ILK :: Volume #39

#3833: Relaxed billionaires

Three hundred million turn around quickly. 三个亿很快转过来。 Zhao Taike does not dare to take own life cracking a joke. 赵泰可不敢拿自己的性命开玩笑 Died, that may not have. 死了,那可真的是没了。 In this point, Zhao Tai very much had self-knowledge, as for running away, have not thought that only if jumped from the attic. 这一点上,赵泰还是很有自知之明的,至于逃走,别想了,除非从顶楼跳下去。 The fate only then a that is becomes the meat patty. 下场只有一个那就是成为肉饼。 Zhao Taizhi can clench teeth to comply honestly. 赵泰只能老老实实咬牙答应。 300 million I have turned around, now can make me leave!” Zhao Taidao. “300000000我转过来了,现在能让我离开了吧!”赵泰道。 Lin Fei saw bank information. 林飞看到了银行信息 Proper three hundred million. 妥妥三个亿。 With ease to the ranks of billionaires. 轻轻松松到了亿万富翁的行列。 If several years ago, Lin Fei affirmed excited is not good, but, has at present excitedly, but is not intense. 若是几年前的话,林飞肯定兴奋的不行,可眼下的话,兴奋是有,但没那么强烈了。 My this person of keeping one's word!” Lin Fei said with a smile, said that put you definitely to put you to leave, but, I must want your thing!” “我这人言而有信!”林飞笑道,“说放了你肯定放你离开,不过,我得要你身上一件东西!” Not a good thought covers the whole body. 一股不好的念头笼罩全身。 Saw that an opposite party finger/refers has extended. 看到对方一指伸了过来。 Zhao Tai is unable to move, a strength crashes in the body, such as the Yangtze River Yellow River is enormous and powerful, in not the long time, then twists within the body all strengths broken. 赵泰无法动弹,一股力量冲进身体,如长江黄河浩浩荡荡,不长的时间内,便是将体内一切力量绞碎。 Finally is dantian position. 最后是丹田位置。 The suddenly time, Zhao Tai turned into an average person from grandmaster Expert. 眨眼的时间,赵泰从宗师强者变成了一介普通人。 Compared with the normal average person, Zhao Taigeng is not as good as, because of his within the body extremely poisonous spread all over, did not have the grandmaster strength to suppress, will not require the long time to be poisoned dead. 和正常普通人相比,赵泰更是不如,因为他体内剧毒遍布,没了宗师力量去压制,不需要多长的时间就会中毒而死。 Was good, now you can walk!” Lin Fei raised Zhao Tai to come, to throw from building up and down a nearby road. “好了,现在你可以走了!”林飞提着赵泰从楼上下来,扔到了附近的一条路上。 Zhao Tai did not have the consciousness dizzily. 赵泰一阵天旋地转没了意识。 ...... …… reckless Zhonghua not any sleepiness. 胡中华没任何的睡意。 Grandmasters like sword, threat constantly not. 宗师如剑,威胁无时无刻不在。 Perhaps the next second will kill. 也许下一秒就会杀进来。 Present Grandmaster reckless Zhonghua look forward to that forest can solve troublesome. 现在的胡中华期待那位林大师能解决麻烦。 After all, no one willing stared by a grandmaster. 毕竟,谁都不愿意被一位宗师所盯上。 Troubled me to solve for you!” Lin Fei pushes the door to come, now I help you solve in within the body final trouble!” “麻烦我替你解决了!”林飞推门进来,“现在我帮你解决体内最后的麻烦!” Solved? 解决了? reckless Zhonghua turns on the lamp, on the face reveals the happy expression. 胡中华打开灯,脸上露出喜色来。 „Have you killed Zhao Tai?” “你杀了赵泰?” reckless Zhonghua anybody willing hears the news that Zhao Tai died. 胡中华比任何人都愿意听到赵泰身亡的消息。 I am a good person, does not make these murders the matters!” Lin Fei said that present, but the peace age, does not kill well, therefore, my crippled the dantian of that fellow, did not leave the accidental/surprised words, the fellow lives is about three months, by extremely poisonous of own within the body killing by poison!” “我是好人,可不做那些杀人的事!”林飞道,“现在可是和平年代,打打杀杀不好,所以,我废掉了那家伙的丹田,不出意外的话,那家伙活不过三个月的时间,就会被自己体内的剧毒给毒死!” reckless Zhonghua also know speaking incorrectly words. 胡中华也知道自己说错话了。 Did not have the dantian grandmaster, that also needs to fear! 没了丹田的宗师,那还需要怕吗! Does not need completely! 完全不需要啊! reckless Zhonghua cannot see any deceit on Lin Fei. 胡中华在林飞身上看不出任何的欺骗。 The unafraid person will speak this words. 只有不心虚的人才会说这种话。 Grandmaster Schelling, I gives you to transfer accounts immediately!” reckless Zhonghua takes the making a move machine, makes the phone call to own trusted aide, the arrangement account transfer. “谢谢林大师,我马上给你转账!”胡中华取出手机,给自己的心腹打去电话,安排转账。 Less than five minutes. 不到五分钟时间。 100 million commissions. 100000000好处费到手了。 Lin Fei also strength of reckless Zhonghua Within the body that hidden driving out. 林飞也将胡中华体内那一丝隐藏的力量给驱除了。 Has recuperated reckless Zhonghua body while convenient, can say that these 100 million service fees, that is very cost-effective, the average person does not have this opportunity. 顺便调理了胡中华的身体,可以说这100000000服务费,那是非常划算的,一般人可没这个机会。 From now on has what similar trouble to look for me!” Lin Fei turns around to walk, as the old customer, I can call the 10% discount you!” “今后有什么类似的麻烦可以来找我!”林飞转身走去,“作为老客户,我可以给你打九折!” After Lin Fei leaves. 林飞离开后。 A reckless Zhonghua whole body relaxedness. 胡中华浑身一阵轻松。 Immediately arranges the person to look for Zhao Tai whereabouts, since did not have the dantian, grandmaster that was not a grandmaster. 在第一时间安排人去寻找赵泰的下落,既然是没了丹田,宗师那就不是宗师了。 Now does not stamp out the source of trouble also to want, when what time. 现在不去斩草除根还要等到什么时候。 ...... …… East China Sea, Jiangnan District. 东海,江南区。 In a 5-Star level hotel. 一家五星级大酒店内。 In the presidential suite, on a bed, the right occupation is inverting the good deed of dragon and phoenix. 总统套房内,一张大床上,正行着颠倒龙凤的好事。 That Yan young master. 正是那位燕姓公子。 Fights two, intensity of Complete. 一战二,十分的激烈。 As the rapid cell phone ring tone resounds, one 85 beauty driving bringing cell phone. 随着急促的手机铃声响起,一位85分美女主动拿过来手机。 what matter!” 什么事!” It is ordinary a few words. 很是平常的一句话。 But next second, Yan young master complexion big change. 可下一秒,燕姓公子脸色大变。 My know!” “我知道了!” The originally battle efficiency abundant swallow young master, the complexion sinks, grasps head two packs of bills to pound. 原本战斗力盎然的燕性公子,脸色跟着沉下去,抓起床头两叠钞票砸过来。 You can roll!”, “你们可以滚了!”、 After the person walks, Yan young master grasps the thing to pound. 等到人走后,燕姓公子抓起东西就砸。 Damn waste!” “该死的废物!” In a moment ago, Yan young master received the message, that Zhao Tai let slip, was given crippled, reckless Zhonghua person is looking for Zhao Tai whereabouts. 就在刚才,燕姓公子收到消息,那位赵泰失手了,被人给废掉了,胡中华的人在寻找赵泰的下落。 Also is Yan young master arranges person to stare luckily, know has matter such. 也幸亏是燕姓公子安排人盯着,才知道有这么一回事。 originally also wants to let Zhao Tai slaughtering well, frightens these influences, the present was wastes all previous efforts!” 原本还想让赵泰好好的大开杀戒,吓唬一下那些势力,现在算是前功尽弃了!” Yan young master with the making a move machine, presses down a number. 燕姓公子拿出手机,按下一个号码。 Gives me to look up, who does, the grandmasters in East China Sea are few, Zhao Tai strength is not weak, the person who begins has certainly the status!” “给我去查,到底谁做的,东海的宗师屈指可数,赵泰的实力不弱,动手的人一定有身份!” Who does not find out the person who begins is, throughout is not relieved. 不查出动手的人是谁,始终不安心。 This may concern in the future. 这可关乎到未来。 „, I must see Zhao Tai!” “还有,我要见一见赵泰!” ...... …… After Lin Fei leaves the hospital, returns to the dwelling directly. 林飞离开医院后,直接返回住处。 Xia Lin not at home. 夏琳并没有在家。 Lin Fei is very clear, cloud Xu the appearance, according to the temperament of that two woman, will definitely study the best exhibit article. 林飞很清楚,云絮的出现,按照那两个女人的脾气,肯定会研究出最好的展品。 Can go home that is the strange event. 能回家那才是怪事呢。 Lin Fei ponders over tomorrow to look at end product, after all, that is the thing that brings from the different world. 林飞琢磨着明天去看一看成品,毕竟,那是从异世界带回来的东西。 Once although manufactures the exhibit article, definitely the shocking people, will want to reach certain altitude, that must look to design ability. 虽说一旦制作出展品,必然会惊艳众人,想要达到一定的高度,那就要看设计能力了。 Lin Fei wants to have a look ahead of time, perhaps can also propose the suggestion. 林飞想提前看看,也许还可以提一提建议。 ....... ……. Under silver day building. 银天大厦下面。 Li ten thousand days have the person to wait. 李万天带人一直等着。 Although has left words to white Young lady, but Li ten thousand days decide to defend personally, were that person are too really fearful. 尽管给白小姐留下了话,可李万天还是决定亲自守着,实在是那人太可怕了。 Although fearful, Li ten thousand days believe that so long as delay that person, so long as grandmaster Expert arrives, this fellow must die without doubt, how Spiritual Force is formidable can with sect Shi Duikang. 虽说可怕,李万天相信只要拖延住那人,只要宗师强者一到,这家伙必死无疑,精神力强大如何能和宗师对抗。 Is that brat!” “是那小子!” Li ten thousand days had wearily. 李万天有了疲倦。 But the next second came the spirit immediately. 可下一秒马上来了精神。 Bai Family that white Shengnan actually good method, understanding such Expert!” Li ten thousand days push disciple to come, with, me should not be good!” 白家那位白胜男倒是好手段,认识这么一位高手!”李万天推门下来,“你们不要跟来,就我一人就好!” Li ten thousand days of dark vigor peak also filled to this person dreaded. 暗劲巅峰的李万天对此人也充满了忌惮。 So young, but this ability, is not has suffered a loss, how is unable to imagine this person of cultivation to come up. 如此年轻,可这能力,不是自己吃亏过,真无法想象这人是怎么修炼上来的。 ...... …… beautiful wins the company. 美胜公司。 Now peacefully. 现在安安静静的。 May be able to see the confidence from these people. 可还是能从这些人身上看到信心。 Mr. forest, Manager white is in the office!” Just came up, the onstage younger sister greeted. “林先生,白经理在办公室里!”刚一上来,前台妹子就招呼道。 Now in the company, whose do not know this young people are the friend of Manager white. 现在公司内,谁不知道这个年青人是白经理的朋友。 In office. 办公室里。 white Shengnan and Xia Lin are feeling shocking for the end product. 白胜男和夏琳正为成品而感到震惊。 Really is inconceivable!” Xia Lin feels the clothing material, personally does not see, who believes that wins the male elder sister, we were hot!” “真的是不可思议!”夏琳摸着料子,“不是亲眼所见,谁相信啊,胜男姐,我们要火了!” white Shengnan selects nod, was hot!” 白胜男点点头,“要火了!” The modelling body clothes of this material quality, is almost tailor to the woman, does not need any model, but there is an automatic contractility, shows the body perfectly. 这种材质的塑身衣,几乎是给女人量身打造的,不需要任何的型号,但是有自动收缩功能,完美展现出身体。 cloud Xu of previous bringing, in the short time, altogether caused five, each main body is Purple, noble Purple, Divine to high Supreme. 上次拿过来的云絮,在短暂的时间内,一共弄出了五件,每一件主体都是紫色,高贵的紫色,神圣至高无上 These Purple on market and this compares, simply is the trash in trash. 市面上的那些紫色和这一比,简直是垃圾中的垃圾。 Said what, was so happy, lets my cheerful!” “说什么呢,这么高兴,也让我乐呵一下!” :.: :。:
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