ILK :: Volume #46

#4599: The emperors take possession

If I am you, will certainly leave the spirit world, because the spirit world did not have the career development, did not as good as join our black gate how about it?” “如果我是你的话,就一定会离开灵界,因为灵界太没有发展前途了,不如加入我们黑门怎么样?” Far mountain Tianjun gathered once again got up . 远山天君又一次的招揽了起来了,。 More begins, more can the know opposite party was powerful. 越动手,越能知道对方的强大了。 Probably such person is most suitable, when the tool person, was used to divert enemy when the time comes is very advantageous. 像是这样的人最适合当工具人了,到时候用来牵制住敌人那可是非常有利的。 Where probably oneself this, Lin Fei that although diverts, but basic does not have the means with an opposite party point. 哪像是自己这样,虽然牵制住的林飞,但根本拿对方一点都没有办法。 fleshly body of opposite party powerful very like, is the person except for stronger person making a move, otherwise can only surround. 对方的肉身强大的很像,是这样的人除了更强的人出手,要不然只能困住了。 Therefore far mountain Tianjun also wants to try itself to gather this brat, if can gather him, performed a merit. 所以远山天君也想试一试自己能不能招揽了这小子,如果能把他招揽回去的话,也算是立下了一个功劳了。 Such person can attach great importance to absolutely, if this polishes the polish this on method again on hand slightly, this battle efficiency was also stronger. 这样的人绝对能重视,这要是再把这手头上的手段稍微打磨打磨,这战斗力也就更强了。 Really did not have the rival in close combat certainly. 在近战方面真的是绝无敌手了。 This point eyesight, far mountain Tianjun has. 这一点眼力,远山天君还是有的。 Lin Fei smiled, embarrassed, I regarding joining sect what really has no interest what, I thought that now is good, although the spirit world is native Small world, I am also small native, but this day passes with ease comfortably, without what manipulates strategically, you do not reach an agreement well.” 林飞笑了起来,“不好意思,我对于加入门派什么的真没什么兴趣,我觉得现在就挺好的,灵界虽然是一个土著小世界,我也算是一个小土著,但这日子过得轻松自在,没有什么勾心斗角的,你说好不好。” Far mountain Qianjun hears such words for the first time, really a little cannot imagine. 远山千君还是第一次听到这样的话,真的有点想象不出来。 He was a little even clear, was what opposite party fleshly body can promote, perhaps because of this. 他甚至有点明白了,为什么对方肉身能提升上来了,或许就是因为这样。 Far mountain Tianjun can only say what a pity, such a tool person well cannot gather. 远山天君只能说可惜了,这样的一个好好的工具人不能招揽。 Regarding tool person who cannot gather, far mountain Tianjun idea also unusual simple, must destroying when the time comes said this fellow again. 对于不能招揽的工具人,远山天君的想法也非常的简单,到时候一定要把这家伙给毁了再说。 If by some chance which day fellow ran up to Great Thousand World to go, again the words of some learn/master methods, to them were a big trouble. 万一哪天这家伙跑到大千世界去了,再学会一些手段的话,对他们来说就是一个不小的麻烦了。 The fellow who has day of Monarch level fleshly body was really hard to deal with, only if were Emperor Expert making a move. 一个拥有天君级别肉身的家伙真的是太难缠了,除非是帝君强者出手 Present Emperor Expert did not have the what free time, where can begin. 现在的帝君强者都没什么空闲的时间了,哪会来动手。 When the time comes same Realm, really did not have the what person to be able to suppress this fellow, really made people feel hard to deal with. 到时候同等境界,真的没有什么人能压得住这家伙了,真的是太让人感到难缠了。 This. 就这样。 Far mountain Tianjun diverts Lin Fei. 远山天君牵制住林飞 Lin Fei also simply not the appearance that flushed toward inside, the remaining things, he gave tall Fan, believes that can attain the Heavenly Devil God blood by high every ability should. 林飞也根本没有往里面冲的样子了,剩下的事情,他都交给高凡了,相信以高凡的能力应该能拿得到天魔神血。 When the time comes brushes this high every should to harvest more honor values again. 到时候再刷一刷这个高凡应该能收获更多的荣誉值了。 Lin Fei felt oneself were really intelligent, but can also find out such method. 林飞觉得自己实在是太聪明了,还能想出这样的法子来。 Far mountain Tianjun also really looked forward to Lin Fei not to flush toward inside, diverted in this outside, always compared to be better. 远山天君还真巴不得林飞不往里面冲了,在这外面牵制,总比到了里面要好。 Outside this, can arrange the 1st Layer heavy method, it can be imagined inside was a what type situation. 在这外面,能布置一重重的手段,可想而知里面是一个什么样的情况了。 May not have so to be open to discuss. 可没有那么好商量的。 The time that the time in a flash, almost burns a joss stick passed by. 时间一晃,差不多就一炷香的时间过去了。 Suddenly. 忽然之间。 Several forms distressed flushed. 几道身影狼狈的冲了出来了。 „It is not good, the fellow seized the Heavenly Devil God blood unexpectedly, but can also the earliest possible time refine to melt the might of part of Heavenly Devil God blood, we were not his opponent!” “不好了,那家伙竟然夺走了天魔神血了,还能第一时间炼化了一部分天魔神血的威力了,我们都不是他的对手了!” Speech was black gate Expert, their complexion somewhat was pale. 说话的都是黑门的高手了,他们脸色都有些苍白。 The demons gate is also same. 罗刹门这边也是一样。 This time far mountain Tianjun also stopped the method, but also really a little cannot believe, here native made oneself dirtily. 这个时候的远山天君也停下了手段了,还真的有点不敢相信,这边一个土著就把自己弄得灰头土脸了。 Now braves native, but can also this Heavenly Devil God blood building up, how this possible matter. 现在又冒出来一个土著,还能把这天魔神血给炼化的,这怎么可能的事。 You determined that you have not misread.” “你们确定自己没看错。” Heavenly Devil God blood that is not general God blood, but also was really not the what people can refine results, without under the preparation refine forcefully words, can only the violent body. 天魔神血那可不是一般的神血,还真不是什么人都能炼化得了的,没有准备之下强行炼化的话,只能暴体了。 Far mountain Tianjun has known the situation. 远山天君还是了解过情况的。 Truly speaking, but also really a little attacks, when the voice falls, the form flushed together, the haughty laughter, reverberated. 说实在的,还真的有点打击,就在话音落下的时候,一道身影冲了出来,狂傲的笑声,回荡了开来。 This person is not other, was tall Fan. 这人不是别的,正是那高凡了。 This time tall Fan not Tai Yi type, both eyes became fishy smell is a little red, is passing aura that infiltrates the person. 此时的高凡有点不太一样了,双眼都变得腥红起来,透着一股渗人的气息了。 Even if were Lin Fei also feels high every this to be able a little not Tai Yi type. 哪怕是林飞也感觉到高凡这会有点不太一样了。 The opposite party aura was truly stronger than before must much, may make Lin Fei feel intermittent strange aura. 对方身上的气息确实是比之前强得多了,可让林飞又感受到一阵阵陌生的气息了。 Understands at heart immediately, high every should at this moment was not before tall Fan. 心里头立刻就明白过来,此刻的高凡应该不是之前的高凡了。 This Heavenly Devil God blood is not really good to refine, oneself have the wishful thinking, tall Fan seemed evidently bad. 天魔神血果然不是那么好炼化的,自己就是那么动了动小心思,看样子高凡似乎就糟糕了。 Lin Fei really somewhat did not know whether to laugh or cry, people of these Heavenly Devil clans also are really under the meeting the method. 林飞真有些哭笑不得了,那些天魔一族的人还真的是会下手段的。 Left behind the Heavenly Devil God blood not saying that but also left behind the method, finally tall Fan met with a disaster. 留下天魔神血不说,还留下了手段,结果高凡就遭了殃了。 should has not guessed that wrong words, this time high every should was not real tall Fan, was given to seize the shed. 应该没猜错的话,这个时候的高凡应该不是真的高凡了,还是被人给夺舍了。 haha haha, is really good, never expected that the old man this comes out, prepared so many blood to eat, was day Monarch level, first operated with you.” 哈哈哈哈哈,真不错,没想到老夫这一出来,就准备了这么多的血食了,还是天君级别的,就拿你先开刀好了。” tall Fan the voice became also hoarse, stared at Lin Fei instantaneously. 高凡的声音也变得非常的沙哑了,瞬间就盯上了林飞 After an illusory image . 一个幻影之后。 Arrived at Lin Fei behind, two palms grasped, as if must fall to swallowing Lin Fei. 就来到了林飞的身后,两只手掌就抓了下来,似乎要把林飞吞噬掉了。 Lin Fei turns head, was a blade falls on the body of opposite party directly, instantaneously dividing to fly tall Fan. 林飞回头,就是一刀直接落在了对方的身上了,瞬间就将高凡给劈飞出去。 Explodes with ten thousand rays, imposing killed tall Fan one to be caught off guard. 跟着万道的光芒爆开出来,轰轰烈烈的就杀了高凡一个措手不及了。 „To eat me, you think were many, I have guarded your was incurring, real think I am so good to cope? It seems like you were live too for a long time.” “想要吃我,你是不是想的多了,我就早就防着你这一招了,真以为我是那么好对付的吗?看来你是活得太久了。” Far mountain Tianjun can also be able to feel terrifying of this blade. 远山天君也能感受得到这一刀的恐怖了。 Also had the new impression to this fellow, is really the cunning fellow, is also guarding against such a move unexpectedly. 对这家伙又有了新的印象了,果然是狡猾的家伙,竟然还防着这么一招。 If this falls on their any day Monarch, is not absolutely easy to withstand. 这要是落在他们任何一位天君身上的话,绝对不是那么容易承受得了的。 Being injured that is inevitable. 受伤那是必然的了。 That side after high every goes out , the corners of the mouth started to flow off the blood threads, but before the body, was fissures, spread all over up and down, blood directing current. 那边的高凡出去之后,也嘴角开始流下了血丝了,而身前更是一道道的裂痕,遍布上下了,鲜血直流了。 After all although tall Fan fleshly body is strong, under that but far not as good as Lin Fei fleshly body comes, Lin Fei this blade has to do mental arithmetic to have no interest let alone, naturally is not high every can withstand. 毕竟高凡的肉身虽强,但远不如林飞肉身来的强,更何况林飞这一刀是有心算无心之下,自然不是高凡所能承受得了的。 Old man was injured unexpectedly, hateful brat, you dare to plan the old man unexpectedly.” “老夫竟然受伤了,可恶的小子,你竟然敢算计老夫。” tall Fan lowers the head the blood that looks at to flow, the look also changed changed, was full of the Endless hatred. 高凡低着头看着身上流出来的鲜血,神色也是变了一变,充满了无尽的恨意的。 But Lin Fei also harvested the hatred value in this instantaneously. 林飞也在这瞬间就收获了仇恨值了。 Direct broken thousand, shocked at heart, the fellow who this takes possession also really has the background. 直接破千了,心里头更加的震撼了,这附身的家伙还真的是有来头。 This also made Lin Fei realize situation a little not great enemy. 这也让林飞意识到情况有点不大对头了。 Perhaps this fellow does not do well is a Emperor. 这家伙也许弄不好是一位帝君。 Now is unable to erupt strength of Emperor, but once can refine to melt the Heavenly Devil God blood, wasn't that a genuine Emperor? 现在无法爆发出帝君的实力,可一旦能炼化了天魔神血,那不就是一个货真价实的帝君了吗?
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