ILK :: Volume #62

#6159: Going home

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How Lin Fei this point has not regarded a matter this matter. 林飞这一点并没有把这件事情怎么当成一回事。 In his opinion is also a small matter. 在他看来也是一件小的事情呢。 But now he must do after was other disciples went back, makes the noise to come, so long as the sound made in a big way. 而他现在要做的就是等三个弟子回去之后闹出动静来了,只要动静闹得越大。 The thing that then oneself harvest was also better. 那么自己收获的东西也就越好了。 At least they want to promote strength also yes. 最起码他们想要提升实力也是可以的。 His here has prepared many Immortal Qi. 他的这里已经准备了不少的仙气了。 However worry has not made them use, first makes them rub a grinding, achieves Saint Emperor level directly. 但是并没有怎么着急让他们用,还是先让他们磨一磨,直接达到圣帝级别 When the time comes gives them again cultivation, words as the matter stands can make them step into Son of Heaven level with ease. 到时候再给他们修炼,这样一来的话就能让他们轻轻松松地踏入天王级别 Said that Lin Fei this master will very consider. 说起来林飞这个师尊还是挺会考虑的。 But at this time. 而此时。 The form has from the sky delimited together rapidly. 一道身影迅速地在空中划过。 That is Chen revelation. 那就是辰天启。 Chen revelation is speed quickest one. 辰天启算是速度最快的一个。 He now is Saint king 5th Layer level Expert. 他如今已经是圣王五重级别高手了。 Such strength said that is not considered as very strong, but also is top. 这样的实力说强不算是很强,但也算是顶尖的了。 Family that cheap father is also Saint king level Expert. 家族那位便宜的父亲也不过是圣王级别高手而已。 Their families have not had what Saint Emperor. 他们家族并没有出过什么圣帝 Even this. 就算是这样。 Also made them establish a strong influence in a place, a powerful family, inherited the millenniums, was the is difficult to deal with/ferocious person. 也让他们在一处地方建立起了一个强大的势力,一个强大的家族,传承了千年的时间,也算是非常厉害的人。 The matter that this Chen revelation must handle time was also simple especially. 这一次辰天启要做的事情也就是格外的简单了。 That for own mother. 那就是为自己的母亲。 He went to a common hill village directly, this hill village already nobody left. 他直接就去了一个不起眼的小山村了,这个小山村已经空无一人了。 In a grove. 在一个林子里面。 Chen revelation stood in a front of grave mound, this was his mother's tomb. 辰天启站在了一个坟堆的面前了,这个就是他母亲的墓地了。 So many years passed by. 这么多年过去了。 This eye of mound of earth has been covered with the weeds, even can look, from beginning to end no one has also come. 这个目土包已经长满了野草了,甚至可以看得出来,从头到尾也没有人来过。 Chen revelation took out the incenses and candles paper money. 辰天启取出了香烛纸钱。 Did obeisance doing obeisance. 拜了拜。 Took inside bone ash, placed the side. 就取出来里面的骨灰了,放在了身边。 Follows to turn around. 跟着转身。 gaze became especially is firm and resolute. 目光就变得格外的坚毅了。 Small after half of the day . 小半天后。 Chen revelation arrived at a powerful city. 辰天启就来到了一个强大的城池了。 The city that this city is he was at the family that builds, was very big. 这个城池就是他所在的这个家族营造起来的城池了,挺大的。 His comes to induce to inside Expert directly. 他这一过来直接就感应到里面的强者 Has honorific title of guanyu level also has Saint king level. 有武圣级别的也有圣王级别的。 Saint king four, a little let Chen revelation a little historical data unexpectedly not, but he had not been worried. 圣王居然有四尊,有点让辰天启有点史料未及的,不过他也没有怎么担心。 After all his strength does not have what to be good to fear that arrived at the entrance of mansion directly. 毕竟他的实力什么好怕的,直接就来到了府邸的门口了。 The person in mansion sees Chen revelation that presents. 府邸的人一看到出现的辰天启。 Subconscious stares. 下意识的都是一愣。 Nine Young Master, haven't your you died?” “九少爷,你你不是已经死了吗?” Where they cannot recognize this Chen revelation. 他们这些人哪里认不出来这个辰天启。 With the beforehand time was a little different, as if became swifter and fiercer, moreover as if had the aura of danger, therefore they blurted out. 跟以前的时候有点不一样了,似乎变得更加的凌厉了,而且似乎身上有了危险的气息呢,所以他们就脱口而出呢。 A Chen revelation look in the past. 辰天启一个眼神过去。 Bang, these guards pounded directly. 砰的一声,这些护卫直接就砸了进去了。 Today may not have the plan to speak well, suppressed that long air/Qi. 今天可没打算好好说话的,憋了那么长的气。 He felt must well tells them. 他觉得要好好的跟他们说一说。 Such. 就这么一下。 In the mansion many Expert felt the sound. 府邸里面不少的高手就感觉到动静了。 „The what person rushed.” 什么人闯进来了。” Whiz whiz whiz. 嗖嗖嗖。 Several forms come. 好几道的身影过来的。 Is some honorific title of guanyu level Expert. 都是一些武圣级别强者 It can be imagined the great strength of their family. 可想而知他们这个家族的强大。 However their comes to see Chen revelation. 不过他们这一过来就看到走进来的辰天启。 dumbfounded of time collective passed. 顿时间都集体的傻眼了过去了。 Isn't that nine Young Master? Dozens years ago has died outside. 那不就是九少爷吗?几十年前都已经死在外头了。 Such common Young Master dies outside, they do not have what good accidental/surprised. 这么一个不起眼的少爷死在外头,他们并没有什么意外的。 But dozens years later this Young Master came back unexpectedly, this comes back to give to knock down the entrance guards. 可是几十年之后这个少爷居然回来了,这一回来就把门口的护卫都给打翻在地了。 Nine Young Master your you make what?” “九少爷你你这是做什么?”
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