ILK :: Volume #62

#6140: Results in the treasure

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The Lin Fei whole body as if lifetime strength was found time to be the same. 林飞整个人仿佛一生的力量都被抽空了一样。 That feeling has not realized. 那种感觉从来都没有体会过。 Has to acknowledge that this invincible road was really fearful. 不得不承认这条无敌路真的是太可怕了。 Then looks besides black fog. 回头看下去除了一片黑雾之外。 Does not have again other. 再也没有别的了。 In the front did not have the indication to present a shadow. 在前方毫无征兆地出现了一道黑影了。 Previous that shadow. 正是先前的那道黑影了。 Congratulations you succeed has rushed to this invincible road, comes with me, Junior Brother!” 恭喜你成功的闯过了这条无敌之路,跟我过来吧,师弟!” After Lin Fei slow one next, thoroughly restored. 林飞缓了一下之后也就彻底的恢复了过来。 Is holding very big thoughts regarding this most inside ultimate secret. 对于这最里头的终极秘密还是抱着很大的心思。 Really can imagine itself, unexpectedly can arrive at this invincible mountain 真能想象得到自己,居然能来到这无敌山 After building up to melt such several fragment(s) . 就炼化了这么几块碎片之后。 Own present strength feared that has achieved so-called Saint Emperor level. 自己现在的实力怕是已经达到了所谓圣帝级别了吧。 Even can say that reached the Saint Emperor peak. 甚至可以说达到了圣帝的巅峰了吧。 Lin Fei cannot guarantee, but own strength should of know in this Small world reaches the so-called peak. 林飞不敢保证,但知道在这个小世界里面自己的实力应该是达到所谓的顶峰了。 Even if other Saint Emperor peak level Expert, want to begin still does not have any odds of success with him. 就算是其他的圣帝巅峰级别高手,想要跟他动手也没有任何的胜算。 The straight firepower opens to be able the opposite party striking to kill. 直火力一开就能将对方给击杀下去。 Said that not to mention now as if can obtain the Brand-new thing. 更别提说现在似乎又能得到全新的东西。 The opposite party walk in front. 对方在前面走。 Lin Fei in behind with coming. 林飞就在后面跟来。 Has not presented the what palace in the front. 在前方并没有出现什么宫殿。 Appears all unusual simple. 显得一切都非常的简单 Presented a log cabin in the front place. 在前面的地方就出现了一座木屋。 This log cabin unusual simple, but is putting three boxes on the table of log cabin. 这座木屋子非常的简单,而在木屋子的桌子上放着三个盒子了。 These three boxes such quiet placed here. 这三个盒子就这样静悄悄的放在这里了。 But after the shadow arrived here , stopped. 而黑影来到这里之后也就停了下来了。 This is three things that master keeps, only then inheritance can take, now you can inherit these three things, simultaneously you can also grasp are making the invincible mountain.” “这就是师尊留下来的三件东西,只有传承者才能拿到手,现在你可以继承这三件东西了,同时你还可以掌握着做无敌山呢。” That three boxes seem like very ordinary. 那三个盒子看上去非常的普通的。 Even the past time was very it can be said that long is very long. 甚至可以说是过去的时间都很长很长了。 Lin Fei can look. 林飞就能看得出来。 This above spread all over the strengths of seals, these seal strengths as if continued very long time. 这上面遍布了一道道的封印的力量了,这一道道的封印力量似乎持续了很久的时间了。 Radically has not changed. 根本就没有变了。 Simultaneously Lin Fei at heart is also one happy, oneself can obtain such invincible mountain unexpectedly. 同时林飞心里头也是一喜的,自己居然能得到这么无敌山。 Wants know this invincible mountain that to be a special informed and experienced place. 知道这个无敌山那可是一件特殊的历练的地方。 If really own, can build an exclusive base actually. 真要是属于自己的话,倒是可以打造自己一个专属的基地的。 Or is the Sect location, although this does not have the what thoughts to open sect Lipai now continually, but his strength has reached the Saint Emperor peak now. 或者说是宗门所在地的,虽然现在连这并没有什么心思开宗立派的,但是现在他的实力已经达到了圣帝的顶峰了。 Could achieve different Realm, then naturally also needed Dao Field. 说不定能达到不一样的境界了,那么自然也需要一个道场了。 But this invincible mountain is good not naturally good. 而这无敌山自然是好到不行了。 Five lines of attributes cannot divide, nothing but is no one director, the strength that if really some people of directors, erupt may on incomparable was powerful. 五行属性分不开来,无非就是没有人指挥而已,真要是有人指挥的话,爆发出来的力量可就无比的强大了。 Coming in that waits to probably rush, that was difficult such as to ascend heaven. 等下要闯的进来,那更是难如登天了。 Lin Fei to such a gift or quite satisfied. 林飞对这么一份礼物还是相当的满意的。 The deep breath the one breath walked. 深呼吸了一口气就走了过去了。 Opened the first box, after the first box opens, presented a token. 打开了第一个盒子了,第一个盒子打开之后出现了一块令牌了。 This token looked at his know is what. 这块令牌一看他就知道什么了。 Grasped this token to grasp this invincible mountain. 掌握了这块令牌就是掌握了这座无敌山。 He first refine to melt the token of this token. 他第一时间就炼化了这块令牌的令牌。 Refining up, the intention moves, if his whole body control of invincible mountain is the same. 一炼化,心念一动之间,他整个人就如无敌山的掌控者一样。 Can peep at the entire invincible mountain the condition. 可以窥视到整个无敌山的状况了。 Some what place person of what places in Contest treasure, even the what place has Expert, even also some Saint Emperor level Expert unexpectedly also here. 什么地方有人什么地方在争夺宝物,甚至什么地方有强者,甚至还有些圣帝级别强者居然也在这里。 Although is not considered as that very strong, but among thoughts all know. 虽然并不算是很强,但一个念头之间全都知道了。 But here several Saint Emperor Expert are in some break into special places. 而在这里头有几位圣帝强者正在闯入一些特殊的地方。 But at this time. 而此时。 Suddenly the heart shakes the strength as if to sweep away from them to be excessively same together, making them realize instantaneously the situation was not quite a little right. 忽然心头一震有一道力量似乎从他们身上横扫来过一样,让他们瞬间意识到情况有点不太对头了。 Obviously came strength of person to want many of formidable compared with them. 明显来人的实力比他们要强悍的多了。 Also do not know is the what type person. 不知道到底是什么样的人。 Therefore the following action also became cautious. 所以接下来的行动也就变得小心翼翼了。 Lin Fei followed to open the second box. 林飞跟着就打开了第二个盒子了。
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