ILK :: Volume #44

#4374: Important matter

Three Nascent Soul Expert have begun, three treasure pounded directly, the might is big. 三位元婴强者已动手,三件宝物就直接砸了下来,威力非常大。 Bullies the weak? 以大欺小? They have not cared from the start. 他们压根就没有在乎。 Who makes day of Young Master Luo that be south cloud Jun Third Young Master. 谁让天罗公子那可是南云郡的第三少爷 The head can also press him on another two Young Master, the average person he does not show due respect for the feelings from the start, killed at will. 头上也就另外两位少爷能压着他,一般人他压根就不给面子,随意就打杀了。 This day Young Master Luo, settled on the direct access to the highest authorities acknowledging as teacher command of opposite party, on addition that several 100,000 Middle Grade spirit stones. 这一次天罗公子,就是看中了对方的通天拜师令,外加上那几十万中品灵石。 If this seizes, can gain one greatly, after all several 100,000 Middle Grade spirit stones makes people very excited. 这要是夺到手的话,就能大赚一笔了,毕竟几十万中品灵石还是让人非常心动的。 Even without so many, makes more than ten 200,000, that is still a big harvest. 就算是没有那么多,弄个十几二十万,那也是一大笔收获。 This is the genuine cultivation resources. 这是真正的修炼资源。 Not is so usually easy to look. 平时可不那么容易找的。 Even day Young Master Luo, his net worth is still several thousand Middle Grade spirit stones. 就算是天罗公子,他这身家也就是几千个中品灵石而已。 The Low Grade spirit stones has many, several million above, place on the Middle Grade spirit stones, a use did not have. 下品灵石有不少,数百万以上,放在中品灵石上面,一点用处都没了。 Three Nascent Soul Expert begin, Lin Fei these does not do well also to expose the whereabouts on know time. 三位元婴高手动手的时候,林飞知道这一次弄不好还得暴露出行踪。 After all Nascent Soul is different from gold/metal pill. 毕竟元婴不同于金丹。 gold/metal pill strength, Lin Fei does not need to display big strength, can extinguish kills. 金丹实力,林飞根本不需要施展多大的实力,就能灭杀。 But Nascent Soul was different, killed to need full power to go. 元婴就不一样了,杀起来就需要全力以赴了。 Seizes the life sword instantaneous. 夺命剑瞬间而出。 Bang bang bang bang. 砰砰砰砰。 Swept on three treasure, kept off this wave of offensive instantaneously. 扫在了三件的宝物上面,瞬间挡下了这一波的攻势了。 Three Nascent Soul Expert looked at one mutually, somewhat small surprised. 三位元婴强者相互看了一眼,都有些小小的惊讶。 Really with legend, this brat strength truly is very strong, but also that is all. 果然和传说中的一样,这小子实力确实是很强,不过也仅此而已。 After the magic weapon repels, pounded again, the might previous time was stronger. 法宝击退之后再次砸了下来,威力比上一次更强了。 Young people do not struggle, you more struggle are more useless, honest being without a fight.” “年轻人不要挣扎了,你越挣扎越没用,老老实实的束手就擒吧。” After the sword light flashes past, their magic weapons were repelled unexpectedly. 剑光一闪而过之后,他们的法宝竟然被击退出去了。 The strength previous time is bigger. 力道比上一次更大。 After their treasure flew, was together the common sword light, swept. 就在他们的宝物飞出去了以后,又是一道不起眼的剑光,一扫而过。 Three Nascent Soul Expert brows jump, felt the aura of danger instantaneously. 三个元婴高手眉头一跳,瞬间感受到了危险的气息。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 Their valuable armor unexpectedly by a sword incision. 他们身上的宝甲居然被一剑切开了。 Even fleshly body was broken. 肉身都被破了。 Blood directing current. 鲜血直流。 Right now their look changed countenance thoroughly. 这下子他们神色彻底动容了。 Met big Expert, moreover hidden strength that type. 遇上了大高手了,而且还是隐藏实力的那一种。 Young Master was careful, this person is gold/metal pill's Expert to the utmost, even Dong Xu weapon.” “公子小心,此人是金丹极尽的高手,甚至还有一件洞虚兵器。” Under merely one sword made three Nascent Soul Expert be injured, first on notice day of Young Master Luo. 仅仅一剑之下就让三位元婴高手受伤了,第一时间就通知天罗公子了。 They protect day Young Master Luo to come out, if this day Young Master Luo were extinguished kills, that may be big troublesome. 他们可是护着天罗公子出来的,这要是天罗公子被灭杀的话,那麻烦可就大了。 gold/metal pill to the utmost, Dong Xu weapon, who my know you were, you were Lin Fei.” “金丹极尽,洞虚兵器,我知道你是谁了,你是林飞。” But at this time, Young Master Luo was suddenly enlighted on that day. 而在这时候,那天罗公子恍然大悟。 The body previous piece of ripples appeared. 身前一片涟漪浮现了出来。 After the ripples appear, several sword light swept directly above. 涟漪浮现出来之后,数道剑光直接扫在了上面。 ~snap~ ~snap~. 咔嚓咔嚓 After the disruption . 碎裂之后。 Steamroll of sword light from him. 剑光从他身上碾压而过。 Your know was too late, dares to stare at my thing to be ready.” “你知道的太迟了,敢盯上我的东西就要做好准备。” The form arrived at day of Young Master Luo's side together, takes away the ring. 一道身影来到了天罗公子的旁边,拿走戒指。 You killed day of Young Master Luo unexpectedly, I fought you.” “你竟然杀了天罗公子,我跟你拼了。” Under that three Nascent Soul Expert, is caught off guard, saw that own young master was extinguished kills. 那三位元婴高手,一个措手不及之下,就看到自家的公子被灭杀了。 Even they could not notice how this person begins, the complexion flustered, has the Endless anger and anxious frightened. 甚至他们都看不到这人怎么动手,脸色都慌了,更带着无尽的愤怒和不安恐惧。 They may be know day Young Master Luo this die, where their fates also very to go. 他们可都是知道天罗公子这一死,他们的下场也好不到哪去。 All these are this present person bring. 这一切都是这眼前之人带来的。 Who their also know this person was, was that Lin Fei, seized Dong Xu weapon. 他们也都知道这人是谁了,就是那个林飞,夺了洞虚兵器 Now was one's turn you, day Princess Luo died in any case, you may also the above road.” “现在轮到你们了,反正天罗公主死了,你们也可以上路。” Attacked instantaneously. 瞬间就攻了上来。 They also went all out. 他们也是拼命了。 Killing Move that three Nascent Soul Expert go all out is very strong. 三位元婴高手拼了命的杀招还是非常强的。 If this person killing, them can also have the opportunity of life. 如果把这人给杀了的话,那他们还可以有活命的机会。 If otherwise, that lord loses one's temper, they must die without doubt. 若不然的话,那位大人动怒的话,他们必死无疑。 But lord Nascent Soul Late Stage strength. 大人可是元婴后期实力 In addition own magic weapon, can resist with all one's strength person Nascent Soul Great Perfection exist, is very famous. 加上自身的法宝,可以力敌人元婴大圆满存在,算是非常出名的。 Otherwise cannot sit still the southern cloud Jun third Expert throne. 不然也坐不住南云郡第三高手的宝座。 cloud Jun south this, the third Expert throne or quite have the gold content. 在这南云郡,第三高手的宝座还是相当有含金量的。 Their naturally know significance. 他们自然知道这其中的意义。 Therefore at present only strives for killing this person. 所以眼下只求杀了这人了。 Who can think that this person is that Lin Fei, conceals is so deep. 谁能想到这人就是那个林飞,藏的那么深。 Early know this person is Lin Fei, they will kill will not agree that day of Young Master Luo will cope with this Lin Fei. 知道这人是林飞,他们打死不会同意天罗公子来对付这林飞 Now was good, the thing has not attained instead lost own life. 现在好了,东西没拿到反而送了自己的性命。 Does not guarantee together with their lives, probably in the top of the head a big sword momentarily along with carving to cut, cuts to kill them. 连同他们的性命也都不保了,好像头顶上一把大剑随时随刻会斩下来,将他们斩杀。 Lin Fei the 1 st time is not fought with Nascent Soul Expert. 林飞已经不是第一次跟元婴高手交手了。 Now his strength also has certain promotion. 如今他的实力又有了一定的提升。 In addition lives to pass the Heavenly God sword in the hand, the strength of eruption was also quicker. 再加上生通天神剑在手,爆发的力量也就更强更快了。 Three Nascent Soul Expert cannot block from the start. 三位元婴强者压根就挡不住。 constantly repetitive retreat. 不断的连连后退着。 Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 A Lin Fei sword pierced a chest of Nascent Soul Expert. 林飞一剑就刺穿了一位元婴强者的胸膛。 A foot kicked him. 一脚将他踢飞了下去。 Then attacked to other Nascent Soul Expert. 回头又攻向了另外元婴高手 Another Nascent Soul Initial Stage Expert was pierced by a sword. 又一位元婴初期高手被一剑刺穿了。 Bao jia cannot defend the Heavenly God sword. 身上的保甲根本就防不住通天神剑。 After all this is Dong Xu weapon, a sword can break open the defense of common valuable armor. 毕竟这个是洞虚兵器,一剑就能破开寻常宝甲的防御。 The importance was Lin Fei speed is also quick, made them unable to block radically. 重要是林飞速度也快极了,根本让他们挡不住。 Remaining Nascent Soul Intermediate Stage Expert turn around to run without delay. 剩下一位元婴中期高手二话不说转身就跑。 Now does not run must die without doubt. 现在不跑就必死无疑了。 The One Revolution body, the form arrived at his front together, a sword pierced him. 一转身,一道身影就来到了他的面前,一剑就将他刺穿了。 Actually you, if shoulders again, can live for a long time, what a pity you chose escaping.” “其实你要是再扛一下的话,还是可以活得更久的,可惜你选择了逃跑。” lord can kill your, you cannot run away.” 大人一定会来杀你的,你逃不了的。” This Nascent Soul Expert instantaneous crumb in hand, together Talisman. 元婴高手瞬间捏碎了手上,一道符箓 Changed to light smoke. 化作了一道青烟。 Lin Fei sees this secretly thought bad. 林飞看到这一幕暗道一声糟糕。 The never expected that opposite party also has this, takes Storage Ring to walk immediately. 没想到对方还有这一手,取了储物戒指立刻就走。 Who was killed my son, I wanted you to pay with a life.” “是谁杀了我儿子,我要你偿命。” In this flash, entire southern cloud Jun is reverberating together the loud and clear sound. 在这一瞬间,整个南云郡回荡着一道洪亮的声音。 countless Expert was alarmed. 无数高手都被惊动了。 south cloud city Expert flew together. 南云城一道高手飞了出来。 Like together flowing light. 如同一道流光。 Many Expert looked under recognized. 不少的强者一看之下就认了出来。 This person of third Expert Tian Nascent Soul Expert. 这人正是第三高手天狮元婴强者 What's the matter? Is who killed the sons of Tian?” “怎么回事?是谁杀了天狮的儿子了?” This courage was also too big, was then good, that person estimated that could not be inescapable is far.” “这胆子也太大了吧,这下好了,那人估计跑不了多远了。” Day Young Master Luo was killed unexpectedly, was the big deal.” “天罗公子居然被杀了,出大事了。” News travelled instantaneously. 一个个消息瞬间就传开了。 Let countless people be startled. 无数人大吃一惊。 Whose do not know Tian Nascent Soul Expert, only then such a son. 不知道天狮元婴强者,只有这么一个儿子。 Most dote. 还是最为宠爱的。 Finally unexpectedly was given to kill in south cloud Jun. 结果居然在南云郡被人给杀了。 Didn't this rush to a terrible disaster? 这不是闯了一个滔天大祸了吗? After Tian Nascent Soul Expert pursues, there is a countless form with. 在天狮元婴强者追出去之后,又有无数道的身影跟了上来。 These may be Tian Nascent Soul good friends. 这些可都是天狮元婴的好友了。 The nature prepared the help/gang one to be busy. 自然上来准备帮一把忙了。 Whose courage on comes to see is so big on the way. 顺道上来看看谁胆子这么大。
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