 Routed this method, was a fist rumbles with whole body. 就将这手段击溃了,跟着整个人又是一拳轰了过来了。 This fist made this Great Array happen rocked, even their these Elder were still same. 这一拳就让这座大阵发生了晃动了,就算是他们这些长老也是一样。 At heart was one startled. 心里头更是一惊了。 Formation unexpectedly by this brat shaking. 阵法竟然被这小子给撼动了。
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