ILK :: Volume #39

#3837: Tonight I pay!

Complete that this sword comes is strange. 这一剑来的十分诡异。 Arrival that the time grasps. 时机把握的到位。 Almost makes people virtually impossible to guard against. 几乎让人防不胜防。 A sword like the star, is star-studded, true murder Sword Technique! 一剑如星,星光璀璨,真正的杀人剑法 originally in Li Leiting of shivering, on the flurried face also reveals wild with joy, his know this was second son hero making a move, killed him, was about to kill him!” 原本在颤抖的李雷霆,慌乱的脸上也露出一丝狂喜,他知道这是二儿子英豪出手了,“杀了他,快杀了他!” Own precious son began! 自己宝贝儿子动手了! True swordsman. 真正的剑客。 A sword leaves, sword cold Nine Provinces, the thunder strikes. 一剑出,剑寒九州,雷霆一击。 Li Leiting was full of confidence with son's strength. 李雷霆对儿子的实力充满了信心。 This sword can definitely want this brat life, only has this to scrub to take to the Li Family shame. 这一剑必然会要了这小子的性命,唯有这样才能洗刷带给李家的耻辱。 Li Yinghao will seize the time very much, in anybody lax moment making a move, true strikes to be killed violently. 李英豪很会把握时机,在任何人松懈的一刻出手,真正的一击毙命。 Dies, dares to kill my Li Family Martial Artist!” Li Yinghao is roaring. “去死吧,敢杀我李家武者!”李英豪咆哮着。 He cannot block! 他挡不住的! Lin Fei looked that has not had a liking for one, lifts the hand, the five fingers opens, covers a sword that the enemy raided. 林飞看都没看上一眼,抬手,五指一开,扣住了对方袭来的一剑。 „The flesh and blood also dares to grasp my Blood Shade sword!” Li Yinghao laughs, the sword light is radiant, must pierce this person of palm, not only so, but also wants a thorough crippled opposite party hand! “血肉之躯也敢抓我血影剑!”李英豪大笑,剑光璀璨,要将此人手掌刺穿,不光如此,还要彻底废掉对方一只手! Dingdong! 叮当! The Blood Shade sword punctures, made a clear sound. 血影剑刺来,发出了一声清脆声音。 Li Yinghao is startled, web between fingers/tiger mouth painful, grasps does not stop the sword, when falls on the ground. 李英豪一怔,虎口一阵生疼,抓不住手中剑,哐当一声掉在地上。 This sword as if punctures on a sheet iron, the huge strength instead shakes, shook the wound him. 这一剑仿佛刺在一块铁板上,巨大的力道反震回来,将他震伤了。 On the palm, spread all over fissures, the blood infiltrated. 手掌心上,遍布了一道道裂痕,鲜血渗透出来。 You destroyed my Blood Shade sword!” “你毁了我的血影剑!” Li Yinghao heart trembles, Blood Shade sword that master grants, at this time unexpectedly cracked, succeeded in giving up three sections, particularly dazzling. 李英豪心头一颤,那师尊赏赐下来的血影剑,此时居然崩裂了,断成了三截,分外的刺眼。 Junk, feels all right to work as the treasure thanks to you!” Lin Fei shakes the head, the five fingers open again, rolls to me!” “破铜烂铁,亏你好意思当宝贝!”林飞摇摇头,五指再次张开,“给我滚过来!” A strong suction covers Li Yinghao. 一股强大吸力笼罩住李英豪。 Under this suction, Li Yinghao is unable to resist. 在这吸力之下,李英豪根本无法抵挡。 Your strength is so how strong...” “你的实力怎么那么强…” A few words have not said, Li Yinghao was pressed firmly between the fingers the neck, the breath is rapid, the entire face becomes purplish red purplish red. 一句话没说完,李英豪就被捏住脖子,呼吸都急促起来,整个脸都变得紫红紫红。 How whatever Li Yinghao struggles, the hand of opposite party stubbornly is pinching. 任凭李英豪如何挣扎,对方的手死死的捏着。 That suffocating aura first step first step follows close on. 那种窒息的气息一步一步紧跟而来。 Li Yinghao as the swordsman, the dark vigor Level swordsman, the common dark vigor peak is not an opponent, but these met a ruthless person time. 李英豪作为剑客,暗劲层次的剑客,寻常暗劲巅峰都不是对手,可这一次遇上了一个狠人。 Master! 宗师! This person certainly is a master! 这人一定是宗师! Also only then the master can erupt so strong battle efficiency. 也只有宗师才能爆发出如此强大的战斗力。 But such young master... 可这样年轻的宗师… Li Yinghao does not dare believe real. 李英豪都不敢相信是真的。 East China Sea what time came such master Expert. 东海什么时候来了这么一位宗师强者了。 Li Patriarch, you said your son value how much money!” Lin Fei smiles, you did not say, I butchered!” “李族长,你说你这儿子值多少钱!”林飞笑眯眯的,“你不说,我就宰了!” Do not kill the hero, I can give money!” Li Leiting this time was thoroughly hurried. “不要杀英豪,我可以给钱!”李雷霆这一次是彻底慌了。 Elite dark vigor Martial Artist is annihilated. 精锐的暗劲武者全军覆没。 Now the second son hero is also held by the opposite party. 现在二儿子英豪也被对方抓住。 Their Li Family this kicks the sheet iron, was very likely is together the alloy sheet iron. 他们李家这是踢上铁板了,极有可能还是一块合金铁板。 Li Leiting really thinks that kills. 李雷霆真想一头撞死。 Stupid he, can understand a matter, this person may be master Expert. 再愚蠢的他,也能明白一件事,此人极有可能是一位宗师强者 Now is so happy!” The Lin Fei light say/way, you were one ate to decide my appearance a moment ago, you said, I extinguished your son, can be better!” “现在这么痛快了啊!”林飞淡淡道,“刚才你可是一副吃定我的样子,你说,我灭了你这儿子,会不会更好呢!” Do not kill my son!” Li Leiting had no energy, this matter our Li Family made a mistake, but also asked Mr. forest under the hands / subordinates to be forgiving.” “别杀我儿子!”李雷霆没任何的底气了,“这件事我们李家错了,还请林先生手下留情。” Hehe under the hands / subordinates is forgiving!” Lin Fei has not truly planned to cope with Li Family, who makes Li Family insincere. “嘿嘿手下留情!”林飞确实没打算对付李家,谁让李家不厚道啊。 All these can only say that has only self to blame. 这一切只能说是咎由自取。 The second sons who direct think became the defeated general on opposite party hand, Li Leiting had no energy, the especially present person is very likely a master! 以为豪的二儿子都成了对方手上的败将的,李雷霆没任何的底气了,尤其眼前之人很有可能是一位宗师! The name of master, not shame! 宗师之名,不可辱! Such an enemy, only if there is master to help making a move, otherwise, who can be the opponent of master. 这样一个敌人,除非是有宗师帮忙出手,不然的话,谁会是宗师的对手。 Any family, has master Expert born, can inherit hundred years of above at least, leading the family to step onto Glorious. 任何一个家族,有宗师强者诞生,最少可以传承百年时间以上,带领家族走上辉煌 500 million!” Li Leiting including said, lets off my son!” “五亿!”李雷霆连声道,“放过我儿子!” Originally Li Leiting also plans to snatch that 300 million, who can think, suddenly the time must pay 500 million, 800 million, that is also lets the Li Family meat pain for a long time. 本来李雷霆还打算抢回那三亿的,谁能想到,眨眼时间又要付出五亿,前后八亿,那也是让李家肉痛很长时间。 Insufficiently!” Lin Fei said with a smile, 1 billion, in any case, your son was not that playboy can compare!” “不够!”林飞笑道,“十亿,好歹,你这儿子可不是那位花花公子能比的!” 1 billion! 十亿 Li Leiting heart in drop blood. 李雷霆心在滴血。 I promise you!” Li Leiting does not dare to reject. “我答应你!”李雷霆不敢拒绝。 The son died, that was really dies. 儿子死了,那可是真的死了。 This is one of the Li Family future hopes, that feared that spends 1 billion, Li Leiting also refuses to balk. 这是李家未来的希望之一,那怕是花费十亿,李雷霆也是在所不惜的。 Happy!” “痛快!” Li Leiting shivers to write the 1 billion check. 李雷霆颤颤抖抖开出十亿的支票。 Rich truly can buy the life!” Lin Fei is smiling, a palm pats on Li Yinghao dantian, broke all capital of belonging to Li Yinghao, I called Lin Fei, wait for you retaliated momentarily!” “有钱确实可以买命!”林飞笑着,一掌拍在李英豪的丹田上,震碎了属于李英豪的一切资本,“我叫林飞,随时等你来报复!” Li Yinghao called out pitifully to pound on the wall. 李英豪惨叫一声砸在了墙上。 Lost 7 or 8-year- old. 损失苍老了七八岁。 Without a trace that the elite air/Qi vanishes. 精锐之气消失的无影无踪。 I became... the disabled person...” Li Yinghao is unable to accept this, fainted on the spot. “我成…废人了…”李英豪无法接受这一幕,当场晕了过去。 Delivers me to go back!” “送我回去!” Lin Fei swept Li Leiting lightly. 林飞淡淡的扫了一眼李雷霆。 Under, Li Leiting whole body creepy feeling, almost shivers to kneel down. 一眼之下,李雷霆浑身头皮发麻,几乎颤抖要跪下。 Comes the person, delivers Mr. forest to go back!” Li Leitingkuai said that not words came. “来人,送林先生回去!”李雷霆快说不话来了。 The pressure was too strong! 威压太强了! ...... …… Lin Fei sits on the black Mercedes-Benz. 林飞坐在黑色奔驰车上。 closed eye meditation. 闭目养神 That brat was very a moment ago interesting, misses first step to understand Sword Intent, what a pity offends the person who not should offended!” “刚才那小子挺有意思的,差一步就能悟出一丝剑意,可惜得罪了不应该得罪的人!” That faint trace Sword Intent, in eye insignificant. 那一丝丝剑意,在眼中微不足道。 Li Family dares to play a trick, Lin Fei naturally must a color have a look to the opposite party. 李家敢设局,林飞自然要给对方一点颜色看看。 crippled that uses the fellow of sword, to a Li Leiting lesson. 废掉那用剑的家伙,也是给李雷霆一个教训。 This world as if imagines me is more interesting than!” Lin Fei secretly thought, behind that person inevitably with the master of sword, did not do well understood Sword Intent!” “这世界似乎比我想象要有意思!”林飞暗道,“那人背后必然有一个用剑的宗师,弄不好都悟出了剑意!” Concept strength, quite terrifying. 意境力量,相当恐怖的。 Like this my life can become splendid interesting!” “这样我的生活才能变得精彩有意思!” If that Li Yinghao know, oneself to be let live by crippled is more interested, can spit blood absolutely on the spot three rises. 如果那位李英豪知道,自己被废掉只是为了让生活更有兴趣,绝对能当场吐血三升。 ...... …… white Shengnan and Xia Lin have been worried. 白胜男和夏琳一直担心着。 Former clear Li Family influence. 前者清楚李家的影响力。 But Xia Lin was worried Lin Fei don't what matter, after all, Li Family is not affable. 夏琳只是担心林飞别出什么事,毕竟,李家不好惹。 I came back!” “我回来了!” Gone rapidness, come back also quick. 去的快,回来的也快。 …… …… Brother Lin, how you come back, I was awfully hungry!” Xia Lin runs over, honk the small mouth was saying. 林哥,你怎么才回来啊,我都饿坏了!”夏琳跑过来,嘟着小嘴道。 white Shengnan follows to relax. 白胜男跟着松了一口气。 We have the feast at noon!” Lin Fei said with a smile, wants to eat what, selected freely.” “咱们中午吃大餐!”林飞笑道,“想吃什么,尽管挑。” Really!” Can see that Lin Fei comes back safely, Xia Lin did not have what to be worried, I want to eat the beefsteak, the Top Grade beefsteak.” “真的!”能看到林飞安然回来,夏琳就没什么担心了,“我想吃牛扒,顶级牛扒。” Does not have the issue!” “没问题!” 1.3 billion succeed in obtaining, in addition before, on has almost 1.5 billion on hand. 十三亿到手,加上之前的,手头上差不多有十五亿。 Top Grade beefsteak? Without the issue. 顶级牛扒?没问题。 little white, this gives you!” Lin Fei takes out a check, „the matter of company gave you.” “小白,这给你!”林飞取出一张支票,“公司的事就交给你了。” white Shengnan receives looked, held breath on the spot a cold air/Qi 】. 白胜男接过来一看,当场倒吸了一口冷气】。 1 billion! 十亿 Li Family had 1 billion unexpectedly. 李家居然出了十亿 white Shengnan does not dare believe that this is real. 白胜男都不敢相信这是真的。
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