ILK :: Volume #54

#5352: Four the big influence receives the law

The eternal samsara palace is truly good. 万古轮回宫确实挺不错的。 In some especially although these Supreme pavilion also palaces some mechanism/organization traps. 特别是这些至尊阁还有一些宫殿里面虽然都有些机关陷阱。 Some Restriction methods, but if there is certain strength, can ob­tains to many things. 还有一些禁制手段,但是如果有一定实力的话,还是能获得到不少东西的。 This is Lin Fei a harvest of getting down, because these places patronized. 这是林飞一趟下来的收获,因为这些地方都去光顾了一下。 After all so many things did not take away it, that is really a little embarrassed. 毕竟这么多的东西不把它收走了,那真的是有点不好意思。 Most mystical samsara palace Lin Fei has not gone, he thought that also really went by own present strength was not good. 最神秘的轮回宫林飞并没有去,他觉得以自己现在的实力还真的进去了不好。 If there is what mistake the words, that is really regretted, oneself does not lack that thing, therefore gives up simply. 万一出现什么差错的话,那真是后悔,自己又不缺那点东西,所以干脆就放弃。 Even spends Xiao Lin still a little accidental/surprised, has not thought that this senior can also be able to bear not enter this samsara palace. 就算是花小林也有点意外,没想到这位前辈还能忍得住不进入这轮回宫。 Wants know this samsara palace to be specially the most mysterious place. 知道这轮回宫可是最特殊最神秘的一个地方。 Exchanges a person to come, will unable to bear, it is estimated that goes in directly. 换上一个人过来,根本就不会忍得住,估计直接就进去。 This plunders, even if now the mouse that in these palaces every large or small the thing gives to plunder comes to estimate that must cry. 这一搜刮就把这些宫殿里大大小小的东西都给搜刮的一空,现在就算是老鼠进来估计都要哭了。 Can be said as simple by Lin Fei formidable fleshly body. 林飞强悍肉身可以说是简单的很。 Even if shoulders also to shoulder, therefore these treasure without any exception by Lin Fei taking away. 哪怕扛也能扛得过去,所以这些宝物无一例外的都被林飞给收走。 The following person wants to arrive at this eternal samsara palace again, but does not have the what good thing to be difficult. 后面的人再想来到这个万古轮回宫,可就没什么好东西可难。 Only if goes to that samsara palace. 除非去那轮回宫。 However wants to go to that samsara palace is not easy, some place Lin Fei have not destroyed. 不过想去那轮回宫也没那么容易,有些地方林飞并没有去破坏。 Lin Fei brings three -and-a-half god level Expert to come out like this. 林飞带着三个半神级别强者就这样出来。 Returns to outside side the world, Lin Fei to feel the different, the past that huge thoughts cover again. 再次回到外面一方的世界,林飞就感觉到不一样,庞大的念头笼罩的过去。 In the mind presented some partly visible aura. 脑海里面就出现了若隐若现的一些气息。 Originally besides these three -and-a-half god level Expert, this one layer / first level as if also has half god level Expert. 原来除了这三个半神级别强者之外,这一层似乎还有半神级别强者 However are not many, the considering everything also only has three. 不过并不多,满打满算也就只有三个。 However their aura as if many. 不过他们的气息似乎都强了不少。 Probably kept not mobile with Secret Technique seal own life, when essential time meets awaken. 好像是用了秘法封印自己的寿元保持不流动,等到关键的时候才会苏醒 This for what will also feel that the fuzzy reason, Lin Fei has not gone to pay attention, has satisfied with his speech. 这也是为什么会感觉模模糊糊的原因,林飞也就没有去理会,对他的说话已经非常的满意。 Looked for the place mountain range at will, opened Immortal's Cave, getting down that Lin Fei lives, has not returned to the original place. 随意的找了处山脉,开辟了洞府,林飞就住的下来,没有回原来的地方。 Three -and-a-half god level Expert also outside , when did odd jobs, only then spends Xiao Lin to accompany in Lin Fei side. 三个半神级别强者也在外面当起了打杂的,只有花小林陪在林飞的旁边。 originally this enter eternal samsara palace, Lin Fei hopes some multi- ob­tains things, for example Divine Spark and so on. 原本这一趟进入万古轮回宫,林飞就是希望多获得一些东西,比如神格之类的。 But now the Divine Spark too big use, these has not come out to him harvests some Divine Spark, on altogether has 15 Divine Spark on hand. 而现在神格对他来说并没有太大的用处,这一趟出来的时候还是收获一些神格,手头上一共有十五个神格 These Divine Spark qualities are extremely bad, is not considered as that High Rank, in other words refining up, is a low-rank god. 这些神格的品质都极差,并不算是高级的,也就是说炼化,也就是一个下位神。 If this saying outside place, do not know many people want dumbfounded, wants to become the low-rank god is not easy. 这话要是放在外面的话,不知道多少人要傻眼,想成为下位神可没那么容易。 Currently has such a opportunity. 现在就有这样的一个机会。 15 Divine Spark can build 15 low-rank gods. 十五个神格可以打造出十五个下位神。 These in the eternal samsara palace, Lin Fei three proud Son of Heaven that above got down time extinguishing, did not need to suspect also know, the above person definitely was the anger may not rest. 这一次在万古轮回宫,林飞把上面下来的三个天之骄子给灭了,不用猜想也知道,上面的人肯定是怒不可歇。 Getting down is possible, but should will make Expert of native place encircle itself. 下来是可能的,不过应该会让本土的高手来围剿自己。 Lin Fei also arranges to inquire the news three -and-a-half god level Expert. 林飞也就把三个半神级别强者安排出去打探消息。 Inquired to say this one layer / first level news again. 把这一层的消息打探出来再说。 As for remaining, how is in this one layer / first level ob­tains bigger reward. 至于剩下的,就是怎么在这一层获得更大的奖励。 before time, Lin Fei also has a duty. 之前的时候,林飞还有个任务。 That duty Lin Fei this chapter could not a little have had a liking, reward that the might as well time limit duty comes happiness. 那个任务林飞这回已经有点看不上,还不如限时任务来的奖励来的痛快。 do not know I dominated this one layer / first level, the time limit duty what type the reward to me, making me check!” 不知道我称霸了这一层,限时任务会给我什么样的奖励,让我查一查!” The heart of Lin Fei is also getting bigger and bigger. 林飞的心也越来越大。 Such a good opportunity, Lin Fei willing to miss? 这样的一个好机会,林飞又怎么愿意错过呢? He can also look, this Great World definitely imagination during was much more mystical. 况且他也看得出来,这座大世界肯定比想象之中的要神秘得多了。 Here brushes the time limit duty, perhaps own strength will promote strongly. 在这里刷刷限时任务,或许自己的实力会提升得更强的。 Simultaneously in the mind also appeared together the form, that was together the partly visible form. 同时脑海里也浮现出一道身影了,那是一道若隐若现的身影。 Immortal World I will come sooner or later!” 仙界我早晚会来的!” But at the same time. 而与此同时。 In a mountain under has the huge mausoleum chamber. 在一座大山的底下有着庞大的地宫。 Has Restricted Area in the deep place of mausoleum chamber, inside Restricted Area the form stood together slowly got up, recovered like Fiendgod generally. 在地宫的深处有一个禁区,禁区里头一道身影缓缓的站了起来了,如同神魔复苏了一般。 Upper Realm willpower got down unexpectedly!” 上界意志居然下来了!” This form stood, the look has some differences, brings respectfully. 这道身影站了起来,神色带着一些异样,更是带着恭敬。 The illusory form appears in the front together. 一道虚幻的身影出现在前方。 „The matter that you then must do finds this person, leafs through entire this one layer / first level also to this fellow looking!” “你们接下来要做的事就是将此人找出来,翻遍整个这一层也要把这家伙给找出来!” The incomparably dignified sound, has the dreadful anger. 无比威严的声音,带着滔天的愤怒。 The person who this stands also becomes respectful, can realize that was fearful, saw this form. 这个站起来的人也就变得更加的恭敬,更能体会到可怕了,同时也看到了这道身影。 I will mobilize the entire Sect strength to look for this person!” “我会发动整个宗门的力量寻找这人!” Must I probably see achievement in the shortest time “要在最短的时间内我要见到成果” When this Void Shadow comes up time, this person back is also cold sweat, fell. 等到这道虚影上去的时候,这个人后背也是一身的冷汗,不停的掉落下来了。 This is the first time that he saw the above person such anger. 这还是他第一次见到上面的人如此的愤怒。 I, no matter you are, but this time no one could protect you, without person who will have me Abyss Hell does not dare to kill!” “我不管你这是谁,但这一次谁都保护不了你,没有我深渊地狱不敢杀的人!” This form steps. 这道身影踏步而出。 Originally here was the Abyss Hell supreme headquarters. 原来这里就是深渊地狱的大本营了。 Also at the same time. 还与此同时。 The location of big Luo Tian here achievement invincible alliance, received a law. 罗天这里作为无敌联盟的所在地,同样接到了一道法令。 The request of law is also very simple, finds this person, the belt/bring returns to the limitless alliance. 法令的要求也是非常简单,把这人找出来,带回到无极联盟。 When they see this form time, is surprised, isn't this that forest? 等到他们看到这道身影的时候,一个个都惊讶起来,这不就是那个林木吗? Their invincible alliance suffered many hardships in this fellow hand. 他们无敌联盟在这家伙手上吃了不少的苦头。 haha haha is really Heaven helping me, without thinking of this brat violated the important matter, got down including the above law, this time looked how he also desires to fly high, is doomed!” 哈哈哈哈哈真是天助我也啊,没想到这小子犯了大事,连上面的法令都下来了,这次看他还怎么插翅,在劫难逃!” Immediately gives me to look, must look to me this forest!” “马上给我去找,一定要把这个林木给我找出来!” Message that Wanted also receives. 刺客联盟这边同样收到的消息了。 Similarly is the law that the above big shot gets down, looks for such a person, made the entire Wanted move thoroughly 同样是上面一位大佬下来的法令,也是寻找这么一个人,也让整个刺客联盟彻底动起来了 Probably such law for a long time very long has not appeared very much. 像是这样的法令已经很久很久没有出现过。 It can be imagined this family/home group crime named forest big matter. 可想而知这个叫做林木的家伙犯了多大的事。 Even the wind and cloud building is still same. 即便是风云楼这边也是一样。 Wind and cloud House Master listens to the supernatural power that above is getting down, even he himself was the heart was startled, that forest Elder Mu that this just did not gather? 风云楼主听着上面下来的法力,连他自己都是心头一怔了,这不就是刚刚招揽过来的那个林木长老吗? Possibly how to make such big matter to come? 怎么可能闹出这么大的事来了? Old Ancestor, will not have the mistake this forest is our wind and cloud building just gathered, is difficult to deal with/ferocious consecrated, how he possibly makes that big matter to come!” 老祖,不会有错吧这林木是我们风云楼这边刚刚招揽过来的,一位厉害的供奉了,他怎么可能闹出那么大的事来!” In dim room the curious whole face of wind and cloud House Master whole face cannot believe. 昏暗的房间里面风云楼主满脸的好奇满脸的不敢相信。 Because of homicide, Yan Di country's Zhao Xuan of!” “因为他杀了,大炎帝国的赵玄!” The wind and cloud House Master know matter are many. 风云楼主知道的事情还不少。 The complexion instantaneously changed. 脸色瞬间一变了。
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