ILK :: Volume #43

#4261: Dragon thousand full struggling

The dragon thousand feet at this moment felt oneself were most invincible. 此时此刻的龙千足觉得自己最无敌了。 The Seven Color glazed pagoda in the hand, he had the strongest magic weapon. 七彩琉璃塔在手,他就有了最强的法宝。 Do not look at the dragon thousand feet in Divine Dragon Secret Realm is one of the Monster King, but is not strongest that Monster King, because he was unable to suppress another two Monster King, but now he can achieve finally. 别看龙千足在神龙秘境内算是妖王之一,但并不是最强的那位妖王,因为他还无法镇压另外两位妖王,而现在他终于做得到了。 An essence and blood spurted rapidly in the Seven Color glazed pagoda, controlled this Seven Color glazed pagoda magic weapon with Secret Technique, this magic weapon fluttered instantaneously in the dragon thousand full top of the heads. 一口精血迅速喷在了七彩琉璃塔上,又用秘法掌控住这件七彩琉璃塔法宝,瞬间这件法宝就飘在在龙千足的头顶上。 Dragon thousand feet, you unexpectedly suspicious learn/master Secret Technique that refining up the magic weapon, you hide real deep, it seems like last time the time of rushing to Secret Realm, the thing took by you.” King Kong / diamond king shouted abuse. “龙千足,你竟然偷偷摸摸的学会了炼化法宝的秘法,你隐藏的真深,看来上次闯秘境的时候,东西都被你拿了。”金刚王破口大骂。 On your dead monkey, no one was stupider than you, last time the time of going to Secret Realm, I truly with you, when the knife used, your where can want to obtain, there good thing to be given the volume by me, but treasure that this refining up the magic weapon obtains in that Secret Realm, is very greedy, envies very much, what a pity you do not have that life.” “就你这个死猴子,没有人比你更笨了,上次去秘境的时候,我确实是拿你当刀子用了,你哪里能想得到,那里的好东西都被我给卷了,而这个炼化法宝的宝物就是在那秘境里得到的,是不是很眼馋,很羡慕啊,可惜你没那个命。” Crash-bang. 哗啦一声。 The Seven Color glazed pagoda rumbled directly. 七彩琉璃塔直接就轰了下来。 The King Kong / diamond king 6 arms to the previous request, rumble loud noise, whole body projected on the bottom instantaneously. 金刚王六条手臂向上一托,轰隆隆的巨响,整个人瞬间就被打到了地底里去了。 You did not say that the strength is big? In front of my Seven Color glazed pagoda, you are not.” “你不是自称力气大吗?在我的七彩琉璃塔面前,你连个屁都不是。” Dragon thousand full gaze swept directly to the specters. 龙千足的目光直接扫向了魔影。 The Seven Color glazed pagoda started again, pounds downward, rumble the loud noise specters were also pounded under. 七彩琉璃塔再次发动了起来,又是往下一砸,轰隆隆的巨响魔影也被砸到了地底下去了。 Waste is the waste, the waste of collapsing at the first blow.” “废物都是废物,不堪一击的废物。” The dragon thousand laughs to say fully, Saint Lord, you are to submit to now or revolt? I want your a few words.” 龙千足大笑道,“圣主,你现在是臣服还是反抗?我就要你一句话。” From attaining the Seven Color glazed pagoda arrives again refining up, again to defeating the King Kong / diamond king and specters, this was too quick. 从拿到七彩琉璃塔再到炼化,再到击败金刚王和魔影,这一幕发生的太快了。 Quick lets present everyone to get back one's composure all of a sudden without enough time, what replaces it is feared and anxious. 快的让在场所有人都一下子来不及回神,取而代之的是恐惧和不安了。 Originally dragon thousand unusual, currently have this magic weapon fully again, that strength was simply not allow to neglect, without seeing the King Kong / diamond king and specters, put in an appearance to be hit. 本来龙千足就非常的强了,现在再有这件法宝,那实力简直不容忽视了,没看到金刚王和魔影,一个照面就被打了下去。 If changes into them, must die without doubt. 要是换成他们的话,肯定是必死无疑了。 You want to make me submit, you must also probably have this strength to be good.” “你想让我臣服,那你要也要有这实力才行。” Thought that Saint Lord do not submit. 圣主并没有要臣服的念头。 I help you.” “那我成全你。” The Seven Color glazed pagoda howled again. 七彩琉璃塔再次呼啸了下来。 You can obtain the magic weapon, could it be my Saint Lord did not have the magic weapon.” “你能得到法宝,难道圣主就没有法宝了吗。” Saint Lord cold snort/hum, emitted a magic weapon. 圣主冷哼了一声,放出了一件法宝。 This is a bead, the fist size. 这是一枚珠子,拳头大小。 After the bead flies, blooms ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, stalled the attack of Seven Color glazed pagoda like this. 珠子飞出来之后,绽放出万丈的光芒,就这样挡住了七彩琉璃塔的进攻。 Saint Lord, you are really also hiding the thing, unexpectedly in the hand the defensive magic weapons, you were also willing to take finally with, my also think you can hide for a lifetime.” 圣主,你果然还藏着好东西,居然手上还有一件防御性的法宝,你终于舍得拿出来用了,我还以为你能藏一辈子。” The dragon thousand also reveal small accidental/surprised fully, later is controlling the Seven Color colored glaze color, rumbling time and time again. 龙千足也只是露出小小的意外,随后操控着七彩琉璃彩,一次一次的轰了下来。 I must have a look but actually, you can shoulder under many, even your magic weapon defends strongly, but in the front of Seven Color glazed pagoda in the same old way is a dregs.” “我倒要看看,你到底能扛得住多少下,就算你这件法宝防御强,可是在七彩琉璃塔的面前照样是个渣。” Bang bang bang bang bang bang. 砰砰砰砰砰砰。 The dragon thousand controls the Seven Color glazed pagoda to fiercely attack Saint Lord fully not only, simultaneously oneself whole body also threw, the remaining 17 arms hit. 龙千足不光操控七彩琉璃塔猛攻着圣主,同时自己整个人也扑了上来,剩下的17条手臂打了上来。 Young Lin, how we handle now, never expected that the dragon thousand obtained a magic weapon fully unexpectedly, moreover magic weapon that the first ancestor leaves behind.” 林少,现在我们怎么办好,没想到龙千足居然得到了一件法宝,而且还是始祖留下的法宝。” The dragon thousand clans obtained the magic weapon also even, unexpectedly can also refine in the short time thoroughly, although is unable to play the true might, may depending on magic weapon own might, make the King Kong / diamond king and specters become the under the hands / subordinates defeated general all of a sudden. 龙千族得到法宝也就算了,居然还能在短短时间彻底炼化,虽然无法发挥出真正的威力,可光凭法宝自身的威力,就一下子让金刚王和魔影成了手下败将。 Now looks like, Saint Lord as if could not escape this fate. 现在看来,圣主似乎也逃不过这个下场了。 Felt relieved, the dragon thousand feet will have bad luck quickly, you had not discovered that the magic weapon Seven Color glazed pagoda might of this first ancestor was very ordinary? This and position of first ancestor is not completely symmetric.” Lin Fei hehe smiled, very calm. “放心好了,龙千足很快就会倒霉了,你没发现这件始祖的法宝七彩琉璃塔威力很一般吗?这和始祖的地位完全不相称。”林飞呵呵地笑了起来,非常的淡定。 leaf Zixuan pondered over, seemingly also is really such a truth. 叶紫萱琢磨了一下,貌似还真的是这么一个道理。 Although this magic weapon was very strong, can defeat the King Kong / diamond king and specters all of a sudden, even makes Saint Lord feel the tremendous pressure. 虽然这件法宝很强了,能一下子就击败了金刚王和魔影,甚至连让圣主都感到巨大的压力。 May always feel great strength in that this magic weapon not as good as legend, world-shaking . 可总感觉这件法宝不如传说之中的那么强大,惊天动地 Intelligent leaf Zixuan as if understood what. 聪明的叶紫萱似乎明白了什么 Saint Lord depends the defense of bead, constantly is resisting the attack of Seven Color glazed pagoda. 圣主仗着珠子的防御,不断地抵抗着七彩琉璃塔的攻击。 The dragon thousand had not realized fully, he is fiercely attacking Saint Lord at the same time, his mood also experienced the huge fluctuation, whole body almost fell into the anger. 龙千足并没有意识到,他正在猛攻圣主的同时,他的情绪也出现了巨大的波动,整个人几乎陷入了愤怒之中。 17 arm constantly whips, any one strikes can hit kills Innate Expert easily, even practices breathing exercises Expert. 17条手臂不断的拍打过来,任何一击都能打轻而易举打死一个先天高手,甚至是练气高手 But he cannot break the defense of this bead now unexpectedly. 可现在他居然破不开这珠子的防御。 Saint Lord, I will certainly kill your, your broken bead cannot block the attack of my Seven Color glazed pagoda, I make you experience the true might of Seven Color glazed pagoda.” 圣主,我一定会打死你的,就你这破珠子根本挡不住我这七彩琉璃塔的攻击,我让你见识一下七彩琉璃塔的真正威力。” After attacking crazily some little time, the dragon thousand sees with own eyes unable to break this bead defense fully, spouted a blood without delay again, directly promoted the Seven Color glazed pagoda. 狂攻了好一会儿之后,龙千足眼见破不开这珠子防御,二话不说再次喷出了一口鲜血,直接推动了七彩琉璃塔。 This Seven Color ray greatly hold, even presented Void Shadow. 这一次七彩光芒大盛,甚至出现了一道虚影 A Void Shadow appearance, everyone breathing rapidly, as if a heart mountain appeared, presses them not to recover consciousness. 虚影一出现,所有人都呼吸急促了起来,仿佛心头一座大山出现了,压得他们缓不过来。 That is first ancestor Void Shadow.” “那是始祖虚影。” Had Expert of sacred place to call, knelt directly. 有圣地的高手叫了起来,直接就跪了下去。 That is together the ancient form. 那是一道古老的身影。 First ancestor Void Shadow comes, the might of this Seven Color glazed pagoda rose suddenly directly. 始祖虚影一现身,这七彩琉璃塔的威力直接就暴涨了。 The Saint Lord defense bead could not withstand finally. 圣主的防御珠子终于承受不住了。 After countless ripples, finally drove out, Saint Lord was also struck serious injuries. 无数涟漪之后,终于被轰开了,圣主也被一击重创 All defenses break open in the front of this Seven Color glazed pagoda accordingly, Saint Lord whole body hit on a giant pillar. 所有的防御在这七彩琉璃塔的面前应声破开,圣主整个人都撞在了一根巨大的柱子上。 Sees not to have, this is your overreaching oneself, I have the treasure Seven Color glazed pagoda that the first ancestor has left behind, how you also fight with me.” “看到没有,这就是你的不自量力,我可是已经有了始祖留下的宝物七彩琉璃塔,你还怎么跟我斗。” The dragon thousand laughed fully, the Seven Color glazed pagoda ray on hand was more abundant. 龙千足大笑了起来,手上的七彩琉璃塔光芒更盛了。 Now the life and death grasps in my hand, you submit to either, either by me, as soon as strikes the bang to kill.” “现在你的生死就掌握在我的手上,你要么臣服,要么就是被我一击轰杀。” Received Serious Damage Saint Lord, pale, but actually haha laughed at this time, Thump knelt on the ground, a both hands Zhang Kaicheng full of admiration appearance. 受了重伤圣主,脸色苍白着,可此时却哈哈大笑了起来,扑通一声就跪在了地上,双手张开成一副五体投地的样子。 Welcomed the first ancestor to arrive.” “恭迎始祖降临。” The Saint Lord words fall, the dragon thousand full complexions changed. 圣主的话一落下,龙千足的脸色就微变了。 „Is your saying the what meaning? Haven't the first ancestors died? could it be can also live.” “你这话是什么意思啊?始祖不是早已经死了吗?难道还能活着。” haha haha, who said that the old man died, but the old man the first ancestor, will never die, your fleshly body quite is good, 18 arms are suiting the old man to seize shed 哈哈哈哈哈,谁说老夫死了,老夫可是始祖,永远不会死的,你这肉身相当不错,又有18条手臂正适合老夫夺舍” In the Seven Color glazed pagoda golden light flashes together, submerged in the dragon thousand full mind directly. 七彩琉璃塔上一道金光一闪而出,直接没入了龙千足的脑海之中。 Hands over your body, lets the old man with your body ascending a height to get a broad view world.” “交出你的身躯,让老夫用你的身躯登临天下。” In the dreary cold sound brings overbearingly. 森寒的声音之中带着霸道。 The dragon thousand full appearance are fierce. 龙千足面目狰狞着。 You gave up any idea.” “你休想。”
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