ILK :: Volume #41

#4032: Bitter experience

Is Lin Fei what will come? 林飞什么会来? To make the Fire Phoenix egg absorb five lines of places the hot strength, thus accelerates to hatch. 就是想让火凤凰的蛋吸收五行之地的火之力,从而加速孵化。 If did not bump into such place, Lin Fei will not come. 如果不是碰上了这样的地方,林飞才不会来。 Is good because of the strength of this fire, although during bad somewhat compared with imagination, but in any case is also good tonic, most suitable present this egg. 好在这火之力,虽然比想象之中的有些差,但好歹也算是不错的一道补品,最适合现在这枚蛋了。 The Fire Phoenix egg places the central region, strength of the faint trace fire by this egg to the absorption in the past, the entire Fire Phoenix egg became red one piece rapidly, the inside shadow is together partly visible, raised swirl with this Fire Phoenix egg around. 火凤凰的蛋放在中央区域,一丝丝火之力迅速就被这枚蛋给吸收过去,整颗火凤凰的蛋变得通红一片,里头一道影子若隐若现的,跟着这火凤凰的蛋周围掀起了一道漩涡 Little fellow should not be insatiably greedy, slowly the absorption, absorbs again crazily, supported you carefully badly.” “小家伙不要那么贪得无厌,慢慢吸收,再这么疯狂吸收,小心把你撑坏了。” Lin Fei does not know whether to laugh or cry, can know inside little fellow feelings very excitedly, after all this egg very long time does not have the supplement of strength of fire, if not meet him, sooner or later will become a dead egg. 林飞哭笑不得,能感受得到里面的小家伙心情非常的兴奋,毕竟这枚蛋已经很久的时间没有火之力的补充,如果不是遇上他的话,早晚会成为一颗死蛋。 Now can the strength of swallowing fire, be more like the tonic to be the same to this ball again, although the not as good as Lin Fei essence and blood comes big makes up, but in any case is also the good meal. 现在又可以重新吞噬火之力,对这枚弹来说更像是补品一样,虽然不如林飞的精血来的大补,但好歹也算是美味佳肴。 By a Lin Fei such saying, that inside fellow seemed to be understood was the same, slowed down speed, but still has the swirl formation together. 林飞这么一说,那里面的家伙似乎听懂了一样,放慢了速度,但依然有一道漩涡形成。 Lin Fei gathered 4 attribute original stones, but this fire Yuan stone has not gathered only, uses to Fire Phoenix the strength of egg absorption fire. 林飞收取了四个属性原石,但唯独这一个火元石没有收取,就是给火凤凰的蛋吸收火之力用的。 Lin Fei also started closed eye meditation. 林飞也开始闭目养神了起来。 The strength of absorption fire requires the time. 吸收火之力需要时间。 But at the same time. 而与此同时。 This egg is also getting bigger and bigger in swirl of strength of absorption fire, can see from distant place one. 这枚蛋在吸收火之力的漩涡也越来越大,从远处一眼就可以看到。 What first feels is the god day power and Shen Tianhong they, strength that after all that swirl forms, no small matter. 最先感受到的是神天权和沈天鸿他们,毕竟那漩涡形成的力量,非同小可。 First perceived. 第一时间就觉察到了。 Without demur, directly soared the strength of fire to come. 二话不说,直奔着火之力来了。 However when arrives at beside the place of fire, that blazing air wave makes them frown, but depended a strength to rush. 不过当来到火之地之外的时候,那炽热的气浪让他们都皱起了眉头,不过还是仗着一身的劲气闯了进去。 In the place of distant place, three Western different functions Expert also rushed. 在更远处的地方,三位西方异能高手也一路闯了过来。 On temporarily, has not scooped up the what good thing. 只是暂时上,还没有捞上什么好东西。 You look at that are swirl, this swirl aura powerful, I can also feel the aura of strength of fire, should have treasure to appear, really Huaxia is Huaxia, treasure like clouds, it seems like our luck is really good.” John Charlie is staring at the front, that very obvious swirl, at present one bright. “你们看那是漩涡,这漩涡气息好强,我还能感受到火之力的气息,应该是有宝物出现了,果然华夏就是华夏,宝物如云,看来咱们运气真不错。”约翰查理盯着前方,那非常明显的漩涡,眼前一亮。 Johnson and poisonous widow also noticed that swirl, can feel the great strength of strength of fire. 强生和毒寡妇也都注意到那个漩涡了,更能感受到火之力的强大。 As Western different functions, their feeling to the element is most sensitive, but a strength of vortex emergence that fire, their heart had treasure to appear on know that place, otherwise was impossible to form such big swirl. 作为西方异能者,他们对元素的感觉是最为敏感的,但那火之力旋涡一出现,他们心头就知道那地方有宝物出现了,不然的话根本不可能形成这么大的漩涡 „Does that also wait for what? We hurry.” “那还等什么?咱们赶紧过去。” Three different functions Expert rushed to swirl. 三位异能高手奔着漩涡去了。 Sees this swirl not just they, even Bing Qingya and Chief Xue also noticed, approved is treasure appears, one after another led the person to rush. 看到这个漩涡不止他们,连冰清雅和薛局长也都注意到了,也都认可了是宝物出现,纷纷带着人奔了过来。 „The strength of gold/metal, I feel the aura of strength of gold/metal, can vanish to disappear for what?” “金之力,我感受到金之力的气息,可为什么消失不见了?” After Johnson they clash, the look suddenly changes, after all that gold/metal familiar aura is sensitive. 强生他们冲过来之后,神色忽然一变,毕竟那金熟悉的气息非常敏感。 Some certainly people took away this inside treasure, is, is who snatched my treasure?” Johnson is annoyed. “一定有人拿走了这里面的宝物,是谁,到底是谁抢了我的宝物?”强生恼火起来。 Bumps into treasure that rarely suits his cultivation, this did not have unexpectedly like this. 难得碰上一件适合他修炼宝物,居然这样这样没了。 I also felt the aura of front land, some should also people robbed.” John Charlie also heart sinks, shows the unwilling expression. “我也感受到了前面大地的气息,应该也有人抢走了。”约翰查理也心头一沉,露出非常不甘心的表情。 The poisonous widow was actually much quiet. 毒寡妇倒是平静了不少。 Some people took treasure, that among them, by we three people of strength direct sweeping and that's the end, treasure will not definitely have fallen in our hands in the past when the time comes.” “有人取走了宝物,那肯定就在他们这些人当中了,以咱们三人的实力直接扫荡过去就是了,到时候宝物还不是会落在咱们的手上。” Poisonous widow actually also excited. 毒寡妇其实也兴奋了起来。 After all this place appeared let John Charlie and Johnson can promote strength treasure, then might also have treasure to suit her, then these was really comes right. 毕竟这地方出现了让约翰查理和强生都能提升实力宝物,那么也有可能有宝物适合她,那么这一趟真的是来对了。 After John Charlie and Johnson looked at each other one, approves, three people rushed toward the front, quick bumped into Chief Xue and Bing Qingya and his party. 约翰查理和强生对视了一眼之后,也是这么认可的,三人朝着前方奔了过去,很快就碰上了薛局长和冰清雅一行人。 Because of relations of Bing Qingya and Lin Fei, therefore Chief Xue to Bing Qingya very polite. 因为冰清雅林飞的关系,所以薛局长对冰清雅非常的客气。 This many little makes Bing Qingya somewhat feel extremely flattered, really must say words that what flattered is Bing Qingya Their group, now instead is Chief Xue very polite. 这多少少让冰清雅有些受宠若惊,真要说起来的话,巴结的是冰清雅他们一行人,现在反而是薛局长非常的客气。 „It is not good, was western strong side comes.” Chief Xue first feels three powerful aura, security, stands guard immediately.” “不好,是西方强者来了。”薛局长最先感受到三股强大的气息,“警戒,马上警戒。” Bing Qingya also felt three tyrannical aura, in the past aura not Tai Yi type. 冰清雅也感受到了三道强横气息,和往常的气息不太一样。 A moment later, three forms presented in their fields of vision. 片刻之后,三道身影出现他们的视野之中了。 Was then bad, has not thought that was they come.” After Chief Xue sees these three people, the complexion sinks, the related material also braved. “这下糟糕了,没想到是他们来了。”薛局长看到这三人之后,脸色一沉,相关的资料也冒了出来。 Bing Qingya is not quite clear, but also feels the powerful aura from them. 冰清雅不太清楚,但也从他们身上感受到强大的气息。 Ices the niece, you first walk, Young Lin should in inside, you informs him, said that had Expert to come.” “冰侄女,你先走,林少应该就在里面,你去通知他,就说有高手来了。” Chief Xue does not have the confidence to cope with these three, because in these three people any strength compared with on his big difference/great length. 薛局长没信心对付这三位,因为这三人之中任何一个实力都比他强上一大截 He cannot fluster. 他不能慌。 Bing Qingya has not thought that Chief Xue responded so will be big, unexpectedly lets her first to inside, obviously is very dreading. 冰清雅也没想到薛局长反应会那么大,居然让她先到里面去,明显是非常的忌惮。 Your West big courage, dares the break into Yin ruins place unexpectedly, did not fear that issued a warrant for arrest by our Yan Huang Team?” Chief Xue coldly said, forcing oneself to calm down. “你们西方好大的胆子,居然敢闯入阴墟地,就不怕被我们炎黄战队通缉吗?”薛局长冷冷道,强制自己冷静下来。 Xue called, my know your Hangzhou Yan Huang Team chief.” John Charlie said with a smile, your know we, could it be you also want to arrest us, I feared that you did not have this strength, the tactful words made way to me immediately.” “薛一鸣,我知道你杭城炎黄战队的分局长。”约翰查理笑道,“你知道我们,难道你还想抓捕我们,我怕你没这个实力,知趣的话马上给我让开。” Johnson also cold snort/hum, right, immediately makes way, I do not want to fight with your Yan Huang Team, we only want this Yin ruins place treasure.” 强生也冷哼了一声,“对,马上让开,我不想和你们炎黄战队交手,我们只想要这阴墟地的宝物。” The poisonous widow shows a faint smile, „does Chief Xue, our opinion very unification, do not know you feel how about it?” 毒寡妇微微一笑,“薛局长,我们的意见都非常的统一,不知道你觉得怎么样?” In impression that in Xue called, this time Expert at most 1-2 that world master list that came, but has not thought that was three, moreover what these were most fearful was the poisonous widow, is grasping the mind different functions. 在薛一鸣的印象之中,这次来的世界宗师榜的高手顶多就1-2,但没想到是三位,而且这其中最可怕的还是毒寡妇,掌握着心灵异能。 In three people most difficult to deal with, he has to taking seriously, for fear that the what time move. 三人之中最难对付的一位,他不得不将重视起来,生怕什么时候就中招了。 „The thing of Yin ruins place belongs to our Yan Huang Team, rather than belongs your, has not begun to leave while me immediately, I can treat as this matter not to happen am same, if otherwise, I fear you under and others unable to go out of the Yin ruins place.” “阴墟地的东西属于我们炎黄战队的,而不是属于你们的,趁着我还没动手马上离开,我可以当做这件事没发生过一样,若不然的话,我怕你们等下走不出阴墟地。” Three different functions master haha laughed. 三位异能宗师都哈哈大笑了起来。 Depended on you, you wants.” “就凭你,你是想多了。” John Charlie first step steps forward, the land vibrated, as the regionalization of big piece makes piece of Drifting Sand, directly Yan Huang Team including Chief Xue their numerous surrounding. 约翰查理一步跨出,大地震动了起来,随着大片的区域化作一片流沙,直接将炎黄战队包括薛局长他们重重的包围住了。 Chief is not good, our below land turned into the Drifting Sand trap.” “局长不好,我们下面大地变成了流沙陷阱。” Although Yan Huang Team disciple strength is very strong, but where and different functions master had fought, Drifting Sand, they do not only feel better. 尽管炎黄战队的弟子实力都很强,但哪里和异能宗师交过手了,光一个流沙,他们就不好受了。 Johnson also refuses to admit being inferior, wields wind edges, directly attacked toward Yan Huang Team. 强生也不甘示弱,挥出一道道风刃,直接朝着炎黄战队攻击了过来。 Two different functions master making a move make Xue cry feel the greatest pressure. 两个异能宗师一出手就让薛一鸣感到莫大的压力。 The world masters are worthy of the reputation. 世界宗师名副其实。
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