ILK :: Volume #38

#3741: Five lines of Supreme strengths

Ten thousand days of emperor truly planned was very long. 万天皇帝确实策划了很久。 Since strength promotes to Immortal Level, wants to step forward first step again, for him the difficulty is not general big, even does not have a hope, for this reason, do not know has used many means that finally is the same. 自从实力提升到不朽层次后,想要再跨出一步,对他来说难度不是一般的大,甚至没有一丝的希望,为此,不知道用了多少办法,结果都是一样。 Until the appearance of Ten Thousand Worlds mountain! 直到万界山的出现! How ten thousand days of emperor is understands breaks through the difficult position of bottleneck, but this needs the long time years to prepare. 万天皇帝才算是悟出如何突破瓶颈的困境,但这需要漫长的时间岁月去准备。 The time, to this Level, almost the undying and unextinguished ten thousand days of emperor, is not the big request, therefore starts to arrange. 时间,对这个层次,几乎不死不灭的万天皇帝来说,并不是多大的要求,于是开始布置起来。 This arrangement, is the long years time! 这一布置,便是漫长的岁月时间! One such as and is expected such. 一如都和预料中的那样。 The dark green wing King on such fell into a trap, unknowingly deferred to the repertoires of ten thousand days of emperors to walk, even also secretly stayed behind had five lines of god Supreme strengths clue. 苍翼王者就这样中计了,不知不觉按照万天皇帝的套路走着,甚至还偷偷留下了掌握五行神地至尊力量的线索。 Arrived today, arrived finally has been able to harvest. 到了今天,终于到了可以收割的时候。 Only depended on the dark green wing King to be insufficient, but the appearance of Lin Fei, has made up for the final flaw, to ten thousand days of emperor many were one greatly pleasantly surprised. 本来光靠苍翼王者还不够,但林飞的出现,算是弥补了最后的缺陷,对万天皇帝来说多少算是一个大惊喜。 Now on difference finally first step! 现在就差最后一步了! Ten thousand days of emperor put out a hand, prepares to capture the Lin Fei infinite place at one fell swoop, had the help of infinite place, broke through that last checkpoint, becomes the wasted effort. 万天皇帝伸手,准备一举夺取了林飞的无限之地,有了无限之地的帮助,突破那最后一道关卡,将会变得事倍功半。 Lin Fei, We can remember your contribution!” 林飞,朕会记住你的贡献!” Through Little Devil, Lin Fei has early clarified the situation. 通过小恶魔,林飞早弄清楚了情况。 Senior emperor this is must break through Realm! 老皇帝这是要突破境界啊! Is really experienced and careful! 真的是老谋深算啊! what a pity, the day calculates that the not as good as person calculates, Lin Fei is a biggest accident. 可惜,天算不如人算,林飞算是其中最大的一个变故。 Excuse me, feared that must disappoint you!” “不好意思,怕是要让你失望了!” Lin Fei is laughing, withdraws, stands the distant place, has avoided making a move of senior emperor with ease. 林飞大笑着,脱身而出,站到远处,轻轻松松避开了老皇帝的出手 Your really simple, what a pity, you are not can't escape my palm!” Ten thousand days of emperor continues grasp, strength confused swells. “你果然也不简单,可惜,你还是逃不出朕的手掌心的!”万天皇帝继续抓来,一道道的力量暴涌而出。 A big prisoner's cage covers. 一座大囚笼笼罩下来。 Perhaps you want!” Lin Fei is controlling the strength of Space-Time, opens in the surroundings, as stable as the rock of Gibraltar, short distance is unable to surmount, sees not to have, you want to cope with me, is not easy!” “恐怕你想多了!”林飞操控着时空之力,撑开在周围,稳如泰山,短短距离无法跨越,“看到没有,你想对付我,可没那么容易!” Ten thousand days of emperor is still confident. 万天皇帝依然信心十足。 Seals heaven seal!” “封天印!” Also the Divine Ability seal hits together. 又一道神通封印打出来。 A Lin Fei fist bang broke with a smile, bullies, these not popular style, has misjudged, I am not the dark green wing King collapse at the first blow!” 林飞笑着一拳轰破了,欺身上来,“这些不入流的招式,还是失算了,我可不是苍翼王者那么不堪一击!” Rumbling!!! 轰轰轰!!! Strength crush of moving mountains gets down. 排山倒海的力量碾压下来。 Lin Fei and ten thousand days of emperor fight in the same place, two form constantly Teleport, all meets the tough head-on with toughness, is shaking Void, in some time, have fought over a hundred times. 林飞和万天皇帝斗在一起,两道身影不断移动,全都是硬碰硬,撼动着虚空,些许的时间内,交手了上百次之多。 every single time fights can shock. 每一次交手都能让人震撼。 But Lin Fei is all right to be the same throughout. 林飞始终没事一样。 Was ten thousand days of emperor complexions starts on the contrary ugly, to bumping, realized oneself have as if underestimated Lin Fei, opposite party strength, was not inferior in the dark green wing King. 反倒是万天皇帝脸色开始难看了起来,对碰之下,才意识到自己似乎低估了林飞,对方的实力,不逊色于苍翼王者。 You take to Us really not a small pleasant surprise!” Ten thousand days of emperor smiles, five lines of strengths, five lines of seals, suppression four directions!” “你真的带给朕一个不小的惊喜!”万天皇帝笑着,“五行力量,五行封印,镇压四方!” Bang!! 轰!! , Five lines of god places, erupt five strengths, forms a special tally seal. 五行神地,爆发出五道力量,结成一个特殊符印。 Makes me experience, the strength of five lines of god places, strong!” “让我见识一下,五行神地的力量,到底有多强!” Lin Fei puts out a hand to grasp, the strength of blade Space-Time, splits up myriad, cuts five lines of gods, in raiding print on, from each angle bombardment, in five lines of gods print on. 林飞伸手一抓,时空之力化刀,分化万千,斩在袭来的五行神印上,还是从各个角度轰击在五行神印上。 But these five lines of gods print Complete terrifying. 可这五行神印十分恐怖 Under the offensive, unexpectedly the slightest is so lossless, the god prints enlarges infinitely, crush from Lin Fei in the past. 如此攻势下,竟然分毫无损,神印无限放大,从林飞身上碾压了过去。 Lin Fei stuffy snort/hum, falls in not far away place. 林飞闷哼一声,摔在不远处的地方。 great accomplishment infinite Divine Body, presents a faint trace unexpectedly the fissure, spread all over whole body up and down, fleshly body that this Immortal Expert is unable to break open, under these five lines of strengths, had the wound unexpectedly. 大成的无限神体,居然出现一丝丝的裂痕,遍布全身上下,这不朽强者都无法破开的肉身,在这五行力量之下,竟然出现了伤口。 Lin Fei, you will never meet know, the great strength of five lines of strengths!” Ten thousand days of emperor said, you wield the strength of Space-Time, may still unable to block five lines of strengths, because it is the Supreme strength, all your struggle make a futile effort!” 林飞,你永远不会知道,五行力量的强大!”万天皇帝道,“你执掌时空之力,可依然挡不住五行力量,因为它是至尊力量,你的一切挣扎都是徒劳无功!” Ten thousand days of emperor lifts the hand, makes together Divine Ability. 万天皇帝抬手,打出一道神通 Rumbling!! 轰轰轰!! The day calls upon the gods the thunder, 1st Layer with 1st Layer. 天降神雷,一重跟着一重 Lin Fei has shouldered several, was rumbled to arrive at the bottom directly. 林飞扛了数下,直接被轰到地底去了。 This is between We and you gap!” Ten thousand days of emperor light say/way, in these five lines of god places, We, are most Expert, if you obeyed Us a moment ago, can perhaps maintain a livelihood, what a pity now, you thoroughly do not have the opportunity!” “这就是朕和你之间的差距!”万天皇帝淡淡道,“在这五行神地,朕,才是最强者,若是刚才你顺从朕,说不定可以活命,可惜现在,你是彻底没机会了!” haha haha, the strength of five lines of god places, I was grow in experience!” 哈哈哈哈,五行神地的力量,我算是长见识了!” Under strength rises sharply, under the attack of this Supreme five lines of strengths, Lin Fei understood the meanings of ten thousand days of emperors. 实力大涨之下,在这至尊五行力量的攻击下,林飞明白了万天皇帝的意思。 Does not hold five lines of god places the Supreme strength, can never be the match of senior emperor. 不掌五行神地的至尊力量,永远不会是老皇帝的对手。 The dark green wing King is the best proof. 苍翼王者就是最好的证明。 Good that your majesty, your this Supreme five lines of strengths grasps, I will make a bet, you grasped part!” Lin Fei said with a smile, even about 20%-30%!” “陛下,你这至尊五行力量掌握的不错,我敢打赌,你只是掌握了其中的一部分!”林飞笑道,“甚至才二三成左右!” Ten thousand days of emperor ate the anchorage Lin Fei, poured not to be worried about what accidental/surprised. 万天皇帝吃定住了林飞,倒也不担心出什么意外 The person who the place of this core, can come is few. 这核心之地,能进来的人屈指可数。 accidental/surprised! 意外 That is impossible. 那是不可能的。 Even if some people came, ten thousand days of emperor does not have what to be good to worry that the ants general goods, may kill conveniently. 况且,就算是有人来了,万天皇帝也没什么好担心的,蝼蚁一般的货色,随手可杀。 You are actually intelligent, what a pity, this cannot add on your what to be busy intelligently!” Ten thousand days of emperor walks, We, although grasped 30%, but can also kill your 10 million to return!” “你倒是聪明,可惜,这点聪明帮不上你什么忙!”万天皇帝走来,“朕,虽说才掌握了其中三成,但也能杀死你千万回!” This time ten thousand days of emperor really had this energy to speak this saying. 此时的万天皇帝确实有这个底气说这话。 A thought that divides the minute dead over a thousand to return, is such simple. 一个念头,分分钟死上千把回,就是这么简单 10 million returns!” Lin Fei shook the head to smile, that you wanted disappointedly, actually, if you did not plan me, hello/you good, I was good, everybody was good, what a pity, you must plan me, I am impolite!” 千万回吗!”林飞摇头笑了,“那你要失望了,其实,如果你不来算计我,你好,我好,大家都好,可惜,你非要来算计我,那我就不客气了!” Ten thousand days of emperor has instead smiled, how, you also want to fight with Us again!” 万天皇帝反而笑了,“怎么,你还想再和朕交手吗!” Rumbling!! 轰轰轰!! The god thunder drops from the clouds once more, each is passing the aura of destruction. 神雷再次从天而降,每一道都透着毁灭的气息。 Right!” “对啊!” Lin Fei said with a smile, was not five lines of Supreme strengths, who cannot!” 林飞笑道,“不就是五行至尊力量,谁不会啊!” Rumbling!! 轰轰轰!! Runs out of five strengths from Lin Fei within the body, condense becomes together a canopy, supported in the sky. 林飞体内冲出五道力量,凝练成一道华盖,撑在了上空。 Puts out a hand to grasp gently, Lin Fei walked, „is how about it, very accidental/surprised, is very pleasantly surprised, you can five lines of Supreme strengths, I also be able!” 伸手轻轻一抓,林飞走了过来,“怎么样,是不是很意外,很惊喜啊,你会五行至尊力量,我也会啊!” Ten thousand days of emperor who had victory in the hand, on that old face revealed one to be flurried and restless finally. 本来胜券在握的万天皇帝,终于那张苍老的脸上露出了一丝慌乱和不安。 You... How you can grasp five lines of Supreme strengths, this is impossible, is absolutely impossible!” “你…你怎么能掌握五行至尊力量,这不可能的,绝对不可能的!” Ten thousand days of emperor to steal five lines of Supreme strengths, do not know has consumed many thoughts, reluctantly can control 30%, but the dark green wing King fostered by, can control 10% reluctantly, synthesizes, he can control 45% lines of Supreme strengths. 万天皇帝为了盗取五行至尊力量,不知道耗费了多少心思,才勉强能操控其中三成,而苍翼王者在培养下,勉强能操控一成,综合下来,他能操控其中四成五行至尊力量。 But Lin Fei can control five lines of Supreme strengths now, absolutely is an inconceivable matter. 可现在林飞能操控五行至尊力量,绝对是一件不可思议的事。 I am intelligent!” Lin Fei said with a smile, you can grasp, was what I cannot grasp, you said!” “我聪明啊!”林飞笑道,“你能掌握,为什么我就不能掌握呢,你说是不是呢!” Snort, even if you can grasp five lines of Supreme strengths, could it be you can also compared with my is difficult to deal with/ferocious insuffcient!” Ten thousand days of emperor sneers, offered a sacrifice to most formidable treasure. “哼,就算你能掌握五行至尊力量,难道你还能比朕更厉害不成!”万天皇帝冷笑一声,祭出了最强大的宝物 Destiny strikes!” “天命一击!” This is one is similar treasure of splendid light, the spread all over Rune strength. 这是一件类似华光的宝物,遍布符文力量。
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