ILK :: Volume #43

#4263: Was lucky dragon thousand full fleshly body, very powerful.

A towering sound appeared. 突兀的一道声音出现了。 From flurried anxious pulls back the people all of a sudden. 把众人从慌乱不安中一下子拉了回来。 Everyone discovered that day foreign visitor Lin Fei started talking, but this saying sounded, was what finds it that hard to believe. 大家才发现那位天外来客林飞开口说话了,只不过这话听上去,为什么觉得那么不可思议。 Three big Monster King are annihilated. 三大妖王全军覆没。 Saint Lord is the disciple of this first ancestor. 圣主更是这位始祖的弟子。 Four king also Serious Damage that comes from Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm. 从昆仑秘境进来的四王也都重伤了。 How at this time to see that was the dragon thousand fully was also strongest, was not right, should was the beginning Zulong thousand feet. 此时怎么看也都是龙千足最强了,不对,应该是始祖龙千足。 Lin Fei hehe smiled, making the atmosphere light many. 林飞呵呵一笑,让现场的气氛都变得轻了不少。 Is could it be this first ancestor blusters? 难道这个始祖是虚张声势来? Words that but blustered, that was also serious injuries King Kong / diamond king and specters two Monster King. 可是虚张声势的话,那也是重创金刚王和魔影两位妖王 Saint Lord respectful saying, master, this person is Lin Fei of day of foreign visitor, quite mysterious brat, suspected that he saw the positive result from the beginning, but does not open the mouth.” 圣主恭敬的说道,“师尊,这人是天外来客的林飞,相当神秘的一个小子,怀疑他一开始就看出了名堂,只是不开口而已。” Beginning Zulong thousand full gaze looked, in the vicissitudes brings overbearing. 始祖龙千足的目光看了过来,沧桑之中带着一丝的霸道。 Originally is the person who the common custom comes, the tone is actually big, do not know own weight, here is also the place that you can speak at will.” “原来是世俗来的人,口气倒是不小,也不知道自己的斤两,这里也是你随意能说话的地方。” Holy Light rumbled from the place bottom together directly. 一道圣光直接从地底轰了出来。 This Holy Light comes towering, no sound, as if appeared baseless was the same. 这道圣光来得突兀,没任何的动静,仿佛凭空就出现了一样。 formidable is a first ancestor, as for does things stealthily like this? Justifiable is not good.” “都堂堂是一位始祖,至于这样偷鸡摸狗吗?名正言顺还不好吗。” Lin Fei light snort/hum, Sword Intent such as the running water protected the Lin Fei whole body directly, protected leaf Zixuan with Ye Xuan. 林飞轻哼了一声,剑意如流水直接护住了林飞周身,也保护了叶紫萱跟叶玄 On the Sword Intent running water exuded the ripples of one layer / first level level, the ease got down the attack of Holy Light on keeping off. 剑意流水上泛起了一层层的涟漪,轻而易举就挡下了圣光的攻击。 Is Expert that a sword cultivates, Sword Intent is grasping so reach a high degree of proficiency, defended.” “还是一位剑修的高手,剑意掌握着如此炉火纯青,防御了的。” Rumble loud noise. 轰隆隆的巨响 Holy Light rumbled from the place directly again, the regionalization that in a flash, Ye Xuan was at made the attack of Holy Light. 一道道圣光直接从地里再次轰了出来,一瞬间,叶玄所在的区域化作了圣光的攻击。 The beginning Zulong thousand full magic arts are covering this region directly, does not give this sword to cultivate the making a move opportunity. 始祖龙千足的法术直接笼罩着这一片区域,根本不给这个剑修出手的机会。 He must have a look at Expert that this common custom comes to have what ability but actually, could it be compared with King Kong / diamond king and specters more powerful insuffcient, they are not oneself opponent who strikes. 他倒要看看这个世俗来的高手有何能耐,难道金刚王和魔影更强大不成,连他们都不是自己的一击的对手。 Places during Holy Light attacked Ye Xuan somewhat to be pale with leaf Zixuan the complexion, but later somewhat was obviously excited, this was making a move of first ancestor. 身处在圣光攻击之中的叶玄跟叶紫萱脸色都有些苍白了,但之后明显都有些兴奋,这可是始祖的出手 More importantly Lin Fei blocked unexpectedly, depended on this Sword Intent to block easily. 重要的是林飞居然挡住了,靠着这剑意就轻而易举的挡住了。 First ancestor, your strength? Even I defend cannot break you is also good also to feel all right install here, I stood hit a half hour to say here here again, not being able to break you were the puppy.” “始祖,你就这点实力吗?连我防御都破不开你也好也好意思在这里装,我站在这里在这里打个半个小时再说,破不开你就是小狗。” Smiling of Lin Fei haha. 林飞哈哈的笑着。 Under the dragon thousand full eyegrounds flashed through an anxiety. 龙千足的眼底下闪过了一丝的不安。 The magic arts attack opposite party serious injuries, has not struck to kill the opposite party, listening to the tone that the opposite party spoke to seem safe and sound. 法术攻击并没有将对方重创,更没有将对方击杀,听对方说话的语气显得安然无恙。 Your brat is the day of Sword Mountain that Old Ancestor disciple, besides him, I thought that some impossible people to arrive at such Realm this Sword Intent cultivation.” “你小子是天剑山老祖的弟子,除了他之外,我觉得不可能有人将这剑意修炼到如此的境界了。” Holy Light retreats, beginning Zulong thousand foot gaze narrowed the eyes. 圣光退去,始祖龙千足目光眯了起来。 Your this look some are not quite good, who said that I am the day of Sword Mountain person, could it be cultivation have Sword Intent if certainly day Sword Mountain person? Can't could it be be a self-made person? I thought that you hurry to begin, does not dare to begin again, the consumption is too big, other think you grasped the dragon thousand full bodies, that is on appearance.” “你这眼神有些不太好啊,谁说我是天剑山的人,难道修炼剑意一定要是天剑山的人吗?难道就不可以自学成才吗?我看你还是赶紧动手好,不会是不敢再动手,消耗太大,别以为你掌握了龙千足的身体,那不过是表面上的。” Where Lin Fei could not look that during this first ancestor has not imagined great strength that he has not grasped the dragon thousand full bodies thoroughly. 林飞哪里看不出来了这位始祖并没有想象之中的那么强大,他还没有彻底掌握住龙千足的身体。 He a moment ago making a move was the big move, nothing but was who strikes the first blow has the advantage, blew everyone to say again, after all prestige of everyone first ancestor has seen, most powerful two Monster King were not the opponents, let alone was others? 他刚才一出手就是大招,无非就是先下手为强,镇住了大家再说,毕竟始祖之威大家都看到过的,连最强大的两位妖王都不是对手,何况是其他人呢? Deters good of quite, at least everyone truly feared, does not dare to have the what thought. 威慑相当的好,最起码大家确实是怕了,也不敢有什么念头了。 Now met the Lin Fei later that situation on some not Tai Yi type. 现在遇上林飞之后那情况就有些不太一样了。 That several offensive that may be the genuine building base methods. 那几下的攻势那可都是货真价实的筑基手段。 That brat airtight of Sword Intent defense, without the flaw may break, is unable to break through unexpectedly suddenly.” “那小子剑意防御的密不透风,没破绽可破,竟然一时间无法攻破。” This made beginning Zulong thousand unable to completely understand the opposite party fully all of a sudden, even the opposite party he biggest hidden danger can say clear the present. 这让始祖龙千足一下子看不透对方了,甚至对方连现在他最大的隐患都能说得一清二楚。 Does not believe that my words, I began, experienced the first ancestor of hearsay to have what strength while convenient.” “不相信我的话,那我还是动手好了,顺便也见识一下一直传闻的始祖到底有何实力。” Whish. 哗哗哗哗哗。 Everywhere sword shadow flew to shoot directly, such as together gorgeous flowing light. 漫天的剑影直接就飞射了过去,就如一道绚丽多彩的流光。 The before time, Lin Fei was attacked by the Holy Light group, now was one's turn the beginning Zulong thousand feet besieging by Sword Intent. 之前时候,林飞圣光群攻了,现在轮到始祖龙千足被剑意给围攻了。 The sword shadow blocks the sky densely and numerously, looked everyone flustered. 剑影密密麻麻遮天蔽日的,看的所有人都慌了起来。 Even if the first ancestor Long Tian foot is also the complexion sinks at this time, this and plan is completely different. 哪怕是始祖龙天足此时也是脸色一沉,这和计划完全不一样。 Even if Saint Lord is also same, underestimated foreign visitor Lin Fei of this day strength. 哪怕是圣主也是一样,还是低估了这天外来客林飞实力了。 Bang bang bang bang. 砰砰砰砰。 The dragon thousand foot 18 arms promoted, even the Seven Color glazed pagoda fell in the top of the head, lowered a piece of splendid light. 龙千足18条手臂都推动了起来,连七彩琉璃塔都落在了头顶上,降下了一片华光。 Sword shadow that Lin Fei lets out continuous like rain, simply has not stood still. 林飞放出去的剑影连绵如雨,根本没有停歇。 Beginning Zulong thousand can also block fully, was Saint Lord may not be easy, putting in an appearance time was constructed the sword shadow to fly to the bang by these, whole body up and down spread all over blood-stained mouths. 始祖龙千足还挡得住,可是圣主可就没那么容易了,一个照面的时间就被这些建剑影给轰飞出去,浑身上下遍布了一道道的血口。 The King Kong / diamond king and specters also crawled at this time. 金刚王和魔影这个时候也爬了出来。 The injury is very serious, after all under that attack ripped open their fleshly body defense a moment ago directly, the wound to their foundations. 伤势都很重,毕竟刚才那一攻击之下直接撕开了他们肉身防御,伤到他们的根基了。 Now sees everywhere the sword shadow in the attack beginning Zulong thousand feet, two people look to the Lin Fei look, filled frightened and dreaded. 现在看到漫天的剑影在攻击始祖龙千足,两人看向林飞的眼神,也充满了恐惧和忌惮。 Time from the beginning also looks down upon this person, although somewhat dreaded, may be far from now dreading. 一开始的时候还看不起这人,虽然有些忌惮,可远远没有现在来的忌惮。 Expert, deeply concealed absolutely, can play them? 高手,绝对是深藏不露,要不要这么玩他们啊? Why does not know, them actually feels that now very happy, in any case can hold this big threat, the first ancestor as if met troublesome. 不知为何,现在他们却感觉非常的痛快,好歹能牵住这个大威胁,始祖似乎遇上了麻烦。 Now also waits for what? 现在还等什么 Hurries to dawdle. 赶紧遛。 Monster King is careful. 妖王都是小心谨慎的。 The King Kong / diamond king and specters sneaked off like this. 金刚王和魔影就这样的溜走了。 These followed the person who Saint Lord came also to sneak off secretly, really this war little look to well, how accidentally affected their do not know dead. 那些跟随圣主来的人也偷偷的溜走了,实在这种大战还是少看为好,一不小心波及到他们都不知道怎么死。 The beginning Zulong thousand clans depend the fleshly body tyrannical place, constantly drove out these sword shades, is these sword shades is dense and numerous, blotting out the sky, the might is also big, he is unable to break open completely, was were on the contrary many one 始祖龙千族仗着自己肉身的强横之处,不断的轰开了这些剑影,可是是这些剑影密密麻麻,铺天盖地,威力又大,他根本无法全部破开,反倒是身上多了一 …… …… …… …… Is really frustrated. 真的是出师不利啊。 Friend assistant, some words saying well, you do come Divine Dragon Secret Realm to not to seek for treasure? Old man know treasure whereabouts, can satisfy you actually absolutely, was God blood that you always thought about not to abandon, to should was not the Dragon God blood.” “朋友助手,有话好好说,你来神龙秘境不就是为了寻找宝物吗?老夫倒是知道一件宝物的下落,绝对能满足你,就是你们念念不舍的神血了,不对应该龙神血。” The dragon thousand full corners of the mouth also flowed out capillaries, sword cut spread all over whole body up and down. 龙千足的嘴角也流出了一道道的血丝,身上的剑伤遍布全身上下
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