ILK :: Volume #47

#4605: This?

Is here, that day in this mountain peak. ” 就是这里的了,那个天正就在这座山峰里面了。” Also many sons of the influential here besides him, we passed some Direct Disciple of Catholicism also to run up to comes.” “除了他之外还有好些个公子哥,还有咱们通天教的一些亲传弟子也都跑到这边来了。” Under lead the way of disciples, Lin Fei arrived at a front of mountain peak quickly. 在弟子们的带路下,林飞很快就来到了一座山峰的面前了。 This Lin Fei does not have in enter this mountain peak. 这一次林飞并没有进入这座山峰里面。 But on such quietly looks. 而是就这样静静的看着了。 Latter these disciples annoyed, unusual angers, looked to this mountain peak time was full of many hatreds. 后的这些弟子们都非常的恼火,非常的愤怒,看向这座山峰的时候都充满了不少的恨意了。 Does not need to guess also know, this day in this Catholicism is estimating that has not done the what good deed. 不用猜也知道,这个天正在这通天教内估计没做什么好事的。 Phoenix one by one also stood in Lin Fei side, said in a low voice. 一一也站在了林飞的旁边,低声的说了起来。 Lin Fei Junior Brother, you really plan to begin, if your begins, but tore to pieces the facial skin with them thoroughly, I feared that three Elder will ask you to trouble.” 林飞师弟,你真的打算动手,你这要是动手的话,可就是跟他们彻底撕破脸皮了,我怕那三长老会找你麻烦。” Phoenix one by one compares the worry, present passing Catholicism with the before not Tai Yi type, only if which day of Founder came back, but wants, when Founder comes back is not the what easy matter. 一一还是比较担心的了,现在的通天教跟之前的不太一样了,除非哪一天教主回来了,可是想要等到教主回来并不是什么容易的事。 Everyone do not know Founder had an accident, the possibility or quite are big. 谁也不知道教主是不是出事了,可能性还是相当大的。 Phoenix one by one does not hope Lin Fei takes risk, gave the booklet own future. 一一还是不希望林飞去冒险,把自己的前途都给折了。 Minor matter, even if in any case I do not come back, we passed in Catholicism still to estimate tranquilly, since any case that matter, my , when Senior Brother resulted to manage one well.” “小事而已,反正就算是我不回来,咱们通天教内也估计平静不了,既然反正都那么一回事了,我这当师兄的怎么也得回来好好管一管。” The Lin Fei corners of the mouth raised to smile slightly. 林飞嘴角微微一扬笑了起来。 One hear of such saying, phoenix one by one thought that some people must have bad luck. 一听这么一说,凤一一就觉得有人要倒霉了。 She is the know Lin Fei temperament, had said words, grips with a nail on the board, without the what difference. 她是知道林飞的脾气的,说过的话,和一根钉子扎在板上,没什么区别了。 You may probably under the hands / subordinates be forgiving to them, leaving the strength was big when the time comes, gave to kill them, hit slightly came, old trouble.” “那你可要给他们手下留情了,别到时候力气大了,就把他们给打死了,打了小的来了,老了更加的麻烦。” A Lin Fei hand extended suddenly. 林飞忽然一只手就伸了出去了。 After this hand extends, was getting bigger and bigger, such as holds up a day of great hand, changed to dark clouds, numerous was patting to this mountain peak. 这只手伸出去之后,越来越大了,如擎天巨手,化作了一片乌云,重重的对着这座山峰拍了下去。 No matter what no one has thought that Lin Fei began like this. 任谁也没有想到林飞就这样的动手了。 Under a palm! 一掌之下! On that mountain peak exuded the ripples of one layer / first level level. 那座山峰上就泛起了一层层的涟漪了。 Originally is mountain-protecting Great Array opening, after some time, this Great Array collapsed instantaneously, changed to ripples, was split up. 原来是护山大阵开启的,不过些许的时间后,这座大阵瞬间就崩溃了,化作了一道道的涟漪,四分五裂了。 With the entire mountain peak forcefully was patted. 跟着整座山峰硬生生的就被拍了下去的。 originally such as enters the clouds the mountain peak, like a short pillar, forms flushed from this mountain peak. 原本如入云霄的山峰,就像一根矮柱子一样了,一道道的身影从这山峰内冲了出来了。 Which bastard begins, has not stood to me, I must kill you.” “哪个混蛋动手的,还不给我站出来,我要杀了你。” The sound that the ridicule angrily roars , follows together. 嘲笑怒吼的声音,,一道跟着一道。 These were some is difficult to deal with/ferocious sons of the influential. 这些都是一些厉害的公子哥了。 But encountered terrifying in them a moment ago struck. 可就在刚才他们遭遇了恐怖的一击了。 Under a palm, made their whole body up and down spit blood, even if were that day young master is also same, on that white clothing has left behind a little bit blood. 一掌之下,就让他们浑身上下就吐血了,哪怕是那个天正公子也是一样,那白色的衣衫上已经留下了一滴滴的鲜血了。 Lin Fei here Senior Brother cheered. 林飞这边的师兄们一个个都欢呼起来了。 They also really felt the feeling of air vent. 他们还真的感觉到出气的感觉了。 forcefully patting got down the mountain peak, makes mountain-protecting Great Array not have any function, that Lin Fei Senior Brother some strength multi-? 硬生生就把山峰给拍了下去了,更让护山大阵都没起任何的作用,那林飞师兄实力到底有多强了? They cannot think, no wonder can resist an attack of Heavenly Devil clan. 他们都不敢想了,怪不得能一直抵挡得住天魔一族的进攻。 Day gaze also followed one to be cold, he also wants to come out to teach Lin Fei, let his know, here was not he can the Impudent place. 天正的目光也跟着一冷了,他还想出来教训一下林飞,让他知道一下,这里不是他能放肆的地方。 Where expects, this Lin Fei began unexpectedly directly, until now the vitality in within the body is still tumbling, swallowed several Medicinal Pill to get down continually, was restored. 哪料到,这林飞居然直接就动手了,直到现在体内的气血还在不停的翻滚着,连吞了好几个丹药下去,才算是恢复了过来。 Stared at Lin Fei all of a sudden. 一下子就盯上了林飞了。 Lin Fei that the people crowd around, that is not in part of ones duty conspicuity, irritated the person who mountain peak these came, that hatred could be said as day after day. 众人簇拥的林飞,那是份外的显眼,也让山峰这些过来的人非常的恼火了,那恨意可以说是连天了。 You are that Lin Fei, no wonder the courage is so big, first begins, knows the do not know custom, here was passes Catholicism, could it be you are in cahoots with a Heavenly Devil clan wants to give to extinguish us.” “你就是那个林飞,怪不得胆子这么大,一来就动手,知不知道规矩的,这里是通天教,难道你跟天魔一族串通了想把我们都给灭了。” Day Zheng Yi came on cold snort/hum. 正一过来就冷哼了起来。 That both eyes god also became unusual gloomy and cold, but his behind these Direct Disciple or young master buddy also one by one followed, acted crazy to Lin Fei. 双眼神也变得非常的阴冷了,而他身后的这些亲传弟子还是公子哥们也都一一跟着起来了,冲着林飞就发飙了。 Catches thoroughly this bastard fellow, I thought that he has certainly the suspicion with a Heavenly Devil clan.” “把这混蛋家伙彻底抓起来,我觉得他一定跟天魔一族有嫌疑。” Right, was such person kills unexpectedly swaggering came, definitely turns to a Heavenly Devil clan.” “没错,就是这样的人竟然大摇大摆的杀了进来了,肯定是投靠天魔一族了。” Everyone begins to me, catches to me him.” “大家都给我动手,把他给我抓起来。” These sons of the influential or quite will distort the facts, immediately gives Lin Fei to hang up a charge, letting stood in Lin Fei behind these Senior Brother younger brothers is especially annoyed. 这些公子哥还是相当会颠倒黑白的,立刻就给林飞挂上了一个罪名了,也让站在林飞身后的这些师兄弟们格外的恼火了。 Lin Fei raised the hand, made behind these Senior Brother younger brothers peaceful. 林飞举起了手,就让身后的这些师兄弟们都安静了下来了。 Don't that hot big, is not one flock of dogs, dog likes called, that made them call!” “别那么火大,不就是一群狗嘛,狗喜欢叫,那就让他们多叫一下好了!” Lin Fei also think this day very is difficult to deal with/ferocious, without thinking of also such goods, opens the mouth to distort the facts unexpectedly, that would have no what good impression, no wonder will arrange the person to cope with phoenix one by one. 林飞以为这个天正挺厉害的,没想到也就这么点货色而已,居然一开口就是颠倒黑白,那就没什么好印象了,怪不得会安排人去对付凤一一 The day complexion also followed to sink. 天正脸色也跟着一沉下来了。 This opens mouth, after waiting for me you grasp, looked how you also said.” “还有这一张嘴,等下我把你拿住之后,看你还怎么说。” A day Zheng Yi look gets down, these sons of the influential came to Lin Fei directly. 正一个眼神下去,身后的这些公子哥直接就冲着林飞过来了。 strength of their these sons of the influential are very strong. 他们这些公子哥的实力还是挺强的。 Also wants on strongly compared with these Direct Disciple strength of spirit world many, wants treasure to have treasure, wants valuable armor to have valuable armor, coping naturally was not the ordinary person can cope. 比灵界的这些亲传弟子实力还要强上不少,要宝物宝物,要宝甲有宝甲,对付起来自然也不是一般的人所能对付得了的。 Lin Fei waves, the strength of instantaneous emperor step thunder Grand Dao descended. 林飞一挥手,瞬间帝阶雷霆大道之力就降落了下来了。 By the strength of thunder Grand Dao surrounding, cannot withdraw. 一个个都被雷霆大道之力给困住了,根本就脱不了身。 Lin Fei looked that is positive to the day. 林飞看向天正。 In these people also on your also a little strength, you came.” “这些人里面也就你还有点实力,就你来好了。” A Lin Fei blade divided directly. 林飞一刀直接劈了过去了。 A blade such as the running water delimited instantaneously, first was stranded these young master buddies in emperor step thunder, a blade in the past , was only left over bodies. 一刀如流水瞬间就划了过来,首先是被困在帝阶雷霆里面的这些公子哥们,一刀过去之后只剩下一段段的躯体了。 Followed this blade light/only to gather in together, appears in the day front. 跟着这刀光汇聚在一起,就出现在天正的面前了。 The day front presented a giant shield instantaneously, on the shield the ray is glittering, after next second, this shield was rumbled to fly to go out directly, spread all over fissures, fell with this blade light on the day body directly. 天正的面前瞬间出现了一块巨大的盾牌了,盾牌上光芒闪烁着,下一秒之后这块盾牌直接就被轰飞了出去了,遍布了一道道的裂痕,跟着这道刀光直接落在了天正的身上了。 Even if his valuable armor sends out the bright ray unable to block this blade in the same old way, direct whole body hit on that mountain peak, rumble loud noise. 哪怕他身上的宝甲散发出灿烂光芒也照样挡不住这一刀,直接整个人就撞在了那座山峰上了,轰隆隆的巨响 Such strength also feels all right is passing Catholicism here Impudent, do not know who gives you this courage “这样的实力也好意思在通天教这里放肆,也不知道谁给你这个胆子的” The day that sets out to crawl is positive, heard the coldly sound, fell with a countless ray. 起身爬起来的天正,就听见了冷冷的声音,跟着无数道的光芒重新落了下来了。 Rumble loud noise, whole body projected on the bottom directly. 轰隆隆的巨响,整个人直接就被打到地底去了。
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