ILK :: Volume #62

#6157: Profound Heaven Confucianism

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Heard this saying to be one's turn Lin Fei accidental/surprised. 一听到这话轮到林飞意外了下来。 Regarding outside sound, said that he has not really paid attention, therefore is not clear. 对于外面的动静,说真的他并没有怎么关注,所以也不怎么清楚。 However the present words listened to such life Restricted Area as if to encounter attacked, moreover oneself as the next-door neighbor, seemingly will also be suffering the unexpected misfortune. 但是现在的话听这样子生命禁区似乎要遭到攻击了,而且自己作为着隔壁邻居,貌似也会遭遇了无妄之灾。 This matter can bump into, Lin Fei really very do not know whether to laugh or cry. 这种事情自己都能碰得上,林飞自己真的是挺哭笑不得的。 You come inform my such matter, do you very care about my neighbor actually?” “你这么过来就是通知我这么件事,那你们倒是挺在意我这个邻居吗?” Lin Fei smiled under drank tea 林飞笑了下又喝了一口茶水 Muollo has been observing this young people painstakingly is the what appearance. 苦莫罗一直都在观察这个年轻人到底是什么样子的。 Even what action. 甚至什么举动。 After all this matter was not the small matter, but after hearing such a saying, has not looked actually comes out to have what to change, at heart also thump. 毕竟这件事情也不是小事情了,但是听到这么一说之后,倒是并没有看得出来有什么变化,心里头也就咯噔了一下了。 How could it be this hasn't regarded a matter this matter? 难道这位并没有把这个事情怎么当成一回事啊? Wants know these enemies, but quite terrifying, these enemies, if comes, absolutely is not the what small matter. 知道那些敌人可是相当恐怖的,那些敌人要是过来的话,绝对不是什么小事情。 You are us the honored neighbor, we naturally have the duty to inform your one, if naturally your excellency does not want to participate in the what matter, that can leave here as early as possible, or moves into our life Restricted Area, because we will open super Great Array area this, is used to resist their people.” “你是我们这边尊贵的邻居的,我们自然有义务来通知你一声,当然如果阁下不想参与什么事情的话,那就可以趁早的离开了这里了,或者说搬入我们生命禁区,因为在这一带我们会开启一座超级大阵,用来抵挡他们那些人。” Muollo also drank tea painstakingly. 苦莫罗也喝了一口茶水。 Such good tea he is naturally impolite. 这么好的茶水他自然不客气了。 Is he usually wants to soak, the feeling is very luxurious. 就是他平时想要泡,感觉挺奢侈的。 Could not completely understand at present this young people more and more. 越来越看不透眼前这个年轻人了。 „Can I know one be the what person must attack your life Restricted Area? I heard that your life Restricted Area also especially powerful, Expert like you under 78, such a powerful lineup, some could it be people do not attack you, that this strength was also too fierce.” “那我可以知道一下到底是什么人要攻击你们生命禁区吗?我听说你们生命禁区也是格外的强大的,像你这样的强者不下于七八个之多呢,这么一个强大的阵容,难道也有人要来攻击你们,那这个力量也太猛了。” In Lin Fei naturally know this life Restricted Area many day Monarch level Expert. 林飞当然知道这个生命禁区里面到底有多少个天君级别强者 Although has not achieved Great Emperor level, however such lineup is powerful. 虽然没有达到大帝级别,但是这样的阵容已经是非常的强大了。 Because of this. 正因为这样。 His initial time elects will choose this place here, the person who because this place comes are quite few. 他当初的时候选的时候才会把这个地方选在这里呢,因为这个地方来的人比较少。 Never has to think around oneself just passed dozens years of peaceful days to have such matter. 万万没有想到自己前后只不过过了几十年的时间安静的日子又发生了这样的事。 What prepares to attack life Restricted Area is the Profound Heaven Confucianism, this strength quite formidable, it can be said that top, they set out many day Monarch Expert, life Restricted Area that must trample flat, before time, there are many life Restricted Area to be given to trample flat by them!” “准备攻打生命禁区的是玄天圣门,这个实力相当强悍了,可以说是顶尖的了,他们出动了不少的天君强者,要踏平的生命禁区的,之前的时候,也有不少的生命禁区被他们给踏平了!” Profound Heaven Confucianism! 玄天圣门! Lin Fei naturally know such Sect. 林飞当然知道这么一个宗门 That is also very formidable. 那也是非常强悍的。 before time heard that this Profound Heaven Confucianism does not seem like other Sect to be the same. 之前的时候听说这个玄天圣门不像是其他宗门一样。 In them is abundance of capable people, after any talent goes, comes out badly badly is Son of Heaven level Expert. 他们里面人才济济的,任何一个人才进去之后出来最差最差都是天王级别强者的。 It can be said that quite. 可以说是相当的强了。 The background is formidable. 底蕴更是强悍的很。 In ancient before, their Profound Heaven Confucianism also Great Emperor level Expert. 在古老之前,他们这个玄天圣门还出过大帝级别强者 Big Emperor Armament that it is said Great Emperor Expert keeps. 据说还有大帝强者留下来的大帝兵器。 This appears quite ruled by force, therefore anybody dares to peep at the people of Profound Heaven Confucianism to must be careful. 这就显得相当的霸道了,所以任何人敢窥视玄天圣门的人都得要小心着。 The words that after all Great Emperor level treasure erupts, that might may on super overbearing. 毕竟一件大帝级别宝物一件爆发出来的话,那威力可就超级霸道。 Extinguishes kills the day of Monarch level Expert ants to be the same. 灭杀天君级别强者蝼蚁一样。 No one willing offends this Profound Heaven Confucianism. 没有人愿意去得罪这个玄天圣门。 Naturally this Profound Heaven Confucianism most likes poses as Righteous Path, regarding these Restricted Area and so on. 当然这个玄天圣门最喜欢正道自居的,对于那些禁区之类的。 They have a thought that that tramples flat. 他们都有一个念头,那就是踏平。 Because of this, strength of their Profound Heaven Confucianism is also getting stronger and stronger. 正因为这样,他们玄天圣门的实力也就越来越强了。 It is said obtained many things in these life Restricted Area, even powerful life Restricted Area. 据说在这些生命禁区里面得到了不少的东西了,就算是再强大的生命禁区 Without Great Emperor level Expert assumes personal command, basically could not block. 只要没有大帝级别强者坐镇,基本上就是挡不住了。 But this Profound Heaven Confucianism stared at their life Restricted Area. 而这一次玄天圣门就盯上了他们这个生命禁区 „If other sect hits, our life Restricted Area has not naturally regarded a matter, but this time is the Profound Heaven Confucianism, tangled many influences resisted our life Restricted Area together, us does not dare to have any assurance, your also know our life Restricted Area particularity, our these Giant, although said strength is also fierce, but was defined in certain region, can only the life-and-death fight!” “如果是别的宗派打过来的话,我们生命禁区自然没怎么当成回事,但是这一次是玄天圣门,纠结了不少的势力一起来对抗我们生命禁区,我们这边也不敢有任何把握,你也知道我们生命禁区的特殊性了,我们这些巨头虽然说实力也是猛的很,但是都被限定在一定的区域了,只能殊死的搏斗了!” Muollo smiled bitterly painstakingly. 苦莫罗苦笑了一声。
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