ILK :: Volume #62

#6155: Letting out

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Cannot think that this chart Scroll also is really very useful, 50 years of I make them break through from general Realm to Realm of Saint king all the way.” “想不到这张图地卷轴还真的是挺有用,五十年的时间我就让他们从一般境界一路上就突破到圣王的境界。” And the young disciple compares is difficult to deal with/ferocious, achieved Saint king 5th Layer level Realm directly. 其中小弟子是比较厉害的,直接就达到了圣王五重级别境界了。 The battle efficiency that erupts has about Saint king 8th Layer at least. 爆发出来的战斗力最起码有圣王八重左右。 As for the words of two disciple certainly waves is also is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 至于二弟子绝浪的话也是厉害得很。 This slaughters Sword Technique is also is difficult to deal with/ferocious, even also cultivation comes out to slaughter Clone. 这门杀戮剑法也是厉害,甚至还修炼出来杀戮分身 As for the words of big disciple is also is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 至于大弟子的话也是厉害得。 His cultivation the Supreme method was also worse than three disciples. 他也修炼无上的手段比三弟子差了一些。 Lin Fei has not paid attention to this actually. 林飞对这个倒是没怎么理会。 To him, short 50 years, after the large amounts of resources get down, to him harvests is also enormous. 对他来说,短短五十年的时间,大量的资源下去之后,对他来说收获也是极大的。 He has harvested many good things. 他已经收获到了不少的好东西了。 On these 50 years time, he cultivation comes out importantly unexpectedly 200 Saint Emperor. 最重要是就这五十年的时间,他居然又修炼出来两百个的圣帝 50 years came out directly 200 on cultivation. 五十年的时间直接就修炼出来了两百个。 Make he himself feel some accidental/surprised. 让他自己都感觉到有些意外 Like this he has 1200 Saint Emperor level Expert. 就这样子他已经有了一千两百个的圣帝级别强者 Their these three disciples contribute many merit. 他们这些三个弟子贡献出来不少的功劳。 Three disciples cultivation to Saint king Level, has been able to go out to become famous entirely to stand outside.” “三个弟子已经通通都修炼到了圣王层次,可以出去扬名立外呢。” 50 years, their cultivation to Level of Saint king. 五十年的时间,他们修炼到圣王的层次 Truly is also quite is not easy. 确实是也是相当的不容易了。 Therefore at this time the Lin Fei nature preparation drove out them. 所以这个时候林飞自然准备把他们赶出去了。 Has not thought that unexpectedly apprentice Scroll also came this notice. 没想到居然徒弟卷轴也来了这个通知了。 Unexpectedly makes them go out to become famous to set up ten thousand, so long as if to become famous to set up outside the exposure rate/lead to be higher, the thing that his here obtains were also more. 居然让他们出去扬名立万,似乎只要扬名立外曝光率越高,他这边得到的东西也就越多了。 Right now. 这下子。 Lin Fei also cheerful. 林飞也就乐呵了起来了。 Their present Saint king level strength also really erupts. 他们现在圣王级别实力还真的爆发出来。 Even Saint Emperor still gave up any idea of that can harm them all of a sudden. 就算是圣帝也休想一下子能伤害他们。 Said that not to mention also has Lin Fei such Top Grade Expert. 更别提说还有林飞这么一个顶级强者 Therefore he hopes that drives out informed and experienced them. 所以他更加希望把他们赶出去历练一下。 The before following estimate can also have several hundred Saint Emperor level Origin Soul in cultivation. 之前后面估计还能在修炼出几百个的圣帝级别元神 And even more. 甚至更多。 Therefore also really very look forward to they show themselves well. 所以还真的挺期待他们好好的展现一下自己。 Therefore shouted their three. 于是就把他们三个都喊了过来。 Now. 如今。 Their three today we are no longer as we have been, the big disciple is calm, the words of two disciples kill the heart is quite big. 他们三个已经今非昔比了,大弟子沉稳,二弟子的话杀心比较大。 Was different regarding the words of three disciples. 对于三弟子的话就不一样了。 Compared with letting Lin Fei cannot completely understand. 比较让林飞所看不透的。 Three people currently speaking to him are especially respectable. 三人目前来说对他都是格外的尊敬的。 I thought your cultivation to Saint king level strength already sometime, master did not have what to be good to teach, remaining was informed and experienced, therefore then you can leave going out wanderer Jianghu, was the world of your young people.” “我看你们修炼到圣王级别实力都已经有一段时间了,师尊这边也没什么好教了,剩下的就是历练了,所以接下来你们都可以离开了出去闯荡江湖吧,接下来就是你们年轻人的世界了。” Their three people have not said what, saw the strength to fall on them together directly. 他们三个人还没有说什么,就见一道力量直接就落在了他们身上。 They had not resisted, appeared in the remote place directly. 他们根本就没有抵抗了,直接就出现在遥远的地方了。 Their three appear in the remote place together, each other looked at one. 他们三个共同出现在遥远的地方,彼此都看了一眼了。 Never expected that master strength compared with imagination during must formidable, I unable to achieve the strength of resistance unexpectedly.” “没想到师尊实力比想象之中的要更加的强悍了,我居然连抵抗的力道都做不到。” Chen revelation sighed with emotion one. 辰天启感慨了一声了。 The wave also followed to say certainly, master forever was most is difficult to deal with/ferocious, but how he has given to catch up with us, I have not wanted to come out.” 绝浪也跟着说,“师尊永远是最厉害的,不过他怎么这么早就把我们都给赶了出来呢,我还不想出来。” The wave likes treats certainly now in that mountain range. 绝浪现在非常喜欢待在那个山脉里。 In his opinion this mountain range is also unusual terrifying. 在他看来这座山脉也是非常的恐怖 writing Qingxin in side hee hee smiling. 文清心在旁嘻嘻的笑了。 Also is not because our cultivation was too quick, initial capital estimate of master quickly eaten was similar, therefore I decided that helps the master make a treasure to come back to be filial piety him well, I felt the person who master should lacks several obedience, wants Saint Emperor at least.” “还不是因为咱们修炼太快了,师尊的老本估计都快被吃的差不多了,所以我决定帮师傅弄点宝贝回来好好的孝敬他,我觉得师尊应该缺几个服从的人啊,最起码也要圣帝。” Chen revelation stares with the wave certainly. 辰天启跟绝浪都是一愣。 Also is looking thoughtful. 也是若有所思 Also is really such a truth. 还真的是这么一个道理呢。 We act together.” “那咱们一起行动。” Chen revelation as big Senior Brother or quite calm. 辰天启作为大师兄还是相当的沉稳的。 Shaking the head. 摇摇头。 „, I must go back to solve the pile matter to be good.” “不了,我得回去解决桩事情才行。” The wave is also same also shakes the head certainly. 绝浪也是一样也是摇头。 I also prepare to go back to solve this matter to be good!” “我也准备回去解决这件事情才行!”
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