ILK :: Volume #41

#4034: Everything will have me

When the people have not left, that sound reverberated in the place of fire. 在众人还没有离开的时候,那声音在火之地内回荡了开来。 Bing Qingya brings anxiously for several points anxious toward here fast came, from time to time is looking around, as if there is what person to pursue to be the same. 冰清雅带着几分紧张不安朝着这边快速的过来了,时不时的回头张望着,仿佛有什么人追过来一样。 Shen Tianjun actually thought took pleasure in other's misfortune at this time, but he does not dare to smile to make noise, because that Lin Fei of not far away gives his tremendous pressure always, he feared that oneself these implicates Shen. 沈天君这个时候其实想幸灾乐祸的,但是他不敢笑出声来,因为不远处的那个林飞无时无刻不给他巨大的压力,他怕自己这一下连累到沈家。 Does not know also, but he truly dreads Lin Fei now. 不认识还也就罢了,但现在他确实忌惮林飞了。 So long as is not the fools can look. 只要不是傻瓜都能看得出来。 Between Bing Qingya and Lin Fei have the relations, as for this relations are the what appearance, that was unknown, but is not Shen Tianjun can ridicule. 冰清雅林飞之间有关系,至于这关系是什么样子的,那就不得而知了,但也不是沈天君能去嘲笑的。 „Did the Bing Qingya niece, have the what matter? Who came?” 冰清雅侄女,出什么事了?谁来了?” First opens the mouth is not Lin Fei, but is the god day does as a temporary measure for the old fox, realized somewhat had the what matter. 最先开口的不是林飞,而是神天权作为老狐狸,多多少少意识到发生什么事了。 Even if were says several dignity, did not have what to lose to the god day power. 哪怕是说几句体面的话,对神天权来说也没什么损失。 Words of Shen Tianhong Heavenly God day power, realized immediately oneself slow first step 沈天鸿一天神天权的话,马上就意识到自己慢了一步 This old fox will also flatter Bing Qingya unexpectedly, is really a bastard!” “这老狐狸居然也会巴结冰清雅,真是个混蛋!” On the mouth also follows saying that ice niece don't be upset, will have me no one dares to move heedlessly what here.” 嘴上也跟着说道,“冰侄女不要慌,有我们在这里谁都不敢乱动什么的。” Shen Tianhong also admires oneself face to be thick-skinned. 沈天鸿也佩服自己的脸皮厚。 Bing Qingya did not have to ponder at this time with enough time, she was only know must tell Expert of Lin Fei West to come, moreover what came was three. 冰清雅这个时候也没来得及去细想,她只是知道要告诉林飞西方的高手来了,而且来的还是三个。 Lin Fei also opened both eyes at this time. 林飞也在这个时候睁开了双眼 Is unhurried, everything will have me.” “不慌,凡事有我。” The short several characters let the Bing Qingya flurried heart, became stabilized. 短短的几个字就让冰清雅慌乱的心,变得安定了下来。 Danger that as if encountered a moment ago, no longer is dangerous same Brother Lin. 仿佛刚才所遇到的危险,已不再是危险一样林哥 These people came, you save Chief Xue quickly, I feared that his survive continuously, these fellow strength are very strong, is almost pressing Chief Xue.” “那些人来了,你快去救一下薛局长,我怕他坚持不住了,那些家伙实力很强,几乎压着薛局长。” Bing Qingya remembers good of Chief Xue. 冰清雅还是记得薛局长的好。 She west strong side to previous presses pressure to be big, let alone is Chief Xue comes cross two. 她自己对上一个西方强者都压力山大,何况是薛局长遇上两个。 Did not use, they have come.” “不用去了,他们已经过来了。” The Lin Fei sound just fell, sees only together the form, fell layer on layer/heavily, fell down. 林飞的声音刚一落下,只见一道身影,重重的摔了过来,倒在了地上。 Originally is distressed Chief Xue. 原来是狼狈的薛局长。 , Spat several blood, look dignified looks at the front, notices the surrounding situation. 哇的一声,吐了几口鲜血,神色凝重的看着前方,注意到周围的情况。 Young Lin, you were laughed, I underestimated these Western Expert is difficult to deal with/ferocious, feared that was today can only invite your making a move.” 林少,你见笑了,我低估了那些西方高手厉害了,怕是今天只能请你出手了。” Why does not know, Xue cry saw Lin Fei felt specially relieved, this feeling has never had. 不知为何,薛一鸣看到林飞就感到特别的安心,这种感觉是从来没有过的。 His strength is not weak, was after on John Charlie and Johnson, could not withstand their offensive completely, suffered a loss again and again, the body also had many wounds. 他的实力并不弱,可是对上了约翰查理和强生之后,完全就承受不住他们的攻势,连连吃亏,身上也带了不少的伤。 Minor matter, you will stand, came to I also want to look at Western Expert strength how about it.” “小事,你会站了起来,正好我也想看一看西方高手实力到底怎么样。” The god day power and Shen Tianhong complexion slightly change. 神天权和沈天鸿脸色都是微微一变。 After all the prestige of western strong side, is ominous outside, no one dares to despise. 毕竟西方强者的威名,一直都是凶名在外,谁也不敢轻视。 Can make Xue call so distressedly, absolutely is Expert on world master list. 能让薛一鸣如此狼狈的,绝对是世界宗师榜上的高手 You really here, haha haha, does not waste our running a fruitless errand.” “你们果然都在这里,哈哈哈哈,不枉费我们这趟白跑。” John Charlie and Johnson's their forms, came from the distance. 约翰查理和强生他们的身影,从远处走了进来。 On John Charlie face with the happy expression, a pupil fierce contraction, falls suddenly, in that did not have on the Fire Phoenix egg. 约翰查理脸上带着笑意,忽然瞳孔猛的一收缩,落在了那没火凤凰的蛋上面。 Demon beast, this is the egg of demon beast, I can realize in has living aura.” “魔兽,这是魔兽的蛋,我能体会到里面有活着的气息。” Nearby Johnson also noticed that to form the swirl Fire Phoenix egg. 旁边的强生也注意到了那形成漩涡火凤凰的蛋。 Although on temporarily do not know is the what egg, but he can feel that this inside has powerful aura. 虽然暂时上不知道什么蛋,但是他能感觉到这里面有着一股强大的气息。 haha haha, this we really came right.” 哈哈哈哈哈,这一趟我们真的来对了。” Can make their one eyes see the uncommon thing, that naturally was the good thing, no matter were uses or takes the exchange when the time comes to be able a ob­tains big advantage. 能让他们一眼就看出不凡的东西,那自然是好东西了,不管到时候是自己用还是拿出去交换都能获得一大笔好处。 Your tactful words get the hell out to me immediately, give away here thing, you can little suffer a hardship, must otherwise, I not mind that lets your long memory.” “你们这些人知趣的话马上就给我滚蛋,让出这里的东西,那你们可以少吃点苦头,要不然的话,我不介意让你们长点记性。” Johnson laughs a fist to rumble, the direct production huge Storm, howled to curl toward the people. 强生大笑着一拳轰出,直接形成了一个巨大的风暴,呼啸着朝着众人卷了过来。 Azure Storm made those present everyone change color instantaneously. 青色的风暴一出瞬间就让在场的人所有人变色了。 Because is passing the Endless powerful aura in this Storm, no one dares to shoulder one after another retreat hardly. 因为在这风暴之中透着无尽强大的气息,没有人敢硬扛纷纷后退 Even if so, the people also resist the wind blade that constantly sweeps away again and again. 哪怕如此,众人也连连抵挡那不断横扫出来的风刃。 These wind edges same blot out the sky like the raindrop. 这些风刃如雨点一样铺天盖地的。 Made that they resist continuously again and again! 弄得他们招架连连不住! Big God of the Earth whip, sweeps the world.” “大地神鞭,一扫天下。” John Charlie has not been idling, is controlling the land directly, arm thick big God of the Earth whips, shoot up to the sky, sweep away. 约翰查理也没有闲着,直接操控着大地,一道道手臂粗的大地神鞭,冲天而起,横扫过去。 Bang bang bang bang! 砰砰砰砰! The might is enormous, sweeps away, can hear sound air-splitting, under a contact the giant strength surges comes, the master hands and feet that shakes to tingle with numbness, light, then spits blood, heavy falls down. 威力极大,横扫过去,都能听到破空的声音,一接触之下巨大的力道暴涌而来,震的大家手脚发麻,轻则吐血,重则倒在地上。 Mind demon sound, admits defeat.” “心灵魔音,认输吧。” Poisonous widow chuckle several characters such as the demon sound is the same, fell into everyone's heart instantaneously, constantly coming of reverberation, a wave follows one wave. 毒寡妇轻笑几个字如魔音一样,瞬间落入了所有人的心底里,不断的回荡的开来,一波跟着一波。 These strength weak Yan Huang Team disciples one after another pour in ability that the ground loses moves. 那些实力较弱的炎黄战队弟子们纷纷倒在地上失去动弹的能力 Even if the god day power and Shen Tianhong, they have to branch out the heart to resist being bewitched sound, fiercely attacking of two Western Expert, made again in addition exceptionally distressed, retreat again retreat, the complexion also became especially dignified. 哪怕是神天权和沈天鸿,他们也不得不分出心去抵挡着魔音,再加上两位西方高手的猛攻,一个个弄得异常的狼狈,不停的后退后退,脸色也变得格外的凝重了起来。 Who strikes the first blow has the advantage, John Charlie they grasped the essence, suppressed everyone's advantage directly. 正所谓先下手为强,约翰查理他们掌握了精髓,直接就压制住了大家的优势。 Suddenly is in a passive situation, comprehensively in the suppression. 一时间内处于被动状态,全面处于压制。 Storm diverges, land Drifting Sand dissipates, is lying down everywhere horizontally Martial Artist, reluctantly can halt also on several master Expert, but on the face filled dreaded. 风暴散去,大地流沙消散,到处都是横躺着武者,能勉强站住的也就几位宗师高手了,但脸上都充满了忌惮。 If generally offensive, that a matter, was these three different functions Expert, made them experience to feel differently. 若是一般攻势的话,也就那么一回事了,可是这三个异能高手,却让他们体验到不一样的感觉了。 John Charlie and other people, on the face revealed the happy expression, Huaxia Expert really collapsed at the first blow, under one fiercely attacked, radically injured injury, hit did not satisfy a craving. 约翰查理等三人,脸上都露出了喜色,华夏高手真的是不堪一击,一番猛攻之下,受伤的受伤,根本就打的不过瘾。 This is your world master list strength, this strength is a little weak. 这就是你们世界宗师榜的实力,这力量有点弱啊。 Several small magic arts, your also feels all right to play a trick thanks to you.” “几个小法术而已,你们这样亏你们还好意思出来耍弄。” They had not finished time, a sound suddenly floating. 他们还没有结束的时候,冷不防的一道声音飘的过了来。 Appeared at this time very grating. 在这个时候显得非常的刺耳。 Multi- tongues!” Johnson cold snort/hum, lifts the hand to make together the wind blade, sweeps away, shuts your mouth, one side rolls honestly.” “多舌!”强生冷哼一声,抬手打出一道风刃,横扫过去,“闭上你的嘴,老老实实滚一边去。” Also takes advantage of opportunity to look! 同时也顺势看去! Johnson planned that which fellow had a look at to dare to say this words, they may be world master list Expert. 强生打算看看哪个家伙敢说这种话,他们可都是世界宗师榜的高手 This looked, he saw young people, such optional is standing, but in him behind was a moment ago by that Huaxia girl who he suppresses, but the complexion of that young people are passing tranquilly, lets the feeling of Johnson have guts very in a bad mood. 这一看,他就看到了一个年轻人,就这么随意的站着,而在他身后是刚才被他压制的那个华夏女孩,只是那年轻人的脸色透着平静,让强生有种非常不爽的感觉。 My such is difficult to deal with/ferocious, could it be your not should performance fear some? 我都这么厉害了,难道你就不应该表现的害怕一些吗?
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