ILK :: Volume #39

#3831: Let me experience is difficult to deal with/ferocious of master

A dark vigor peak fellow. 一个暗劲巅峰的家伙。 Lin Fei has not really gone to care. 林飞真没去放在心上。 May to stupor past Wang Chao that be the great shame. 可对昏迷过去的王超来说那是奇耻大辱了。 Chen Shanshan also shouted that immediately oneself colleague, led fierce bandit Wang Chao. 陈姗姗也在第一时间喊来了自己的同事,将悍匪王超带了回去。 In the vice squads is a shock, this is really a fierce bandit, injured their many colleagues, everyone clenches jaws to him. 刑警队内都是一片震惊,这位真的是悍匪,打伤了他们不少的同事,大家对他都是咬牙切齿的。 Everyone was full of the worship to Captain Chen Shanshan. 大家对队长陈姗姗都充满了崇拜。 Chen Shanshan wants to explain, was actually prevented by Lin Fei. 陈姗姗想解释,却被林飞所阻止了。 Okay rest!” After they walk, Lin Fei closed to leave with a smile. “好好休息!”在他们走后,林飞笑着关门离开了。 Chen Shanshan mood complicated. 陈姗姗心情复杂 Lin Fei, Grandmaster forest, you are a what type person!” 林飞,林大师,你到底是一个什么样的人啊!” ...... …… After having the hospital ward. 出了病房后。 Lin Fei arrives at the hospital attic. 林飞来到医院顶楼。 The tonight's moonlight is very beautiful. 今晚的月色很美。 closed eye meditation gets up. 闭目养神起来。 According to the normal condition words, that master will certainly come tonight. 按照正常情况的话,那位宗师今晚一定会来的。 Words that does not come, the strength of that within the body thorough bang broken reckless Zhonghua five main internal organs (entrails). 不来的话,那体内的一丝力量将会彻底轰碎胡中华的五脏六腑。 This not that master willing sees. 这绝不是那位宗师愿意见到的。 Tonight, the master will certainly come. 今晚,宗师一定会现身。 Lin Fei is not good at calculating very much, but know tonight is reckless Zhonghua blood disaster light, boils to be all right, once cannot boil to fulfill the disaster of blood light. 林飞不是很擅长推算,但知道今晚是胡中华的血光之灾,熬过去就没事,一旦熬不过去就应验了血光之灾。 Hopes that do not disappoint me!” “希望你不要让我失望!” Come back first master Expert, Lin Fei thinks know very much, even wants some know many information. 回来的第一位宗师强者,林飞很想知道,甚至想要知道更多的一些信息 ...... …… At midnight, three points. 午夜,三点。 The entire East China Sea Jiangbei District, immerses in one piece peacefully. 整个东海江北区,沉浸在一片安静中。 The form rushes together like the ghosts and demons same stride. 一道身影如鬼魅一样大步奔来。 The previous quarter still beyond five meters, got down first step to step forward five meters obviously, the distance several breath of rice. 明明前一刻还在五米之外,下一步就跨出了五米,白米的距离几个呼吸就到。 If this places at hundred meters match of Olympic Games, will shock the eye of countless people. 这要是放在奥运会的百米赛上,将会惊呆无数人的眼睛。 reckless Zhonghua!” “胡中华!” Form across lane. 身影穿过巷子。 Across hospital front door. 穿过医院大门。 Finally stood in front of in -patient department. 最后站在了住院部面前。 Zhao Tai corners of the mouth reveal one to grin fiendishly, tonight was your time of death!” 赵泰嘴角露出一丝狞笑,“今晚就是你的死期了!” Keeps reckless Zhonghua not to kill, is the opposite party to live in the fear, only by doing so, Zhao Tai can enjoy own pleasant sensation. 留着胡中华不杀,就是要对方活在恐惧当中,只有这样,赵泰才能享受到属于自己的快感。 Because of this, Zhao Tai was having a resounding nickname Bloody Hand butcher! 正因为这样,赵泰才有了一个响亮的外号血手屠夫! In Western World, Bloody Hand butcher name do not know scared many people. 西方世界,血手屠夫这个名字不知道吓坏了多少人。 But tonight, Zhao Taijiang will give reckless Zhonghua to strike desperately, must let Jiangbei District, and even entire East China Sea all people influences understand a matter. 而今晚,赵泰将会给予胡中华绝望一击,同时也要让江北区,乃至整个东海所有人大势力都明白一件事。 I, Zhao Tai came back! 我,赵泰回来了! Zhao Tai gaze ice-cold is preparing to enter the hospital. 赵泰目光冰冷正准备走进医院。 You are that master!” “你就是那位宗师!” The front leg just now steps. 前脚才刚跨出去。 The back voice appears together. 背后一道声音出现。 Courts death!” “找死!” cold snort/hum, Zhao Tai turns head, tramples the ground, proposed a big piece of crushed stone. 一声冷哼,赵泰回头,一脚踹地上,提出一大片的碎石。 Whiz whiz whiz!! 嗖嗖嗖!! The ground was stepped on broken by Zhao Tai, taking advantage of opportunity kicks, the stage of perfection strength binds above, is as good is bullets. 地面被赵泰一脚踩碎,顺势一脚踢去,化境的力量裹在上面,不亚于是一颗颗的子弹。 If this were hit, becomes the hornet's nest inevitably. 这要是被打中了,必然是成马蜂窝。 Ruthless of Zhao Tai method, can be inferred. 赵泰手段之狠,可见一斑。 Explodes to shoot the crushed stone, with having a sound from out of the blue, who listened whose creepy feeling. 爆射出去碎石,带起一片破空的声音,谁听了谁头皮发麻。 Bang bang bang!! 砰砰砰!! Sound that sinks stuffily follows one, in this night exceptionally clear. 闷沉的声音一声跟着一声,在这黑夜中异常的清脆。 reckless Zhonghua, your also too underestimate I!” Zhao Tai sneers. “胡中华,你也太小看我了!”赵泰冷笑。 Under that struck a moment ago, no matter who, under the master was doomed dead. 刚才那一击之下,不管是谁,宗师之下必死无疑。 Zhao Tai is definitely confident to own strength. 赵泰对自己的实力绝对有信心。 Master Expert is truly more powerful than the dark vigor peak, the strength utilizes is exquisiter, what a pity is also not Innate Realm, can only achieve Houtian(Acquired) Realm Late Stage, even the peak and even complete cannot achieve!” “宗师强者确实比暗劲巅峰要强大,力量运用更为精妙,可惜还不是先天境界,只能达到后天境界后期,甚至巅峰乃至圆满都达不到!” The spooky sound, still conveys from that direction. 幽幽的声音,依然从那个方向传来。 what clever thing!” Zhao Tai gaze one cold, plays tricks!” 什么鬼东西!”赵泰目光一冷,“装神弄鬼!” Movement Technique opens, pounces upon suddenly. 身法一开,猛扑而来。 Under full power, Zhao Tairu fierce tiger descends the mountain, murderous aura is full. 全力之下,赵泰如猛虎下山,杀气十足。 Saw a person! 看到了一个人! That is young people, smilingly is looking like, a whole body up and down scar does not have. 那是一个年青人,正笑眯眯的看来,浑身上下一点伤痕都没有。 The first average person! 第一眼普通人! Second is not an average person. 第二眼不是普通人。 Because the opposite party was too calm! 因为对方太淡定了! Even, on that face as if also writes disdaining taste, probably is despising the same as be the same. 甚至,那脸上似乎还写着不屑的味道,好像是在鄙视一样自己一样。 But my Zhao Tai master Expert, you dares to ridicule me depending on what! 我赵泰可是宗师强者,你凭什么敢嘲笑我! Kills you! 弄死你! Immediately, must kill! 马上,必须弄死! On Zhao Tai face also shows the cruel smiling face. 赵泰脸上也露出残忍的笑容。 Right, Hidden Weapon, I gave back to you!” Lin Fei said with a smile, in any case made me experience, what was the master Expert battle efficiency!” “对了,刚才的暗器,我还给你!”林飞笑道,“好歹让我见识一下,什么是宗师强者的战斗力!” Whiz whiz whiz!! 嗖嗖嗖!! Lin Fei waves, the crushed stone of big piece explodes to shoot. 林飞一挥手,大片的碎石爆射而来。 Swiftly and fiercely like gust of wind. 凌厉如疾风。 Zhao Tai has a scare on the spot, sounds raid from out of the blue, big terrifying braves from the bottom of the heart. 赵泰当场吓了一跳,一道道破空声音袭来,一种大恐怖由心底冒出来。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Under calls out in alarm, Zhao Tai cannot stop body. 惊呼之下,赵泰刹不住身形 The master is a master. 宗师就是宗师。 A Zhao Tai racket waist, a big shadow flies, kept off before the body, simultaneously hit these crushed stones. 赵泰一拍腰间,一大片黑影飞出去,挡在了身前,同时撞上了那些碎石。 The bunch blood fog blasts out. 一团团血雾炸开。 Taking advantage of moment time that this resists, Zhao Tai get out of the way, the corner of the eye pulls out also reveals the color of heart pain, that is with great difficulty gu of training. 借着这抵挡的片刻时间,赵泰闪开,眼角一抽也露出心痛之色,那可是好不容易培养的蛊物。 Now under puts in an appearance, almost lost above 2/3. 现在一个照面之下,几乎损失了三分之二之上。 Killed him!” “杀了他!” Zhao Tai actuates the shadow. 赵泰驱动黑影。 This shadow main body is one only such as exist of mosquito size, all over the body with blood-color, was the rare Top Grade goods just the mosquito. 这黑影本体乃是一只只如蚊子大小的存在,通体带着一丝血色,正是罕见的极品货色刚蚊。 The mosquito, the build was just big, simultaneously had powerful impact ability. 刚蚊,体型较大,同时拥有强大的冲击能力 The quantity are more, the might is bigger. 数量越多,威力越大。 Under is less suddenly, the opposite party who can definitely kill collapses completely, even wanted the poor life. 骤然不及之下,完全能杀的对方一败涂地,甚至是要了小命。 Zhao Tai does not believe that this brat can block just the attack of mosquito. 赵泰不相信这小子能挡得住刚蚊的攻击。 Just mosquito speed of shadow was extremely quick, after losing one major part, can still gather one group of shadows, such as the flowing light same raided to the opposite party. 黑影的刚蚊速度极快,损失了一大部分后,依然能汇聚成一团黑影,如流光一样袭向对方。 Bang bang bang!! 砰砰砰!! Has not approached, the mosquito will just blast out shortly, is annihilated. 尚未靠近,刚蚊顷刻间炸开,全军覆没。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” Zhao Taimen snort/hum, a blood remains, in the sleeve, the green shadow explodes to shoot together, was quicker than just mosquito speed, the strength was bigger. 赵泰闷哼一声,一丝鲜血留下来,袖子里,一道绿影爆射而出,比刚才的刚蚊速度更快,力道更大。 Loses just mosquito that trained with great difficulty, Zhao Taixin in drop blood, set out the strongest method directly! 损失了好不容易培养出来的刚蚊,赵泰心在滴血,直接出动了最强手段! Green quiet snake! 绿幽蛇! speed is extremely quick, contains the extremely poisonous poisonous snake. 一种速度极快,蕴含剧毒的毒蛇。 Also it can be said that Zhao Tai Pet. 也可以说是赵泰的宠物 No matter the what person, were nipped one, in three seconds are doomed dead, without medicine, because the venom of green quiet snake is nerve extremely poisonous. 不管是什么人,被咬中一口,三秒内必死无疑,没有特效药,因为绿幽蛇的毒液乃是神经剧毒 For Zhao Tai extremely poisonous of green quiet snake is overbearing, from all sides fed a lot of poisons, under accumulated over a long period of time, the venom of this Pet snake also more and more became terrifying. 赵泰为了绿幽蛇的剧毒更霸道,前前后后喂下了大量的毒物,日积月累之下,这条宠物蛇的毒液也变得越来越恐怖 As the master, the time on Zhao Tai hands and feet is ordinary. 作为宗师,赵泰手脚上的功夫一般。 But in the control poison on together, it may be said that is the Grandmaster Level character. 可是在操控毒物一道上,可谓是其中的大师级人物。 Because, Zhao Tai master, is the Southeast Asia's first dropping head master, but Zhao Tai status is also the dropping head master. 因为,赵泰的师傅,乃是东南亚第一降头师,而赵泰的身份也是降头师。 The rapidness of green quiet snake speed, is as good is a lightning. 绿幽蛇速度之快,不亚于是一道闪电。 For those unable quickly the Teleport degree. 快到无法移动程度。 The attack method of this green quiet snake, is Zhao Taiyin think has been bold. 这绿幽蛇的攻击手段,一直是赵泰引以为豪的。 Depends this, do not know kills many people, even/including Zhao Thailand recorded is not clear, set out beloved Pet in any case, everyone must die! 仗着这个,不知道杀了多少人,连赵泰自己都记不清楚了,反正出动了心爱宠物,所有人都要死! You died!” “你死定了!” Zhao Tai coldly say/way. 赵泰冷冷的道。 No one lives under own Pet attack, even the master is not good. 没人在自己的宠物攻击下活下来,就算是宗师也不行。 Very good Pet.” “很不错的宠物。” Lin Fei corners of the mouth said with a smile, put out a hand to grasp, inconceivable appeared, that snake was held. 林飞嘴角一扬笑道,伸手一抓,不可思议的一幕出现了,那蛇被抓住了。
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